Beiträge von casapustalemgo


    It is true that Panguna’s redevelopment will require substantial new investment in the billions of dollars to be realised.

    An initial smaller scale, high grade operation with a lower upfront capital cost is perhaps feasible, with the option to expand scale output further, once initial production is well-established.

    The feasibility process will of course explore the redevelopment options in detail.

    Irrespective, Panguna’s redevelopment promises to be a transformational investment for Bougainville. The project will stimulate economic activity during three distinct phases, including (a) the exploration and feasibility phase which we have now entered, (b) the mine and ancillary construction phase, and (c) finally the operational phase.

    It will produce significant dividends for government, landowners, including land access payments, investors, and shareholders alike with multiplier effects across the local economy, even cascading down to village communities.

    During the construction phase for instance, it has been estimated that accommodation and services would be required for around 500 construction workers. To support the mine a new residential community would also need to be developed in Arawa.

    In addition, local roads will need upgrading along with Aropa airport as well as ports such as Loloho and Kieta and local healthcare facilities. Legacy issues associated with previous operations could also be logically addressed during the mine’s redevelopment.

    For the ABG, Panguna can potentially deliver substantial ongoing payments, including royalties, corporate taxes, GST from goods and services, withholding tax and personal income tax, not to mention the value of shares themselves and any associated dividends.

    This year (2024), the ABG’s total budget is about K761 million or about US$197 million. Revenue from Panguna could deliver multiples of this for Bougainville, of course subject to metal prices and future taxation arrangements. To underline the potential, when the mine last operated, it consistently contributed between 15-20 per cent of PNG’s internally generated revenue.

    Such revenue will help support the broader development of community infrastructure and services on Bougainville, leading to improved living standards for our local people.

    The new employment and training opportunities for local people will be significant.

    Panguna previously employed more than 3,500 people in its latter days of which 83 per cent were PNG nationals and Bougainvilleans.

    Over the mine’s life, about 12,000 people received training, including more than 1,000 who completed trade apprenticeships and 400 who completed tertiary studies. This added real capacity to the national workforce and benefited subsequent projects in PNG.

    In addition, since 1997, BCL has provided scholarships for more than 1,200 Bougainvillean students to pursue tertiary education under the Bougainville Copper Foundation. The program continues to this day.

    The construction and operational phases of a redeveloped Panguna will also generate new demand for the provision of goods and services which in turn will promote the development of local SMEs across a range of areas, including cash crop (cocoa, copra vanilla etc.) development in agriculture.

    Previously, local contract opportunities arose in construction, catering, transport, accommodation, trades and general labour, livestock production, security, and steel fabrication to name but a few.

    Looking back, the original investment in Panguna as a greenfield development amounted to about $400 million (AUD) in 1969 which equates to about $4.0 billion (AUD) today.

    Just like then, a sizeable investment in Panguna Mark II will be game-changing for Bougainville, triggering multi-dimensional changes to a struggling, fledgling local economy.

    BCL, having been endorsed as a trusted project partner, stands ready to advance this priority project for the people of Bougainville.

    Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

    Download the speech here:

    Das hört sich ja mal gut an, der Kurs in AU hat schon leicht reagiert.

    CANCONEX Address by Sir Melchior Togolo 2 July 2024 INTRODUCTION On behalf of Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL), I thank the Chamber for the opportunity to be…


    On behalf of Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL), I thank the Chamber for the opportunity to be part of this interesting session.

    The Chamber with its emphasis on community affairs and sustainable development, has an important place as part of this inaugural PNG Resources Week.

    It’s quite an exciting time for BCL, following the ABG’s decision in February to grant a five-year extension of our EL01 exploration licence, for the Panguna project area.

    This was the culmination of a period of extensive dialogue between BCL and the ABG.

    There was a mutual aim to amicably resolve what had been a long-running tenure dispute that dates back to a decision taken by the previous ABG in early 2018.

    It is true we had to negotiate some difficult and complex issues, but through the commitment, goodwill, and mutual respect of both parties we found a way forward.

    We certainly appreciate the opportunity and do not take for granted the faith placed in us by the ABG under the leadership of Hon. President Ishmael Toroama.

    Compared to the past, BCL operates today as a truly local company. This is not a misconception. It is a fact.

