Beiträge von stafford

    wenn von Explorern überhaupt etwas an substanzvolleren Informationen zur Verfügung gestellt wird ,sind es meist NI 43-101- konforme Berichte.Eine Machbarkeitsstudie ist jedoch von einer besseren Qualität ,ermöglicht eine genaue Einschätzung der Situation und eben der tatsächlichen Durchführbarkeit unter wirtschaftlichen Aspekten.Letztendlich ein Qualitätsnachweis für den Explorers.

    Auszug aus: feasibility study for the Fäboliden gold project

    "Key features for Fäboliden Gold project:
    Measured and indicated mineral resources are estimated to approx. 60 Mt and contained Au at 2.4, corresponding to proven and probable reserves of 1.94 In addition there are inferred resources amounting to approx. 10 Mt (not included in this evaluation).
    Average Au grade after dilution in the open pit: 1.2 g/t.
    Average Au grade after dilution for the underground production: 1.07 g/t.
    Cash cost open pit, dollar/oz: 385
    Cash cost underground, dollar/oz: 485
    Mining and processing are scheduled to start 2011.
    Annual processing capacity: 4.6 Mt.
    Accumulated cash flow is estimated to approx. SEK 3,500 million (excluding interest costs) after 100% of the investment is paid off.
    Pay-off time: 4 years.
    Capital Expenditure (Capex) is estimated to SEK 1,770 million for the open pit and SEK 280 million for the underground mine."

    Key features for Fäboliden Gold project: (PDF-Datei)

    Auszug aus
    Press release: Lycksele April 25, 2008
    Lappland Goldminers presents a feasibility study for the Fäboliden gold project

    Summary for alternatives at current prices of February 1, 2008,
    and conservatively estimated grades:
    Measured and indicated mineral resources are estimated to
    approx. 60 Mt and contained Au at 2.4, corresponding
    to proven and probable reserves of 1.94 In addition
    there are inferred resources amounting to approx. 10 Mt (not
    included in this evaluation).
    Average Au grade after dilution in the open pit: 1.2 g/t.
    Average Au grade after dilution for the underground
    production: 1.07 g/t.
    Cash cost open pit, USD/oz: 385 / [428]
    Cash cost underground, USD/oz: 485 / (539)
    Planned start of operation 2011
    Production 4.6 million tons of ore per year
    Pay-back time 4 years. The value of accumulated cash flow,"
    Press release: Lycksele April 25, 2008

    Press release: Lycksele April 25, 2008

    Bullion River Gold Corp. (OTCBB: BLRV) announced today that it has filed
    a Form 15 with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the
    "SEC") suspending its reporting obligations under the Securities Exchange
    Act of 1934. Upon the filing of the Form 15, the company's obligation to
    file current and periodic reports, including Forms 8-K, 10-Q and 10-K
    will be suspended until the company's total assets exceed $10 million and
    its shareholders of record exceed 500. In addition, the company's common
    stock will cease trading on the OTC Bulletin Board. Due to the high cost
    of compliance under the securities laws, rules and regulations applicable
    to public companies, including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the
    company's board of directors determined that it could no longer afford to
    remain a public company.

    Bullion River Gold Corp.
    Tim Callaway
    (775) 324-4881

    Copyright 2008, Market Wire, All rights reserved.


    © Thomson Reuters 2008 All rights reserved…39+14-Nov-2008+MW20081114

    "The Company has completed the necessary planning work and arranged the required financing by loan to start mining production at the Pahtavaara mine in northern Finland. The plan is to start production immediately, and to bring it up to full capacity during spring 2009. The production through the processing plant is estimated to be 400 000 tons of ore from the mine and 100 000 tons from the waste rock deposit, totalling 500,000 ton/year, equivalent to approx. 900 kg (29,000 oz) gold/year, at a production cost of around 480 USD /oz with the exchange rate of 8.10 SEK/USD. The annual profit for the wholly-owned subsidiary Lappland Goldminers OY, starting from spring 2009, is estimated to be around 50 MSEK (6.5 MUSD) with current exchange rate, before depreciation and interest."…goldmine_Finland_n2816875

    Ein Explorer/Producer mit Substanz?!

    Lappland Goldminers is planning mine production for a minimum of three years at the Pahtavaara gold mine in Finland
    Zitat daraus:
    "In June the company started production of gold from old mine waste from the mine in Pahtavaara according to earlier published press release. Production from the mine will start in 2008 and in the spring of 2009 the company plans to be in full production at a level of 400.000 tonnes of ore from the mine per year"

    Lt. Machbarkeitsstudie - vom April 2008 - für das Fäboliden Gold Project wird die Mine im Tagebau starten und in den ersten 8 Jahren einen cash flow von 500 Mio.SEK ~ 50 Mio.Euro / Jahr generieren.Die bisher bekannten Reserven sind ausreichend für eine Produktionsdauer von 12 Jahren.

