Beiträge von CMANSON

    Goodwin sees gold at $500/oz
    By: Alec Hogg
    Posted: '19-NOV-04 14:00' GMT © Mineweb 1997-2004

    MINEWEB: There’s a wonderful Nedbank ad a few years ago, where they showed a guy playing pool and he looked up at the fellow who was standing next to him and said “gold, take it from me, gold”. Allan Seccombe is one of our reporters here at Moneyweb and he’s been following gold which went to a 16-year high today Alan?

    ALLAN SECCOMBE: Yes, it did. It broke through $446/oz. I spoke to some analysts in London and South Africa today, and they reckon gold could go up as high as $450, which could be quite a stiff resistance level. Just before I came into the studio it was at $441 an ounce. Analysts are reckoning the weakness of the dollar is playing quite a large role in this. The dollar is about 1.29 against the euro at the moment. Barclays Capital in London reckon it could go to about 1.32, which would take gold up to $450, if not more expensive than that. There’s also been quite a lot of buying in gold coming through ahead of the launch of a gold-backed exchange-traded fund in New York and some analysts reckon the price could come down once those ETFs have listed. The interesting thing is that the rand has also firmed, and this has also kept the rand price of gold at around R86,000 a kilogram.

    MINEWEB: Thanks to Allan Seccombe, one of our reporters at Moneyweb. Well tonight’s top story is gold. Our gold guru Nick Goodwin is in the studio – and we’re going to be crossing to Florida in a little while as well, to Tom O’Brien of Tiger Financial News Network over there, one of the big names or drivers of retail investors in gold. But Nick, let’s kick off with you. A 16-year high. A couple of years ago we wouldn’t have thought it was possible. Maybe you would have, but we wouldn’t have.

    NICK GOODWIN: Well that’s quite interesting. I think we’ve spoken about this in the past, I think about a year ago I thought it would go to the $440 area and then come off back to $400 and then later on go up. We’re probably going to see about $500 later on, maybe in a year’s time or so. It’s mainly dollar-driven as has been said here. People are talking the dollar down to 1.45 [to the euro] or so. There’s just a problem that, as the dollar moves through 1.30, the Europeans start jumping up and down, because obviously that has a major effect on the whole European economy and I think there could be central bank intervention there eventually, because it really hurts them – just like our rand has been so strong, they don’t really want the euro to be much stronger.

    MINEWEB: Why should that have a direct impact on the gold price?

    NICK GOODWIN: Well, no, not on the gold price. I think it will affect the euro/dollar rate, and that will affect the gold price because there’s very close correlation now between the gold price and the euro/dollar rate.

    MINEWEB: So in other words, as the dollar falls people try and hedge themselves, they try and protect their assets by buying gold?

    NICK GOODWIN: Yes, exactly. But unfortunately the buyers of gold now are mainly speculators, and speculators historically are not holders of gold. They’re buyers and sellers of gold. And it’s only your jewellers that really are the holders. Obviously, the stuff is converted into jewellery, and the jewellery market is very sensitive to price, especially in India who take a third of the world’s gold. So if a price rises too fast – it’s actually the rate of increase that’s important – they can withdraw from the market, and then the speculators have got no-one to offload the gold to.

    MINEWEB: Have they done that?

    NICK GOODWIN: Not yet, but I would expect that they’re starting to do it, because jewellers have got stocks of gold. So they can sit back for a few months before they have to buy again, and they’ve been quite a controlling force in the past. So the jewellers are really the price supporters, and the speculators are the price makers. And what’s concerning about the speculators is they’ve been buying gold net for the last three years, and they’re sitting with about 1,000 tons of gold, which is about half of the world’s annual production.

    MINEWEB: But didn’t they sell it net for something like 20 years?

    NICK GOODWIN: Yes, they did, true.

    MINEWEB: Well couldn’t we be in a 20-year upswing?

    NICK GOODWIN: Yes, er – look, in the past, anything could happen. But this is the trouble, gold’s not like oil that gets used up. It lasts forever, that’s the problem with it. In the last 10 years the longest period that they’ve held gold like this is about three years, before they started selling it again. And of course they’re very fickle. But the big thing in this country of course is not only the dollar gold price but the rand gold price, and the rand gold price is at a level at which the mines are really suffering badly. I mean, these results we’re seeing now are the worst I’ve ever seen in its history, and we are way, way far away from a turnaround in the mines. We need a gold price of about $480 for the mines just to break even.

    MINEWEB: And what’s that in rand terms?

