Beiträge von RohstoffBulle

    trotz des Rücksetzers bin ich nach wie vor dabei.... market-cap beträgt derzeit ~ 30 MIO CAD

    dafür bekommt man jede menge interessante properties, auf denen in den kommenden wochen gebohrt wird.... warten wir die ergebnisse ab:

    February 08, 2011

    Silver Spruce Begins Drill Program on Pope's Hill REE Project Trans Labrador Highway, Labrador

    February 8th, 2011 - Bridgewater, NS - Silver Spruce Resources Inc. (TSXV: SSE) - is pleased to announce that the diamond drill program of approximately 1000 m in 15 holes began on Saturday, Feb. 5, on the Pope's Hill REE project, located on the Trans Labrador Highway (TLH), approximately 100 km from Goose Bay. The drill program is designed to test REE+Y mineralization located in a bedrock pit (the MP showing) used for road construction during the building of the TLH. Targets include VLF-EM anomalies thought to represent shear systems, magnetic anomalies which may reflect the variably magnetic REE+Y mineralization and bedrock and float samples from the pit which were located in the fall of 2010.

    Thirty-one samples were taken over the property in October, 2010 (see news release dated Oct. 28, 2010). All samples gave anomalous TREE+Y values with 16 > 5%, and 5 > 10% with a high value of 24% TREE+Y. TREE+Y values varied from a low of 0.07% to a high of 24.07% averaging 5.73% for the 31 samples, which included 7 "host rock" samples, with values < 0.2%. The anomalous trend has been traced over a 7 km strike length extending to the east, approximately 4 km, and to the west, approximately 3 km, from the bedrock aggregate pit (MP showing) on the TLH. The highest REE values are in a dark grey to black sub-metallic to glassy mineral in veins which are variably non-magnetic to moderately magnetic. All of the REE bearing samples are weakly to moderately radioactive with significant thorium content and minor uranium values generally < 100 ppm.

    Extreme cold weather and snow conditions had slowed progress in the mobilization of the drill and crew however the drill has been set up and the first hole is underway. Results will be reported as received most likely in early March depending upon drilling progress and analytical availability.

    The company would also like to announce that the Senior Geologist of Silver Spruce, Guy Mac Gillivray, P.Geo. has left the company to work as Exploration Manager for a major gold mining company in the Abitibi greenstone belt of Ontario. Guy has agreed to stay on as a technical advisor to the company as a member of the Silver Spruce Advisory Board. The company would like to acknowledge Guy's dedication and many accomplishments while working for Silver Spruce and look forward to his continued assistance in many of the projects that he was instrumental in starting, including Popes Hill. We wish him well in his new career path.

    Information on the Pope's Hill REE Project and our other REE projects can be found on the Silver Spruce website at:

    Silver Spruce is a junior exploration company originally focused on uranium in the Central Mineral Belt (CMB) and elsewhere in Labrador, Canada. With interests in more than 4,000 claims totaling more than 1,000 square kilometers in Labrador, Silver Spruce is one of the largest landholders in one of the world's premier emerging uranium and REE districts. The company has rare earth element (REE) properties in Labrador - Pope's Hill, RWM and the Straits and gold/silver projects on the island of Newfoundland.

    This release has been approved by Peter Dimmell, P.Geo., Vice President of Exploration, Silver Spruce Resources Inc., who is a Qualified Person (QP) as defined in National Instrument 43-101.

    der grund für die gute performance von DAN liegt in den herausragenden WORLD CLASS POTASH-properties in Kanada, welche DAN besitzt....

    mittlerweile sollte jeder mitbekommen haben, was derzeit auf den globalen agrar- und düngermärkten vor sich geht.

    siehe z.b.

    viele potash-werte haben davon überproportional profitiert.... ich habe rechtzeitig die situation erkannt und vielfach darauf hingewiesen....

    auch die Potash One übernahme durch K+S zu einem exorbitanten preis hätte ein anlass sein können, sich den dünger-markt einmal anzuschauen... anstatt mich hier zu beleidigen!…ews/idDEBEE71607E20110207

    nahezu der gesamte sektor konnte in den letzten wochen signifikant outperformen... von multis wie POT... bis hin zu nebenwerten wie DAN

    ein paar charts:

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    ich bin, wie schon häufiger erwähnt in ICP und DAN investiert... AAA halte ich in meinem musterdepot, in der spitze hat sich der wert verdreifacht!

    heute +27% auf 1,25 CAD. closing auf tageshoch! ich bleib dran. bereits vervierfacht, seit ich den wert hier das erste mal erwähnt habe!

    market-cap beträgt jetzt knapp 60 mio CAD - deutlich zu wenig!

