Beiträge von frr

    ...die Richterin in der Causa IMA vs AQI hat nun selbst ein hausgemachtes Problem mit ihrem ukrainischen KZ Verleugner und Neo-Nazi (educational consultant - ha, ha), der zu einer 250.000 $ Geldbusse wegen Verleumdung in Californien verurteilt wurde. Er hat indessen seine Assets auf die gute Richterin mit der er zusammen lebt übertragen. Dies wird auch Ihr schaden.

    Es wurde erwartet, dass die Gute vor Ende Juni zu ihrer Entscheidung findet - leider war dies nicht der Fall - doch meint man, dass diese Affaire die Sache beschleunigen sollte.

    Quid, quid peregrinus - oder wos was a Fremder?

    Mineweb hatte einen Artikel über die Chubut Provinz, Patagonien, die ein Bergbau Moratorium für die gesamte Provinz für 36 Monate vorsah veröffentlicht.

    Dies stimmt nicht, als das Moraqtorium nur einen Teil der Provinz and der Chilenischen Grenze umreisst:

    “To suspend for a term of THIRTY SIX (36) months the metal-bearing mining activity, with exception to alluvial ore, in the area comprised between the Parallels 42 degrees and 44 degrees 30 seconds Latitude South, the Meridian line 70 degrees 30 seconds West Longitude and the international limit with Chile, in accordance with what has been established by Section 3 of the Provincial Constitution.”

    Unquote -

    Navidad is located approximately 150Km to the east of this area.

    ... Denke die Richterin wird in Kürze entscheiden ... Immerhin verdient auch sie einen Sommerurlaub!

    Posted to the web on: 08 June 2006
    US gold acquisitions stall, McEwen lashes out
    Ben Abelson -


    NEW YORK - US Gold’s bid to acquire four Nevada exploration companies has encountered regulatory turbulence that could delay a formal offer from being completed for several months, if at all.

    The news sent shares of White Knight Resources, Nevada Pacific Gold, Tone Resources and Coral Gold tumbling as much as 20% on Tuesday, as panicked investors sold the stocks into an overall down market.

    The possibility that the bid may fall apart has created spreads on the order of 30% between the companies and their acquisitions prices, making a very attractive arbitrage opportunity for investors who remain confident in the deal’s prospects.

    White Knight Offer Terminated, Other Offers Delayed

    Due to delays in receiving various financial statements, US Gold has been forced to terminate its offer for White Knight, and may have to significantly delay its offers for the other companies. US Gold has said it plans on reinitiating its offer for White Knight once the required documentation is in place.

    In a press release issued Tuesday, legendary US Gold CEO Rob McEwen appeared frustrated with the situation, placing the onus for the delayed bid squarely on the shoulders of the four companies to be acquired.

    “I’m extremely disappointed with the delays that we have encountered and the lack of cooperation that we have received from the other companies in this effort. We have diligently sought to obtain from each of these companies the necessary information to complete the required regulatory filings but their failure or inability to respond in a timely manner has worked to the disadvantage of our respective shareholders,” he said.

    According to US Gold, all four companies have failed to deliver financial documents required by the SEC and TSX needed to make a formal bid. Additionally, neither Nevada Pacific nor Coral Gold has yet to complete a formal financial valuation. The TSX requires this process since McEwen formerly held board seats on those companies, and as such is considered a company insider.

    Target Companies Lash Back

    Representatives from the target companies protested McEwen’s statements. A Nevada Pacific spokesperson, who requested anonymity, said McEwen had jumped the gun in launching his bid for White Knight, and could only blame himself for the regulatory snafus. McEwen was aware of the SEC requirements, the spokesperson said, and should have waited for the required documentation to be in hand before formally commencing the offer. (White Knight was the only company of the four to have received a formal offer.)

    Louis Wolfin, a director with Coral Gold, said while he liked McEwen’s acquisition concept, he couldn’t say if the bid was fairly priced without the formal valuation in place.

