Financial Statements For The Year Ended 30 June 2006
Viel Spaß mit der Lektüre
11. Januar 2025, 18:52
Financial Statements For The Year Ended 30 June 2006
Viel Spaß mit der Lektüre
hier die neuesten Bohrergebnisse von Vangold.
Grüße GW
Der Verkauf des PAMPALO GOLD PROJECTS verzögert sich um einen Monat bringt deshalb etwas mehr Geld!
Grüße GW
Dragon Mining gibt 3,25 Mio Optionscheine für seine Angestellten zum Preis von 0,20 ADollar pro Aktie raus, die nicht über die Börse gehandelt werden.
Das bedeutet ja wohl, dass unser Drachen über diesen Preis steigen muss, wenn die Beschäftigten daran etwas verdienen wollen. Na denn!!
Grüße GW
Hi Lucky,
nach dieser Meldung hatte ich dieselben Gedanken wie Du und bin zum 2. Mal mit einem schönen Gewinn raus. Dieses Spiel sehe ich mir von der Seitenlinie aus an. Will schließlich nicht der Letzte sein. Trotzdem beobachte ich das Schauspiel weiter.
Grüße GW
jetzt geht es in ein weiteres Joint Venture in Afrika. Das ist ja schon fast unheimlich.
Grüße GW
bei Vangold geht es Schlag auf Schlag. Hier das Neueste:
Grüße GW
Hi Kaufrausch,
wie schaffst Du es nur immer, so schnell zu antworten?
Grüße GW
hier nun der Übersetzungsversuch. Ich hoffe, es ist alles richtig.
Grüße GW
ASX-Ankündigung vom 05. September 2006
Rückzahlung der Projektschulden
Dragon Mining ist erfreut bekanntzugeben, dass die Schulden des Svartliden-Projektes gegenüber der Macquarie Bank völlig zurückgezahlt worden sind. Seit Juni hat die Gesellschaft die ganze Goldproduktion von der Svartliden Goldgrube in den Spot-Markt verkauft und den ganzen Erlös oberhalb von $US 400 pro Unze zur Tilgung der Projektschulden verwendet.
Die Gesellschaft plant, ihr Hedgebook umzustrukturieren (zurückzufahren) und fortzufahren, einen Teil seiner Goldproduktion in den Spot-Markt zu liefern und den Cashlow für die Gesellschaft zu maximieren.
Für und im Auftrag
Chief Executive Officer
endlich ist es so weit!! Dragon Mining ist schuldenfrei. Wenn das nicht eine Hammernews ist.
Aber lest selber.
ASX Announcement Dated, 05th September 2006
Dragon Mining NL is pleased to announce that the Svartliden Project Debt facility has been fully repaid to Macquarie Bank. Since June the Company has been selling all gold production from the Svartliden gold mine into the spot market and applying all proceeds above $US400 per ounce to the outstanding Project Debt.
The Company is planning to restructure its hedge book and continue to deliver a portion on its gold production into the spot market and maximise cash flow for the Company.
For and on behalf of
Chief Executive Officer
die o.g. Nachricht stammt aus einer email an mich von heute.
Grüße GW
Vancouver, British Columbia — PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that its recently established international oil affiliate, ENERMAD CORP. (“EnerMad”), has now closed its initial private funding with a raise of CAD $1.66 Million from a group which includes management, institutions and private investors. 3,276,830 Common Shares were sold in the non-brokered private placement at prices of $0.50 and $0.55, for gross proceeds of $1,663,415. A total of 9,389,331 Shares of EnerMad are now issued and outstanding, of which the Company owns 17%.
EnerMad was founded by the Company with a view toward acquiring favorable oil and gas leases offshore and onshore in Madagascar and elsewhere in Africa. Proceeds of the private placement will be utilized to finalize bids and acquire oil leases, as well as for operating expenses and working capital. In addition to direct acquisition of leases, EnerMad may enter into one or more joint ventures to participate in oil leases controlled by other companies. EnerMad contemplates proceeding with an initial public offering as soon as practicable after finalization of the oil leases. A further tranche of private financing may be undertaken.