    NICK GOODWIN: It would be about R3,300 per ounce, about R100,000 a kilo.

    MINEWEB: And we’re around R80,000 or R85,000 a kilo. We’re under water.

    NICK GOODWIN: Yes, the big thing is margins. You need an operating margin of about 30% in order to afford your capex, because your capex is about 20%. The operating margin now is 17%, so even though the gold operating margin is positive, we can’t afford our capex. So then we’ve got to go and borrow money to pay capex.

    MINEWEB: So why do people buy a mine like Durban Deep? If the gold industry’s under water, that one has got to be at the bottom of the ocean.

    NICK GOODWIN: It’s an interesting question. I think you must ask them.

    MINEWEB: Well, we’re going to be talking to Tom in just a little while – and I’m sure he’ll have opinions on Durban Deep. It seems as though the Americans have been stocking up on that highly marginal stock. But what about the other big issue that’s going on in the gold market right now – Harmony’s takeover bid for Gold Fields Limited.

    NICK GOODWIN: Yes, look, unfortunately I’m one of the few people in town who don’t favour this merger. There ARE two reasons. First of all, I wouldn’t want to lose Harmony as a stock, as a share. It’s a really nice share to have because it’s marginal. It reminds me of the old Lorraine years ago. I remember one stage when the gold price came down, the price of Lorraine went to 80c, and then the gold price turned around and within six weeks the price had moved up to R24. Now Harmony is that type of stock, and so I wouldn’t like to lose it, it’s a completely different animal from Gold Fields. Gold Fields is less marginal than Harmony, so that’s the first reason. Secondly I don’t think that it’s prudent for Gold Fields shareholders to swap their shares for Harmony. It’s not that Harmony can’t cut costs and things – they can do that, anybody can cut costs. But it’s just the whole management style of Harmony relative to the management of Gold Fields. Over the last five years Gold Fields has outperformed Harmony substantially. If I can mention a few factors which are important here – the big problem at Harmony has been the extent to which they have increased their issued shares. Their issued shares over the last five years have gone from 97m to 320m, so that’s a 232% increase. Gold Fields shares have gone up 8%. Harmony’s gold production has gone up 52% against a rise in share of 230%, and Gold Fields gold production up 8%, about the same as their shares. So Harmony’s production in ounces per share has virtually halved. For instance, in 2000 they produced 5,600 ounces per million shares, and now they’re producing 2,600.

    MINEWEB: But aren’t they buying assets for the long term? They’ve got six new mines that they are busy with. You’ve got to issues shares maybe to have this kind of …

    NICK GOODWIN: Well, they’ve just closed down about six or seven shafts. The whole ARM operation, for which they paid R2.5bn, is virtually completely closed down.

    MINEWEB: So what you’re saying, Nick, is that you’re still with Gold Fields.

    NICK GOODWIN: Yes, absolutely.

    MINEWEB: Next Friday Nick, that’s the deadline day (Early settlement). Do you think that Gold Fields is going to be able to stave it off?

    NICK GOODWIN: Well, it was interesting at the Gold Fields AGM there was a lot of support for the Gold Fields board. Only about 50% of the issued shares were voted there, but there was a lot of support. And interesting for the re-election of the chairman, Chris Thompson, that there was about a 70% vote for that. And obviously Norilsk must have voted there as well. Obviously the Gold Fields shareholders are very quiet. If they do their sums properly, I think the management of Gold Fields, the way they’ve managed the group, the way they’ve gone overseas and expanded substantially has been very successful, whereas Harmony’s overseas adventures have been a bit of a failure, in fact. They’ve got much more cash than Harmony, they’ve got R3.5bn. Harmony’s got R1bn and they’re burning R500m a quarter. So to me Harmony desperately needs Gold Fields’ cash. If they don’t get their cash, if they don’t get this group within two quarters, they are going to have to go and issue more shares and drain more cash.

    MINEWEB: And if they don’t do the deal, is it life-threatening to Harmony?

    NICK GOODWIN: It could be, yes. The group will change, it will still be around, but it could be a smaller group.

    Tom O’Brien: Tiger Financial News Network
    By: Alec Hogg
    Posted: '19-NOV-04 14:00' GMT © Mineweb 1997-2004

    MINEWEB: Let’s bring in Tom O’Brien now from Florida. He’s with Tiger Financial News Network. Tom, just by way of maybe giving us some background about yourself, you’re a portfolio manager, you’re a broadcaster, you have financial newsletters – how many people do you reach? How many retail investors would look to you for advice?