    “The independent company is proceeding with their valuation…it [the delay] is not up to us, and the auditors simply haven’t finished it yet,” said Wolfin.

    US Gold spokesperson Ian Ball attempted to tone down the frustration expressed in the news release, noting that “Rob [McEwen] still fully intends to acquire all four companies…we’re confident that the deal will go through.” But Ball couldn’t give a more specific timeline as to when the formal bids would be made.

    Calls to White Knight and Tone Resources were not returned as of publication.

    Deal at Risk?

    When US Gold’s plan to acquire the junior exploration companies was revealed in early March, the deal was hailed as the second coming of McEwen, the former CEO of Goldcorp. Three months later, with none of the four transactions anywhere near closing, US Gold’s press release was probably intended to move the process along by stirring up shareholder pressure on management of the target companies.

    Still, investors have been forced to consider the possibility that the bid could fall apart. According to the news release, US Gold has reserved the right to “reevaluate its intention to acquire any or all of these companies” if it doesn’t receive the required documentation in a “timely manner.”

    Although it’s unlikely that McEwen is giving up on his Nevada dream just yet, it would appear that of all the companies Nevada Pacific and Coral Gold are in the most trouble. The two have the largest amount of information to deliver, including the required financial valuations.

    Indeed, in the press release McEwen singled these two companies out for this missing documentation. (According to a source, both companies are using the same outside firm to conduct their valuations.) Tone Resources has already submitted their valuation, so it has a smaller remaining burden to meet. White Knight is probably the most attractive of the four companies to McEwen, considering that he has been a long-term shareholder (first via Goldcorp, and later individually).

    Arbitrageurs Pick Up on Spreads

    Still, the spreads on all four companies remain large. One thing is for certain: the longer the deal drags out, the greater the volatility will be in their share prices. For arbitrageurs who have faith that the deal will be completed, this has also created a significant, albeit speculative, opportunity.

    After plunging some 24% yesterday, at the close of trading White Knight was changing hands for C$1.80, some 35% below US Gold’s offer price of C$2.80. Coral Gold fell 21% and closed at C$3.70, 27% below the offer price of C$5.05. Nevada Pacific slumped 23% to C$1.20, 35% below the offer price C$1.84. And, Tone Resources dropped 17% to C$1.41, 32% below the offer price of C$2.08.

    Since it is an all stock deal, however, these prices are a moving target, and as of Wednesday afternoon trading some of these spreads had narrowed slightly. Until the market receives clarification on the bids, however, it’s likely that spread between US Gold and the companies it wishes to acquire will remain quite large.


    US Gold’s acquisition snarls have presented a classic arbitrage scenario for investors who remain confident that McEwen can pull off a deal. Daring investors could go long the acquiring companies and short US Gold to remain market neutral while capturing this spread. But while Rob McEwen remains a force to be reckoned with in the mining industry, the episode is a key example of why not everything one man touches will necessarily turn to gold.

    Date: Tue Jun 06 2006 18:52
    frewils (For those interested in IMA vs AQI) ID#156244:
    Copyright © 2002 frewils/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved
    I'm not a lawyer, just a speculator. This is not advice.

    When the decision is rendered, I think it will focus on the relations of predecessor/successor companies. LAC vs Corona will be a sideshow acruing to IMA's benefit. There is no way a judge will shoehorn this case into LAC vs. Corona.

    When you buy a company ( or a used car ) , you get the company along with all the prior agreements, bad decisions, poor judgement and the consequences. There is no right to undo anything at a third party's expense. The judge will apply this principle.

    Consider Minera's ( now AQI's ) and Newmont's acts and decisions:

    Minera was in a position to stake Navidad - and they didn't.

    Minera was in a position to deny IMA's request to review BLEG A data - and they didn't.

    Minera could have asked IMA to sign a CA covering the BLEG A data - and they didn't.

