nein leider nicht
David Morgan (bester anaylst+stockpicker den ich kenne) @ meint gerade dazu: (subscirbers info)
Market Update:
The metals market has shown some good strength but we are becoming a bit wary at this point. One of our leading indicators is how well the mid to large cap mining companies do when the metals rally. Some of the higher quality gold and silver stocks are looking very weary today and the market (metals and mining shares) are overbought at this time. An overbought condition does not carry much weight with us, but the Commitment of Traders report still holds a great deal of value and we are seeing a flashing yellow light, meaning caution is in order. Finally, one of the most expensive but best analytical tools is the Bank Credit Analyst and it has stated that 2007
will see consolidation in the base and precious metals before the next up leg. We somewhat agree at this point that the precious metals may need more time to consolidate before gathering further strength but still see gold moving to over $US 750 and silver moving to our $US 18.00 some time this year.
also schön verkaufen ab jetzt statt blind kaufen
heute ist nicht mehr der 15. juni 2006 Leute:
der zukünfitge Millionär