    Small potaSh StockS catch up

    By PETER KOVEN, Financial Post February 10, 2011 5:03 AM

    It can best be described as a frenzy.

    Junior potash stocks have gone on a stunning run in the past few weeks as investors have rushed into them to take advantage of rising crop and fertilizer prices.

    The numbers are fairly mind-blowing.

    To take one example, shares of Allana Potash Corp. are up more than 200% since the start of January. Others such as IC Potash Corp., Encanto Potash Corp. and Amazon Mining holding PLC have gone on spectacular runs as well.

    The agriculture sector has been hot since last summer, when grain prices began to leap higher. That renewed concerns about food inflation and shortages.

    There was a quick positive response in the shares of senior fertilizer producers, but the juniors got left out of the party. robert Winslow, an analyst at Wellington West Capital Markets, said they are simply catching up.

    "You're seeing a catch-up phase where there's capital flowing into the sector and it's moving down into smaller-cap names," he said.

    That said, the money is not being passed around equally.

    BMO Capital Markets analyst Joel Jackson pointed to an interesting phenomenon: it seems as if the most speculative, early-stage companies are performing the best.

    Advanced junior potash plays have performed well, for the most part. But the early-stage ones such as Passport Potash Inc. and Marifil Mines Ltd. have done even better.

    In a bull market, there is always more risk appetite for smaller speculative plays than there is when times are tough. however, the drastic out-performance of these early-stage potash companies suggests that investors also have very high hopes for them, according to Mr. Jackson.

    Now they have to deliver.

    "These companies have released very few data points. Expectations are high that the data points, when they come, will be significantly better than the more advanced projects," Mr. Jackson said.

    "So there's a lot of expectation built into these names, and there's a risk that there could be disappointment down the road."

    The last time junior potash companies went on such a big run was in 2008, when potash prices shot up to record levels above uS$700 a tonne. At that time, the junior group in Canada was led by companies such as Anglo Potash Ltd., Athabasca Potash Inc. and Potash One Inc. They were all eventually taken over.

    Mr. Jackson pointed out that the market values of some of today's early-stage potash juniors are approaching the prices at which more advanced companies like Athabasca Potash were taken out.

    Leading the way is Allana, which now boasts a market cap of $330-million. It was a penny stock a few weeks ago.

    Analysts said that Allana does have advantages over other junior potash plays -- it has a shallow deposit that is easy to reach, and its location (in Ethiopia) is very close to customers in India.
    © Copyright (c) The Montreal Gazette

    Read more:…/story.html#ixzz1DZAKN12e

    closing gestern:
    0,26 CAD


    Cream Minerals Ltd. beginnt ein 10.000 Bohrmeter umfassendes Bohrprogramm auf dem Silber-Gold-Projekt Nuevo Milenio

    08.02.2011 | 20:15 Uhr | DGAP
    Vancouver, British Columbia, Kanada. 8. Februar 2011. Cream Minerals Ltd. (WKN: 866036, TSX-V: CMA, OTC: CRMXF) gibt den Beginn ihres 2011-Explorations- und Bohrprogramms auf dem Hauptprojekt des Unternehmens, das Silber-Gold-Projekt Nuevo Milenio im mexikanischen Bundesstaat Nayarit, bekannt.

    Nuevo Milenio beherbergt eine signifikante, mit NI 43-101 konforme Silber-Äquivalent-Ressource. Die erste Phase des Explorationsprogramms sieht Kernbohrungen mit einer Gesamtlänge von 10.000 m vor. Zwei Bohrgeräte werden 50 Bohrungen niederbringen. Es besteht die Option, das Programm um weitere 10.000 Bohrmeter zu erweitern.

    Am 17. Januar 2011 wurden die vorgeschriebenen Formulare eingereicht, um das Umweltamt in Tepic (SEMARNAT) vom Beginn des 2011-Kernbohrprogramms in Kenntnis zu setzen. Die Instandsetzungs- und Ausbesserungsarbeiten an den Zufahrtsstraßen zur Liegenschaft machen Fortschritte. Anschließend werden die Bohrplätze und die Straßen zu den Bohrplätzen angelegt. Die Kernbohrarbeiten begannen am 6. Februar 2011.