    TOM O’BRIEN: Well, the potential audience is 13 million every day. As to how many listen it’s hard to tell, 200, 300,000 people – we’re in the whole East Coast of the United States, we’re in the West Coast, we’re in Colorado. And we’re drive time, so if it’s four to six Eastern Time, and of course, everyone’s trapped like rats in their cars in the United States.

    MINEWEB: Not too much different nowadays in Johannesburg, I can assure you. On the Harmony Gold Fields issue have you been favouring either of the sides?

    TOM O’BRIEN: Yes. Well, I do a gold report. I’ve done it for two and a half years. And in the United States what happens is – we’ve owned Harmony for a long time, we’ve owned GFI for a long time. You see, most of the folks that buy in the United States are buying the option, they’re buying South Africa. That’s what they’re really buying. And the holders that have held these equities for a couple of years, the feedback we’re getting on the air is that, listen, we bought GFI because we bought South Africa, and on a technical basis both of these stocks have acted the exact same way. They haven’t really moved because of the rand relationship, going right back to May of 2002. It’s been a choppy market, the relationship is the same. So what ends up happening of course is the investors in the United States have a choice. If they want an international gold maker, which most of them have, well that’s great, you can get a Goldcorp, you can get a GLG – there’s other stocks that they know they can buy or that they do already own. So that’s what we’re finding. What is interesting, though, is that because we came out of such a large bear market, a 22-year bear market, what has happened in the United States is this. Folks who have put money into these – you have the trade, that’s for sure and I trade a lot, we invest a lot – you have holders in the United States that have been holding these stocks for a long time. Some of these equities we have from $4, $3, and these people are holding them and they’ve been rewarded. Volatile, yes it’s been volatile beyond belief in the gold market, but you have a lot more holders in the United States, and every day you’re getting more of them, because of course the dollar’s got destroyed, the dollar’s dust, there’s no two ways about that. You see, it’s still an education process in the United States in relationship to the dollar, the South African stocks and the rand. But what folks have seen now is that the dollar is a lot lower, and in fact the rand is still much stronger, and that’s a huge plus for investors in the United States because the dollar is at a low and of course the rand made its low in July, I believe, at 580 points. So the folks in the United States said, OK, listen, on a flat currency basis versus gold, the inverted relationship, the rand is not getting stronger than the dollar.

    MINEWEB: Mm, OK, well the rand is certainly terribly strong at the moment from our perspective on this side. But if you then put your neck on the line, Harmony would be the one that you favour, because they are keeping it more South African-related – is that the way you’re interpreting it?

    TOM O’BRIEN: That’s the feedback we’re getting because, and that’s what I’m doing too. I’m buying an option on South Africa. The way I feel about it, if you’re a golden bull you have all the gold. South Africa has all the gold, and I’m looking at the gold price right now – another year and a half it’s going to be probably $558/oz. This is going to be a long-term bull, this baby is just starting. So in that context I own plenty of other gold stocks. If I wanted an international stock I already own them. I don’t need GFI to go outside and be an international stock. Maybe that’s what happens in South Africa, but that doesn’t happen in the United States because we continually buy a lot of other stocks for that same deal. I’m buying specifically South African, that’s what I’m doing because, if the gold price goes where we think it may go, what ends up happening is you have all the gold. Is it more expensive gold? Yes it is, but in the relationship of the rand, in the relationship of how much gold is in the ground, well, you know what? South Africa is the kingpin.

    MINEWEB: What about a stock like Durban Deep? That is a very high-cost producer in South Africa. It’s also been moving progressively outside of this country. Papua New Guinea is where they seem to be putting a lot of their effort at the moment, and yet American retail investors in particular have been piling into this share to the disbelief of a local person like Nick Goodwin. Can you explain it?

    TOM O’BRIEN: You know what is amazing? This is what’s happened – we called Durb Deep, we go from DROOY (the computer code) to dreamy to droopy. It’s unbelievable, because it really depends, OK, on the last three years what it’s done. People will pile into it, but they’re doing the exact same thing – it’s an option on South Africa. Right now we’re looking at DROOY – it’s like OK, are you going to make it off that bottom. I’m a technical trader, Alec, and we’re always looking for strictly the supply and demand, how much money is getting put to work in the United States versus how much selling. Now DROOY has to make it by US $2.34, and it’s $1.79, but there’s a lot of money getting put into DROOY, into GFI, into Harmony, into South Africa. There’s plenty of investors that walk in here to whom $50, $60, $80,000 is like nothing. They just put money into it because they know they don’t want to hold the dollars, they’re willing to do this. DROOY right now on a technical basis, though, still has problems where GFI and Harmony don’t have problems on a technical basis. Both of them to us are the exact same, technically they’re the same deal. On a fundamental basis, of course, if GFI goes south the folks in the United States, well, the folks that are my listeners, will say: “Well, listen, I’ll just buy something else.” They’re buying the option with the gold in the ground in South Africa, that’s what I get as feedback.

