Beiträge von Tambok

    Der Idi Amin von Südamerika

    Großes Maulwerk. der flieht als erster ins Asyl

    wenn´s drauf ankommt.

    Vorher redet der aber noch die Wirtschaft seines Landes kaputt

    Aus ALJAZEERA.Online vom 21.10.05

    Chavez: US may invade Venezuela

    Thursday 20 October 2005 7:59 PM GMT

    Venezuela is preparing for a possible US invasion, President Hugo Chavez has said, warning that such an aggression would send US petrol prices soaring.

    a vocal critic of imperialism,
    capitalist excess
    and the administration of US President George Bush, said he was not against the American people - just the current government.

    "We are sure that it will be very difficult for the United States to attack

    Venezuela," Chavez said. He said his country has eight refineries and

    14,000 petrol stations in the United States.

    "If the United States tried to attack Venezuela by a direct invasion, forget the oil," he said in a two-hour news conference in Paris on Thursday beamed live to Venezuela. "Every day, we send 1.5 million barrels to the United States."

    Oil prices

    The barrel price of crude oil could hit $150 following a US attack, Chavez said. Currently New York light sweet crude oil trades at about $60 a barrel.

    "That is why Pat Robertson, the spiritual adviser of Mr Bush, is calling for my assassination - that would be much cheaper than an invasion," he said. US religious broadcaster Robertson said in August that Chavez should be killed, then later apologised for saying so.

    Mostly, the Venezuelan leader used his over two-hour long news conference to explain what he called his alternative vision of a world that works for the poor - not capitalist corporations seeking profits.

    Chavez reiterated longtime claims that the US was financing his opponents, seeking his removal and sabotaging efforts to move the country forward.

    Expanded military reserve

    "Venezuela is used to defending itself ... and fighting imperialism," Chavez said, speaking in Spanish with a French translator. "We are ready to resist any attack, but we pray to God and do our utmost so that this does not ever happen."

    "We must be ready for an aggression," he said. Chavez has previously said Venezuela is organising an expanded military reserve and civilian defence units to defend his country.

    "We have detected with intelligence reports plans of a supposed invasion, one that would never happen. But we have to denounce it"

    Hugo Chavez,
    Venezuelan president

    In an interview with BBC radio aired earlier on Thursday, Chavez said he had evidence to prove that the US government was planning an invasion.

    "We have detected with intelligence reports plans of a
    supposed invasion, one that would never happen. But we have to denounce it," Chavez told the BBC.

    Chavez said he believed the reason the US was plotting an invasion of petroleum-rich Venezuela was to take control of the country's oil reserves. US officials have denied that.

    "A coup happened in Venezuela that was prepared by the US What do they want? Our oil, as they did in Iraq," he said, referring to a failed coup attempt in April 2002, which he holds the United States responsible for. The US administration denies the claim.

    Kann schon sein.

    Aber man sieht , wie sehr der Abbau mechanisiert ist.

    Da brauchen keine Kompanien mit Preßlufthämmern auf den

    Knien zu rutschen.

    Perfekt für Schildvortrieb geeignet, Da braucht demnächst

    kaum noch jemand hin.

    Aus MININGWEB 20.10.05

    Gold company continues to be hammered by hedges
    Jim Jones
    '20-OCT-05 14:00'

    JOHANNESBURG ( --Misjudged hedge contracts cut the average price of gold received by Western Areas to R74,352/kilogram in the September quarter against an average spot price of R92,229. CEO Chris Lamprecht says, perhaps not surprisingly, that this underscores the need to restructure the derivatives structure. And while he hopes that this will be completed by December, he has given no indication of the likely outcome.

    On the brighter side, the 50:50 South Deep joint venture with Placer Dome is, Lamprecht says, starting to deliver as promised by the multi-billion rand development initiated ten years ago. Under Placer Dome’s management, establishment of South Deep has fallen some two years behind schedule and exceeded budget by several hundred millon rands.

    South Deep is Western Areas’s principal asset and the mine’s production and costs are divided equally between Western Areas and the mine’s manager Placer Dome.

    Mining profit for the quarter came in at R20.1 million, but this was insufficient to restore the company to overall profitability. In the September quarter the operating loss including hedging ran at R31 million, about half of the June quarter’s R60 million.