    Das Bohrprogramm hat drei Zielsetzungen:

    1. Dos Hornos 1, Dos Hornos 2 und Veta Tomas - In-Fill-Bohrungen zur Hochstufung der berichteten geschlussfolgerten Mineralressource.

    2. Once Bocas North - Abgrenzung der bekannten Quarzgang-/Quarz-Stockwork-Zone und Bestätigung des eventuellen Tagebaupotenzials, einschließlich In-Fill-Bohrungen zur Abgrenzung des Potenzials der reichhaltigeren Gangstrukturen.

    3. Step-Out-Bohrungen zur Prüfung der bekannten Ausläufer von Once Bocas North, Once Bocas South sowie des Tagebaupotenzials und des Potenzials von reichhaltigen Quarzgängen auf Chacuaco und der Gangstrukturen auf Cafetal South.

    Seit die Liegenschaft im Jahre 2000 abgesteckt wurde, wurden Explorations- und Entwicklungsarbeiten durchgeführt. Dies schließt die Prospektion, geologische, geochemische und topographische Erkundungen, das Ausheben von Schürfgräben, Straßenbau, die Wiedereröffnung von mehreren 200 Jahre alten spanischen Schächten und Stollen sowie deren Beprobung und Laboranalysen von über 2.000 Proben, metallurgische Studien sowie Kernbohrungen ein.

    Zwischen 2002 und Februar 2011 hat Cream 60 Bohrungen mit einer Gesamtlänge von 12.000 m niedergebracht, während Roca Mines Inc. ('Roca') fünf Bohrungen mit einer Gesamtlänge von ca. 1.000 m niedergebracht hat. Insgesamt wurden auf der Liegenschaft 65 Bohrungen mit einer Gesamtlänge von ca. 13.000 m niedergebracht.

    Die mit NI43-101 konforme geschlussfolgerte Mineralressource wurde am 12. Februar 2008 in einer Pressemitteilung bekannt gegeben. Der Bericht mit dem Titel 'Evaluation Report Dos Hornos and Veta Tomas Gold-Silver Structures Nuevo Milenio Project' von Ferdinand Holcapek, P. Eng, qualifizierte Person, ist bei SEDAR ( oder auf der Webseite des Unternehmens,, zu finden.

    das sprott YNG hoch gewichtet hat finde ich sehr bemerkenswert! der mann weiß was er tut

    negativ stehe ich den vielfachen verwässerungen gegenüber. auch hat man es in den letzten jahren nicht geschafft, die produktionsanlage so aufzustellen, dass eine konstante, den eigenen prognosen entsprechende produktion möglich ist.

    dies soll jetzt in 2011 durch die modernisierung gewährleistet werden... man darf gespannt bleiben....

    unabhängig ob die produktion jetzt läuft oder nicht.... YNG hat interessante properties... gold ist ohne frage da...

    YNG ist also momentan eine option, auf einen steigenden goldpreis und auf das management, die produktion in gang zu bringen

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Major Landholder in the Central Mineral Belt of Labrador

    Silver Spruce Resources Inc. is a diverse junior exploration company headquartered in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. The company has been historically focused on uranium, mainly in the Central Mineral Belt (CMB) of Labrador, Canada. With more than 11,882 claims (2,970 square kilometers), of which more than 4,000 are located in the CMB, Silver Spruce is one of the largest land holders in one of the world's premier emerging uranium districts. Silver Spruce is advancing a number of projects in the CMB and received the first ever NI 43-101 resource calculation for the Two Time Zone in April 2008.

    Silver Spruce can earn a 100% interest in the Centauro Property, a gold-silver prospect in the Sierra Madre Occidental of Chihuahua State, Mexico. Significant soil anomalies in gold, silver, mercury and barium were defined at Centauro in early 2008 and diamond drilling is underway.

    Silver Spruce also holds a 100% interest in the 511-claim CNL base metal project in central Newfoundland where an initial drill program has been completed.

    Strong financial backing, an experienced management team, and a diverse property portfolio that includes a National Instrument 43-101 compliant uranium resource make Silver Spruce Resources Inc. an exciting Canadian investment opportunity.