    BetaFaktor:Lappland Goldminers völlig unterschätzter Wert…ysen-Ausland-1813569.html

    FOCUS-MONEY :Lappland Goldminers ein sehr spekulatives Investment.…ysen-Ausland-1784797.html

    Traderkournal 20/08:Lappland Goldminers:In fünf Jahren Europas größter Goldproduzent?

    3-Jun-08 09:42 am I've spoken to TC. His objective is to operate in such a manner that BLRV will be self-sufficient and eventually run in the black, although alternate financing is now available without excess dilution. The potential for this property is excellent as long as the projects currently underway are successful, and these are efficient and small-expense inprovements that are well thought-out. The mine must remain relatively small-scale at this time to be both cost-efficent and productive. The long-run potential is good; the departure of PK and his overlarge plans and promises will allow BLRV's management to fix what was broken without breaking the bank. I have every confidence in TC, who is highly knowledgable regarding the mine and planning such projects with a high rate of success. He is intelligent, confident and honest, with no huge promises,; the only promise is his utter commitment to bringing BLRV back into the game at a profit. Time will tell.…4417&mid=4417&tof=7&frt=2

    Mit einem fähigem und erfahrenem Management kann sich die Situation nur verbessern.

    Der letzte Beitrag im Bullion-Blog von Glenn Blachford.
    Die beiden letzten Sätzte sind sind interessant
    gcb57 Says:
    March 5, 2008 at 3:49 pm

    From Glenn:
    I was informed late last week that my services were no longer required. The reason may be traced back to the initial sentences in the last paragraph of my last posting on this blog. I obviously posted something there that was damaging to ongoing negotiations and am now paying for it. I have obviously lost the confidence of the board of directors and Peter.

    It was not my intent to cause any grief with the comments as written but evidently that was the result. I recognize that Peter is under enormous stress and I would not knowingly exacerbate the problem. I fear that I may have irreparably damaged a 20+ year friendship. In Peter's absence from work the blog will be handled by Mitch Wagner and I believe Allen Wilson will be commenting as well.

    In leaving I would like to say that I enjoyed my time trading comments with the shareholders and I hope I helped. I remain a shareholder and look forward to the success of the company. I think the company has a bright future if it is able to get through the next few months and complete the infrastructure improvements as planned.


    Peter Kuhn ist zum 21. April 2008 als CEO von Bullion River Gold Corp. zurückgetreten (worden ? ).
    Nach Nancy Huber , Lester C. Knight , Susan Jeffs Rücktritt und der Rauswurf von Glenn Blachford ist damit das komplette alte Management nicht mehr on board.

    #2836 von stafford2 03.04.08 17:47:59 Beitrag Nr.: 33.801.601
    Dieses Posting: versenden | melden | drucken | Antwort schreiben | BULLION RIVER GOLD CORP

    WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

    FORM 12B-25


    [X] Form 10-K [ ] Form 20-F [ ] Form 11-K [ ] Form 10-Q [ ] Form N-SAR

    For the Period Ended: DECEMBER 31, 2007

    If the notification relates to a portion of the filing checked above, identify
    the Item(s) to which the notification relates: N/A

    PART I - REGISTRANT INFORMATION Full Name of Registrant: Bullion River Gold Corp.

    Former Name if Applicable:

    Address of Principal Executive Office: 3500 Lakeside Court, Suite 200

    City, State, and Zip Code: Reno, NV 89509

    PART II - RULES 12B-25(B) AND (C)

    If the subject report could not be filed without unreasonable effort or expense and the registrant seeks relief pursuant to Rule 12(b)-25(b), the following should be completed. (Check box if appropriate)

    (a) The reasons described in reasonable detail in Part III of this Form could not be eliminated without unreasonable effort or expense;

    [X] (b) The subject annual report, semi-annual report, transition report on Form 10-K, Form 20-F, 11-K or Form N-SAR, or portion thereof, will be filed on or before the fifteenth calendar day following the prescribed due date; or the subject quarterly report of the transition report on Form 10-Q, or portion thereof will be filed on or before the fifth calendar day following the prescribed due date; and

    (c) the accountant's statement or other exhibit required by Rule 12b-25(c) has been attached if applicable.


    State below in reasonable detail the reasons why Form 10-K, 20-F, 11-K, 10-Q, N-SAR, or the transition report portion thereof could not be filed within the prescribed time period.

    The Company does not yet have all the information it needs to complete the preparation of its financial statements.


    (1) Name and telephone number of person to contact in regard to this notification:

    Peter M. Kuhn Bullion River Gold Corp.

