Da ich in den Einzelthreads (Koala, Kookaburra und Lunar II) schon nach den Prägegepfogenheiten der PM und den Auflagen gefragt habe, hier eine EMail der PM. Wahrscheinlich wussten es eh schon alle ausser mir:
"The Lunar Series II is only partially finished. We will continue to sell the 1oz gold and silver coins, and the 1kg silver coins, from each year (starting with 2008 until the very end of the series, in 2019. The other sizes of coins are now closed for the previous years of the second series. You can see the current mintages here http://www.perthmint.com.au/in…s-and-coins-mintages.aspx
Yes, the Silver Koalas are as you say - no mintage limit, but production closes at the end of the calendar year, and the mintage is announced the following year.
But the Silver Kookaburra series is different. Yes, if we still have stock, we will keep selling them, regardless of what year it is. Once we run out of stock, if people ask for one or two, we will not do any "re-striking" of that coin, for such a small amount. However, if a distributor placed a very large order with us, we would consider re-striking the coins - and therefore the mintage figure might change. It is highly unlikely, but not impossible. "
Hmm OK, der Kilo Lunar kann also auch in späteren Jahren "gefertigt" werden...
Nun stellt sich nur noch die Frage zu den Kookaburras: "It is highly unlikely, but not impossible."
Wie wahrscheinlich ist sehr unwahrscheinlich?