    MINEWEB: Tom O’Brien from Tiger Financial News Network, giving us the American point of view. David?

    DAVID SHAPIRO: You know why he calls it DROOY? Their code in America is DROOY.O, In other words, that’s the code they’ll put in a computer, DROOY.O

    MINEWEB: Maybe your good friend Ilja Graulich from DRD should start listening to guys like this, because DRD is trying to move out of South Africa – and yet their American investing base, if Tom’s right, are buying the stock because they want an option in South Africa.

    NICK GOODWIN: But, Alec, if I can just come in here. They must be very careful of the rand, because I think they misinterpreting the rand. He was saying …

    MINEWEB: Do you think they understand? Do you think they want to understand, Nick?

    NICK GOODWIN: He was saying that the rand is not as strong as what the dollar’s been weak. Well it has been, exactly the same. It’s been matching exactly the same. Now the thing is, if the rand stays at this level – and personally from the work I’ve done I think it’s probably going to stay here for a year – these mines will be devastated, and the gold price in dollars will have no effect on them whatsoever.

    MINEWEB: But if they’re buying the gold in the ground?

    NICK GOODWIN: Well, that gold might never even get mined. It’s better to leave it there than take it out at a loss. So the point is, if the rand price does not move up then our mines here, the optionality, will be destroyed – irrespective of what the dollar price does.

    MINEWEB: Right, just to close off with Nick, you say that the gold price could get to $500 an ounce – but are you looking at that as a longer-term target?

    NICK GOODWIN: Yes, I think down the road the trend certainly is up, but I think after $450 it’s going to be a struggle. It’s not going to move up quickly. It’s going to be a real saw-tooth type action, and that’s going to affect the shares substantially.

    MINEWEB: Nick Goodwin, our gold guru, and before that you heard, from the United States, Tom O’Brien of Tiger Financial. Of his audience of 13 million, potentially many of them are retail gold investors and – how did he put it, David? – for them $60-80,000 is nothing.

    @ pascal

    Ich werde in den nächsten Tagen CDE kaufen.
    Wenn man den Chart anschaut ist schon einiges eingepreist.................
    Ausserdem könnte Silber jederzeit ausbrechen.

    Coeur d'Alene offers 25 mln shares at $4.50 each
    Thu Nov 18, 2004 07:48 PM ET
    NEW YORK, Nov 18 (Reuters) - Coeur d'Alene Mines Corp. (CDE.N: Quote, Profile, Research) , one of the world's largest producers of silver and a large producer of gold, on Thursday said it raised a gross $112.5 million from a public offering of 25 million shares at $4.50 each.
    The Coeur d'Alene, Idaho-based company said it expects to receive net proceeds of about $106.9 million. It said on Nov. 12 it intended to use net proceeds to fund exploration, development and drilling, or to fund potential acquisitions, or for general corporate purposes. It said it may offer an additional 2.5 million shares to meet demand.

    The company had 213.3 million shares outstanding as of Nov. 4, according to its quarterly report.

    CIBC World Markets and J.P. Morgan are arranging the offering. Coeur d'Alene shares fell 12 cents to $4.52 in Thursday trading on the New York Stock Exchange

    @ KNUDDEL, ich bin bitter enttäuscht und depresiv darüber, hätte dir lieber mehr freude bereitet..............

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Aber trotzdem KNUDDEL!!!!!!!
    Mboweni weis genau wohin er den Rand schicken muss leider ist er nicht so mutig.
    Bis zum nächsten grossen Streik der Minenarbeiter.
    Dann kann er wieder Superhero spielen................