    At present, Western Areas is in the process of putting together a R640 million and offer documents will be sent shareholders soon. The funds will be used to repay borrowings and to contribute Western Areas’s share of capital expenditure needed to complete the South Deep capital programme. There had been some doubts as to whether Western Areas’s main shareholder JCI would have been in a position to follow its rights and to underwrite the rights issue, but that has been resolved by a loan from investment bank Investec. JCI, it is now well known, had been looted by its former CEO, the late Brett Kebble, and possibly by his associates.

    Eine Goldminen-Aktie mit Haken und Ösen;

    nur für Kenner.

    Quartalsbericht per 30.09.05

    Aus vom 20.10.05

    Western Areas in profit, hedge weighs

    [] -- WESTERN Areas posted a quarterly profit prompting management to say its South Deep joint venture gold mine was finally starting to deliver. However, the mine’s performance is still weighed down by a hedge book which saw gold prices 24% below the spot price.

    Western Areas, once led by mining entrepreneur, Brett Kebble, shot dead earlier last month, posted a R32m profit for the three months to end-September versus a R125.3m loss in the previous quarter.

    The South Deep joint venture, shared equally with Canada’s Placer Dome, is Western Areas’ main operating asset. The South Deep mine is one of the world’s richest gold deposits.

    "South Deep is starting to deliver on the promise that prompted a multiple billion rand investment a decade ago", said acting Western Areas CEO, Chris Lamprecht. In the year to date it has recorded a R280m loss. Last year it notched up a small profit of R13.5m.
    This emphasises the urgent need to restructure the derivative structureDespite receiving a better price for the gold it sold, which increased 17% to R74,352/kg, that figure could have been R92,229/kg if it weren’t for the hedging commitments.

    "This emphasises the urgent need to restructure the derivative structure and thus improve the company’s cash flow. The directors are paying particular attention to this and we hope to have resolved matter within the next few months."

    South Deep’s year-end reserve declaration is being finalised by an “independent international” panel. Western Areas’ shares were pounded at the end of August when it said it might cut its reserves estimate by 18% to 45 million ounces.

    “Details of the possible reduction in mineral reserves anticipated in the previous quarterly report would be reported to shareholders in the 2005 annual financial statements,” Western Areas said in a statement to its results.

    Western Areas will begin its R640m rights issue shortly, which is being underwritten to the tune of R250m by its largest shareholder and another Kebble company JCI.

    Schafscherer gibt es nicht nur Down Under.

    Hier ein Posting von heute bei W&O zur Kapitalerhöhung
    je 1 Neue für 4 Alte

    "Nochmal ich ! Also das Angebot lautet also so :

    Bezugsrecht 4 bisherige Aktien berechtigen zum Erweb von 1 neuen

    Aktie Batavia Mining LTD VN 2305714 plus 1 Optionsschein Batavia Mining VN 2305972
    Bezugspreis 0.04 AUD je neue Aktie

    Also das ist doch eigentlich voll der Betrug oder???? Es sei den die neue Batavia ist 0,16AUD wert.

    Wenn ich 4 meiner alten tausche, die sind im Moment pro Stück

    0,04AUD wert, müsste das so sein. Allerdings weis ich nicht was es

    sich mit diesem Optionsschein aufsich hat !!! Wenn der 0,12AUD wert ist
    ist das ganze Sache, vom Wert her ein fairer Tausch.


    Das sieht nach einem Prestigegewinn für North American Palldium aus.

    Vielleicht wird sogar mehr draus.

    Aus MINING WEEKLY vom 20.10.05

    Gold Fields takes back seat in Finland PGM project

    JSE-listed Gold Fields has restated its relationship with Canadian firm North American Palladium (NAP) and has now taken a back seat in the Finnish Arctic Platinum project.

    Spokesperson Willie Jacobz tells Mining Weekly Online that the firm, which could end up with 40% of the project, believes that NAP, which earns its revenue from by-product nickel, platinum, gold and copper, is in a better position to operate the project.

    This is because the project is now smaller than anticipated and NAP is a junior firm that is focused on palladium. Its Lac des Iles Mine is Canada's only primary producer of platinum-group metals and is one of the largest openpit bulk mineable palladium reserves in the world.

    Gold Fields, one of the world's largest gold producers, with annual unhedged gold production of about 4,2-million ounces, believes that the project, to be operated by NAP, needs constant attention.