    REEs, Uranium,
    Gold / Silver Exploration
    N E W F O U N D L A N D & L A B R A D O R

    Silver Spruce Resources Inc. (TSXV: SSE) is a junior exploration
    company with rare earth (REE), uranium and gold/silver projects in
    Newfoundland and Labrador.

    The Pope's Hill REE project, on the Trans Labrador Highway in Labrador, is the main focus in 2011,
    including drilling in early winter. Originally focused on uranium in
    the Central Mineral Belt (CMB) of Labrador, Canada, Silver Spruce's
    interest in approximately 6,000 claims, totaling more than 1,500
    square kilometers, makes the company the second largest landholder
    in one of the world's premier emerging uranium districts where it is
    well positioned to take advantage of the resurgence in uranium prices.

    Excellent projects and exploration expertise make Silver Spruce a
    leading explorer in Canada.


    REEs - Diamond drilling on the Pope's Hill project MP showing,
    followed by regional exploration through the summer and fall on
    the 1,359 claim group;

    Uranium - Limited follow up (as required for assessment purposes
    to maintain claims) on the CMB JV and 100% owned properties in
    the Mount Benedict and Double Mer areas in Labrador;

    Gold / Silver - Diamond drilling on the Rambler South and
    Big Easy properties.



    Corporate Presentation

    Fundamental Considerations








    Auszüge einer kostenpflichtigen Empfehlung von Peter Zihlmann:

    zinc-lead-silver-copper (100% Xtierra)

    NI 43-101 Resource Estimate (120 million silver equivalent ounces | incl. 26 million oz. silver )
    9.7 M tonnes indicated resources @ 2.43% Zn, 2.09% Pb, 0.21% Cu, 59.40g/t Ag
    4.0 M tonnes inferred resources @ 1.43% Zn, 1.55% Pb, 0.18% Cu, 53.64g/t Ag
    Recent drilling (Sep/10) has added resources to south, west and northwest

    Gold, tin and tungsten credits | high grade silver-gold zone along western margin (Hole X26 1.3kg/t Ag/3m)

    Upside for additional resource development –deposit open to SW | nearby exploration prospects

    Independent Feasibility Study led by DRA to be completed Q2 2011

    Targeting production 2012/13 at 3,000 TPD open pit and underground mine


    Feasibility Study (led by DRA Americas) | 2010/11

    Advanced metallurgical studies (oxide, transition and sulphide ores)

    Open pit and underground mine design

    Geotechnical/Rock Mechanics


    Environmental baseline

    Topographic mapping

    Civil engineering/electrical supply

    Revised 43-101 Resource Estimate -169% increase in indicated resources to 9.68 million tonnes and 68% in Inferred resources to 4.04 million tonnes

    Drilling of high grade silver veins

    Step-out drilling to expand sulphide resource base

    Infill drilling | condemnation drilling | geotechnical drilling

    Pilot Plant Metallurgical Testwork on Oxides

    Economic Analysis & Production Scheduling


    - NI43-101 Ressourcen von Xtierra sind ca. 150 moz SE (Mill. Unzen Silber-Aequivalent), davon 40 moz Ag (Silber). Alle Projekte in Mexiko.

    - Hauptprojekt Bilbao: Silber, Zink, Blei 120 moz SE, davon 26 moz Ag
    -> Bonanza!

    - endgültige Machbarkeitstudie soll Q2/2011 fertig sein

    - Baubeginn noch Ende 2011! Produktionsbeginn 2012 / Q1

    - Großaktionäre: Minco, Sprott, Pacific Road Resource Fund halten zusammen rund 75% der Shares


    Of particular note are the higher grades of zinc and lead encountered in the southwest area and the discovery of high grade silver and gold mineralization along the western flank of the deposit. Drilling also confirmed the presence of thick zones of oxide mineralization near to surface and amenable to open-pit extraction in the northern part of the deposit.

    Besides this near term production project, the company has a tailings project which is very advanced and likely to follow close on the heels of Bilboa into production.


    The La Laguna Pedernalillo silve-gold-mercury project, on the basis of a Measured and Indicated Resource prepared by Micon International, it is estimated the mineral reserve as a total of 6,799,000 tonnes, containing an average of 57.92 grams per tonne silver, 0.31 grams per tonne gold and 328.92 grams per tonne mercury. This reserve includes only that material that is classified in either the proven or probable categories.


