heute Abend vom Allerfeinsten
James Ensor
Maltechnik des Spätbarock (Ton in Ton, ohne Konturlinien) im ausgehenden 19. Jhrdt.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.beauharnais.sk/images/James%20Ensor%207.jpg]
21. Januar 2025, 20:18
heute Abend vom Allerfeinsten
James Ensor
Maltechnik des Spätbarock (Ton in Ton, ohne Konturlinien) im ausgehenden 19. Jhrdt.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.beauharnais.sk/images/James%20Ensor%207.jpg]
Vor 2-3 Jahren in solcher Situation nichts verkauft.
Ergebnis war gemischt 200% und woanders Totalverlust.
Jetzt fliegt manches bei 50% oder 80% raus.
So schnellebig ändert man sich.
Was aber bleibt; das Ganze ist ein Spaß.
#1 von Tsuba 28.01.04 20:37:28 Beitrag Nr.: 11.990.313
Dieses Posting: versenden | melden | drucken | historischer Thread DURBAN ROODEPT RC
Gold konsolidiert.
Rand wird stärker (relativ zum US$).
Ich wär ´ja so gern noch geblieben;
aber der Wagen, der rollt.
Mitlaufen (na klar!!)
Oder standhalten (altmodisch).
Lohn der Angst wurde Anfang der
50-iger Jahre gedreht.
Ein Ölfeld in Venezuala brennt.
1 oder 2 tausend US$, dem der TNT
zum Wegsprengen des Infernos anliefert.
1 oder 2 tausend $$ ????
Mehr Hinweise auf die Doppelbödigkeit von Drooy geht nicht mehr.
Aber das ist wahrscheinlich für die Katz.
Der Arzt hätte ja auch sagen können, daß der Kaffee zuhause eingenommen werden soll.
Von McDonalds nicht abzuraten, war ein Kunstfehler.
Und jetzt können sich die zwei da nicht mehr blicken lassen.
Man sollte die CEO´s alle gleichzeitig bei McDonalds mit
Kaffee verköstigen. Nachher könnten die sich nirgends mehr blicken lassen.
kann Dir das nicht beantworten. Auch nicht ungefähr.
Würd´ mich nicht wundern, sollte die Geschäftsleitung bei DRD, der herrlichen, selbst keine Idee haben.
Ab 15.30 MEZ handelt aber das hochverehrte Publikum in Americas.
einfach so von der WAR-homepage abgegriffen.
Genaueres weiß ich nicht.
Die ADR´s werden nicht erwähnt.
Da müßte aber ähnlivhes gelten.
Wait and See
The material below is supplied on a direct feed from McGregor BFA and is published without correction or comment. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the directors.
(Registration Number: 1959/003209/06)
Share code: WAR & ISIN No: ZAE000016549
ADR Ticker symbol: WARUY
CUSIP No: 957654304
("Western Areas")
Shareholders are advised that Western Areas hosted South African analysts on an
underground tour of the South Deep mine on 20 October 2005, followed by
comprehensive presentations by South Deep management. This followed a similar
visit by international analysts hosted by Placer Dome Inc.
Shareholders are referred to the website: http://www.westernareas.co.za to view the
information that was presented.
