Silber, besser gesagt Papier Silber...
Beiträge von ordineteutonico
Tut mir leid, aber mir ist das alles etwas zu hoch. Kommt mir irgenwie auch vor wie lesen im Kaffeesatz. Ich verstehe nicht wie man aus Bildern wie "Tasse mit Henkel" auf die weitere Entwicklung geschlossen werden kann. Ebenso verstehe ich bei den Chartanalysen nicht wieso Ähnlichkeiten im Verlauf für die Zukunft aussagekräftig sind. Aus meiner Sicht ist das doch mehr oder weniger Zufall wenn´s den tatsächlich so kommt.
Gruß Bellini
Meinst du so etwas mit Kafeesatz lesen?
Hier ist ein langfristiger chart fur yields.
In den '30 Jahre yield 2,00 Gold preis 35. Also ratio 0,6.
'70: yield 7,00 Gold preis 400 (?) im durschnitt. Ratio: 0,17
81: yield 14,00 Gold preis 850, Ratio 0,16
Heute ratio 0,04....
Es wird also immer schlimmer.
Aber kann immer noch nicht verstehen warum genau dieser ratio immer tiefer wird.
Hat es mit der Monetare Funktion des Goldes zu tun???
[Blockierte Grafik:]
wie kommt ihr auf dieses ergebnis im chart??? ein ration von 0,04....wenn ich die zinsen der 10jahre traesury nehme und durch goldkurs teile,kommt bei mir 0,004 heraus...kann mich jemand aufklären??? danke.
1 Prozent Zins ist gleich 10 auf den Chart. Aktuelle sind die 10y Yields 4,0% also 40 auf chart. 40/1100 = 0,04
Hier mal zwei Interessante ratios, die klar stellen wie wenig die Fed und der Staat die Lage ernst nehmen. Yield aud 10 Jahre Treasuries gegen Gold und CRBindex. Falls dieses Ratio auf Jahr 2000 waehre wurden 20% Zinsen erforderlich. Der Eindruck ist dass je laenger diese Ratios gedruckt werden je gewaltsamer wird der Anstieg von Gold und Rohstoffe in Zukunft sein. Und dementsprechend hohere Zinsen fur die Unterdruckung von den Anstieg erforderlich. Eine Hyperinflation wird eben angebaut? Falls jemand die moglichkeit haette diese ratios vor 1981 zu besorgen wurde mir ein sehr grossen gefallen tun. Danke im voraus.
Es scheint mir eigentlich unglaublich dass die Aktien von so eine Firma zu diese Preise verschenkt wird.
US Stock Price $16.89
CA Stock Price $17.31
Shares Outstanding 78.723 Mil
Market Capitalization $1329.3 Mil
Enterprise Value $1407.7 Mil
Cash $132.8 Mil
Debt $211.2 Mil
Cash Burn Rate 17.8 Mil $/Month
Months To Burn 7.4
Trailing P/E N/A
Forward P/E N/A
Price/Book 2.5
Price/Sales 248.3
Comparison Metrics
Enterprise Value Per Unit (EVPU) $/oz 3.0 0.3 0.2 0.2
Speculative Potential (SP) 2.32 2.63 2.84 2.84
Adjusted Speculative Potential (ASP) % 31.6 -9.3 -26.6 -26.6
Leverage Mil $ 1.0 -
Silber Standard: head & shoulder und moglicher cup&handle. Danach. Uber 19 C$ ein sicherer eintrittkurs.
Hui lasst mir ein gemischten Eindruck.
Paar charts vielleicht geht es ja in dieser richtung weiter.
Was bleibt für uns, Ärger oder Freude. Was Silber betrifft Freude, denn es lässt uns weitherin Zeit eine Rente auf Silberbasis aufzubauen, da irgendwann das Silber in der Industrie gebraucht wird, ist eine Ende der Spielchen in den nächsten 20 Jahren wohl abzusehen. Im Bereich Gold eher Ärger, das Spiel wird ewig unter Dulden der Aufsichtsbehörden so weitergehen.
Eher nicht wenn die Silber Manipulation zusammen bricht passiert dass Selbe auch bei Gold. Und umgekehrt dass Selbe.
Hallo hab mir mal die Presentation angeschaut, das Konzept scheint gut zu sein, einziger Zweifel sind die Resourcen die fur 500 mio MK stehen. Weiss jemand wieviel gold equivalents die im Boden haben?
