jim sinclair: gold in drei monaten bei 480 usd.
sollte seine vorhersage nicht eintreffen, dann stellt er seine langjährigen öffentlichen publikationen ein. er fordert damit all die "gekauften" analysten heraus, die permanent den goldpreis gegen den trend nach unten analysieren - wenn ihre prognosen nicht eintreffen (wie die letzten jahre) sollen sie es ihm nachmachen.
Saturday, May 08, 2004, 1:23:00 AM EST
This Is War and the First Casualty Is the Truth
Author: Jim Sinclair
My Dear Friends,
I care deeply, not for money, not for the joy of victory, certainly not for publicity of any kind, but for all of you in the Gold Community. I feel your concerns as if they were mine.
I have spent many years pursuing a deeper understanding of life than most people would ever realize. To some degree, I have succeeded and in that success I personally feel the pain that many of you are enduring right now.
The battle between the gold bulls and the gold bears is one of truthfulness versus lies, honor versus deceit, honest money versus the ever expanding paper currency that threatens our economic well being.
We are hated because we stand for what is right. Gold demands balanced Federal Budgets and positive balances in Trade and Current Accounts in order to justify the US dollar being the world's reserve currency.
I have no concern for gold because I know how things end in the market even before they begin. I am the son of one of the world's greatest traders, Bertram J. Seligman who like Jesse Livermore always knew what was over the horizon.
I do not pretend to have all the talent of those market giants but just some of it. Goldman Sachs, Solomon Brothers, Lehman Brothers and Bache were a few of the firms started by my family. All of this appears in a book called "Our Crowd."
Although Bertram Seligman was my father, James Sinclair (from my mother) has been my name since birth. If it had been possible, I would have changed my surname back to my father’s prior to entering my career.
The knowledge of Wall Street runs in my blood, my heart and my soul. I have no hobbies and want none. All material things have served me and are no longer attractive for me. Only dedication to my duty attracts and pleases me.
My concern is for you my fellow comrades in gold because I know exactly what is taking place. The barrage of negatives thrown at gold from London's Financial Times and the statements concerning China by the Chairman of the Federal Reserve is a power play because gold stands on the threshold of a major rise that will embarrass the powers that be who depend on deceit to maintain their power base.
This week's gold action has zero to do with charts except in their usage to manipulate the gold market. Fundamentals are roaring in support of the gold price. This week's action was brute strength and major media spin with the single purpose of breaking the spirit of the gold market.
I have done my part for the cause in the marketplace and also in my attempt to professionalize the general public. I have given you my word concerning what I intend to do if gold fails to trade at $480 in 101 days. My word is my bond and my honor is my only asset.
I now call upon our powerful bullish gold allies all over the world to join those of us in the West who believe in honor, honesty, the proper management of responsibility in money, and the proper exercise of power, to join actively in this battle.
The moment that the US dollar fails in momentum terms, we have this army of gold bears deep into the trap that I well know you have set for them. Closing the trap in the dollar rally will cause the price of gold to explode on the upside because those that oppose us are deeply short gold.
To the good people in the Gold Community, have no fear for your values because the only thing you have to fear is what I have told you before: the use of margin on gold anything.
Your friend,