The management of EnerMad is comprised of a number of leading oil men from Calgary, Alberta, with over 100 years’ aggregate experience in exploration, development and exploitation of petroleum properties internationally. The team is headed by Jim Dalsin, CEO & Director; Soren Christiansen, Chairman; Paul Sicotte, Corporate Secretary & Director; and Ken Schubert, P.Geoph., Senior GeoPhysicist. Limor Rubin, C.A., serves as Chief Financial Officer & Director. In addition, Irwin Olian, CEO and Chairman of the Company, serves as a Director of EnerMad.
According to Mr. Olian, “In the course of developing its mining business in Madagascar over the past few years, Pan African has become aware of oil and gas opportunities offshore and onshore which it views as highly prospective. Rather than developing these in-house with the attendant dilution of share capital and diversion of management’s attention, it was decided to form a separate entity, EnerMad, with its own dedicated and highly experienced oil industry management team and its own financing to exploit these opportunities. Pan African will contribute local infrastructure and administration, as well as interfacing with the Malagasy Government for EnerMad. It has the right, but not the obligation, to participate in future EnerMad financings in order to maintain its ownership position. We view Pan African’s interest in EnerMad as a benefit to our own shareholders in view of the participation it provides in the oil and gas sector without drawing significantly on our own management team or funding.”
About Pan African
The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 10,000 square kilometres of diversified mineral properties and 2,500 square kilometres of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for gold, uranium, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at http://www.panafrican.com
“Irwin Olian”
Irwin Olian
Chairman & CEO
hier nur ganz kurz das Neueste von der Vangold Homepage:
Grüße GW
hier findet ihr den Quartalsbericht 2/06 von Vangold, der gestern herausgekommen ist:
Viel Spaß bei der Lektüre. Der letzte Kursrückgang kann aus dem Bericht nicht erklärt werden.
Vielleicht hängt er damit zusammen, dass die Umsätze und damit die Gewinne aus der Öl- und Gasförderung zwar zugenommen haben aber eine Zunahme für die nächsten Quartale unwahrscheinlich ist.
Vielleicht hängt er auch damit zusammen, dass jede Menge Geld für die Exploration drauf geht.
Last but not least ist die Geheimniskrämerei um die "rare metal mines" in Uganda nicht kursfördernd.
Grüße GW
das Neueste zu Vangold gibt es hier:
Grüße GW
August 8, 2006 - Vancouver, BC - Vangold Resources Ltd. (“Vangold”) – is pleased to announce that it has
satisfied the TSX Venture Exchange (the “Exchange”) requirements of Policy 2.5 – Tier Maintenance
Requirements and Inter-Tier Movement. Accordingly, effective August 9, 2006, Vangold’s tier classification
will change from Tier 2 to Tier 1. Tier 1 is the Exchange’s premier tier and is reserved for the Exchange’s most
advanced issuers with the most significant financial resources. Tier 1 issuers benefit from decreased filing
requirements and improved service standards.
Mr. Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO of Vangold states: “This recognition by the Exchange as a Tier 1 issuer
solidifies our accomplishments and demonstrates Vangold’s commitment to profitability enabling the future
development of our projects.
Vangold is a diversified natural resource company with a portfolio of 29 advanced stage projects including
revenue generating oil and gas projects. In Papua New Guinea (“PNG”), drilling continues at Mt Penck (40%
Vangold) where the initial diamond core drill holes have been successful in defining gold mineralization (News
Release August 2, 2006). Work is also ongoing at Vangold’s other jointly owned properties in PNG (News
Release July 26, 2006). A program is also planned for 2006 at the Feni Islands (50% Vangold).
In Uganda, Vangold recently announced (June 26, 2006) an acquisition of 90% of seven rare metal mines
through its subsidiary Horn Rare Metals Ltd. Vangold also has licenses covering over 60 sq km in the
prospective Kilembe copper/cobalt belt, licenses covering over 300 sq km in the Kilo Moto gold extension region
and licenses covering over 287 sq kms in the Kafunzo area which is the extension of the Tanzanian Nickel Belt.
The Ugandan government is currently spending US$42 million on airborne geophysics in some of Vangold’s
license areas.
Vangold’s revenue producing Killam North oil field in Alberta has 16 producing wells providing revenues for
continued explorations. Vangold is planning high impact gas well drilling on three other projects this summer
and fall.