8 November 2005
Sasfin Corporate Finance
A division of Sasfin Bank Limited
Date: 08/11/2005 05:00:12 PM Produced by the JSE SENS Department
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration Number 1959/003209/06)
Share code: WAR
ISIN: ZAE000016549
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration Number1894/000854/06)
Share code: JCD (suspended)
ISIN: ZAE000039681
Debenture Code: JCDD (suspended)
ISIN: ZAE000039699
Further to the announcements published on 12 May 2005, 30 June 2005, 19 August
2005 and 30 August 2005, WAL shareholders are advised that the salient dates in
respect of the renouncable rights offer of 35 505 240 WAL shares ("rights offer
shares") at a subscription price of 1 800 cents per share in the ratio of 29.95
rights offer shares for every 100 WAL shares held, are as follows:
Last day to trade in WAL shares in order to Friday, 18 November
qualify to participate in the rights offer (cum
entitlement) on
WAL shares trade ex the rights offer entitlement Monday, 21 November
from commencement of trade on
Listing and trading of letters of allocation on Monday, 21 November
JSE from commencement of trade on
Record date for shareholders to participate in Friday, 25 November
the rights offer on
Circular posted and form of instruction issued Monday, 28 November
to certificated shareholders on
Rights offer opens at 09:00 on Monday, 28 November
Last day for trading in letters of allocation on Thursday, 8 December
JSE in order to be settled by 17:00 on Thursday,
15 December 2005 on
Listing and trading of rights offer shares on Friday, 9 December
JSE at 09:00 on
Rights offer closes at 12:00 on Thursday, 15 December
Forms of instruction including cheques in Thursday, 15 December
respect of certificated shareholders to be
lodged by 12:00 on (see note 0
Record date for letters of allocation on Thursday, 15 December
Entitlement in respect of the rights offer Monday, 19 December
available on
Rights offer shares issued and posted to Monday, 19 December
certificated shareholders on or about
Accounts of dematerialised shareholders updated Monday, 19 December
and credited at their CSDP or broker on
Results of the rights offer and basis of Monday, 19 December
allocation of excess applications published on
SENS on or about
Results of the rights offer and basis of Tuesday, 20 December
allocation of excess applications published in
the South African press on or about
Share certificates in respect of excess shares Tuesday, 20 December
allocated posted to certificated shareholders on
or about
Accounts of dematerialised shareholders updated Tuesday, 20 December
in respect of excess shares allocated at their
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The dates and times are subject to amendment. Details of any such
amendment will be published on SENS and in the South African press.
All times indicated are South African times.
Share certificates in respect of WAL shares may not be dematerialised or
rematerialised between Monday, 21 November 2005 and Friday, 25 November
2005, both days inclusive.
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If you are a dematerialised shareholder of WAL shares, you are required to
notify your duly appointed CSDP or broker of your acceptance of the rights
offer in the manner and time stipulated in the custody agreement.
Dematerialised shareholders will have their safe custody accounts at their
CSDP or broker credited with their entitlement on Monday, 28 November
2005. Certificated shareholders will have their entitlements created in
electronic form and held at Computershare on Monday, 28 November 2005.
The WAL rights offer circular and the forms of instruction in respect of the
letters of allocation will be available for inspection at the registered offices
of WAL from Monday, 28 November, and will be posted to WAL shareholders on or
about Monday, 28 November 2005.
Copies of the circular can be obtained during normal business hours prior to the
closing of the rights offer being 15 December 2005, at the registered offices of
WAL, 3rd Floor, 28 Harrison Street, Johannesburg, 2001.
4 November 2005
Investment bank
Investec Bank Limited
Corporate Finance
Legal adviser to WAL
Independent reporting accountants to WAL
Sponsor to WAL
Date: 04/11/2005 05:00:06 PM Produced by the JSE SENS Department
das Thema Rot-China verträgt einen separaten Thread
Aus GLOBMAIL.COM vom 16.11.05
Juniors join Chinese gold rush
But majors holding back over concerns of murky regulationBy
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 Page B6
BEIJING -- The halls of Beijing's convention centre are buzzing with the
adrenalin rush of a new mining boom. Dozens of Canadian juniors are
scrambling for a slice of China's vast mineral deposits, and they
gathered excitedly yesterday to tout their prospects at China's annual mining congress.
But while the conference boasted a dramatic rise in exhibitors and a
record number of participants, two of Canada's biggest mining
companies were sounding a starkly different note. They are warning of
risky pitfalls in the Chinese regulatory regime that could constrain the industry's future.
Falconbridge Ltd. and Teck Cominco Ltd. are cautioning that Beijing
needs to clarify its uncertain licensing procedures if it wants the Chinese
mining industry to reach its full potential.