    Minera could have asked IMA to return the BLEG A data and refrain from staking Navidad - but they didn't.

    Newmont ( the international company shown to totally control their local Argentine company ) approved or failed to object to all of the above.

    IMA's claim that Newmont gifted the data to them as a courtesy due to Newmont's disinterest in Argentina and interest in Peru is totally credible.

    The attempt by AQI's small army of disinformation artists and lawyers to frame the entire case in terms of LAC vs Corona has suceeded in the public arena but will fail in court. The shoe doesn't fit and the court will address and then dismiss any relationship between this case and LAC vs Corona.


    ... Lac-Corona was pure propaganda - as I've stated before - beware of the propagandists.

    ... and BTW - a colleague of mine was interviewing Frank Lucas, of Loeb Aaron, London, today in Zurich at the Silver summit ... as it seems even this propagandist his hedging his bets by holding both. - Wow, that speaks of real conviction - and he was pretty defensive.

    My take - "Or well" you've had enough already and see u when the wren speaks justice not assailable, apellationable and final.

    Until then, I'll refrain from further comments - even if I'd love to take TT-D to the cleaners or re-brainwash the guy to become a good law abiding citizen vs. the Cult of hemorraging his brain power to the culprits.

    Just a last word - I personally have been privileged to meet and do business with Joe Grosso more than 20 years ago and won't take any shit from idiots, who even don't seem to know what they've got themselves into.

    I sure hope that clears up my stance on the topic as I will have my vindication for sure.

    ... I'M A fan of IMA

    Hi Eldo, et al

    ...und ordentlich auch noch!

    Doch sollte man nicht ganz vergessen, dass Rob Mc. vielleicht von der Hüfte geschossen hat und mehr auf sein Image als auf seine Kompetenz geachtet "haben möge"!

    Warum musste er vor Wochen als Chmn. und Dir. zurücktreten? - Come on - Rob will do it anyway - even if he knows it's a steal and the SEC will only approve the deals on the basis of a fair value opinion - which usually is a farce as well.

    ... und wie es sein soll muss Rob vor der eigenen Türe kehren, denn Fair Value Opinions sind von den Raiders zu bezahlen ... Ha, interessant,
    für CGR hab ich diese heute bekommen ... soviel zu der Aussage, dass er nicht zeitgerecht diese Infos bekam!

    Mehr kann ich nicht sagen - ausser dass CGR total unterbewertet on a net asset basis - vis a vis den anderen ist. Scheint sich auch in der relativen Marktlage abzuzeichnen.

    Hab mehr von Rob gehalten als seine diversen offiziellen Aussagen zuletzt Ihn und seine Targets belasteten. Das mag natürlich auch eine Strategie sein - eine dumme, wie ich meine...

    Danke Eldo,

    AQI gehört gar Nichts - ausser natürlich Calcatreu - und good luck with that beast.

    Denke die judge lady wird ihre deliberations so gestalten, dass das verdict hält und weder appeals noch weitere Klagen in anderen Jurisdiktionen ermöglicht werden.
    Andernfalls könne man eine LEX Henderson als Basis für ein neues Bergbaurecht weltweit als TT-Chaos Theorie einführen.
    Cetero censeo TT-Driver non esse delendam - jedoch aufzuklären, wobei mir die Meinung so bescheidener Menschen mit ausgeprägter Arroganz ihres persönlichen Wissenstandes ganz besonders am Herzen liegen!

    "Im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung", dass unser Freund das "falsche" Management der Manipulation bezichtigt.

    Anyway - good luck to the un-initiated idiots, believing in rascals and going along with the culprits against all better judgement.

    I'm really starting to get sorry for the guy!

    oder Rob the Robber?

    Ich kann dazu noch kein abschliessendes Urteil abgeben ausser zu sagen, dass CGR im Rahmen des am Tisch liegenden Angebots ziemlich schlecht fahren dürfte, also über diesen gezogen werden würde.

