Kuwait liegt next door zum Irak
Und da herrscht zur Zeit eine Bombenstimmung
KuwaitTimes.net vom 25.11.05
Gold demand jumps 9.2% in Kuwait
KUWAIT: The Regional Office of the World Gold Council (WGC) in Dubai
has released its latest report on gold demand in the Gulf and worldwide.
For the third consecutive quarter this year, gold demand in Kuwait has
increased: it was about 9.2% higher in tonnage terms -amounting to 6.4
tonnes- and more than 16% in dollar terms -amounting to $104 million-
in quarter three 2005 compared to same quarter of 2004.
These figures clearly justify the importance of this sector in Kuwait and
the positive impact of World Gold Council's promotional activities in
Kuwait -the latest of which was "Ramadan Gold Shopping Festival 2005"
in Kuwait. The Festival was organised by the Council with the support of
governmental and private entities -mainly the Ministry of Commerce &
Industry. Around 200 gold and jewellery shops all over the cities of
Kuwait participated in the gold festival in Ramadan which lasted for 20
days with more than 10kg of pure gold as prizes as well as tens of
other 'golden' prizes from Kuwait Hotel Owners Association and
several 'golden' Ramadani activities in cooperation with the Tourism
Sector of the Ministry of Information in Kuwait.
Gold demand growth continued despite a 10% rise in gold price in
Quarter 3, 2005. The increase of oil prices, foreign investments and
tourism have direct relation to strong economies in Kuwait and other
GCC countries that allowed for more demand of gold jewellery as
luxurious products as well as a saving tool.
Moreover, the World Gold Council promotional activities have continued
in the Gulf region to maintain the momentum that prevailed in 2005. In
Kuwait in 2005, the Council held two gold shopping festivals (the first in
May/June and the second in October corresponding to the month of
Ramadan). The two festivals were highly supported by governmental
entities -mainly the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, the Tourism Sector
of the Ministry of Information, Kuwait TV, Municipality of Kuwait, Kuwaiti
Consumer Cooperative Union, Kuwait Hotel Owners Association and
others, plus the participation of hundreds of gold and jewellery outlets
and the main gold shopping malls and centres in Kuwait.
In the Middle East, gold demand continued to boom with Quarter3
maintaining the pace of expansion seen in the first half of 2005. Overall
jewellery demand grew 11% while retail investment rose 38%, both in
tonnage terms.
Vibrant economies on the back of high oil prices, construction activity and
ever increasing tourist numbers in the Gulf countries, combined with
sustained and increased promotion by the gold trade and the World Gold
Council, provided strong support to gold buying in Gulf countries. As for
Turkey, gold demand in tonnage terms continued to increase, with
jewellery offtake up 5% and net retail investment demand up 12%,
compared to year-earlier levels.
Commenting on the region's demand results, Moaz Barakat, World Gold
Council's Managing Director for the Middle East, Turkey and Pakistan
said: "Many factors have led to the improved performance in the third
quarter of 2005 - for example, the continuous increase in promotional
activities along with the boom in the tourism sectors in several Gulf
countries - as most of the tourists visit the gold souks. The high volatility
of gold prices in the last two years has not weakened consumer spirit in
the region's gold markets. Whatever the direction of prices, gold is still
viewed by consumers as a luxurious product and the best route for
savings -this has been proved over the years."
Barakat also added: "Also, the rise in gold prices, together with global
political and economic concerns encouraged retail investment purchase
in some countries including the Middle East as gold provides a security
against inflation and it is an excellent risk diversifier asset. All of these
make us maintain our promotional efforts in the region, whether
promotional and advertising campaigns, supporting unique activities or
holding gold festivals -such as Ramadan Gold Shopping Festival 2005
in Kuwait which aimed at promoting Kuwaiti gold and jewellery traders
and manufacturers in the important season for gifting -ie Ramadan
Worldwide, total gold demand in Quarter 3 was up 7% in tonnes and
18% in dollar terms. Quarter 3, 2005 is the seventh consecutive quarter
of positive growth in total tonnage demand, and tenth consecutive
quarter of double-digit growth in total value. Year-on-year growth for gold
jewellery in the first three quarters of 2005 was up 12% in tonnage terms
and 20% in dollar terms. However, the rise in gold investment demand
in third quarter of 2005 was the highest -it reached 56% increase.