    For the first time, the ABG and people of Bougainville are set to become our clear majority shareholders.

    They currently hold a 36.4 per cent share in BCL which is to increase to 76.8 per cent, once an agreed transfer of shares, held by the National Government, is realised.

    The BCL board reflects our local identity, with five of seven directors being Bougainvilleans. That is more than 71% of the board.

    In addition, and unlike others, BCL has offices in Buka and Arawa with a senior officer co-ordinating 11 Village Liaison officers (VLOs) embedded among our communities and another senior officer liaising with all levels of government on the island. All of them are the eyes and ears of the company.

    With the ABG and others we share a common goal to make Bougainville stronger both economically and at the social and community levels.

    It is widely recognised that the successful redevelopment of Panguna is pivotal to Bougainville’s self-reliance ambitions.

    Importantly, the granting of the EL01 extension has the support of landowner communities and veterans with notable alignment among various groups. In other words, we understand our challenges, differences in opinions and perceived risks but we have a common goal a strong alignment exists to redevelop Panguna to help the island regain wealth and prosperity.

    As I mentioned, BCL, through a well-established local team in Bougainville, has put considerable effort into building constructive relationships on the ground over several years. This extended to providing support for worthwhile community activities and projects.

    An intimate understanding of the importance of local Nasioi customs, system of landownership, family and social dynamics, which is not well understood by non-locals, has helped us to build mutual respect and effective engagement.

    So having been in something of a holding pattern for several years, certainty of tenure provides impetus to intensify our activities on the ground in accordance with the Bougainville Mining Act 2015.

    The first phase of exploration will include social mapping and landowner identification studies followed by geological work to inform the necessary pre-feasibility and bankable feasibility studies. We have the IP (intellectual property) and technical advisers who are helping us to achieve this objective.

    We will scale up our resources as required and explore the necessary investment and partnership opportunities as things advance.

    As we move forward, we do so with respect for our regulator and the laws of the land. In this respect we are totally committed to industry best practice in all that we do.


    When Panguna previously operated between 1972 and 1989 it was among the world’s largest open cut copper mines.

    In its 17 years, the mine produced three million tonnes of copper concentrate, 306 tonnes of gold and 784 tonnes of silver.

    Significantly, based on latest resource statements at least 5.3 million tonnes of copper and 547 tonnes of gold remain in situ.

    To put this into perspective, copper is currently trading at about US$9,500 a tonne and recently topped US$11,000 a tonne for the first time on the London Metal Exchange (futures).

    Meanwhile, gold has been trading at about $74 million a tonne US. Even conservative estimates place the current ballpark value of Panguna’s remaining minerals in the tens-of billions-of-dollars.

    The likes of Goldman Sachs (global investment banking) remain bullish about copper prices in the mid-term of the back of industry disruptions and declining inventories. (Industry cost cutting, industrial disputes, labour shortages, anticipated monetary easing and continued growth in copper demand among reasons for increasing pressure on supply).

    In the longer term, others warn of a potential structural supply gap of up to 10 million tonnes per year by 2030, with new supply not keeping pace with demand. This is good for the Panguna deposit.

    In no small part this is being driven by the global transition to cleaner energy in the quest to meet ambitious carbon emissions reduction targets.

    Copper, because of its efficient transfer properties is an essential material in clean energy technologies with about five times the quantity needed when compared to traditional energy systems.

    A conventional combustion engine for example contains 10-22 kilograms of copper whereas an electric car requires more than 80 kilograms.

    Meanwhile, a single three MW wind turbine can contain up to 4.7 tonnes (4,700kg) of copper and a solar power system can require 5.5 tonnes per MW (5,500kg).

    As it stands, about 35 per cent of current copper demand is met from recycling and while recycled copper is sufficient for products such as pipes & fittings; uncontaminated, virgin copper is the most suitable for clean energy technology. That is what Panguna copper concentrates will provide to help satisfy world demand.

    Ominously, something like 200 copper mines around the world are expected to run out of ore before 2035 (in about 11 years). This augurs well for the Panguna deposit.

    While expansion of existing mines, including the likes of Ok Tedi, will help ease some of the deficit through to 2030, Bloomberg Intelligence warns of the lack of new shovel-ready projects between now and then. The redevelopment of Panguna comes in handy.

