Ja gibt es .... mal 1-4 Std Zeit investieren und das Forum durchackern.....
...besser 1-4 Jahre oder länger
6. Januar 2025, 10:28
Ja gibt es .... mal 1-4 Std Zeit investieren und das Forum durchackern.....
...besser 1-4 Jahre oder länger
Diese ganze undurchdachte „Sanktionen“ Aktion der voll retardierten Politiker ist nun erwartungsgemäß voll nach hinten losgegangen! Wie bekloppt muss man sein, das nicht gesehen zu haben??
Läuft doch alles nach Plan wenn in Europa alles abgewrackt werden soll. Und die Amis wollen ja ihr teures Flüssiggas verkaufen. Der Michel zahlt- koste es was es wolle
The next step for Max after doing IP at URU, is to drill. Here we must present a clarification. In Colombia you do not apply to the government to get drill permits, instead getting permission to drill involves four steps: first, a mining concession has to be applied for and approved, then registered with the government; second, each individual landowner has to agree with and sign the concession agreement; third, the government issues an environmental permit including a baseline water permit; fourth is a site visit by government officials to confirm everything is in order. Note that after all four steps are completed, an exploration company is free to drill any time, anywhere on the concession.
One thing that can delay the process is the water permit. But there is a way to circumvent this, and that is to haul water in. Max would get locals to build an access road ending high up the mountain where Max plans on drilling; the water would then be pumped to the drill pad locations. This is the easiest way to handle the water permit and we at AOTH imagine that’s how Max will do it.
In the latest news release Max says it is “planning drill sites and planning to mobilize the diamond drill rig late next month.”
I talked with CEO Brett Matich shortly after the Aug. 9 news release came out. He told me there was no way he would say this without Max being in the position to execute on the drill program.
IP drill targets and interpretation
According to Max, the IP chargeability on the survey correlates with two copper-silver rich discoveries at “URU Central” that extend at least 200m below surface. The two drill targets are “URU-C” and “URU-CE”.
URU-C returned chip channel widths of 9.0m @ 7.0% copper + 115 g/t silver (new results) and 16.8m @ 8.3% copper + 146 g/t silver at the lower levels of the prospect. The upper level, 190m in elevation higher, is +290m along strike and returned 4.9% copper + 41 g/t silver along a 52m ridge line. These are also new results, with true widths TBD.
The second discovery, URU-CE, is located 750m to the east of URU-C. It consists of substantial-sized outcrops with visible copper mineralization +15m wide, trending south-southwest for 250m of strike, open in all directions. Assays are pending.
URU Central forms part of the 20-km-long URU District, located along the southern portion of the CESAR North 90-km-long copper-silver belt.
“The initial IP survey has achieved the objectives of defining the vertical dimensions of the primary chalcocite-bearing mineralized body at the two URU Central discoveries. Max is preparing drill sites and planning to mobilize the diamond core drill rig late next month, initiating the first ever drilling program targeting copper-silver mineralization on its URU mining concessions,” said Max’s CEO, Brett Matich, in the Aug. 9 news release.
“Concurrently, Max continues its regional exploration programs along the 90-km-long CESAR copper-silver belt, utilizing its approximately $20 million treasury,” he added.
In our opinion, the two targets Max has conjured up are impressive. From the video screen grab below, the lower portion of URU-C is 290 meters long by 9 meters wide by 200m deep, with a specific gravity of 2.8. The target on the right, URU-CE, is 250m long by 15m wide by 200m deep, also with a specific gravity of 2.8. By our calculations that’s 3 million tonnes of copper.
At URU we know that chargeability relates to mineralization, thus the IP survey confirms what we thought we had on surface, to a depth of 200m. The next step is to go in with a drill to ground-truth the IP, and establish the grades.
According to Max, Initial results show the primary chalcocite mineralization extends from surface and displays a clearly defined chargeability contrast with the known unmineralized barren wall rocks. The IP results indicate that the defined surface mineralization appears to continue both along strike and at least 200m vertically at the two parallel discoveries (URU-C and URU-CE).
The 4-line-km survey also confirmed a strong correlation between between surface copper-silver-rich rock geochemistry and IP chargeability zones.
[Blockierte Grafik: https://aheadoftheherd.com/app/uploads/2022/08/image-43.png]IP plan and section looking north. Click here to view the IP 3D video[Blockierte Grafik: https://aheadoftheherd.com/app/uploads/2022/08/image-44.png]URU Central, with URU-C (left) and URU-CE (right) targets. Click here to view video
Important to note, is the fact that we are currently looking at an area of only about 1 km x 1 km; the strike at URU is 20 km, meaning there is a great deal of work left to be done – Max has barely scratched the surface. The fact that we already have two parallel zones that are open laterally and at depth, imo is a great start.