    Preliminary work completed by Xtierra confirms the high grade nature of the El Dorado vein with channel sampling returning values ranging from 0.5 to 57.0 g/t gold over widths of 0.10 to 1.0 metre with individual grab samples as high as 1,760 g/t gold and 3,590 g/t silver. Such grades indicate the potential for bonanza deposition zone development within an epithermal boiling zone. The property has seen no drilling as of yet and its not clear when Xtierra plans to advance this exploration project.

    To summarize, this is one of those dream scenarios that come along every so often that is overlooked by the general market because of its share price. This is a seriously undervalued company that won’t be for long, in my opinion.

    Xtierra Inc. One of TSX Venture’s Best Kept Secrets…st-kept-secrets-11011701/


    Xtierra (TSX.V:XAG) has to rank among the TSX Venture’s best kept secrets. With the advanced Bilboa silver-zinc-lead project in Zacatecas, Mexico in feasibility with a 140 million ounce silver equivalent resource, and trading at a market cap of $14 million, the disparity between the reality and the should-be makes this a nearly too-good-to-be-true story. But while developing the understanding of the project and the company for this piece, the reasons for the low price become clear. (This is all of course my own speculation.)

    The company is owned 60% by Minco PLC, and AIM-listed company in based in London, and a further 18.1% is owned by Pacific Road Resource Funds. Pacific Roads has an option to provide construction financing up to $32 million dollars, and I assume Minco would do the rest, since the budget is anticipated at a paltry $50 million. If you were going to finance a mine, would you rather do it at $0.20 a share or $1?


    So there is a strong incentive for Xtierra to stay cheap for the principle shareholders, and that fact is the silver lining in this otherwise cloudy picture. Once construction of the mine is fully capitalized, and production begins (expected by Q1-2012 at the latest), the market will probably take these shares much higher – like into the stratosphere where they will soon belong, barring a catastrophe between now and the start of production.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Developing Mexican Silver-Zinc Production

    XTIERRA Inc. (TSXV: "XAG") is a Toronto-based and TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) listed resource development company.

    Xtierra plans to become a mid-tier producer of silver and base metals through the development of its Bilbao project located in the Central Mexican Mineral Belt in the State of Zacatecas, as well as through exploration and acquisition opportunities.

    Pilot Plant Crusher Installation

    Xtierra commenced a Feasibility Study of its 100% owned Bilbao project in April 2009, on a phased basis, with the first phase completed in December 2009. The First Phase was focused primarily on the achievement of a flow sheet and extraction process providing acceptable recoveries for the near surface oxide portion of the mineral resource as well as preliminary engineering studies, rock mechanics and environmental studies. Results indicate acceptable metal recoveries can be achieved. Xtierra is continuing with metallurgical optimization through further test work and pilot plant testing together with engineering design studies for a 3,000 tpd open pit mine.

    In July, 2010, Xtierra announced that it had retained Dowding, Reynard and Associates (DRA), a recognized leader in the field of mine design, mine engineering, mineral process design, project management and mine construction to complete the feasibility study on Bilbao. DRA has particular expertise in Process Plant Design, Metallurgical Process Engineering, and Metallurgical Consulting and will be intimately involved in the preparation for and commissioning and operation of the pilot plant designed to test the recovery process for the near surface oxide ores at Bilbao.

    Southampton Associates completed an initial independent resource estimate on the Bilbao deposit in November 2008 compliant with NI 43-101. A new independent resource estimate has been prepared by Richard T.G. Parker, C.Eng. dated February 16, 2010 (see "Mineral Reserves & Resources".)

    Pursuant to an earlier financing agreement between Xtierra and Pacific Road Resource Funds ("PRRF"), PRRF has an option to provide up to US$32.5 million in project financing for both the Bilbao and Laguna projects.

    The Laguna project is subject of a bankable feasibility study completed by Micon International which contains an estimated mineral reserve of 6,799,000 t, containing an average of 57.92 g/t silver, 0.31 g/t gold and 328.92 g/t mercury.

    Pinos Gold Project - Xtierra commenced initial drilling of its exciting new gold project located in the historic Pinos gold district of Zacatecas in early January 2010.