Beiträge von newtechxl

    A Valley full of Silver !

    by Christian Wirth

    Located in the Northwest of the United States in the state of Idaho is the location of the famous “Idaho Silver Valley” which produced more than 1 billion ounces since 1884. Since the discovery of silver in the area there has been a continuous production. Incredibly about 5 per cent of the silver rich district have been explored adequately till today. It is expected that there are still over one billion mineable silver ounces. The valley is the richest area of primary silver on the planet. Famous mines are the Sunshine, Bunker Hill, Galena, Coeur and Lucky Friday. The main players are Sterling Mining, Hecla Mining and Coeur d´ Alene Mines. After a deep depression the Silver Valley is going to awaken and many mining companies are working to set up production again. The rise of the silver price opens the opportunity to have a profitable production. The costs of production can nowadays, because of new mining technologies and a good infrastructure easily compete with other silver mining regions in the world. There are already around 1000 miles of shafts and tunnels in the valley and inexpensive hydroelectric power and good transportation are available.

    Mining in the Valley is a rather predictable business (by mining standards!). You get a skilled labour force, a ton of geological data, known metallurgy and an established low cost infrastructure combined with a stable environment.

    Interesting to know is that Wallace, the capital of the Silver Valley, was once described as the “richest little city on earth”. Most of the miners used to have their headquarters there. Silver Valley companies were coveted by Middle Eastern royalties, Texas oilmen and London financiers, because they saw their investments in the valley as a hedge against US economic uncertainty.

    Another important city for mining and mining stocks was Spokane. In 1980 there had been about 130 companies that were traded at the Spokane Stock exchange. The Exchange specialised in mining stocks and provided the trading of the stocks from the valley. In 1991, because of the bear market in silver the exchange closed and also many of the miners where merged or went out of business. Most of the remaining companies stayed on the OTC, in order to reduce the costs and to wait for the next silver bull market. Actually there are about 36 mining companies that are listed.

    You can divide them into producer, explorer and lease companies. It is still difficult to get good information and research material, but that is also the challenge for the investors, as we know that the early bird catches the worm.

    28 June 2005

    Christian Wirth is a commentator of the silver market with focus on the “Idaho Silver Valley”

    Abcourt hat a schon "1100" !!! Löcher auf ihrem Property. Das heißt sie kennen ihre Gebiet ganz genau . Das Sommerdrill Programm ist dazu da, um die Lage der Open Pit Produktion , die 2006 anfängt zu bestimmen.

    Mont-St-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada, June 28, 2005


    Abcourt Mines Inc. has given a diamond drilling contract for a minimum of 35 holes totalling 4,400 meters on the Abcourt-Barvue silver/zinc property to a Val-d’Or, Quebec, contractor. The drilling will start at the beginning of July and the objective is to increase and improve the quality of the resource that may be extracted by open pit at depths of 60 to 120 meters. The drilling results will influence our mining plans. Our objective is to be in production in eighteen (18) months from now. Abcourt has a competent management team to realize this work program.

    A National Instrument 43-101 resource calculation recently completed by Innovexplo of Val-d’Or, Quebec, indicates that the Abcourt-Barvue property has a resource close to 7 million tonnes in measured, indicated and inferred categories. For more details see our Press Release dated March 31, 2005.

    @ Tschonko

    Abcourt hat keine Probleme mit der Finanzierung, Hinse wollte Elder an T.O.M verkaufen, weil Abcourt sich auf Silber konzentriert und das Barvue Property in die Produktion führen möchte. Macht absolut Sinn, da Infrastruktur vorhanden ist, und die Mine als open pit betrieben werden kann. Frühjahr 2006 soll produziert werden. Die Arbeiten dafür haben schon begonnen. Mir kommt es vor, als ob einige die Situation falsch verstehen. Elder wurde nicht wegen Finanzierungsproblemen verkauft!

    Wir sollten aber auf den Abcourt Tread wechseln !!!! hier ist cabo, sorry!


    @ Tschonko

    Bei Abcourt gibt es keinen Haken, Problem ist, dass viele kleine Silberminen noch recht unbekannt sind. z.B Avino,

    Bin voll in Avino , Cabo und Abcourt investiert. Klasse Werte, hab ein wenig Geduld und Du wirst eine Menge Spaß haben.


    Cabo Announces Greenland Drilling Contract with International Molybdenum Ltd.
    Monday June 20, 4:02 pm ET

    NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - June 20, 2005) - Cabo Mining Enterprises Corp. (TSX VENTURE:CBE - News; "Cabo" or the "Company") today announces its subsidiary Heath & Sherwood Drilling (1986) Inc. ("Heath & Sherwood") has entered into a contract with International Molybdenum Ltd., a subsidiary of Galahad Gold Plc. to perform both underground and surface diamond core drilling on their Malmberg Project located on the east coast of Greenland, near latitude 72? North. This deposit has been identified through previous exploration activities as a world class molybdenum deposit.
    As part of the proposed Malmberg work program, International Molybdenum Ltd. plans to drill 25 holes to upgrade the resource estimate at Malmberg to Measured/Indicated status and to confirm the extent of high-grade zones in the deposit and undertake further geotechnical work. Heath & Sherwood is providing the drilling equipment and personnel, which include 1 surface and 2 underground drills, and Knight Piesold Ltd., an engineering company, is providing the instructions for the actual geotechnical work. This geotechnical work includes, but is not limited to, core orientation, ground permeability, rock stress testing, and rock permeability testing using an in-hole packer assembly.

