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Neues aus der Fosterville-Mine ... 
Kirkland Lake Announces Further High-Grade Drill Results on the Lower Phoenix and Harrier Gold Systems at the Fosterville Mine
Lower Phoenix Footwall mineralization continues to demonstrate high-grade continuity with the return of the following infill definition drill intercepts:
- 381 g/t Au (1) over 2.8m (Estimated True Width "ETW" 2.5m), including 1,062 g/t Au (1) over 1.0m (ETW 0.9m) in hole UDH1982
- 345 g/t Au (1) over 7.0m (ETW 6.4m), including 4,550 g/t Au (1) over 0.5m (ETW 0.4m) in hole UDH1991
- 645 g/t Au (1) over 1.3m (ETW 1.1m) in hole UDH1978
Eagle high-grade mineralization continues to demonstrate high-grade continuity with the return of the following infill definition drill intercepts:
- 404 g/t Au (1) over 16.0m (ETW 7.5m), including 12,039 g/t Au (1) over 0.4m (ETW 0.2m) in hole UDH1970
- 274 g/t Au (1) over 9.7m (ETW 9.2m), including 498 g/t Au (1) over 1.3m (ETW 1.1m) in hole UDH1946B
- 399 g/t Au (1) over 3.6m (ETW 1.0m), including 2,036 g/t Au (1) over 0.7m (ETW 0.2m) in hole UDH1865A
- 69 g/t Au (1) over 30.7m (ETW 29.3m) in hole UDH1946
Drilling on the Harrier Base Structure continues to return high-grade mineralization including:
- 25.6 g/t Au (1) over 3.85m (ETW 3.7m) in hole UDH1987
- 10.1 g/t Au over 10.55m (ETW 10.1m) in hole UDH1913
Infill drilling into Harrier Base mineralization continues to demonstrate high-grade continuity
(1) Visible gold
present in drill intercept, all drill results are presented in Table 1
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