    (775) 324-4881

    (2) Have all other periodic reports required under Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or Section 30 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 during the preceding 12 months or for such shorter period that the Registrant was required to file such report(s) been filed. If the answer is no, identify the report(s):

    [x] Yes [ ] No

    (3) Is it anticipated that any significant change in results of operations from the corresponding period for the last fiscal year will be reflected by the earnings statements to be included in the subject report or portion thereof?
    [x] Yes [ ] No

    If so, attach an explanation of the anticipated change, both narratively and quantitatively, and, if appropriate, state the reasons why a reasonable estimate of the results cannot be made.

    The Company anticipates significant changes in results of operations for the quarter ending December 31, 2007 compared to the corresponding period for the quarter ending December 31, 2006. These changes are a result of the Company's commencement of production mining during 2007, as opposed to the Company's test mining which was conducted in the corresponding period for 2006. Because the Company does not yet have all the information it needs to complete the preparation of its financial statements, it cannot quantitatively estimate the anticipated change.
    Bullion River Gold Corp.
    (Name of Registrant as specified in charter)

    has caused this notification to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized. Date: March 31, 2008
    /s/ Peter M. Kuhn
    By: Peter M. Kuhn
    Chief Executive Officer

    Glenn C. Blachford, vice president of engineering wurde entlassen!!!


    gcb57 Says:
    March 5, 2008 at 3:49 pm

    From Glenn:
    I was informed late last week that my services were no longer required. The reason may be traced back to the initial sentences in the last paragraph of my last posting on this blog. I obviously posted something there that was damaging to ongoing negotiations and am now paying for it. I have obviously lost the confidence of the board of directors and Peter.

    It was not my intent to cause any grief with the comments as written but evidently that was the result. I recognize that Peter is under enormous stress and I would not knowingly exacerbate the problem. I fear that I may have irreparably damaged a 20+ year friendship. In Peter's absence from work the blog will be handled by Mitch Wagner and I believe Allen Wilson will be commenting as well.

    In leaving I would like to say that I enjoyed my time trading comments with the shareholders and I hope I helped. I remain a shareholder and look forward to the success of the company. I think the company has a bright future if it is able to get through the next few months and complete the infrastructure improvements as planned.


    Promoting Bullion River (Not rated)
    11-Oct-07 11:49 am Just got off the phone with Glenn. They have someone to update the website, so we will be seeing changes there. Glenn reiterated that he plans to announce production every two weeks, so if they are making improvements we will all see the trend. They do plan to get back to 24/7 like most other mines do.

    Currently working about 8 faces, planning to increase that. The more faces they work on the higher the tonnage processed. They are also paying attention to grade, seeking that elusive one ounce per ton Peter brags about.

    Until they are cash flow positive there will not be any serious outside marketing of the company, so its up to us if we want outsiders to get interested. There must be at least one gold stock analyst who would be interested in a start-up mine like BLRV, assuming they execute on their plans. Time will tell.


    Sentiment : Strong Buy
    Rate it:

    1 star + unrated 5 stars…

    French Gulch Daten entsprechen nicht dem NI 43-101 Standard.

    New Technical Reports on French Gulch Mine, Mission and Wenban Spring Properties
    Download hier den kompletten Report::

    Zitat aus "New Technical Reports on French Gulch Mine, Mission and Wenban Spring Properties"

    on the
    French Gulch Mining District
    Shasta and Trinity Counties, California, USA
    Suite 200 - 3500 Lakeside Court
    Reno, NV, 89509
    Tel: 775-324-4881 Fax: 775-324-7893
    Edward Harrington, B.Sc., P.Geo.
    3476 Dartmoor Place
    Vancouver, BC, V5S 4G2
    Tel: 604-437-9538 Fax: 604-437-9531
    7 January 2007

    The following estimates of possible gold grades and tonnage have been included to
    give a conceptual idea of the size of the exploration target, and are not to be viewed
    or interpreted as NI 43-101-compliant Mineral Reserves or Resources, as currently
    defined by C.I.M. terminology. While the figures prepared by or for BLRV are based
    on relevant French Gulch-related data from various sources, they are not intended to
    and do not meet NI 43-101 standards.
    BLRV and the writer are not treating the estimates as a NI 43-101 defined resource
    or reserve. The writer's estimates are intended solely for reference in conceptual
    discussion, and therefore should not be relied upon for any other purpose.

    DGAP-News: Bullion River Gold Corp.

    18:51 11.06.07


    Corporate News übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EquityStory AG.
    Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent verantwortlich.

    BULLION RIVER GOLD CORP. hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass zwei neue
    Adersysteme in der French Gulch Mine durchörtert worden sind.