    The logistics of this project are quite challenging. The equipment must be taken to Iceland via ship, flown to an airstrip in Greenland via aircraft, then moved again to the jobsite via helicopter for assembly. Provisions have to be in place for permafrost drilling should it be encountered. A camp is on-site to accommodate the drill crews, mining contractor, engineering company and International Molybdenum Ltd. personnel. On-site operations began in mid-April and are going well.

    Heath & Sherwood was chosen for the project in part due to their years of overseas experience, moving drilling equipment and personnel by sea and via fixed-wing aircraft or helicopter in the high Arctic.

    Cabo Mining Enterprises Corp. is a drilling services and mineral exploration company headquartered in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Company provides drilling services through its subsidiaries Heath & Sherwood Drilling (1986) Inc., of Kirkland Lake, Ontario; Petro Drilling Company Limited of Springdale, Newfoundland; Stratacan Inc. of St. John's, Newfoundland; Forages Cabo Inc. of Montreal, Quebec; and Advanced Drilling Ltd. of Surrey, British Columbia. Cabo's mineral exploration properties are located near Cobalt, Kenora, and Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. The Company's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol: CBE.


    (signed "John A. Versfelt")

    John A. Versfelt
    Chairman, President and CEO

    Der erste Silber-Indexfonds steht in den Startlöchern

    Was bereits in den letzten Wochen als Gerücht in einschlägigen Presseberichten kursierte ist nun Wirklichkeit geworden: Der erste Indexfonds auf Silber wurde beantragt. Barclays Global Investors hat einen entsprechenden Antrag bei der US-Börsenaufsichtsbehörde gestellt. Der Silber-ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) würde an der American Stoch Exchange unter dem Symbol „SLV“ gehandelt werden. Nun hängt es an der US-Börsenaufsichtsbehörde, ob sie dem Antrag stattgeben wird.

    @ Planspieler : JA

    Minews Story
    Date: June 10, 2005

    Genco Is growing Production Of Silver And Gold At Its Own Mining District In Mexico.

    The team from Genco Resources turned up at the last Minesite Forum, not to present, but to introduce their company to London investors attending the Forum over a glass of wine. That is the great attraction of these Forums , apart from the presentations. Directors of junior mining companies from all over the world know they can come and meet a fascinating cross section of the UKs mining community including Scotland and Ireland. And it can go further than that as it is not unknown for fund managers from Europe’s leading capitals to attend as well. Not every company will be as interesting as Genco, but actual producers of silver and gold in the junior sector are rare as hens’ teeth.

    Not only that, but the company has 100 per cent control of a complete mining district in central Mexico which dates back to Spanish times as does the Sierra Madre Occidental Silver and Gold mineral belt on which it is situated. Little modern exploration has taken place in the Temascaltepec district, but it is encouraging that Wheaton River and Penoles have mines on the belt to the north and IMMSA and Teck-Miranda to the south. The La Guitarra mine was acquired in August 2003 from a subsidiary of Wheaton River for US$5 million of which US$1 million was paid in shares and the rest is payable in annual instalments of US$500,000.

    Not a bad deal, but although La Guitarra had been mined for 10 years, Wheaton River had ambitions elsewhere and the mine went into decline as resources were directed away from it. This opportunity occurred a short time after the company was taken over by its present management and changed from a bust auto company to a thriving miner.

    The board is not populated by the great and the good, though great and good they may well be, but by some mining men with amazing track records and one, Edward Luna, who is President of the Mexican Mining Chamber which is a shrewd move. Richard Hughes, who joined the board recently, was a key figure in the discovery of one of the world’s largest gold mines, Golden Giant at Hemlo in Ontario. He also has notches on his belt for the discoveries of the Balmoral mine in Quebec and several others. Joseph Church did 37 years in senior positions with Inco and was involved with multiple discoveries and developments ranging from copper-nickel PGMs in South Africa, through nickel in Manitoba to the Golden Pond gold deposit in Canada. They know what they are doing and they have a project with potential to add resources and increase production through the mill.