Without jumping too far ahead, I envision that targets like URU-C and URU-CE, located at relatively high elevation, are open-pittable by razing the top of the hill, then going underground.
The latter point is especially intriguing. Max has identified literally hundreds of outcrops throughout the various CESAR zones, including URU, Conejo, AM North and AM South. These silver and copper outcrops are mostly found on the hillsides, but what we don’t know is what lies underneath. Presumably there had to have been a significant mineralizing event(s) for there to be such widespread outcropping mineralization. There appears to be massive tonnage up in the hills (@ URU-C and URU-CE we estimate 3Mt of copper), but what connects the system? The only way to find out is to keep doing the geophysical surveys and to keep drilling the best targets.
As Max starts drilling at URU, likely next month, it will keep pursuing other drill targets through the four-step process described above. In Colombia, no drilling can occur without a concession agreement, the permission of landowners, an environmental permit and an official site visit.
Max is already well on track to proving its exploration model, which is to identify and sample surface outcrops, work up drill targets using IP, then obtain the necessary permissions and permits for drilling.
Rinse and repeat for the next target, and the next one, and so on.
In my opinion IP worked to a T, it told Max that what they identified through sampling at surface, goes to at least 200m depth, which is important because previously, they had no idea of how deep it goes.
The next step is to get a drill on it and test it. At this point the drilling objectives are limited, Max doesn’t need to go very deep, all it needs to know is the mineralization carries grade to depth. Step-outs and deep drilling can be done later.
Selective drilling with successful assay results should prove to a major mining company that Max’s CESAR property hosts a huge sediment-hosted copper-silver system comparable to the largest in the world.
Max Resource Corp.
Cdn$0.36 2022.08.11
Shares Outstanding 160.2m
Market cap Cdn$58.2m
MAX website
Artikel von aheadoftheherd.com :
Max Resources identifies two very significant initial drill targets at CESAR’s URU District
Max Resource (TSXV:MAX; OTC:MXROF; Frankfurt:M1D2) is one step closer to drilling its CESAR copper-silver project in Colombia, having identified the first two drill targets resulting from an induced polarization (IP) survey.
This week, Vancouver-based Max reported the initial results of a high-resolution ground IP survey done at the URU District, where the company is focusing its exploration efforts. More on the results below.
For the past two and a half years, Max has not only been discovering high-grade copper zones on its flagship CESAR property, but is expanding these areas, moving ever closer to confirming the existence of a huge copper-silver system.
The project sits on a massive sedimentary system covering a significant portion of the 200-km-long Cesar Basin, a geological feature that extends for over 1,000 km from the northern tip of Colombia southwards through Ecuador and Peru.
[Blockierte Grafik: https://aheadoftheherd.com/app/uploads/2022/08/image-39.png]Location of CESAR property
Max has so far received 19 mining concessions covering a total area of 186 km² (additional concessions are pending) — more than any other company has ever received in Colombia.
This significant milestone paves the way for Max to initiate drilling on its URU concessions.
URU District
The URU discovery spans a major structural corridor and remains open in all directions. Geologically, Max compares the sediment-hosted copper-silver mineralization at URU to that found in the Central African Copper Belt.
Almost half of the copper known to exist in sediment-hosted deposits is contained in the CACB, including Ivanhoe Mines’ 95-billion-pound Kamoa-Kakula copper deposit in the DRC.
[Blockierte Grafik: https://aheadoftheherd.com/app/uploads/2022/08/image-40.png]Location of URU District, to the lower left[Blockierte Grafik: https://aheadoftheherd.com/app/uploads/2022/08/image-41.png]
To follow Max’s progress at CESAR, it is important to understand the sequence of events. First, the Max field team conducted an IP survey at URU so that they could see in three dimensions what the mineralization looks like before they start drilling it. Because the primary copper mineral is highly conductive chalcocite, it lights up nicely on an IP geophysical survey.
IP is beneficial not only for helping to guide the drilling, but in showing the market the size and magnitude of the deep-seated structures Max is expecting to find with the drill bit.
[Blockierte Grafik: https://aheadoftheherd.com/app/uploads/2022/08/image-42.png]URU ground geophysical survey lines
To perform an IP survey, technicians place electrodes into the ground. A current is injected into the transmitting electrodes and the potential is measured at the receiving electrodes. The survey grid is typically composed of lines 100 meters apart, and is normally perpendicular to the strike. Chargeability and resistivity data is collected, then processed into maps and models for interpretation. The crew then moves on to the next target.
