Kürzel Ca: TWG, Kurs heute in Toronto 0,33 Can$
wird auch in Frankfurt u. Berlin gehandelt
TWIN-Kurs hat sich zuletzt erstaunlich gut gehalten.
(soviel vorweg, sonst meint man gleich das sei nur Spaß)
Normalerweise kaufe ich nur Minen-Aktien, die wenigstens
ein wenig produzieren.
TWIN produziert nichts.
Die suchen in Canada Diamanten. Bisher haben die einen einzigen
Halbkaräter gefunden. Aber eben Kimberlit-Lager, die meist Diamanten enthalten
Und in Idaho weist TWIN ein "goldhaltiges Gebiet" aus.
Oberflächlich grades von 1 bis 2 gramm. Darunter sollen
hochgradige Vorkommen (für Untertagebau) sein.
Habe schon länger eine kleine Position im Depot zum beobachten.
letzte Veröffentlichung:
Twin Mining discovers twelve diamond indicator mineral clusters, partners with Kennecott/Rio
Tinto and advances significantly the Atlanta Gold Project.
Toronto, Ontario (May 14, 2004) Twin Mining Corporation (“Twin Mining”) (TWG-TSX) reports that the evaluation of 426 soil samples during the first quarter of 2004 led to a significant discovery. 110 of the 426 samples contained indicator minerals, which revealed twelve (12) new indicator mineral clusters, suggesting the presence of previously unidentified kimberlite bodies. Seven (7) of the twelve (12) clusters are located in the eastern half of Twin Mining’s new claim block from 72°15’ to 73° 15’ latitude. Five (5) clusters are within 3 to 6 km of Freightrain and Cargo1 pipes. The high number of indicator minerals from the five (5) areas provide strong evidence of kimberlite bodies under shallow overburden cover.
Negotiations with Kennecott Canada Exploration have been successfully concluded in mid April 2004, with the signing of a binding letter of intent. Pursuant to this letter of intent, to be formalized in an Exploration Agreement, Kennecott may earn an interest on 270,000 acres of Twin’s Jackson Inlet Diamond Project.
The Atlanta Gold Project made significant progress towards completion of the Full Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Statement (“EIS”). Collection of data and processing for the EIS continued throughout the quarter. Three successful public scoping meetings were held during March to allow the public to study the proposed mine operation and provide an opportunity to meet with and question representatives of Atlanta Gold, the US Forest Service and TetraTech, the EIS contractor.
Two critical components for the project were secured under option; the mine campsite, located on private property near the town of Atlanta and a water right for 412 gallons per minute.
The Full Feasibility Study is making good progress and is scheduled for completion in the second quarter. Behre Dolbear has completed their review of the mine database, has finalized pit optimization parameters, began design of the mine roads and ramps, while Knight Piesold is developing the site plan for the most efficient design of leach pads, process ponds and mine waste rock facilities. Project completion is on plan with gold production scheduled for late 2005 or early 2006.
Twin Mining completed an interim financing of $1.3 million during the first quarter mainly to advance Atlanta, and is currently in the process of a $7.0 million financing to provide the development funds up to mine construction and project loan financing. Discussions with banks to provide the project loan are in progress and due to the quality of the project, several loan providers have already conveyed their interest to provide the project loan.
© 2004 Twin Mining Corporation