To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at http://www.vangold.ca or contact Dal
Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email brynelsen@vangold.ca.
On Behalf of the Board of
“Dal Brynelsen”
Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO
Pan African Mining Corp.
Suite 1925, Box 11553
650 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC
V6B 4N8
August 15, 2006 TSX.V: PAF
VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has now concluded its initial phase of study on the major Sakoa and Sakamena coalfields in Madagascar and is proceeding with field exploration activities leading toward development and exploitation. A review of historical exploration data has recently been completed and site visits are continuing. The Company’s exploration program is being conducted with the objective of testing an initial coal exploration target of 100 – 150 million tonnes on its license area.
The Company holds permis recherches over an area of approximately 650 square kilometres in southwest Madagascar. This area is located 100 to 150 kilometres inland of the coastal town of Toliara and encompasses significant tracts of the major Sakoa and Sakamena coalfields as well as several smaller fields including those of Beroy and Vohibory. The Sakoa and Sakamena coalfields are located in the southern part of the Morondava Basin which extends the length of Madagascar. The coal basin, developed over north-south trending horst and graben structures in the Precambrian crystalline basement, contains sediments ranging in age from Permian to Recent. The coalfields are dissected into a series of fault-bounded blocks which extend over a distance of 60 kilometres in a NNE-SSW strike direction. Five major coal zones are developed towards the base of the 40 to 200 metre-thick Coal Measures Formation with seams sub-outcropping along the eastern margin and dipping westwards at between 20o to 30o. Maximum seam thicknesses of 12 metres have been recorded in the southern sector of the Sakoa field.
Coal was first discovered in the region in the early part of the last century and was mined underground in the Sakoa coalfield from 1941 to 1972. Exploration was conducted periodically from the 1920s to the late 1980s and comprised mapping, trenching, diamond drilling, underground exploratory mining and geophysical surveys. Historic resource estimates for the entire region have covered a broad range from several hundred million tonnes to the BRGM’s estimate of as high as two billion tonnes. Most historical exploration has been focused on a relatively small area in the vicinity of the old mine and it is considered that the remainder of the region, which comprises the greater part of the Sakoa and Sakamena coalfields and includes the Company’s holdings, is under-explored.
Within the Company’s license area, coal-bearing sediments in the Sakoa and Sakamena fields have been identified along 27 kilometres of strike and historical data suggests that coal seams of economic significance may occur over almost the entire strike length. Seam thicknesses up to 5 metres have been recorded from near-surface to depths of over 170 metres. The down-dip extent of seams remains to be determined but appears to be open at depth. Coal qualities are variable however the thicker and more ubiquitous No. 4 and 5 seams usually exhibit raw coal ash contents in the range of 15% to 35%. Limited washability data indicates that the coal can be beneficiated to yield a product suitable for the thermal export market.
Exploration coverage of the Company’s concession area is currently not sufficient to allow coal resources and qualities to be reliably estimated in accordance with prescribed industry standards. However more detailed exploration in an adjacent area with subsequent feasibility studies by NORWEST and others resulted in estimated resources of at least 100 million tonnes along an 8 kilometre strike length to a depth of 300 metres (It should be noted that these historic estimates are not compliant with NI-43101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects).
The main Sakoa and Sakamena coalfields are considered to be the Company’s main economic targets at this stage. However the PAM concessions also include at least nine other occurrences of Coal Measures with strike lengths ranging from 1 to 8 kilometres. Two of the fields are known to be coal-bearing (Beroy and Vohibory) but are poorly explored while the remainder appear to be virtually unexplored. All fields will be investigated during the exploration program.
Initial exploration work will commence in the northern sector of the Company’s concession area where historical data suggests that at least two coal seams ranging in thickness from 1.5 to 5.0 metres may be present over a 12 kilometre strike length. The prime objectives will be to confirm seam continuities and thickness and determine coal qualities. It is expected that the information obtained will be sufficient to allow resource estimates to be made in accordance with internationally accepted reporting codes and will form the basis for conceptual mine planning.