    The most recent report on production is for the three months to end October when sales rose by 43 per cent to C$1.3 million and production rose by 25 per cent to 147,966 silver equivalent ounces. Not too much to write home about at this stage, but it is positive cash flow and the company is well financed as it raised $4.3 million at the beginning of this year. The funds received from the private placement will be used to fund development projects including continued underground development of the high grade San Rafael zone, tailings expansion and the purchase of additional mining equipment, will allow increased mill throughput and better utilization of existing mill capacity. Exploration will focus on several high priority targets including the previously identified San Rafael 11 zone located 240 metres southeast of the San Rafael zone.

    The La Guitarra mine is a mechanised underground operation employing cut-and-fill technology with rubber tyred haulage equipment. The immediate plan for management is to double output to 300 tonnes/day and the forecast is for production of 700,000 silver equivalent ounces in 2005 and 1.2 million ounces of silver equivalent in 2006. In order to achieve this it wants to have at least two years of reserves ahead of it and it already has a number of targets which are being drilled. The San Raphael ore zone is only just over 300 metres south east of the nearest zone at La Guitarra and the ore is high grade as it was a blind discovery which had eluded previous explorers. They tended to concentrate on the bonanza shoots close to surface that are typical of epithermal vein-type deposits. Genco is looking deeper under gravels or basalt and following blind leads where veins pinch out temporarily.

    This is a good, solid company which should be around many years from now. Its shareholders may not die from over-excitement, but it should add to its resources and the number of mines operated at a steady pace. It has scope to expand production with sensible additions to the plant and who knows? It might even pay a dividend at some future date

    Cream Minerals und die Diamanten von Sierra Leone
    25.05.2005 cs - Daily

    Afrika birgt nach wie vor große Mengen an Bodenschätzen – eine Tatsache, die wohl mehr zu Krieg als zum Wohlstand auf dem Kontinent beigetragen hat. Immer wieder ist zu hören von Milizen und Bürgerkriegsparteien, die um die Vorkommen an Gold, Diamanten und anderen wertvollen Bodenschätzen kämpfen. Mit welchem Erfolg? Weite Landstriche sind vom Krieg gekennzeichnet: Leid, Armut und Zerstörung.

    Mancherorts beginnen die Parteien zu begreifen, dass Krieg und nicht der Gegner der schlimmere Feind ist. Bevor sich diese Erkenntnis jedoch vollständig durchsetzt, mag wohl noch eine Generation vergehen.

    Trotzdem wagen sich immer wieder auch westliche Bergbaugesellschaften in die afrikanischen Krisenregionen. Denn die Gewinne sind einfach viel verlockender als in anderen, stabileren Bergbauregionen. Die Gründe hierfür liegen zum einen in der aus Sicht des Bergbaus günstigen Bedingungen wie vielerorts hoher Mineralkonzentration und Größe der Vorkommen und andererseits in den Betriebskosten durch preiswerte lokale Arbeiter.

    Die kanadische Explorations-Gesellschaft Cream Minerals Ltd. ist eine dieser westlichen Bergbaugesellschaften, die von den Schätzen Afrikas angezogen werden. Das Unternehmen mit Projekten in Mexiko und Kanada startet nun in Sierra Leone ein Diamant-Explorations-Programm. Der zu hebende Schatz: Eine unabhängige geologische Studie über Sierra Leone schreibt dem Lizenzgebiet von Cream Minerals ein großes Potential von 1,8 Mio. Karat Diamanten zu. Diese Studie entspricht jedoch nicht den hohen Anforderungen des kanadischen National Instrument 43-101. Das bedeutet, es steht nicht fest, ob die Diamanten überhaupt wirtschaftlich abbaubar sind. Das nun begonnene Explorations-Programm hat daher zum Ziel dies festzustellen.

    Was bedeutet dies für Anleger? Nun, es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten: Entweder stellt das Explorations-Programm fest, dass erhebliche Mengen Diamanten wirtschaftlich abbaubar sind oder nicht. Und entsprechend wird sich die Aktie entwickeln. Unsere Einschätzung: Risikoreich.

    Das habe ich noch gefunden:

    Merger Mines owns 380 acres of patented silver claims in the Silver Valley of northern Idaho, located between the Sunshine Mine, controlled by Sterling Mining Company, and the American Silver and Sterling East/West properties being explored by Coeur. Nearby properties with historical silver production include the Consil property with more than 20 million ounces of silver production and the Coeur, with more than 40 million ounces of silver production

    July 20, 2004 - Merger Mines is pleased to announce that it has leased its 380 acre property to Sterling Mining Company for exploration. The lease requires a work commitment of $25,000 the first 18 months, $100,000 the second 18 months, $25,000 to $100,000 per year thereafter, and a net smelter return of up to 5%.

    Sterling will expand their current surface geophysical and geochemical exploration programs onto Merger ground from the Consil Property. A number of targets areas have been identified, focusing on the Silver Summit and Big Creek fault zones.

    Hallo Leute

    Habe mal wieder was ausgegraben. Kennt jemand Merger Mines aus dem Silver Valley ? Ist eine kleine Gesellschaft, die ihre Properties an Sterling geleased hat.

    Grüsse, newtechxl