    Gruss Cmanson

    Hallo THAI

    Ich finde es sehr schade das du uns verlassen willst.Gründe sind ja klar und sehr verständlich.Du hast eie sehr klare,zielstrebige und gutmütige Seite die ich sehr schätzte und bewundere.
    Aber ich denke das du nicht gehen solltest.Einer oder wir müssen halt immer wieder kämpfen, wenn auch auf vergifteten Territorium.Nur so kann für die eigene Sache kämpfen.
    Niemand verbietet dir ja deine Meinung und du darfst ja das Forum attackieren und in frage stellen.
    Das macht das Forum das DU gestartest hast so interessant.
    Du kannst doch nicht immer wieder gehen.Den du hast in diesem Forum eine Art menschlicher Verpflichtung begonnen die nicht einfach so zum trennen sind.
    Thai du bist unser Freund und wir alle brauchen dich.Scheiss auf Goldseiten aber nicht auf uns.

    Media Releases
    05 October 2004


    Johannesburg, South Africa. 5 October 2004. Durban Roodepoort Deep, Limited (JSE: DUR; NASDAQ: DROOY; ASX: DRD; POM SoX: DRD) has announced that the retrenchment process at its Blyvooruitzicht (Blyvoor) mine, near Carletonville, South Africa, has been completed.

    A total of 1 619 employees have been paid their retrenchment packages and have received skills training vouchers which can be exercised until the second week of December, 2004. All affected employees have left the mine.

    The total cost of the retrenchment exercise was R32 million.

    Skills retention, vital to the success of a drive, going forward, to improve levels of productivity, has been an important feature of the retrenchment process. Breakthrough retrenchment agreements secured with employee organisations specified skills retention as the retrenchment selection criterion, rather than the more commonly practiced last-in-first out (LIFO) criterion.

    Blyvoor’s General Manager, Mark Munroe, said: “I would like to thank all employees and employee organisations for their understanding and support in expediting the retrenchment process. This marks a new beginning for Blyvoor as a smaller, higher grade mine.”

    Blyvoor’s underground tonnage will reduce to about 55 000 tonnes per month from underground. In addition, the mine will process around 240 000 tonnes of slimes dam material per month.

    Michael Marriott, Divisional Director: SA Operations, said: “Blyvoor has a significant reserve potential, and downsizing has preserved this option for the future

    Third of harmony employees may have HIV - report

    By John Fraser
    Gold producer Harmony estimates that up to a third of its local workforce may be infected with HIV/Aids, and believes there is a risk this figure could climb higher, according to the company's annual report, published last week.

    The company is concerned that the incidence of the disease in SA "poses risks to Harmony in terms of potentially reduced productivity and increased medical and other costs".

    "We expect that the impact of HIV/Aids on our cash costs will be in the range of $2 to $5 per ounce."

    The company warned that "we expect that significant increases in the incidence of HIV/Aids infection and HIV/Aids-related diseases among our workforce over the next several years may adversely impact on our operations and financial status".

    However, Harmony said its intention was to "develop and achieve the healthiest workforce possible".

    The company said it was "well on the way" with its "healthiest workforce" campaign which provides quality health care "equivalent to private hospital standards to all employees".

    The facilities range from 24-hour emergency care and intensive-care units, to world class surgical theatres and outpatient facilities.

    "Education in all health matters as well as continuing medical surveillance is the bedrock of our approach."

    Harmony "currently estimates that the HIV/Aids infection rate among the South African workforce may be as high as 33%, a figure we believe is consistent with the overall infection rate in SA".

    Because of the impact on costs and productivity, "we are actively pursuing holistic HIV/Aids awareness campaigns with our workforce and are also providing medical assistance and anti-retroviral treatment".

    "Employees who decide to leave their place of work and return home for care are cared for through the Employment Bureau of Africa's home-based care system, towards which Harmony contributes," the report said.

    Harmony said it did not just focus on prevention and counselling, but its initiative was aimed at having the healthiest workforce in the mining industry.

    "A vision which we believe, if achieved, will give us a greater competitive advantage. The project consists of different task teams that align, implement and closely monitor initiatives in the following focus areas: HIV/Aids, occupational health, tuberculosis, nutrition, hostel facilities, sports and recreation and management of employees waiting to leave the company's service due to ill health."

    Harmony said its HIV/Aids policy was developed with input from different labour representative organisations.

    Harmony used a computer model which estimated that HIV prevalence in its workforce was 33,9% in 2004, and would fall slightly to 33,4% in the current financial year, falling to 24,8% in 2010. The HIV/Aids incapacitation rate was expected to rise from 1,61% of the workforce in 2004 to a peak of 3,26% in 2011.

    The company has negotiated a lower price for highly active anti-retroviral treatment from R1000 per employee per month to R554 per employee per month.

    "As of 24 August 2004, 514 employees are on the (highly active anti-retr oviral) programme, the majority having joined during the past financial year."

