MDN ist in TANSANIA zu 30% an einer Gold_Mine beteiligt,
die von einer Barrick-Tochter (Pangera) betrieben wird.
Das ganze ist riskant und spekulativ, eben barfuss durch die Hölle.
Hab mir welche zugelegt.
In Eritrea läuft nur Exploration; tiefste Sohle der Hölle.
In Quebec suchen die auch, aber ohne drive.
Schwerpunkt ist eindeutig Tansania, südlich vom Victoria See
befindet sich die Open Pit Mine. Soll später in Untertage_Mine
ausgebaut werden. Im Umkreis exploriert MDN intensiv weiter.
so liest sich das auf der homepage:
MDN Northern Mining
is a Canadian mining company focused on the
discovery and development of new gold and base metal deposits that
can provide a superior return to our shareholders. We are actively
exploring highly prospective areas in Tanzania and Eritrea, East Africa,
and in the Province of Quebec, Canada. In 2005 we became gold
producers through our participation in the Tulawaka Mine in Tanzania.
Our Company is managed by an experienced team and has a strong
Board of Directors with well known industry players.
MDN NORTHERN MINING has a 30% participating interest in the
Tulawaka Project in Tanzania, which started commercial production in
March 2005 as the Tulawaka Gold Mine.
First gold pour March 15, 2005
Mineral Resource (2004) in East Zone open pit
at 1 g/t Au cut-off grade (undiluted block model)
Category Tonnes
Gold content (oz.)
Indicated 1,903,000
Inferred 89,000
Total 1,992,000
Mineral Reserve (2004) in East Zone open pit
Category Tonnes
Gold content (oz.)
Proven+probable 1,394,000
Mine specifications
Mining method Open pit to depth of 135 m
Average stripping ratio 18.3:1
Nominal daily processing 1,000 tonnes of ore
Ore processing method Gravity and CIL
Current mine performance (from start-up to end of December 2005)
Ore mined 617,689 tonnes
Ore processed 417,411 tonnes
Average head grade 9.79 g/t
Milling rate 1,480 tonnes per day
Recovery 96 %
Gold production 124,743 ounces
Total cash costs US$ 217/oz
Sales 110,513 ounces
Man-hours without lost time accident 3.9 million
Location and access
The Tulawaka property is situated about 160 km southwest of the city of
Mwanza in the western Lake Victoria goldfields district of the United
Republic of Tanzania. The property consists of seven contiguous
prospecting licenses covering an area of 317 km² within the Biharamulo
District of Kagera Region and the Kahama District of Shinyanga Region.
The main paved highway from the railhead at Isaka to Burundi passes
about 20 km to the south of the property, while the old Dar-es-Salaam to
Burundi laterite road crosses the property 3 km south of the Tulawaka
camp. Local roads connect the property to the north with the Geita-
Biharamulo laterite road.
Title and discovery
MDN Northern Mining owns a 30% undivided interest in the project
pursuant to an agreement between MDN and Pangea Goldfields Inc.
("Pangea") signed in 1998. Pangea owns the remaining 70% interest in
the project, and is the project operator through its Tanzanian subsidiary
Pangea Minerals Ltd. Pangea is a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of
Barrick Gold Corporation ("Barrick") of Toronto, Canada.