Beiträge von heinz1

    Ich möchte auf dieses "posting"in Incakolanews hinweisen. Die Region, in der die Explorationen stattfinden, ist politisch instabil.

    "This post is for all those analysts in all those Canadian brokerages, shops, houses and newsletters that cover junior goldies in the Norte de Santander department of Colombia, for example Ventana Gold (, Greystar Resources (, Galway Resources (GWY.v) amongst a lot of others."


    Hi Leute,

    mein erstes posting hier ist etwas unerfreulich - eben bei Jim Sinclair gefunden - ich hoffe, es paßt in den Themenbereich "Gold & Silber Tagesgespräch. Falls nicht, bitte verschieben:


    "Posted: Nov 08 2008 By: Jim Sinclair
    Post Edited: November 8, 2008 at 11:19 pm
    There is no doubt in the mind of those blessed by understanding that gold is headed to at least $1650.
    Order your shares as paper certificates while you still can.

    Potential confiscation of retirement plans now being discussed in
    legislative testimony is the most disturbing scenario I have ever heard.

    Consider gold confiscation now a potential whereas it was simply a bad dream before.

    Consider that Gold ETFs fit into the confiscation scenario assuming such a draconian act could actually be taken.

    Look for juniors that have strong characteristics of selection.
    These include juniors with strong management with proven track records
    that are willing to fight for their shareholders, ones with proven
    resources in the ground, ones that operate in politically sound
    countries, ones with no derivatives exposure and ones that have
    internal financing already in place. No we cannot provide you with a
    list - this is up to you to research on your own.

    If I were to construct such a vehicle it would be incorporated
    outside the USA, do business in a third country and trade outside the
    USA. Most importantly, the shares should be paper certificated with
    those certificates in my hands, not the hands of a US brokerage firm."

    Als Konsequenz würde ich alle Minenaktien, die in den USA im Depot lagern, nach Deutschland übertragen.