Beiträge von onlinefan

    Ja das ist richtig, GermanLong. Habe zwischendurch per Gefühl mal schnell mit einem Pizzagewinn Kasse gemacht. Die bessere Alternative, fast deckungsgleich mit dem Kupferchart, wäre CMMC.TO gewesen.
    Aber sag mir was technisches: wie bekommst Du bei stockcharts die beiden Chartverläufe in einem Chartbild zusammen?

    Heute gute Bohrergebnisse bei Sabina:

    Sabina Gold drills 38.55 m of 9.48 g/t Au at Back

    2017-09-05 07:35 ET - News Release

    Mr. Bruce McLeod reports
    Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. has released the first results from the summer exploration diamond drilling program at its 100-per-cent-owned Back River gold project in Nunavut, Canada. Approximately 10,000 m of planned drilling with three drill rigs is progressing well with the objective of testing high impact targets in and around existing resources at the Goose Property.
    Drill hole 17GSE516B intersected 9.48 g/t Au over 38.55 m within a strongly altered and mineralized lower iron formation package that is part of the continuation of the highly prospective, mineralized, Llama structure. This intercept is approximately 160 m down plunge from previously reported drill hole 17GS513 (see news release June 13, 2017) which intersected over 40 meters of altered and mineralized lower iron formation that included 6.52 g/t Au over 8.3 meters from 618.9 m to 627.2 m. This new zone represents a significant increase in sulphide mineralization along the structure, is open in all directions and demonstrates that the Llama gold structure is robust for a continued distance along strike of over 1,500 m from surface to a vertical depth of 595 m. Drilling will continue to test this new zone, in both the up and down plunge directions.

    MQR.V kommt mit guten Ergebnissen.
    Ich warte noch auf die Übernahme!!

    Monarques Gold drills new zone at Croinor
    2017-08-31 09:00 ET - News Release

    Mr. Jean-Marc Lacoste reports
    Monarques Gold Corp. has provided new results from its 2017 drilling program on Croinor gold. The objectives of the drilling on the Croinor Gold deposit are: (1) to validate the geological interpretation and orientation of the mineralized zones and (2) to discover new zones at depth.
    Holes CR-17-543 and CR-17-547 both met the two program objectives. The holes were drilled on Section 620W (see section). Hole CR-17-543 supports the presence of four sheared, sericitized corridors hosting quartz-tourmaline veins with economical gold grades (see table below), once again supporting the close link between the sericite and the gold content of the veins. This new hole also suggests that the dips in the western sector are steeper.
    Hole CR-17-547, which totalled 654 metres, crossed several mineralized corridors, as well as a new zone at a vertical depth of 560 metres grading 5.22 g/t Au over 3.0 metres, including 8.41 g/t Au over 1 metre. This new zone has the same alteration characteristics and contains quartz-tourmaline veins with visible gold at the south contact of the diorite. The hole was collared on Section 620W and ended at Section 600W, and intersected the diorite, which hosts the mineralization, between 294 and 599 metres.

    Schade ist, dass es hier mal wieder niemanden zu interessieren scheint, was ich mit meinem Beitrag sagen wollte. Ein komisches Forum ist das.
    Auch dieser Beitrag, an dem ich nun schreibe, wird wieder verhallen. Also sollte ich mir die Mühe zukünftig wohl sparen. (Aber zu denken geben sollte es eigentlich jedem hier, dass sich mit der Zeit immer mehr Mitglieder, die durch konstruktive Stellungnahmen aufgefallen sind, aus dem Forum verabschieden oder einfach nicht mehr schreiben. Aber vielleicht ist das ja auch so gewünscht.)

    Eigentlich traurig, dass die hier eingesetzten Energien manchmal dazu verwandt werden, um sich zu "zerfleischen".
    Bin immer über jeden interessanten Artikel und jede Chartanalyse froh, muss ja nicht auch immer meine Meinung sein.
    Aber soviel Respekt und Anstand sollte schon jeder mitbringen,dass er niemanden "runter machen muss".
    Ich schätze Deine Analysen, woernie, und das nicht erst seit gestern!

    FCX schön im Aufwärtstrend.
    Nur die Meldung über den Deal mit der indonesischen Regierung kommt nicht so gut an. Denke aber, dass die langfristige Absicherung positiv ist.
    Bleibe weiter dabei!

    Freeport-McMoRan Announces Framework for Agreement with Indonesian Government Regarding Long-Term Operating Rights for PT Freeport Indonesia
    2017-08-29 08:00 ET - News Release

    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    Company Website:
    PHOENIX -- (Business Wire)
    Freeport-McMoRan Inc. (NYSE: FCX) today provided an update on PT Freeport Indonesia's (PT-FI) negotiations with the Indonesian Government regarding PT-FI’s long term operating rights.
    FCX and the Government of Indonesia have reached an understanding on a framework to support PT-FI's long-term investment plans in Papua. This framework, which will require definitive documentation and FCX Board and partner approvals, includes the following key terms:

    • PT-FI will convert its Contract of Work to a special license (IUPK) which will provide PT-FI with long-term operating rights through 2041.
    • The Government will provide certainty of fiscal and legal terms during the term of the IUPK.
    • PT-FI will commit to construct a new smelter in Indonesia within five years.
    • FCX will agree to divest its ownership in PT-FI at fair market value so that Indonesia interests own 51 percent of PT-FI's shares. The timing and process of divestment is being discussed with the Government. The divestment will be structured so that FCX will retain control over operations and governance of PT-FI.

    Richard C. Adkerson, President and Chief Executive Officer, said: “We are pleased to announce an agreed framework to support our ongoing operations and investment program in Papua. Reaching this understanding on the structure of a mutual agreement is significant and positive for all stakeholders. Important work remains on documenting this agreement and we are committed to completing the documentation as soon as possible during 2017.”

    Nach Researche bin ich hier mal rein. Heute - bis jetzt- schöne Tageskerze. Mit Rio Tinto und der mongol. Regierungsbeteiligung kann man eigentlich nichts falsch machen. Nicht so wie nei K92!
    Nur Zeit muss man haben.
    Danke Real für den Hinweis!!