Beiträge von Tambok


    das Thema BTV ist für mich im Moment abgeschlossen.

    Weil zum aktuellen Kurs hoher Depotanteil, da mach ich erst mal nix.

    Rein als Sport meine Meinung.

    Uran ist für BTV so interessant wie ein Fahrrad für einen Goldfisch.

    Kostet aber nicht viel; da läuft ein pensionierter Mineraloge

    in den Northern Territories spazieren. Besser als Altersheim

    für den Mann.

    Es geht um Goldmining und da denke ich, daß BTV noch einiges

    zu bieten haben wird.



    Schlußkurs ASX 0,049 (minus 8%) bei 23 Mio Stück Umsatz

    aus Mining Weekly vom 14.07.05

    Oz gold-miner gets uranium portfolio

    Australian miner Batavia Mining this week announced that it had entered into an agreement and lodged applications to secure a significant portfolio of uranium projects in the Northern Territory of Australia.

    The project portfolio - which includes the Harts Range Uranium Project in the Arunta province of the Northern Territory and a number of highly prospective exploration areas - represents a new strategic asset for Batavia alongside its Gullewa Project, in Western Australia. The company also announced the start of a new deep-drilling programme at the deflector deposit, targeting an increase in the current resource base.

    The uranium acquisition includes five tenement applications as well as applications for two exploration tenements.

    In addition, Batavia has acquired a comprehensive database of historical uranium exploration information, both within its project areas and on a regional scale throughout the Northern Territory, Western Australia and Southern Australia Negotiations are also underway to acquire or farm into various other additional uranium prospects, Batavia said.

    Batavia has retained the services of an experienced uranium exploration geologist and a geophysicist to plan and implement a comprehensive uranium exploration review.

    Depotbank teilt mit, daß für je 200 THT ein Lolly ausgegeben wird.

    Ist doch nett von den neuen Inhabern.

    Bin richtig gespannt wie der Geschmack sein wird.

    Im Ernst seit wenigen Tagen Reverse Split

    je 1 Neue für 200 "verbrannte" Alte.


    wetz´die Messer, es geht bald wieder los!

    das ist ein strategisches Engagement.

    Nur eine Position kann richtig sein.

    Hippo or Pig

    Zitat aus Artikel vorhergehendes Posting:

    "Simmer chairperson Roger Kebble ordered the switching-on of the

    mills at the metallurgical plant at the mine.

    "Vula! Vula! Vula!" Kebble shouted from a walkie-talkie as the mills were

    switched on. Vula means "open" in isiZulu.

    "Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to see the mills turning again,"

    said Kebble. "It has been far too quiet for far too long."

    aus BUSINESS REPORT, RSA, vom 13.07.05

    DRDGold digs deep to save Emperor mine

    July 13, 2005

    By Nicky Smith

    Johannesburg - Marginal gold mining firm DRDGold yesterday said it had agreed to give Australian-listed Emperor Gold Mines A$10 million (R50 million) through a convertible loan and had put its own management in charge of the turnaround programme aimed at taking the Fijian mine back into the black.

    DRDGold holds about 45 percent of Emperor, which owns the Vatukoula gold mine situated on Fiji's Viti Levi island.

    Last year Emperor had a rights issue in the fourth quarter to raise A$20.4 million to fund working capital and expand its mine, but in its March quarter, according to The Australian newspaper, Emperor's gold production fell 18 percent and was expected to fall further.

    The mine, The Australian said, had been hit by high absenteeism, higher fuel prices, flooding and equipment problems.

    Ilja Graulich, DRDGold's investor relations executive, said as part of the agreement with Emperor, DRDGold would take over the running of the mine because the Emperor management "didn't get the expansion right and we stepped in to have a look at what was going on there".

    DRDGold has appointed Mike Marriott as Emperor's chief operating officer and Sean O'Connor as the company's general manager.

    Emperor's offices in Sydney will be closed and its remaining staff will work out of DRDGold's offices in Brisbane to further save on costs.

    The facility carries an interest rate of 9 percent a year and Emperor's 100 percent interest in the Fijian Tuvatu Gold Prospect has been used as security.

    Emperor plans to sell Tuvatu for about A$10 million and once it has done so, it may choose to repay DRDGold immediately or no later than December 31 2007.

    However, in terms of the agreement DRDGold may choose to convert the loan into shares, which, according to Graulich, would give DRDGold an extra 25 percent of Emperor's shares as well as the control it has desired for the past year.

    Mark Wellesley-Wood, DRDGold chief executive and chairman of Emperor, said that while the deal "is good for both of us", there had been little or no other option for Emperor, which had asked DRDGold to step in.

    Wellesley-Wood said it would take at least six months for the mine to start showing real improvements.

    "This will be a challenging task, but we believe that there is still potential to win more gold from this large orebody system," he said.

