So, muss mir mal meinen Frust von der Seele schreiben:
Übers Oster-WE war der Silberangebotsfaden ja übervoll, teilweise mit echt tollen Sachen. Also dacht ich, gehst mal shoppen.
Es wurden fast zeitgleich von drei verschiedenen Forenmitgliedern ein 1/2kg-Tiger angeboten. Hab mir den günstigsten rausgesucht und am 21.04. um 21.31 Uhr angeschrieben, ich würd den Tiger nehmen. Sein Angebot war zu der Zeit keine Stunde online. Kurz drauf, am 22.04., 00.36 Uhr kam die Antwort, dass das Kleinod für mich reserviert sei und morgen die Bankdaten geschickt werden. Am 23. um 20.05 Uhr hab ich mal nachgefragt, was den jetzt sei. Keine Antwort, obwohl der User online war. Am 25. um 18.33 Uhr nochmal nachgefragt, wieder keine Antwort, obwohl der User zwischenzeitlich mehrfach online war. Ich bin sowas von sauer!!! Die anderen etwas teureren, aber sicher nicht überteuerten Tiger-Angebote waren mittlerweile natürlich weg, und ich kann in die Röhre schauen.
Man sollte doch eigentlich zu seinem Angebot stehen, oder wenigstens ein zeitnahes "tut mir leid, jetzt doch schon weg" oder "tut mir leid, der POS geht durch die Decke, ich habs mir anders überlegt" wäre doch wirklich nicht zuviel verlangt. Aber so ein Verhalten ordne ich unter Charakterlosigkeit ein. Magnus, du bist für mich gestorben!!!
Maybe you could of gone to the trouble to ask the reasoning behind all of this, just pop out a friendly note informing if perhaps anything had happened with me which might of been the cause for a non-reply (just a hint for future reference)
Instead you involved the complete forum acclaiming I was a crook and tried to fin followers on your superficial quest to burn me on the stake, even in all this excitement I was implied as being an "arsch****" probably by one of your equally social-ably incapable forum "mates" I really despise that sort of behavior and was generally under the impression that this must of died of some 55 years ago, but even historians (not a crook... historians) can be be wrong, your invitation to a personal execution (theatrically put) proved this point.
My advice to you my dear friend is to take nothing for granted, but always to find out the reasoning behind a certain action before you try to condemn it openly. Trying to pursue such an attitude might even help you in your personal advancement, other than in this particular forum.... I f not quite sure how to approach perhaps find some professional help, I hear there are lots of Psychoanalyst and the like around in Germany. Judging by your reaction I guess the amount of these is justified.
As for your comment "your are dead to me" ... well I almost was, but you could of found out more if you just waited and asked.... But then I know a quick profit is more valuable than applying any form of social conscience isn't it know
As for your friendly followers whom wished to be banned from this forum .... don't go to the trouble my dear friends, I wouldn't want to belong to a forum occupied, or associated too by people like you anyway.
Get a life, all of you... well try hard and you might achieve!
(My father always warned about associating with "some" Germans, I guess he was right, I only had my reputation damaged, my father... his complete family, has much changed I wonder?)