Both companies -- like many of the world's biggest miners -- have
remained largely on the sidelines of the Chinese exploration boom,
although they do have a presence in the country. Questions about land
title in the licensing process are a key reason for their hesitation.
"We would be loath to invest large amounts of money in development
without understanding the legal framework," Falconbridge's chief
operating officer, Peter Kukielski, told reporters yesterday.
Many of the major Western mining companies, including Falconbridge,
will be unwilling to take a gamble on China until the regulations are clarified, he said.
"I think it will be an inhibitor. There is some concern. We don't
understand clearly how one attains land ownership in China. While there
is some uncertainty about ownership, we are reluctant to invest a major amount of dollars."
In a speech to the mining conference on its opening day, he warned that
China's efforts to attract the most efficient Western investors "will be
slowed by the deeply complex issue of land ownership."
Doug Horswill, senior vice-president of environment and corporate
affairs at Teck Cominco, said Beijing will realize the need to "get the
rules right" when it sees the competition from other countries with better
regulations. "The real issue for China is the competition that it's engaged
in with Peru and Chile and Canada and Australia to secure those
exploration dollars," Mr. Horswill told the conference.
One of the key problems, he said, is the lack of assurance that an
exploration company will be allowed to secure a mining licence after it
discovers a mineral deposit. Under current Chinese rules, the company
that discovers a deposit is given "priority rights" to the mining licence, but
it doesn't have a guaranteed right. "The term 'priority rights' is suggestive
of a second decision, and that worries us, and it worries a lot of Western
companies," he told reporters later.
Mr. Horswill said he was planning to raise the land-title issue with a
senior Chinese government official at a private meeting yesterday. "I
think the Chinese officials know this issue very well and are examining
how to deal with it. We're optimistic that they will."
Teck does have exploration people on the ground in China looking for
opportunities, but it remains cautious, he said. "It will take some time for
our comfort levels to grow, and to find the partners that we want to work with."
China's minister of land and resources, Sun Wensheng, told the
conference that the government will ensure an "open and transparent"
regulatory system that will "protect the legal rights of foreign investors."
But he provided no specific details.
Junior mining companies, however, are increasingly enthusiastic about
China. In the gold and silver sector alone, at least 30 Canadian
companies are actively exploring here, and China has emerged as the
world's fourth-largest gold-producing country.
The exploration boom seems to be gathering strength. More than 2,000
delegates and 200 exhibitors are registered at the China mining
conference this week, a sharp rise from the 1,325 delegates and about 80 exhibitors at last year's congress.
The juniors are less bothered by the question marks about land security
in China. Several are already applying for mining licences and they
believe they can pave the way for the bigger companies by showing that
the process is less risky than some had feared.
"We feel confident that we'll get our mining permit," said Jay
Chmelauskas, president of Jinshan Gold Mines, a Vancouver-based
company is developing a gold mine in the Inner Mongolia region of China.
"A lot of senior companies are on the sidelines, just kicking tires and
watching the juniors. But once we show we have mining permits and go
into production, then China will be de-risked. We need a year to de-risk China."
Although Jinshan has been working for a year on the studies required for
its mining licence, it acknowledges that it might not get its mining permit
from Beijing until the first or second quarter of next year. "Beijing is a bit
of a black box," Mr. Chmelauskas said.
DOMina schwingt die peitsche, daß es nur so pfeift.
Und BTV gibt keinen Muckser von sich.
Nur flott sind die geworden. Heute kann man
lesen, daß ca. ein Drittel der Aktien aus der
KapErhöhung von den Alt-Aktionären gezeichnet wurden.
Zwei Drittel der Jungen übernimmt eine Bank.
Das ist aber nicht so sehr interessant.
Was war in den letzten Drill-Löchern?
Das macht erst die Musik .
Eldo, Milch kommt erst später dran.
DRD würde liebend gerne aus RSA raus.
