wie ihr auf der 1. Seite des Threads sehen könnt, haben wir im letzten Jahr eine heiße Diskussion um das Thorium von PAF geführt. Dazu habe ich jetzt folgende interessante Meldung gefunden, durch die PAF auf einen Schlag wesentlich wertvoller würde.
Grüße GW
Thorium: An Alternative to Uranium, 2007 Update
By Jack Lifton
22 Feb 2007 at 04:06 PM GMT-05:00
DETROIT (ResourceInvestor.com) -- The component of the global warming agenda that is purely political is the driving force behind the contemporary uranium “boom.” Doomsayers and scaremongers are shouting, not whispering, that we must stop using the sources of heat, which have been discovered, chosen and used universally to power our industrial civilization during the last two centuries, and choose, overnight, something else, which is now in limited use (nuclear power) or is basically just emerging from the laboratory (solar power) or is understudied but dramatic in appearance (wind, tide and geothermal).
Rather than trying to catch the uranium roller coaster on a down loop investors who think about the long-term need to take a serious look at the naturally occurring radioactive metal, thorium, which but for the exigencies of the last truly global war and the need for some nations to defend themselves from other nations that would conquer them in the name of the latest and greatest social movement, or that old time religion, would have been the metal of choice for the development of nuclear powered electric generating stations.
Is it time for thorium to make its re-entry on the global stage? The answer is yes, and therein lays an opportunity.
Just about one year ago I wrote an article for Resource Investor entitled “Thorium: An Alternative to Uranium.” A lot has happened since then with regard to both uranium and thorium, but only the run up in the price of uranium has been covered by the financial press. Even that run up has been covered by short sighted analysts as if an increasing demand for uranium is a given. I want to bring the readers of RI up to date on the very significant events that have occurred in thorium power technology and the re-assessing of America’s thorium reserves since then.
There is no serious fundamental immediate or near-term basis of supply shortage to account for the tripling of the price of uranium in the last year. There are no more uranium fuelled nuclear power plants today than there were a year ago, and no new plants have been ordered in the United States. It is in fact not at all clear just who or what is buying uranium to increase the demand so substantially in such a short time. Uranium mining stocks are being traded in a frenzy that masks the discussion of whether or not there is any need for such an investment in uranium production. It is therefore absolutely necessary for investors to keep in mind the distinction drawn by television investment evangelist, “Mad Money Jim Cramer,” that short-term ownership of a stock is a trade as opposed to a long term hold, which is an investment.
There are lots of hazy stories around to justify the uranium frenzy. I have been told, for example, that uranium fuelled nuclear power plants scheduled to be decommissioned will now be kept in service, but this does not require any new supply! I have also read that China will build 20 new pebble-bed (i.e., cheap to construct) reactors to produce electricity in remote regions without the need for coal or oil in the next 20 years. But even Chinese long-term thinking wouldn’t justify buying so much nuclear fuel in advance, would it?
What has happened is that investors and mining companies are speculating on a nuclear power boom that they think will shortly begin due to the widespread concern, even fear, generated by the study of global warming, which holds that:
It has been proven scientifically that the earth’s climate is entering a period of rapidly escalating global warming;
It has been accepted that if this global warming has been caused by anthropogenic (i.e., man made) activity, and the IPPC is 90% certain that this is scientifically proven, then the primary bad actor is the carbon dioxide naturally formed by the burning of coal, oil and natural gas to produce electric power and vehicular propulsion, and;
If the burning of coal, oil and natural gas for these purposes is not eliminated, or, at least, substantially curtailed (or, if it is held at present levels and all the carbon dioxide generated by stationary power plants is somehow “sequestered,” i.e. stored) then the global economy will suffer irreparable damage as the climate shifts permanently causing massive changes in the habitability and agricultural usefulness of the earth’s surface, and therefore coal, oil and natural gas must be replaced as sources of heat as soon as possible.