Scheint so zu sein das die Griechen von der eigene Pleite profitieren wollen... wie heisst den rechtlich so ein benemen?
Rein hypothetisch ....
1. Man wird 1: 1 in Drachmen -Scheine umtauschen - vielleicht laufen dann Euro und Drachme einige Zeit parallel im Bargeldverkehr
2. einige Griechen richten sich Auslandskonten mit ihren Euros ein
3. andere Griechen packen die Euros unters Kopfkissen und nehmen sie dann zum Einkauf im Urlaub in D mit
Ich kann es mir so vorstellen. Die Euros die an der Bank schlafen werden in Drakmen umgetauscht, gehen daher zur Zentralbank und als Reserve verwendet.
Der Rest in Privater Hand wird Inflation in den restlichen EU Staten.
Eine Frage zum Thema Griechenland: was passiert den 25 - 30 Miliarden (Papier-Cash) Euros die in Greichenland Heimat haben falls Greichenland aus dem Euro austritt? Bleiben die als Geschenk für den "netten" aufenthalt?
Zu Silvercrest:
SilverCrest Mines with Crusher on Site Leaps Toward Q3 Production
Mar 22, 2010 02:12 AM
You have to hand it to SilverCrest Mines. The junior explorer is fast on its way to becoming a mid-tier producer in Mexico with production at Santa Elena due by about mid-2010 and work ongoing to add ounces to the existing resources and reserves on several fronts. The company has achieved everything it set out to do just a few years ago when it acquired the Santa Elena project. President Scott Drever, COO Eric Fier and their team are a textbook example of how to move successfully from exploration to mining on time and under budget.Resource Intelligence: You’re in construction on your Santa Elena mine, you’re working very hard, the leach pad has been started, the liners delivered, the offices have been built. Are you on schedule?
Eric Fier: Yes. We kicked off with heavy construction late last fall and as of last week we are laying liner for the leach pad. The concrete is going in for the crusher as we speak. It’s going to be on its way next week to be assembled on site. Everything is on schedule and currently under budget.
RI: For people who are interested in this as a potential investment, what is Santa Elena going to be? We know it will be an open pit mine, but lets talk about how much you will be producing, how many tonnes you’ll be processing and so on.
EF: Investors and potential investors need to understand that this is a staged project. Currently we’re kicking off Stage 1 of Santa Elena, which is the open pit, heap leach stage and will produce approximately 50,000 ounces gold equivalent every year. About 2/3 of that is gold and 1/3 is silver.
Once we have that kicked off and are getting some good cash flow—which we will see next year— we’re starting the expansion plan. That plan includes re-treatment of the heap leach through a planned mill. Also, we’ll be looking at the underground resources we currently have at Santa Elena, which are about 300,000 ounces gold equivalent. We also have a satellite deposit called the Cruz de Mayo, from which we can potentially ship ore to the Santa Elena facil ity. Overall, although the market probably views Santa Elena and SilverCrest as a small junior producer, we see a lot of upside potential. Over the next year we’re committed to expanding this so that it will no longer be a 35,000 ounce gold producer, but potentially a 100,000 plus ounce gold equivalent producer.
RI: This is a very low cost mine as well. The capital costs are low. It’s costing you in the ballpark of $20 million dollars to build it. Your operating costs are also very low. Lets talk about that.
EF: The operating costs initially for the first couple of years are going to be below US$250 per ounce gold equivalent and then after that below US$375 per ounce gold equivalent. That’s for the open pit heap leach. We’ll see what the expansion plan brings but I would anticipate those same types of numbers around the plus 100,000 ounces gold equivalent per year production level as well.
RI: So your costs are very low. If we take gold back to just the $800 dollar an ounce price, you’re getting back double what you invest.
EF: That’s correct. That’s reflected in our IRR which is greater than 100% currently. If you were to throw in the $1,000 per ounce gold price right now, those IRR numbers go up to almost 200% rate of return.
RI: When will you be able to pay back any debt you’ve accrued as a result of this project?
EF: The payback period is about a year. Of course we do have a debt loan with Macquarie Bank and they will try to stretch it out as long as they can to get more money out of us from the loan side. We do have 55,000 ounces of gold that is hedged and is considered also under the loan with Macquarie. That gets paid over a three-year period.
RI: How is Macquarie Bank feeling about their investment so far?
EF: They have been down to the site several times and they couldn’t be happier.