    It has been said that closing the predicted supply gap would require building the equivalent of eight new projects the size of the world’s largest mine (BHP’s Escondida mine in Chile).

    Due to long lead times for green field projects, anywhere from 14 to 20 years, there is a strong logic to the redevelopment of a brown field project such as Panguna.

    It is both a known and proven resource that is logistically accessible both to redevelop and to ship concentrate to market.

    The fact the project also has the strong political backing of the ABG as well as landowners and veterans sends an important signal to would-be investors.

    Eher ein kluger Schachzug als brtitische Noblesse.

    Mit BOC mehrheitlich in RIOS und PNG Besitz hätten die Landeigner nie einer Wiedererõffnung der Pangunamine zugestimmt.

    Jetzt,ende Mai, wenn PNG die Shares an Bougainville, wie versprochen überträgt ist BOC eine lokale Firma und „ all ordinary “mums and dads” on Bougainville, is to support BCL to develop Panguna.

    Ueber 97% der B‘ viller stimmten im Referendum für die Unabhängigkeit von PNG.

    Um nicht (nur) von Hilfszahlungen abhängig zu sein und substanzielle Steuereinnahmen zu generieren führt kein Weg an Panguna vorbei.

    Spätestens wenn es um die Finanzierung geht wird RIO wieder bei ihrem Kronjuwel mitmischen,

    Eine jetzt begonnene Evaluierung der Umweltschäden durch RIO mit anschliessender Beseitigung ist der erste Schritt

    Bougainville Copper Limited, or BCL for short, is the best-placed company to rehabilitate, re-engineer, re-finance, re-resource, construct and to operate the giant Panguna copper-gold deposit on Bougainville going forward. BCL is well-placed to tap into global mining and investment networks.BCL efficiently operated the world’s giant copper-gold mine from 1972 to 1989 when it was forced to shut down. It remains closed today. As it is, the Panguna deposit in real terms, has no real benefit to Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, landowners and wider shareholders. Panguna and the copper-gold rocks it hosts remains today just that … rocks in the ground.To this day, BCL maintains an extensive corporate and technical data base, going as far back from exploration, advanced exploration stages, prefeasibility stage, feasibility, construction and operational stages.The technical database is a uniquely powerful and invaluable resource. BCL’s technical team stands ready to reactivate this database on the agreement and legal permission of the Bougainville Government, Papua New Guinea Government and landowners within the current confines of the Bougainville Mining Act 2015.No company in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, Australia or anywhere else have in their possession such as vast database as what BCL has for the Panguna deposit and mining including other related issues such as environmental, human resources as well as social and landowner matters.BCL of course has historical “mining footprints” on Bougainville. Clearly, over the years of operations there were environmental negatives. These environmental negatives certainly must not be repeated on the new Panguna mine development; modern mining practices must be instituted to the world’s best standard of mining. This new Panguna mine development will also be based on BCL equity arrangement.Rio Tinto in 2016 off-loaded it’s 53.7% stake in Panguna to Papua New Guinea and Bougainville. This decision has seen majority ownership transferred to the people of Bougainville and PNG.Recent discussion and subsequent public announcements by the government of PNG is to transfer shares to the people of Bougainville.In recent times several external companies have shown interest in the Panguna copper-gold deposit. These companies are not majority owned by Papua New Guinea, Bougainville, Panguna landowners or ordinary Papua New Guineas or Bougainvilleans in any form.My advice to the Bougainville government, Panguna landowners, and all ordinary “mums and dads” on Bougainville, is to support BCL to develop Panguna. One day when BCL declares dividends, most of these dividends will remain in Bougainville. This would be the greatest form of economic independence for Bougainville alongside other strengths like copra, cocoa, tourism and fisheries.

    On the agenda on BCL Shares, the leaders acknowledged the ongoing delay in the transfer of shares to the ABG, due largely to considerations on costs implications of the stamp duty tax required for the transfer of shares. The National Government committed to have the stamp duty tax of K1million settled by Kumul Minerals Holding Limited and that the BCL Shares Certificate be handed over to the ABG by the end of May 2024.