The only well understood, well-known and developed technology that can possibly, in a relatively short time frame, substitute for the generation of heat by the external combustion of carbon-based fuels is based on nuclear reactors, the heat from which can (and, indeed, now does) produce superheated steam to turn turbines to produce electricity. By locating nuclear power plants on shore lines, the electricity they produce could be used not only directly for commercial, municipal and residential power, but also to electrolyze water (including sea water) to produce hydrogen as a clean burning fuel for vehicular propulsion. The burning of hydrogen by internal combustion engines produces only water as a waste product, and the principle, and only draw back to the mass production of hydrogen powered internal combustion engines is the lack of a fuel production and distribution infrastructure.
Speaking of hydrogen for a moment, I think that investors should, perhaps, now be looking at Hydrogen Engine Center, Inc. (HEC), a company founded by an engineer who was with the Ford Motor Company when that company actually had a plan to maintain a leading place in the development of alternatively fuelled power plants. Ford discontinued the program, but the engineer did not. HEC is making and selling hydrogen fuelled internal combustion engines (ICE) right now, and its website has some good discussions of sources for hydrogen, other than the electrolysis of water, which I think are worth looking at. I am “warming” up to the idea of hydrogen powered internal combustion engines for mobile (vehicular) power plants both as direct motive power and as on-board sources of electricity generation either for direct application to the motive wheels or for recharging batteries as needed.
When I read the website of this company, and I read news articles about BMW, a first class automotive engineering company, putting hydrogen powered big engine (V-12!) cars on the test road, I am tempted to reassess my original scepticism about hydrogen as a direct fuel for ICEs in cars. What I haven’t changed my mind about is the mistake that the Ford Motor Company made in choosing development intensive paths instead of this one, hydrogen powered ICEs, for immediate consideration.
Now back to the main discussion. There are sufficient global uranium reserves to supply the needs of all the nuclear power plants that our global industrial civilization could build even if it is decided politically, because economically it is nonsense, to replace 100% of carbon burning plant currently generating electricity. There is also sufficient uranium to fuel all of these plants for centuries. Clearly the price of developing all of the known uranium reserves and looking for more will not be an issue if governments decide that this emergency is upon us.
The speculation that nuclear reactors will produce electricity so that, even if carbon burning power plants are phased out, there will be no reduction in available electric power is also driving into high gear (excuse the pun) research into the critical components for vehicles that can no longer use carbon-based fuels such as high capacity, long service life, rechargeable lithium-ion battery technology for plug-in hybrid electric ground vehicles (cars, trucks and trains) using storage batteries and a small internal combustion engine to generate electricity.
These are already seen to be themselves only an intermediate technology awaiting the arrival of a hydrogen distribution system in the next generation that will allow internal combustion engines burning hydrogen to either generate electricity directly to drive ground vehicles or be used to charge higher capacity batteries than we now have for propulsion systems.
Mobile hydrogen burning fuel cells may replace the projected substantial size battery packs and even on board hydrogen burning internal combustion engines for charging them if a fuel cell catalyst system can be found that doesn’t involve the need for huge amounts of platinum group metals that simply do not exist in the quantities required for global use even if hydrogen burning internal combustion engines completely replace hydrocarbon (gasoline and kerosene) and oxygenate (ethanol) burning ones thus eliminating completely the need for catalytic converters, which today are the principle demand drivers for platinum group metals.
In 1939, it was publicly announced that the fission of some of the isotopes of a few heavy elements had been induced by a man made experiment, which was in fact designed to build heavier elements not break apart the ones being targeted. It was immediately obvious to a few specialized scientists that if a system could be constructed in which the newly named “nuclear fission” were produced and controlled, i.e., it could be started and stopped, then a new source of, essentially, limitless power (heat) could be constructed that would not need to burn carbon-based fuels.
At the same time it was theorized that if sufficient quantities of the rare isotopes of uranium or thorium that exhibited the property of being fissile could be concentrated then it should be possible to, by known engineering, produce a special minimum quantity of them, a critical mass, in which once fission had been triggered by an outside source the fission would generate additional fission, through a chain reaction, so rapidly that a large quantity of the potential energy. Perhaps as much as a few percent would be released in a fraction of a second.