Mark Stewardson, Pr.Sci.Nat., a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has overseen the initial phase of examination and evaluation of data from the coal deposits and has supervised the preparation of information in this release. He is a U.K. based coal geologist with over 25 years experience in evaluating, developing and managing coal projects worldwide, including many in Africa, Australia and Indonesia. He will be preparing a Technical Report on the coal deposit in accordance with NI 43-101 for the Company.
According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, “We see a great opportunity for development of a new independent energy source for Madagascar from the large Sakoa coal deposits. We are proceeding now with our exploration and development with respect to the Sakoa South Project. We believe this has the potential to be successful as a stand-alone project as well as potentially being part of a larger unified project including the old Sakoa coal mine site in the region. We have strong access worldwide to financial and professional resources and are confident of our ability to successfully move the project forward. At the same time, we are open to potential joint venture opportunities if deemed in the best interests of all concerned.”
About Pan African
The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 10,000 square kilometres of diversified mineral properties and 2,500 square kilometres of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for gold, uranium, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at http://www.panafrican.com
“Irwin Olian”
Irwin Olian
Chairman & CEO
For more information, contact:
Irwin Olian, President and CEO
E-mail: tigertail@panafrican.com
Phone: (604) 899-0100
Fax: (604) 899-0200
Tom Kinakin, Corporate Communications – Vancouver
Email: tom@panafrican.com
Phone: (604) 676-8671
Fax: (604) 899-0200
Carrie Howes, Corporate Communications – London
Email: carrie@panafrican.com
Phone: +44-7780-602-788
Marlies Studer, Corporate Communications – Europe
Email: marlies@panafrican.com
Phone: +41-44-215-2803
Pan African Mining Corp.
Suite 1925, Box 11553
650 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC
V6B 4N8
August 15, 2006 TSX.V: PAF
VANCOUVER, British Columbia – PAN AFRICAN MINING CORP. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has now concluded its initial phase of study on the major Sakoa and Sakamena coalfields in Madagascar and is proceeding with field exploration activities leading toward development and exploitation. A review of historical exploration data has recently been completed and site visits are continuing. The Company’s exploration program is being conducted with the objective of testing an initial coal exploration target of 100 – 150 million tonnes on its license area.
The Company holds permis recherches over an area of approximately 650 square kilometres in southwest Madagascar. This area is located 100 to 150 kilometres inland of the coastal town of Toliara and encompasses significant tracts of the major Sakoa and Sakamena coalfields as well as several smaller fields including those of Beroy and Vohibory. The Sakoa and Sakamena coalfields are located in the southern part of the Morondava Basin which extends the length of Madagascar. The coal basin, developed over north-south trending horst and graben structures in the Precambrian crystalline basement, contains sediments ranging in age from Permian to Recent. The coalfields are dissected into a series of fault-bounded blocks which extend over a distance of 60 kilometres in a NNE-SSW strike direction. Five major coal zones are developed towards the base of the 40 to 200 metre-thick Coal Measures Formation with seams sub-outcropping along the eastern margin and dipping westwards at between 20o to 30o. Maximum seam thicknesses of 12 metres have been recorded in the southern sector of the Sakoa field.
Coal was first discovered in the region in the early part of the last century and was mined underground in the Sakoa coalfield from 1941 to 1972. Exploration was conducted periodically from the 1920s to the late 1980s and comprised mapping, trenching, diamond drilling, underground exploratory mining and geophysical surveys. Historic resource estimates for the entire region have covered a broad range from several hundred million tonnes to the BRGM’s estimate of as high as two billion tonnes. Most historical exploration has been focused on a relatively small area in the vicinity of the old mine and it is considered that the remainder of the region, which comprises the greater part of the Sakoa and Sakamena coalfields and includes the Company’s holdings, is under-explored.
Within the Company’s license area, coal-bearing sediments in the Sakoa and Sakamena fields have been identified along 27 kilometres of strike and historical data suggests that coal seams of economic significance may occur over almost the entire strike length. Seam thicknesses up to 5 metres have been recorded from near-surface to depths of over 170 metres. The down-dip extent of seams remains to be determined but appears to be open at depth. Coal qualities are variable however the thicker and more ubiquitous No. 4 and 5 seams usually exhibit raw coal ash contents in the range of 15% to 35%. Limited washability data indicates that the coal can be beneficiated to yield a product suitable for the thermal export market.