    NAP will be able to acquire up to 60% in the project, provided it completes a $7,5-million rescoping study and exploration programme as well as a $5-million feasibility study before June 2008.

    In addition, before this date, a decision to develop the mine must also be made, and NAP must pay Gold Fields about $45-million by means of shares.

    The South African miner, however, has retained an option to up its share to 50% as it will have a back-in right to acquire an additional 10% interest in APP.

    Jacobz adds that this is because it wishes to retain its exposure to the project and believes that it will go all the way to mine production stage.

    Currently mothballed, some Gold Fields staff are on site looking after the property that has been in development for the last four years.

    The mining property to be explored, hopefully leading to mine development, is located in Finland and its location and geology are quite similar to that of NAP's Lac des Iles mine in North-western Ontario.

    The project has been divided into two phases and, during the first phase the rescoping study will be completed while phase two will see a feasibility study being undertaken.

    The proposed exploration programme will focus on APP's SK Reef and SJ Reef projects, while the feasibility study will generate a report with sufficient engineering detail and cost estimates in order for the project to be considered for project financing or other suitable financing alternatives.

    Rescoping and feasibility studies are expected to start in the first quarter of 2006 and take about 30 months to complete.

    However, completion of the transaction is subject to a number of conditions including negotiating and executing a formal option and joint venture agreement and receipt of all required regulatory and third party approvals and consents, including the approvals of the Toronto and American Stock Exchanges and the South African Reserve Bank.

    Quelle: SIEGEL-Investment -Goldhotline-vom 20.10.05

    20.10.05 Dominion Mining (AUS, Kurs 0,59 A$, MKP 58,1 Mio A$)

    meldet für das Septemberquartal einen Anstieg der Produktion um 77 %

    auf 23.847 oz, was einer Jahresrate von etwa 95.000 oz entspricht. Die

    Prognose für das Geschäftsjahr 2005/06 konnte nach dem guten

    Quartalsergebnis auf 90.000 oz angehoben werden. Bei

    Nettoproduktionskosten von 230 $/oz (387 $/oz) und einem

    Verkaufspreis von 433 $/oz sprang die Bruttogewinnspanne auf 203

    $/oz. Auf der Basis einer jährlichen Produktion von 90.000 oz beträgt die

    Lebensdauer der Ressourcen 3,3 Jahre und die Lebensdauer der

    Ressourcen 4,2 Jahre. Gute Bohrergebnisse deuten darauf hin, daß die

    Ressourcen und Reserven weiter ausgebaut werden können. Dominion

    macht keine Angaben über die Höhe der Vorwärtsverkäufe, die im

    Juniquartal noch mit 88.000 oz und unrealisierten Verlusten von 1,0 Mio

    A$ angegeben wurden. Die unrealisierten Verluste dürften auf etwa 4

    Mio A$ angestiegen sein. Am 30.06.05 (31.12.04) stand einem

    Cashbestand von 10,9 Mio A$ (15,7 Mio A$) eine gesamte

    Kreditbelastung von 16,5 Mio A$ (14,4 Mio A$) gegenüber. Beurteilung:

    Dominion kann die langwierigen Produktionsprobleme mit dem

    Septemberquartal überwinden und präsentiert sich derzeit als

    mittelgroßer profitabler australischer Goldproduzent. Sollte Dominion bei

    einer Produktion von 90.000 oz eine Gewinnspanne von 100 A$/oz

    umsetzen können, würde das KGV auf 6,5 zurückfallen. Derzeit sind

    sogar noch höhere Gewinnspanne denkbar. Problematisch bleibt

    allerdings die kurze Lebensdauer der Reserven. Nach dem Kursanstieg

    über 0,50 A$ wurde Dominion zu einer Halteposition. Empfehlung:

    Halten, unter 0,50 A$ kaufen, aktueller Kurs 0,59 A$, Kursziel 1,50 A$.

    Dominion wird an der Börse Berlin-Bremen gehandelt (vgl.

    Kaufempfehlung vom 21.04.05 bei 0,325 A$).

    PoG fällt nochmal 10 $ und Minen juckt es diesmal.

    Kein Beinbruch. Renkt sich alsbald wieder ein.

    Das sind aber Tage an denen man weiß, warum ein paar

    Base metal Titel im Depot liegen, bzw PGM´s.