Die USA habe eine längerfristige Agenda (oho, die können sogar längerfristig denken! ). Und die heißt "Weltherrschaft" durch dominieren von Russland und China innerhalb weniger Jahrzehnte, auch wenn das kriegerische Mittel beinhalten würde.
Also "pro-russisch" zu sein, hat einen Hintergrund, "pro-amerikanisch" zu sein auch.
Ich mach keinen Hehl aus meiner Haltung, "anti-amerikanisch" zu sein, schon nur wegen der finanziellen Unterdrückung des Restes der Welt. Was nicht automatisch heißt, ich sei "pro-russisch", oder "pro-chinesisch".
pro-amerikanisch, -russisch, -chinesisch... ist alles bullshit und vollkommen belanglos. Die sind alle Pro-NWO und kämpfen alle auf der selben Seite. Dieser "Krieg" hätte längst beendet werden können, aber das will man nicht. Darum wird es weitergehen. Der Feind dieser Eliten ist der Großteil der Menschheit. Man kann hier keiner Fraktion einen "Sieg" wünschen... jeder gewöhnliche Mensch wird der Verlierer sein
Oskar Lafontaine auf Facebook
"Keine Bundesregierung hat das Recht, Millionen Deutsche ärmer zu machen und die deutsche Wirtschaft zu ruinieren."
Nein "Oskar" und "Michel": Sie haben nicht das Recht, Sie haben die Pflicht dazu !
Komischer Ansatz, dass man da Kinder über etwas entscheiden lassen will, dessen Tragweite sie vermutlich nicht erfassen können.
...zumal selbst die meisten "Erwachsenen" das weder erfassen, noch beurteilen können...
Bob glaubt, dass Putin das Davos-Projekt nicht mitmacht und dass wir Zeugen des ultimativen Kampfes zwischen Gut und Böse werden.
Das kann man nur hoffen. Befürchte aber dass alles nach Plan läuft und alle am Reset mitspielen
Senilität scheint wohl keine Frage des Alters zu sein.
Jetzt wird mir auch klar warum unter anderem "Po"liticker wie Lauterbach und Konsorten so leichtes Spiel haben Dummheit darf wirklich nicht unterschätzt werden
Gold und Silber und die miner sollten dieses Jahr alles outperformen
Pfffff... das sollten sie schon lange... aber dein Wort in Gottes Ohr
Die meiste Zeit weiß man nicht, ob die ihre eigenen Lügen glauben oder einen Kanon schreiben.
Warum "Lügen"? Diese "risks" sind die Agenda auf die sie hinarbeiten und welche umgesetzt wird.
Bennet verwies auf den entscheidenden Beitrag der Roten Armee zum Sieg über den Nationalsozialismus.
Aber werden sie auch dem "Internationalsozialismus" etwas entgegensetzen können?
Ich hab da immer von der Leyen vor meinem geistigen Auge: Die Frage, ob sie ihre Söhne auch in den Krieg schicken würde, hat sie grinsend verneint
...hier das Video von der dummen Ziege:
Turmalina Metals Fieldwork Program at 345 sq KM Project in San Juan Establishes Multiple Targets - Including Vein, Porphyry and Tourmaline Breccia Type Copper-Gold Mineralization
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 26, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Turmalina Metals Corp. (“Turmalina”, or the “Company”; TBX-TSXV, TBXXF-OTCQX) is pleased to announce the identification of multiple priority drill targets within its large 345 sq km land package located in San Juan, Argentina.
While drilling to date has focussed on tourmaline breccia pipes, which have returned multiple high-grade results, the Company has also been conducting an extensive regional field program following the expansion of the project in 2021. This expansion consolidated the Company’s holdings in the belt, following a lengthy land assembly process during which the Company finalized several agreements for regional acquisitions adjacent to the San Francisco project. The new acquisitions increased the company's holdings along the mineral belt from 3,404 hectares (ha) to 34,651 ha, an increase of 1,018 per cent. The new holdings cover numerous prospects, mineralized breccia clusters and former small-scale mines.
An agreement with government organization Instituto Provincial de Exploraciones y Explotaciones Mineras de la Provincia de San Juan, Argentina (IPEEM), provides Turmalina, through its operating company in Argentina, Aurora Mining SA (AMSA), with exploration rights to an 11,038-hectare area immediately to the north of the existing project area. This area, the ‘IPEEM joint venture (JV)’ includes several undrilled clusters of tourmaline breccia pipes and epithermal vein systems that have supported previous small-scale mining. Work completed includes 7,145 soil samples, covering approximately 80% of the ground comprising the IPEEM JV. These samples have been analyzed with a portable XRF equipment, and field follow up in areas with anomalous copper and arsenic have identified a number of new targets, discussed below.