Das geht aber nicht ganz.
Aber das was geht, kommt unter Emperor-Fittiche.
Dazu gehört wohl, daß die Notierung an der ASX
und damit ein ordentlicher Freefloat bleibt.
Stelle mir das nur so vor.
was wird jetzt geschehen?
DRD schlägt Kapitalerhöhung gegen Sacheinlage (Austral/Asiatische Minen) vor.
Glaube nicht, daß DRD die EMP von der Börse nehmen will.
Was das für den Kurs bedeutet (sowohl von DRD wie von EMP)
würde bei normalen Aktionären von den Terms of Trade abhängen.
Aber die haben zuviele herrliche Aktionäre.
Da wird alles beklatscht, d. h. DRD und EMP machen einen Hüpfer.
Eldo, da muß ich Dir ausnahmsweise mal widersprechen.
Goldy hat mir da aus der Seele gesprochen.
Ein Thread zum Mäuse-melken.
Nustar ist eine nagelneue Untertagemine. Alle Produktionsanlagen
waren im Sept.-Quartal erstmals unter "Vollast".
Das Ergebnis war eine "rote Null".
Anscheinend hatten sich die Aktionäre mehr versprochen.
Bei mir hat der NacktStar noch mehrere Quartale Schonfrist.
Die BATAVIA muß von jetzt auf gleich mit "Veröffentlichungen" raus.
Das brennt mir wirklich auf den Nägeln.
zur aktuellen RSA GM Produktion
Gold output predicted to hit 80-year low
Johannesburg - South Africa's gold output was likely to fall to an 80-year low of 300 tons in 2005, down from 346 tons in 2004, which was the lowest level since 1931, Andisa Securities gold analyst Dr Dave Davis said on Monday.
From 2006, South African gold output is likely to stabilise at about 300 tons as a number of gold mining projects come on line, Davis told delegates at the London Bullion Market Association Precious Metals conference.
These projects included the South Deep mine, AngloGold Ashanti's Moab Khotsong mine and new gold mining projects that Harmony Gold was developing, he said.
In 2002, South African produced 400 tons of gold.
Between 2002 and 2004, South African gold mines saw a tremendous increase in costs relative to their global peers like world number one gold miner Newmont, Davis said.
Newmont's cost per troy ounce of gold produced increased by 22 percent to an average of $232 per ounce, while South African costs doubled to an average $395 per ounce.
As a result of the appreciation of the rand against the US dollar, South African gold mining companies aggressively dealt with the cost problem by restructuring their operations.
Von der Batavia steigt noch kein weißer Rauch auf.
Aber die strenge Domina ist aus der Schminkpause zurück.
Da knallt die Peitsche wieder.
Im Oktober gab es Rekordhiebe zu Cash 250 ASD.
ordentliche Vollmilch,
hatte mir das gerade vorher angeschaut
Heute die nächste Portion Harmony verkauft.
Wird das was mit Kaffern-Minen, dann gibt´s stärkeren Stoff.
für die Galeerensträflinge, ehemalige Thistle-Aktionäre,
ist es schon Fortschritt, wenn die Peitschen kürzer gemacht werden.
(Das ist nicht wie bei der Domina.).
Es geht um President Steyn, d. h. hochwertige Reserven ohne Ende.
Dazu noch 1,2 Mio Unzen Reserven auf Philipines.
Man darf auf dem Weg zum Wasserfaß nur nicht verdursten. Aber genau das war passiert.
Tambok Waterloo
Sollten die Cash-Costs korrekt ermittelt worden sein,
wäre das sensationell gut.
das Handling der Minen-Aktien hat sich kaum geändert (letzte 3 Jahre).
Ein paar alte Namen sind durch Mergers verschwunden.
Und ein paar Explorer versuchen sich wie Baron Münchhausen am
eigenen Schopf aus dem Sumpf zu ziehen.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://users.bigpond.net.au/tribalmelbourne/Nevimbur1.jpg]