RI: The net asset value of the project, if we talk on a per ounce basis, its about $800 per ounce. What’s the actual net asset value of the project as a whole right now in Stage 1?
EF: Depending on what kind of discount rate you want to throw at it, anywhere from $80 to $100 million dollars. If you add in the expansion plan it’s over $150 million.
RI: A $100 million valuation equates to about $1.67 per share for you. $150 million is over $2.50 per share. And presently you’re trading at about
.90 per share, so it would appear that there’s still room on the boat for investors.
EF: Yes. We’re trading around
.90 right now. One of our analysts, Jennings Capital, is suggesting $1.35 to $1.40 over the next six months. I would suspect if we are correctly aligned with our peer group we’re talking a 2 or 3 fold jump in the share price.
RI: What is your main priority for the duration of 2010?
EF: Get into production, then the expansion plan and that’s going to require some studies, further drilling at Cruz de Mayo and some more metallurgical work. Over the course of the last six months we’ve looked at several other properties and companies for potential mergers and acquisitions but we’ll wait until we’ve kicked that production off and gotten a better bang for the buck in the market for our share price before acquiring anything new.
RI: How did you prepare your team to switch from exploration to mine development?
EF: I have worked in everything from grass roots exploration to mine closure, so it wasn’t an adjustment for myself. This is the fourth mine that I’ll be involved in constructing. The team that I’ve hired are highly qualified not only with SilverCrest and our Mexican subsidiaries, but also our construction team, which is Sonoran Resources out of Arizona. These guys have built several mines in the US and in Mexico, so they’re very qualified. We have a great team that is highly qualified to put this together.
We’ve had to grow the team substantially, too. Our total employment on site right now is about 100 people, including contractors. I would say our staffing will peak at 150 employees when we are installing the crusher and the liner, which is all coming on line now.
RI: You’re making a time-lapse video of the construction process at the Santa Elena mine that you will be unveiling at the PDAC. What can investors expect to see?
EF: We set up an Internet-based video system several months ago and have access to view the ongoing construction from a live video link 24/7. Investors will be able to see some of the construction from the past couple months on screen played out in just a few minutes. It will be fascinating for any investor who hasn’t actually been a part of this process. Also, this will eventually be available on our website and at
RI: Let’s come back to Santa Elena and Cruz de Mayo again. What are your resources there compared with Santa Elena?
EF: You’re talking 6.5 million tonnes probable reserves at 1.6 g/t gold and around 60 g/t silver reserve at Santa Elena for the open pit. We also have the underground resource that has potential for our expansion plan.
Moving over to Cruz de Mayo, we have about 15 million ounces of silver with a gold credit in an open pit scenario, indicated and inferred resources. We’ll be doing a study on that to bring those up to a probable reserve level over the course of the next 18 months.
RI: How much of the share structure of SilverCrest does management hold?
EF: Management currently holds 12-14%. We do have a vested interest in the company and it being successful.
RI: What are your milestones for this year?
EF: First, we want to commence production successfully, which means doing that on schedule and on or under budget. I would be very happy with that. We’re on track and on schedule. We want to achieve first pour by mid year, commercial production toward the end of the year.
Then we’ll advance on our expansion plan, so that our investors can understand that this isn’t just a small, high-grade mine, but this could be a very serious player and give you the legs to advance to mid-tier producer status.
There is a lot of opportunity for us in Sonora and in Mexico—lots of blue sky still. We’ve only tested one of these systems at Santa Elena and there are 3 or 4 more systems there that need some drill holes in them. I don’t anticipate we’ll be drilling on those targets until next year, because we’ve got all our geologists tied up on construction and production at the moment.Milestones:
First pour by end of Q2 2010
Commercial production by
Q4 2010
Begin expansion work at Santa Elena by Q4 2010
2011: Drill expansion targets at Cruz de Mayo and Santa Elena underground -
Hallo Edelman, die beste Aktie von deine Liste scheint mir GORO zu sein. Dort werde ich auch einsteigen. Kennst du eigentlich Silvercrest? Scheint mir so gut wie GORO zu sein. Zweifel bleibt zwischen GORO und Silvercrest, besser die erste? Besser di zweite? Oder besser beide?
Beitrag #12 vom November '09...seither hat sich nicht viel verändert. Zeitziel wenn keine Trendbeschleunigung erfolgt zur Zeit (aus meiner Sicht) 2016.
Ja ich habe auch so etwa die selbe Timeline. Konnte auch 2017 werden.