Turmalina also has an option to purchase agreement for two tenements totalling 15,576 ha from a private company, Miranda SA. These tenements are located to the east and northeast of the existing project area and include several breccia, intrusion-hosted and quartz tourmaline vein occurrences. Preliminary rock chip sampling has returned values up to 2 g/t Au, 411 g/t Ag and 5 % Cu from quartz-tourmaline veins.
Turmalina has also acquired several areas totalling 4,628 ha in the belt through a staking process. This new ground contains several tourmaline breccia and vein occurrences that previously supported small-scale mining work. Preliminary rock chip sampling has returned values up to 9.2 g/t Au and 1.6 % Cu from veins within altered sediments and granodiorite.
As widely reported during the past several months, San Juan has been the focus of significantly increasing investment in mining, development and exploration activity including on properties in close proximity to the Turmalina land package.
Drilling by the Company at the SFdLA Project has confirmed a significant high-grade tourmaline copper-gold-silver breccia pipe, while regional work has developed multiple targets with a multitude of mineralizing styles, not surprising given the robust geological setting. Detailed mapping and sampling is currently underway at high-priority drill targets, including several recently discovered intrusion-related gold systems:
The Company looks forward to keeping the market informed on exploration at these new targets over the coming months.
Jetzt sollten hoffentlich vermehrt gute News kommen
Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - April 26, 2022) - GoldSpot Discoveries Corp. (TSXV: SPOT) (OTCQX: SPOFF) ("GoldSpot" or the "Company"), a leading technology services company leveraging machine learning to transform the mineral discovery process, is pleased to announce it has been engaged by Bullion Gold Resources Corp. (TSXV: BGD) (OTC: TTEXF) ("Bullion Gold") to apply its proprietary machine learning and geoscience expertise at the Bousquet Project in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Quebec.
Bullion Gold's Bousquet gold project includes 2,369 ha of mining claims approximately 40 km east of Rouyn-Noranda and 80 km west of Val-d'Or along the well-known Cadillac-Larder Lake fault system. The region between Rouyn-Noranda and Val-d'Or is scattered with producing and past-producing mining projects such as Mouska, Doyon, Bousquet, LaRonde, Sigma, Lamaque, and Lapa. The Bousquet Project is neighboured by Agnico Eagle Mines Limited, Iamgold Corporation, and Hecla Mining Corporation, all of which have operating mines in the area.
GoldSpot will be working closely with the technical team at Bullion Gold to provide data analytics, 3D modelling, Artificial Intelligence prospectivity mapping, and Smart Targets for exploration drilling. GoldSpot's expertise in the area has previously been highlighted by partnerships with the Monarch Mining Corporation and Opawica Exploration Inc. (Links to press releases: https://goldspot.ca/news/goldspot-discoveries-helps-monarch-mining-find-new-gold-rich-zones-at-the-beaufor-gold-deposit-using-artificial-intelligence/ and https://opawica.com/opawica-identifies-high-priority-drill-targets-on-arrowhead/)
"GoldSpot was founded doing work in the Abitibi Gold Belt, and we're always excited when we get to continue our work in the region," Vincent Dubé-Bourgeois commented. "The Bousquet Project has shown some initial and historical success, and with our expertise in the area and using our proprietary software, we will be able to provide Bullion Gold with ranked and prioritized Smart Targets to move their project along in the most efficient way possible. I'm excited to build on our previous success and unlock the potential at the Bousquet Project."
"We are happy to work with GoldSpot Discoveries, a company that brings an important technological aspect to our industry. We look forward to working with GoldSpot to advance our flagship Bousquet property," concluded Jonathan Hamel, Bullion Gold President and CEO.
Metallic Minerals Defines 985 Million Pounds of Copper Equivalent in Inaugural NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate for the La Plata Project in Colorado, USA
VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / April 26, 2022 / Metallic Minerals (TSXV:MMG)(OTCQB:MMNGF) ("Metallic Minerals", , or the "Company") is pleased to announce the first National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") mineral resource estimate (the "2022 Resource Estimate") on the Company's La Plata project, which focuses on the central Allard copper-silver porphyry deposit. The Company acquired the project in 2019 and with confirmatory drilling and sampling has quickly generated a NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate consisting of 115.7 million tonnes at an average grade of 0.39% copper equivalent ("Cu Eq") (0.35% Cu and 4.02 g/t Ag) using a 0.25% Cu Eq cut-off grade.
