(2004-02-20) Arab gold exchange expected A gold exchange could soon be opened in Dubai, following the announcement of the first Arab diamond exchange, as part of the UAE's free zone for gold, metals and commodities. Set to open by April this year, the new diamond exchange is being opened in a bid to maintain international standards within Dubai's diamond trade, according to Neftegaz News. According to the Dubai Metals and Commodities Centre (DMCC), the exchange will be followed by other exchanges for gold, as well as aluminium, sugar and tea. The DMCC aims to attract half of the global gold trade and was set up in April 2002, providing a 100 per cent foreign ownership and tax exemption for 50 years. Under gold dealing, gold options allow holders the right to buy or sell a specific quantity of gold at a previously arranged price by a set date, but without the holder obliged to do so. Prices are dependant on a number of issues, such as the current spot price of gold, interest rates, the level of the pre-arranged price, the amount of time left until the agreed date and the predicted volatility of the gold price. There are a number of other exchanges dealing in gold, the biggest of these being the New York Mercantile Exchange Comex Division and the Tokyo Commodity Exchange. Kommentar: Die islamischen Länder drängen anscheinend verstärkt in den goldmarkt vor. Ein Vorteil einer "Goldbörse" in Dubai ist m.E., dass diese nicht der us-amerikanischen Willkür unterliegt