    First Large-Scale Mineral Exploration Program Underway on Bougainville since the 2001 Peace Accord between Papua New Guinea and Bougainville
    ARAWA, Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, May 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Island Passage Development Canada Limited (IPDC or the Company) announces...

    First Large-Scale Mineral Exploration Program Underway on Bougainville since the 2001 Peace Accord between Papua New Guinea and Bougainville

    Jetzt fehlt nur noch die Umsetzung ;-))

    Wurde vom AGB nach AU Börsenschluss gepostet und dürfte am Montag in den PNG Tageszeitungen publiziert werden


    ABG and Panguna Stakeholde­rs forge unified path forward after week-long consultati­ons

    The week-long community engagement­ program for the Panguna mine-affec­ted areas ended today in Arawa Town, seeing all stakeholde­rs unified in support for the redevelopm­ent of the Panguna mine.

    Beginning on Monday this week, the EL-01 Administra­tive Oversight Committee led by the ABG Acting Chief Secretary Kearnneth Nanei and key department­ heads met veterans and Panguna Landowning­ communitie­s from Moroni, Dapera, Pirurari and Onove villages on Monday and Tuesday.

    On Wednesday the ABG team met with landowners­ in Guava, Mosinau and Kokore villages. On Thursday at the Pakia Catholic Chapel, the team met with landowners­ in the Parakake, Pakia, Siredongsi­, Mainku, Korokoro and Ikipute villages. Today the awareness was completed with Panguna landowners­ residing in Sunua, Paraiano and Kupei villages at the Sharp Memorial Youth Centre in Arawa.

    The community engagement­ focused on communicat­ing correct and vital informatio­n about the issuance of EL-01 to Bougainvil­le Copper Limited and address some Frequently­ Asked Questions (FAQs) concerning­ the issuance.

    This direct engagement­ with the veterans and communitie­s in the Panguna mine-affec­ted areas was critical to build trust and collaborat­ive partnershi­p with these key stakeholde­rs through open and honest dialogue.

    Throughout­ the community engagement­ program, similar community concerns were raised in all communitie­s relating to the legality of the exploratio­n license, BCL share transfers,­ the protection­ of resource owners and their environmen­t under Bougainvil­le laws, legacy issues from the past and how it will be dealt with going forward.

    Majority of the communitie­s visited emphasized­ that they would like more of these consultati­ons to continue going forward to ensure that mutual understand­ing and trust is built, and that their voices are heard through a participat­ory approach, with some proposing to have an associatio­n or entity establishe­d that integrates­ all landowners­ and other mine affected communitie­s.

    A positive highlight from the week-long consultati­on was the consensus and understand­ing reached regarding the ABG’s decision in granting the exploratio­n license to BCL, and the respect shown by the veterans and landowners­ on the ABG’s decision as the government­ authority of the day.

    Central Bougainvil­le Veterans and landowners­ of the Panguna mine-affec­ted communitie­s expressed their firm support to the ABG and reaffirmed­ their decision for the reopening of the defunct Panguna mine under the condition that is reopened under Bougainvil­le’s own terms and conditions­.

    ABG Secretary for Mineral & Energy Resources Peter Kolotein clarified that the project has now entered the project’s mine life cycle following the issuance of EL-01, and he assured all the communitie­s that this is the first of many more consultati­ons and dialogue to happen.

    The Department­ of Mineral & Energy Resources will be setting up its office in Arawa Town to ensure visibility­ and ease of access for the landowners­ to the Department­.

    BCL staff were also in attendance­ at the community engagement­ programs throughout­ the week where they had the opportunit­y to hear first-hand­ all community concerns and issues directly from the people.

    Grosse Palaverwoche ist angesagt.

    Interessant dass diese Meetings auch in den zusätzlichen (EX) BOC Leases abgehalten nwerden

    ABG commences community engagement program in Panguna Mine-Affected Areas

    The Autonomous Bougainville Government has commenced its community engagement program in the Panguna Mine-affected areas, starting in the township of Panguna yesterday.

    This engagement program targets veterans in the Central Bougainville region and the Panguna landowning communities, who remain as crucial stakeholders to the Government in this process.

    The purpose of the multi-stakeholder awareness is to effectively communicate correct and vital information about the issuance of EL01 to BCL and address community concerns and questions surrounding the issuance of the exploration license.