    Die neuen Adern sind massiver als erwartet
    Gesteinsproben beinhalten mehrere Unzen Gold pro Tonne

    RENO, Nevada - 8. Juni, 2007-Bullion River Gold Corp. (OTCBB: BLRV,
    Frankfurt: BVM, WKN A0B931), hat heute mitgeteilt, dass die Washington- und
    Deanadern der French Gulch Mine in einem Querschlag von der
    Hauptförderstrecke angefahren worden sind. Der Abbau entlang dieser Systeme
    wird innerhalb weniger Tage beginnen.

    Ferner ist zu berichten, dass die Washington- und Deanadern erheblich
    mächtiger sind als historische Informationen erwarten ließen. Zusätzlich
    haben die Gesteinsanalysen der beiden Adern von mehreren Unzen pro Tonne
    auch ausgezeichnete Goldgehalte nachgewiesen. Die Washington- und Deanadern
    werden in Kürze den French Gulch Abbau aus der Lucky 7 Ader ergänzen, so
    dass dann Produktionsbereiche in drei unterschiedlichen Systemen

    Des Weiteren ist zu vermelden, dass in diesen drei Systemen jeweils mehrere
    Örter auffahren werden, wodurch die Minenproduktion ansteigen wird. Die im
    Mai fertiggestellte neue Brecheranlage hat sich bewährt, wodurch die
    Stilllstandszeiten der Aufbereitung beträchtlich vermindert werden. Dieser,
    dem neuesten Stand der Technik ensprechende Brecher, hat die potentielle
    Kapazität der Aufbereitung auf 250 Tonnen pro Tag erhöht.

    'Wir sind mit allen Gesichtspunkten der Produktionsenwicklung hoch
    zufrieden.' sagte Peter M. Kuhn, Präsident der Bullion River Gold Corp.
    'Wir hatten erwartet, dass diese beiden neuen Adersysteme hohe Goldgehalte
    ausweisen würden, und wir sind jetzt sehr glücklich, dass wir dieses
    bestätigen konnten. Mit dem Anfahren dieser beiden Adern befinden wir uns
    jetzt in einer Situation, in der wir unsere Planung in die Tat umsetzen
    können, um die Goldproduktion innerhalb der kommenden Wochen zu erhöhen.

    Als Ansprechpartner für unsere zahlreichen deutschsprachigen Aktionäre bzw.
    Interessenten konnten wir Herrn Wolfram Böhm für den Bereich Investor
    Relations gewinnen.'

    Über Bullion River Gold Corp.
    Bullion River Gold Corp. ist eine amerikanische Metall-Explorations- und
    Produktionsgesellschaft, die sich überwiegend auf Gebiete in den westlichen
    Vereinigten Staaten konzentriert, die bekannte Gold- und Silberlagerstätten
    aufweisen. Die Gesellschaft verfügt über acht Liegenschaften, von denen
    sich fünf in Nevada befinden. Zwei der Nevada Liegenschaften sind
    fortgeschrittene Explorationsprojekte, während die verbleibenden drei als
    Basisprojekte zu sehen sind. Die drei restlichen Liegenschaften befinden
    sich in Kalifornien. Alle drei sind ehemalige Goldminen.

    Kontaktieren Sie für weitere Informationen Wolfram Böhm, Investor Relations
    Bullion River Gold Corp. unter 089-30646097 oder,
    die Webseite des Unternehmens unter oder die Webseite
    der U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission unter um die letzten
    Meldungen von Bullion River Gold Corp. anzusehen.

    (c)DGAP 11.06.2007

    Bullion River Gold Corp (the Company) has had the following significant changes in results of operations for the year ended December 31, 2006 compared to the corresponding prior year ending December 31, 2005:

    ·Revenues for 2006 were approximately $800,000 as compared to zero in 2005.
    ·Cost of goods sold for 2006 were approximately $2.3 million as compared to zero in 2005.
    ·Operating expenses in 2006 were approximately $13 million as compared to $5.4 million in 2005.

    NT 10-K 1 bullion_ext.htm NOTIFICATION OF LATE FILING…19687-07-000934-index.htm

    Übersetzt hiermit:

    Das kommt heraus:

    Metallbarrenfluss Goldenes GmbH (die Firma) hat die Folgende bedeutsame Änderungen in Ergebnissen der Betriebe für das Jahr haben beendet am 31. Dezember, 2006 verglichen zum Entsprechen Vorjahr beendend am 31. Dezember, 2005 gehabt:

    ·Einkünfte für 2006 waren ungefähr $800.000 im Vergleich zu null in 2005. ·Kosten der Güter haben verkauft für 2006 waren ungefähr $2,3 Millionen im Vergleich zu null in 2005. ·Betriebskosten in 2006 waren ungefähr $13 Millionen im Vergleich zu $5,4 Millionen in 2005.