The Allard deposit remains open to significant expansion within the resource area. In addition, the greater La Plata silver-gold-copper project remains underexplored and open to new discoveries of both additional copper porphyry centers as well as high-grade epithermal silver and gold systems. A robust campaign of follow-up drilling and geophysical surveys is planned for the project in 2022 with the objective of expanding the 2022 Resource and advancing new targets.
[Blockierte Grafik: https://www.accesswire.com/users/newswire/images/698870/image-1.png]
Metallic Minerals will host a live webinar on Wednesday April 27th at 10am PT (1pm ET) to discuss the 2022 Resource, current activities, and upcoming plans for the La Plata and Keno Silver projects. To register, click here or the thumbnail.
Scott Petsel, Metallic Minerals' President, states, "This inaugural resource is a major milestone for Metallic Minerals and the La Plata project and puts us on the map in the U.S. with a new resource containing important base and precious metals, that fall under the US government's critical minerals strategy, in a past-producing yet underexplored district in the southwestern U.S. With 15 million ounces of silver and nearly a billion pounds of copper, at recent metal prices of over $25/oz silver and $4.50/lb copper, the Company has demonstrated the exceptional value opportunity of the La Plata project for Metallic Minerals shareholders."
Mr. Petsel continued, "We feel this is just the start for us at La Plata and it validates our strategy of identifying and acquiring high-quality district-scale assets during lows in the metal price cycle and applying modern, systematic exploration techniques as a means of value creation. This is also the process we are seeing to fruition at our high-grade Keno Silver property in the Yukon, Canada. Work at La Plata in 2022 will focus on expanding this new resource and testing new priority target areas for porphyry and high-grade silver and gold mineralization."
The 2022 Resource Estimate will be incorporated into an NI 43-101-compliant technical report for the La Plata project which will be available within 45 days.
Table 1 - La Plata Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate at a Base Case Cut-off Grade of 0.25% CuEq with Grade and Contained Metal Sensitivity Analysis at Various CuEq Cut-off Grades.
Sogar die Inflation wird auf den Krieg geschoben. Wer soll das alles noch glauben? Corona ist auch ausgelutscht. Jetzt bleibt denen am Ende nur noch die Klima Agenda.
Die Klima-Agenda nervt auch total
wie wärs denn mal mit einem Angriff Außerirdischer?
Die Masse wäre selbst dafür mehr als genug konditioniert
Gut, jetzt sollte noch die Ami Kabale folgen..
"Die London Metal Exchange plant, den Handel mit Gold- und Silber-Futures bis Juli zu beenden, unter Berufung auf niedrige Handelsaktivitäten, nach Berichten am Freitag. Der LMEprecious Service, eine Initiative der LME, des World Gold Council und einer Gruppe führender Branchenakteure zur Einführung börsengehandelter Londoner Edelmetallprodukte, wird voraussichtlich am oder um den 11. Juli zurückgezogen werden, berichtete Bloomberg unter Berufung auf eine Mitteilung an LME-Mitglieder...."
Sorry falls es ne dumme Frage ist,
aber das hat dann vermutlich welche Auswirkungen?
Eventuell zumindest vormittags weniger "Manipulationspotenzial" ?
Ich würde den Huster auch gerne mal testen. Leider ist mir der Report zu teuer, da ich momentan schon ein Abo bei Finn und seinem yt Channel „Business &politics“ besitze. ..Das Abo kann ich auch empfehlen für Leute die sich etwas breiter aufstellen möchten.
Ich wünsche allen einen schönen Sonntag
Ich hab mir gestern den Probemonat vom Huster geholt und schau mir das gerade an...
Macht alles soweit nen vernünftigen Eindruck und zu jeder Position des Musterportfolios werden kurze Nachrichten, bzw. Erläuterungen gegeben.
Allerdings ist es halt ein Unterschied ob man damals (2015) in diese Werte eingestiegen ist oder in wie weit es jetzt bei bestimmten Werten Sinn macht. In wie weit hier neue Werte hinzukommen kann ich natürlich auch nicht sagen.
Jedenfalls liegt der Schwerpunkt überwiegend auf australischen Werten.
Und die sind für mich momentan nicht vernünftig handelbar da ich nur noch in extremen Ausnahmefällen bereit bin die unverschämten spreads in Germony zu bezahlen.
Hat jemand einen Tipp für nen günstigen Broker für Australien?
Flatex ist ja OK für CAN/USA, aber für AUS kann mans vergessen