    Business Day

    Jedenfalls im November wird in SA nochmals die Zinsen um 0.5%gesenkt .

    2004-11-04 : Monetary Policy Review (17:00) SA

    Das wird endlich den Rand entwerten und die schlussendliche Trendwende einleiten.
    Mboweni steht unter Druck, nur so kann er sich seine Haut retten und das politische Klima beruhigen.


    Ich bin DURBAN schon längerem verfallen.
    Waren das Gestern und Heute schon Panikkäufe.

    Ich stelle mir vor;
    was schon bald eintreffen könnte:

    Der Rand steht bei 7.5/$ und der Goldpreis bei 500$/Unze.

    Wo könnte der Kurs stehen....... ..... .. .

    und das wäre vielleicht erst der Anfang


    Schreib doch wieso du so optimistisch bist.
    Wäre viel anregender als ein eindeutiger Chart hinzukallen.
    Goldbugs sind analütische Investoren, da brauchst du mehr überzeugungsarbeit zu deiner provokanter Aussage?

    Gruss cmanson

    Sunday, August 29, 2004
    September will be memorbale month for metal investor's
    Dear Friends,
    A Small part from my this week newsletter. The last week remained quite stable for metals and metal stocks. Oil went down while coffee remained strong. For this week, I would like to submit a brief but clear message to my followers.

    Metal Investor’s – The one hundred year long wait is finally getting to a close and your number is now next on the queue.

    I would like to once more draw your attention to 4 September. I have talked of this date for long and the waiting is nearly over as the day will finally dawn during this week. The day however falls on a Saturday, during which the world financial market will be closed. I have been predicting for years that metals will strongly rise from September 4, 2004. Once again, I am happy to announce and confirm in this newsletter that yes, metals will start rising very strongly from 4 September. The dream of those who have been waiting for a rally for years will soon be fulfilled.

    I shall be 36 years old on this same date and I feel especially fortunate and elated that my birthday should coincide with the commencement of such a momentous phase.


    My astrological calculations indicate that gold will start rising from 4 September and will be around $448 by 29 September. This translates to a 10% rise. I am eternally grateful to astrology and my methodology since they have enabled me to predict even the prices. When people read what I have predicted well in advance, a few that don’t comprehend how I can predict prices feel that I am crazy. If you can review a few of the predictions from my book, you may start to ruminate on the reason why my methodology has not been accorded due significance.
    For instance: When I completed my 2004 book last year in September I said several important things:

    Oil will continue to rise slowly till the middle of 2004 and after 20 June 2004 a major rally in oil will start and prices will touch $50.
    Silver prices will touch $7.95 in early 2004.
    Gold will touch a new high on 2nd April.
    Platinum prices in early 2004 will cross $900.
    Soybean prices will crash
    After 21 June don’t remain in buying position in Dow Jones etc…
    My anticipated rise in metals will really be a testing time for my work on gold because I am expecting a very strong rise from 4 September and rising momentum will continue for whole month of September. . The rise of Gold prices could be the subject of big talk in the financial community as well as media houses.

    Last year I made a very important statement on gold and silver; “Many big money powerhouses will start accumulating gold and silver”. This is what I now see happening. I am predicting that Billions of dollars will move into gold and silver during the month of September 2004.

    I know that many of my followers have been waiting for the coming of a good time in metals. In addition to being excited of the imminent rise in metal prices I am also thrilled because the power of truth or real money (gold/silver) will become manifest. This is gradually entering into financial houses and edging out the power of paper currencies power. It is taking over exchange control which has promised to deliver value. It is therefore a matter of little time before gold becomes the heart of financial transactions.


    Thanks & God Bless


    - Mahendra

    :: Predictions and News by Mahendra ::
    September will be memorbale month for metal investor's ... More - Sunday, August 29, 2004, Mahendra


    FLASH NEWS - This week newsletter again for free and gold $448 in.. ... More - Thursday, August 26, 2004, Mahendra


    FEW COMMENTS, Alert news on metals and here is this week newsletter ... More - Tuesday, August 17, 2004, Mahendra


    Take your time and read, world financial market 2004 ... More - Friday, August 13, 2004, Mahendra


    Time - yesterday, today and tomorrow ... More - Monday, July 26, 2004, Mahendra Sharma


    Rise in metals and Bangladesh will be under water ... More - Tuesday, July 13, 2004, Mahendra


    Astrology is is this week world financial market ... More - Friday, July 09, 2004, Mahendra