    In January this year, the Autonomous Bougainville Government granted exploration license EL01 to Bougainville Copper Limited. The decision to grant BCL a 5-year extension of EL01 was made following due legal process.

    Following the issuance of the license and given the sensitive background of the Panguna redevelopment project such as legacy issues, cross cutting aspects and evident ongoing opposition on the ground, the ABG saw the immediate need to conduct this community engagement and awareness program as a first response to correct any misinformation in the mine affected communities.

    Part of the engagement on the first day, was to educate the Veterans and Community Government of Central Bougainville about the issuance of the exploration license and importantly, build alliance and trust with these key community stakeholders to help the government disseminate accurate information to the Panguna mine affected communities.

    The Toroama-Nisira government continues to emphasize the critical connection between Bougainville’s political aspirations for independence, which must be backed by a strong and sound economic base.

    ABG President Hon. Ishmael Toroama clarified that the Government has no particular interest in Bougainville Copper Limited (or BCL), rather it’s chief role is to protect the interests of all Bougainvilleans and, for the Panguna redevelopment process, the Government is there to facilitate dialogue and ensure that all stakeholders have all the information needed for them to make sound decisions in support of the ABG’s plans for Panguna.

    Acting Chief Secretary Kearnneth Nanei explained the legality of the ABG’s decision relating the issuance of the exploration license, clarifying that it followed legal deliberations related to the ongoing court injunction between the ABG and BCL.

    In January 2018, the ABG under the Momis-Masono Government, refused an extension of BCL’s EL01 (exploration licence) and three months later the company was granted leave by the court for a judicial review of the decision. The proceedings have remained ongoing ever since.

    In 2023, the ABG and BCL had consulted and agreed to signing a Deed of Settlement to end the almost six-year long court case between both parties.

    Mr Nanei also clarified current misconceptions that the 1967 Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA) was still applicable in Bougainville. He explained that the enactment of the mining act for Bougainville in 2015, superseded all other national mining laws on Bougainville, including the Bougainville Copper Agreement.

    “The Bougainville Copper Agreement of 1967 relates to the operation of the tenements of BCL in Panguna, and that in itself is mining powers. So that’s why when Bougainville has already enacted its own mining law, then the national law does not apply in Bougainville. So anything to do with the tenements, benefits related to mining, anything to do with road access, anything to do with whatsoever under the BCA Act, they are now administered by the ABG through the Bougainville mining act,” he said.

    Other presentations included the ABG Department of Bougainville Independence Mission Implementation on the current political journey that Bougainville is on and how it requires strong economic backing to ensure that Bougainville can fund and sustain its political aspirations for independence.

    The ABG Department of Finance also presented to the stakeholders the current economic situation in Bougainville, highlighting the fiscal gap that must be filled through transformative economic interventions.

    The ABG Department of Mineral & Energy Resources presented a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of the proposed Panguna redevelopment project in comparison to the former Panguna mine, emphasized on the mineral project life cycle of which the ABG and the landowners are now in following the issuance of the exploration license. Clarity was also provided on the license conditions under the Bougainville Mining Act, that are attached with the exploration license issued to BCL.

    The awareness program continued today with the Panguna mine-affected areas landowners, and will continue this week with sessions on Wednesday 17 April at Guava Village where the ABG will engage with communities from Guava, Mosinau and Kokore villages. On Thursday 18 April, the ABG team will engage with communities from Parakake, Pakia, Siredongsi, Mainku, Korokoro and Ikipute villages at Pakia Catholic Chapel and on Friday 19 April, the ABG team will engage with communities from Kupei, Paraiano and Sunua villages at Arawa Town.

    We will establish key committees within the Panguna redevelopment in terms of mapping out various legacy issues, consulting with our people and how the administration deploys itself in engaging meaningfully with landowners, with ex combatants, with every stakeholder in Panguna so that the government’s decision of issuing the exploration license to BCL can come into realization.”

    “Government has given the exploration license; however, it is the administration that will provide that social license. We have to go down and deal with the legacy issues, get our people together, get our ex-combatants to go out and say that as responsible people we shut down the mine and now we are coming back to open it and there is no better person than the President himself at the forefront to renegotiate a new deal for the people of Bougainville,” Nanei said.