Exploration coverage of the Company’s concession area is currently not sufficient to allow coal resources and qualities to be reliably estimated in accordance with prescribed industry standards. However more detailed exploration in an adjacent area with subsequent feasibility studies by NORWEST and others resulted in estimated resources of at least 100 million tonnes along an 8 kilometre strike length to a depth of 300 metres (It should be noted that these historic estimates are not compliant with NI-43101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects).
The main Sakoa and Sakamena coalfields are considered to be the Company’s main economic targets at this stage. However the PAM concessions also include at least nine other occurrences of Coal Measures with strike lengths ranging from 1 to 8 kilometres. Two of the fields are known to be coal-bearing (Beroy and Vohibory) but are poorly explored while the remainder appear to be virtually unexplored. All fields will be investigated during the exploration program.
Initial exploration work will commence in the northern sector of the Company’s concession area where historical data suggests that at least two coal seams ranging in thickness from 1.5 to 5.0 metres may be present over a 12 kilometre strike length. The prime objectives will be to confirm seam continuities and thickness and determine coal qualities. It is expected that the information obtained will be sufficient to allow resource estimates to be made in accordance with internationally accepted reporting codes and will form the basis for conceptual mine planning.
Mark Stewardson, Pr.Sci.Nat., a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has overseen the initial phase of examination and evaluation of data from the coal deposits and has supervised the preparation of information in this release. He is a U.K. based coal geologist with over 25 years experience in evaluating, developing and managing coal projects worldwide, including many in Africa, Australia and Indonesia. He will be preparing a Technical Report on the coal deposit in accordance with NI 43-101 for the Company.
According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, “We see a great opportunity for development of a new independent energy source for Madagascar from the large Sakoa coal deposits. We are proceeding now with our exploration and development with respect to the Sakoa South Project. We believe this has the potential to be successful as a stand-alone project as well as potentially being part of a larger unified project including the old Sakoa coal mine site in the region. We have strong access worldwide to financial and professional resources and are confident of our ability to successfully move the project forward. At the same time, we are open to potential joint venture opportunities if deemed in the best interests of all concerned.”
About Pan African
The Company is an exploratory resource company with approximately 10,000 square kilometres of diversified mineral properties and 2,500 square kilometres of uranium properties in Madagascar. The Company is exploring these properties for gold, uranium, precious stones, base metals and industrial commodities. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Antananarivo, Madagascar. More information about the Company is available at http://www.panafrican.com
“Irwin Olian”
Irwin Olian
Chairman & CEO
For more information, contact:
Irwin Olian, President and CEO
E-mail: tigertail@panafrican.com
Phone: (604) 899-0100
Fax: (604) 899-0200
Tom Kinakin, Corporate Communications – Vancouver
Email: tom@panafrican.com
Phone: (604) 676-8671
Fax: (604) 899-0200
Carrie Howes, Corporate Communications – London
Email: carrie@panafrican.com
Phone: +44-7780-602-788
Marlies Studer, Corporate Communications – Europe
Email: marlies@panafrican.com
Phone: +41-44-215-2803
hier jetzt die Gründe für den letzten kleinen Kursanstieg bei Vangold. Es gibt positive Bohrergebnisse vom Mt. Penck. Da haben einige schon vorher etwas gewusst?
Aber hier sind die Bohrergebnisse von Mount Penck
Grüße GW
der Quartalsbericht 02/06 ist raus. Er enthält m. M. nach 4 sehr positive Aspekte:
1. Aus dem operativen Geschäft wurde ein positiver Cash Flow erwirtschaftet.
2. Bei gleichbleibendem Goldpreis wird Dragon Mitte September 06 schuldenfrei.
3. Dragon kann sehr schöne Bohrergebnisse vorweisen. Sie haben Goldgehalte von 4,7 - 23,29 g/t Gold erbohrt.
4. Vammala geht im 1. Quartal 2007 in Produktion.
Mein Fazit: Dragon Mining wird überleben und kann nur steigen, trotz oder wegen der aufgeschobenen Vorwärtsverkäufe.
Aber seht selber:
Grüße GW