    The operational plan envisages production of about 145 000 ounces of gold for the current financial year.

    Wellesley-Wood said the mine had the potential to be at least a 250 000 ounce a year producer.

    The deal is still subject to Emperor's shareholder approval.

    DRDGold's share price strengthened by 15c to close at R6.80 on the JSE yesterday, while the gold index was down 1.99 percent.

    Daß die Blinden den Lahmen helfen ist eine korekte Schiene:

    "Wenn die Zahnräder rotieren und die Fidschianer ihre Arbeitsunlust überwinden, braucht´s nur noch einen Goldpreis von 500USD und der Rubel oder Fidschidollar rollt."

    Nur so korrekt ist Schweinchen Schlau nicht.

    Da führt der Sehende die 6 Blinden an einer Stange in den Graben.

    (Dazu gibt es ein Altmeistergemälde. Im Hintergrund sieht

    man einen Kirchturm. Allegorie auf den Abfall vom rechten Glauben.

    In dem Altmeisterbild ist die Führperson ebenfalls blind.)

    jetzt zu verkaufen macht nur Sinn, wenn man damit

    rechnet, daß die noch 1,00 USD fallen wird (auf ca. 3,5 USD).

    Dafür war der Bericht aber nicht

    schlecht genug.

    Der Bericht war im Gegenteil recht ordentlich.

    Überlege ernsthaft zu kaufen; und sei´s nur

    zum diversifizieren.



    ...... à la Schweinchen Schlau

    aus MINEWEB 12.0705

    DRD lends Emperor A$10-m, can convert to shares

    Fresh off its recent fund raising exercise, DRDGold announced Tuesday that it intends to lend its 45.33% held Emperor Gold Mine, A$10 million.

    Emperor, a Fijian gold miner, will use the money in its restructuring program.

    Shareholders, excluding DRD, still need to vote on the proposed loan, which at DRDGold's election can be converted into Emperor shares.

    Emperor shares were up 15.22% in Australia on Tuesday to A$0.265 each.

    DRD says the conversion price is equal to the lower of A$0.30 per Emperor share or the 45 day volume weighted average price prior to the conversion.

    If DRD did convert its loan into shares at Tuesday's price, it would take up another 37.74 million shares increasing its stake to over 55% using the 158.5 million Emperor shares in issue in November 2004

    Eulenspiegel stand mal vor einem Wirtshaus

    und roch den herrlichen Ochs am Spieß.

    Kam nach einiger Zeit der Wirt und meinte

    er müsse ein paar Kreuzer für den feinen

    Duft bezahlen.

    Da nahm Eulenspiegel 2 Silbertaler und

    und stieß si aneinander. Das ergab

    einen Klang.

    Eulenspiegel meinte dieser Klang sei die

    rechte Bezahlung für den Duft des Bratens.

    Drooy ist so ein Duft und trotzdem wollen wir

    Geld dafür.

    Vielleicht gelingt es ja.

    BTV heute 0,034 AUD bei 4 Mio Stück Umsatz.

    Die Kapitalerhöhung 1 Neue je 2 Alte war für 0,020 AUD.

    Damit waren auch die gleiche Anzahl Optionen zu 0,050 ASD bezahlt.

    (Meine Jungen Aktien sind noch nicht eingebucht und

    brauchte noch nicht zu bezahlen.

    Wäre ich von BTV nicht überzeugt, könnte ich die Alten verkaufen.)

    Da kann man leicht erraten, wie schwer es für BTV wird,

    die nicht gezeichneten Stücke bei Institutionellen


    Daß die Altaktionäre nur knapp

    die Hälfte gezeichnet hatten, sagt etwas über deren

    Angst bzw. Sachverstand aus.

    Angst ist ja nichts Schlechtes. Sachverstand aber auch nicht.


    Aus AFX vom 06.07.05

    2005-07-06 18:47:06 story 1235785

    Thistle Mining says shares to remain suspended on AIM

    LONDON (AFX) - Thistle Mining Inc said trading in its shares will remain suspended on the Alternative Investment Market pending completion of procedures relating to the restructuring of the company.

    Trading had been due to resume today.

    During the restructuring period, Thistle's operations were funded by its creditor Meridian Capital to the tune of 21.8 mln usd.

    Thistle currently has a cash balance of 0.6 mln usd and is due to hold a board meeting this month to discuss and arrange bridging financing to meet the immediate cash needs of its South African and Philippine operations.

    The company said its President Steyn operation in South Africa continues to face challenging operating conditions due to the rand's strength versus the dollar and requires additional funding.

    Gold sales during the five-month period January to May at President Steyn amounted to 73,400 ounces at a realized sale price of 426 usd per ounce, while the cash cost of production remained high, averaging 550 usd per oz.