    Bin relativ kräftig in den angeblich reinen Promoterwert

    Tennant Creek TNG. ASX eingestiegen.

    Für mich ein Explorer für Base Metal.

    Sollen sie mal Löcher bohren im Norden Australiens.

    Da wo die Schafe verdursten würden oder im Sumpf versinken.

    Nur einige Aboriginis halten es da aus. Die kriegen dann

    etwas Cargo ab, Gummistiefel und Schokolade.


    Quelle: FIN24.ZA. CO vom 19.10.05

    Gold Fields Limited / North American Palladium Ltd -

    North American Palladium
    and Gold Fields Announce Option/Joint Venture on the Arctic Platinum Project

    Gold Fields Limited
    (Reg. No. 1968/004880/06)
    (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)

    Share Code: GFI
    ISIN Code: ZAE000018123
    24 St. Andrews Road
    Parktown, 2193
    Postnet Suite 252
    Private Bag X30500
    Houghton, 2041
    South Africa

    JSE - GFI
    NYSE - GFI

    North American Palladium Ltd
    130 Adelaide Street West
    Suite 2116
    Toronto, Ontario
    M5H 3P5
    T. 416.360.7590
    F. 416.360.7709

    Trading Symbols TSX - PDL
    AMEX - PAL

    News Release

    October 19, 2005

    North American Palladium and Gold Fields Announce Option/Joint Venture on the
    Arctic Platinum Project

    Toronto, Ontario - North American Palladium Ltd. ("NAP") and Gold Fields Limited
    ("Gold Fields") are pleased to announce the companies have entered into a letter
    of intent to form a joint venture to further explore mining properties and
    develop a mine at the Arctic Platinum Project ("APP") located in Finland.
    APP"s location and geology are quite similar to that of NAP"s Lac des Iles mine
    in Northwestern Ontario and will permit NAP to utilize its operating and
    development experience in the design and construction of a mine at APP.
    NAP will be granted an option to acquire up to a 60% undivided interest in APP
    including the Suhanko, SJ Reef and SK Reef mining properties and claims located
    south of Rovaniemi, Finland (collectively the "Project"). NAP"s option to
    acquire its interest in APP will vest upon NAP satisfying the following
    conditions on or before June 30, 2008: (i) completing a US$7.5 million re-
    scoping study and exploration program and US$5.0 million feasibility study; (ii)
    making a decision to develop a mine at the Project; and (iii) paying Gold Fields
    up to US$45 million through the issuance of NAP common shares. The price per
    share will be the weighted average trading price on the American Stock Exchange
    for 11 trading days commencing October 11, 2005.
    During the next stage of work, NAP will manage the exploration, engineering and
    evaluation activity on APP. This work will be divided into two phases, Phase I:
    a re-scoping study and Phase II: a feasibility study. The proposed exploration
    program will focus on APP"s SK Reef and SJ Reef projects. The feasibility study
    will generate a report with sufficient engineering detail and cost estimates in
    order for the Project to be considered for project financing or other suitable
    financing alternatives.
    The re-scoping study on the Project will address the following objectives:
    define a combined mineable resource of 5 million ounces of 2PGE + Au at grades
    greater than 3.0 grams per tonne.
    exploration on the SK Reef and SJ Reef mining projects to drill and examine
    mining claims that have the potential to satisfy the target grades, obtain
    sufficient data to create a new geological model that supports a combined mine
    plan for the Project and identify other high potential geological zones along
    the Archaean-Proterozoic contact.
    examine various mine design options to efficiently exploit all identified APP
    resources and produce a marketable product in a cost-effective manner.
    evaluate the metallurgy of various ore types contained within the Project and
    categorize as to possible processing options.
    The re-scoping and feasibility studies are expected to commence in the first
    quarter of 2006 and take approximately 30 months to complete.
    Upon NAP"s acquisition of an interest in APP, a joint venture of APP will be
    formed with NAP holding a 60% interest and Gold Fields holding a 40% interest.
    Gold Fields will have a back-in right to acquire an additional 10% interest in
    APP and consideration for such interest will be paid by reducing the number of
    NAP common shares issued to Gold Fields by 20%. NAP will remain operator of the
    joint venture which will be managed under a Joint Venture arrangement.
    Completion of the transaction is subject to a number of conditions including
    among other things, negotiating and executing a formal option and joint venture
    agreement and receipt of all required regulatory and third party approvals and
    consents, including the approvals of the Toronto and American Stock Exchanges
    and the South African Reserve Bank.
    Gold Fields is one of the world"s largest gold producers, with annual unhedged
    gold production of approximately 4.2 million ounces, reserves of 64.8 million
    ounces and mineral resources of 174.5 million ounces. Gold Fields is listed on
    the JSE (primary listing), NYSE, LSE, Euronext in Paris and Brussels, and on the
    Swiss Exchange.
    North American Palladium"s Lac des Iles Mine is Canada"s only primary producer
    of platinum group metals and is one of the largest open pit bulk mineable
    palladium reserves in the world. The Company also earns substantial revenue
    from by-product nickel, platinum, gold and copper. In addition to operating Lac
    des Iles, the Company"s mandate is to expand its production profile through an
    aggressive exploration campaign, designed to increase its exposure to base and
    precious metals. Palladium use in the auto industry continues to be an
    important component in controlling exhaust emissions as mandated by more
    stringent hydrocarbon emissions standards for cars, particularly in the United
    States, Europe and Japan. Palladium is also used in the dental, electronics,
    jewellery and chemical sectors.
    For further information, please
    North American Palladium Ltd. Gold Fields Limited
    Andr J. Douchane South Africa
    President & CEO Willie Jacobsz
    Tel: (416) 360-2656 Tel: +27 11 644-2630
    Douglas H. Bache - Treasurer Nerina Bodasing
    Tel: (416) 360-2651 Tel: +27 11 644-2460
    Krista Muhr - Manager North America
    Investor Relations Cheryl A. Martin
    Tel: (416) 360-2652 Tel: (303) 796-8683

    die Batavia KapErhöhung stiftet Verwirrung

    bei den Schafzüchtern und nicht nur bei denen.

    Was ist ein Bezugsrecht und dann noch Optionen.

    Der Farmer Verband wird das erst in der nächsten

    Vegetationsperiode aufklären.

    Das lastet auf dem Kurs.

    Dafür peitschte die Domina im Sept. Quartal wunderbar.

    Produktion hoch, Reserven hoch, Hemd hoch



    die clevere Crew aus Norwegen produziert in Grönland.

    Das macht Sinn.

    Dann hält sie Reserven auf den Philipinen.

    Man muß sich schließlich mal aufwärmen.

    Und jetzt kauft sie für mehrere hundert Mio CanD in bar

    eine GM in Westafrika.

    So gefestigt bin ich nicht im Vertrauen.




    du machst Dir ja schon viel Mühe.

    Jetzt müßte man noch tief in den Geschäftsberichten usw.

    von Guinor Gold kramen.

    Da erscheint es mir einfacher in 5 kleinen Austral-GM

    investiert zu sein, die alle zusammen nicht die

    Marktkapitalisierung einer Guinor haben.

    Ökonomisches Prinzip, Risikostreuung.



    "Und das Ende eines hochintelligenten ,skrupellosen Finanzmanipulators,
    der in der Goldindustrie am Kap immer ein Außenseiter geblieben war."

    "Hochintelligent, skrupellos" das sind Bewertungen.

    Er war der einzige im RSA GM-Umfeld, der die Bilanzierungsregeln

    nach internationalen Standards beherrschte. Deshalb konnte er sie

    virtuos mißbrauchen.

    Der ist tot noch gefährlicher und effektiver als lebend.

    Weil er über den Teller-Rand rausgeschaut hat.

    und es keinen gibt der ihn ersetzen kann.



    Wale in der Bucht und gleich 5 Stück, das ist was.

    Am Meer mach ich am liebsten Urlaub.

    Normandie, manchmal Bretagne. Unterschiedlich große Möwen gibt´s da. Wale Fehlanzeige.

    Um 3 $ zu optimistisch. Ende nächste Woche Freitag aufgeholt auf 480;

    vielleicht wieder 3 $ zu optimistisch. Davon gehe ich einfach aus

    ohne Hintergrund.

    Eine falsche Idee ist immer noch besser als garkeine. Im Ernst.



    Ist ein hübsches Model.

    Aber warum macht sie solche Verrenkungen?

    Ist garnicht nötig. Heute Abend PoG schließt mit 473.

    Viel schwieriger Währungen ASD, Rand.