    Wenn ich mir die Rechnung ansehe hält CGR ca. 30% der echten Gold Assets unter den 5 co's, allerdings hält NPG und White Night grössere ländereien, die sich auch als Moose Pastures erweisen könnten.

    Anhand der Ratios bekäme Coral knappe 5% für 30% der Assets und sogar Tone erhielte einen höheren Anteil. Kann ich mir nicht denken dieses ohne bedeutende Nachbesserung zu akzeptieren!

    CGR scheint Anfang der Woche neueste Bohrergebnisse - wie höre sehr gute - bekanntgeben zu können.

    Noch sind alle Optionen offen!

    Beste Grüsse

    from Stockhouse post:

    SUBJECT: RE: Yes it should be any day now!!! Posted By: andeeh
    Post Time: 5/24/2006 06:59
    « Previous Message Next Message »

    I hear that some cartographers are getting involved and will sue the winner of this case. Rumour has it that IMA used a map of the world to find Argentina. AQI themselves have admitted that they wouldn't have found Argentina without a map.
    This is a dangerous precedent for all mining operations. If a geologist uses a map to stake something, then logically they wouldn't have been able to find the stake area without the map and so the people that made the map own the area.

    A Newmont mining official has confirmed that when they draw up any of their maps, they are always stamped with the insignia "we found this and everything on this is ours forever, it's our ball and you're not playing". This important piece of legalese has weighted heavily on the judge's mind. Traditionally, a "no stake clause" means that you cannot stake within a given area, but given the Newmont protocol the judge has been deciding wether or not Newmont actually sold the whole Argentina to Aquiline Resources. The president of Argentina was unavailable for comment, saying only "Henderson is a meddling ****" (in spanish).

    There could be a slew of cases on the back of this. Rumour has it that only the direct blood descendents of Christoper Columbus are entitled to Navidad. Once this info hits The Street there's going to be turmoil in the resource markets.

    Spot on!

    MAY 18, 2006 - 18:37 ET

    Nevada Pacific Gold Ltd.: Robert McEwen Resigns as Director

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - May 18, 2006) - Nevada Pacific Gold Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:NPG) announces that Robert McEwen has resigned as Director of Nevada Pacific Gold Ltd., effective immediately.

    Nevada Pacific Gold Ltd. was founded in March 1997. The Company owns an exploration property portfolio covering approximately 890 square miles of mineral rights in Mexico including the Magistral Gold Mine and an exploration property portfolio covering approximately 85 square miles of mineral rights in the State of Nevada. A description of these projects, including maps and photographs, can be viewed on the Company's website at


    David Hottman, Chairman, CEO and President

    und Tone Resources board accepts takeover opinion

    Tone Resources Ltd (C:TNS)
    Shares Issued 18,786,927
    Last Close 5/18/2006 $1.75
    Friday May 19 2006 - News Release

    Mr. Scott Baxter reports

    Tone Resources Ltd. has received the fairness opinion and valuation prepared by Northern Securities Inc. It has been accepted by the board of directors of the company and has been forwarded to U.S. Gold Corp. (USGL). Miller Thomson LLP has been assisting the independent takeover bid response committee with respect to the foregoing and has been further retained to advise the company with respect to its response to the formal bid.

    The company has also received Robert McEwen's resignation as a director of the company. Mr. McEwen has advised the company he resigned in order to facilitate the takeover bid.

    © 2006 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

    MAY 18, 2006 - 18:37 ET

    Nevada Pacific Gold Ltd.: Robert McEwen Resigns as Director

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - May 18, 2006) - Nevada Pacific Gold Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:NPG) announces that Robert McEwen has resigned as Director of Nevada Pacific Gold Ltd., effective immediately.

    Nevada Pacific Gold Ltd. was founded in March 1997. The Company owns an exploration property portfolio covering approximately 890 square miles of mineral rights in Mexico including the Magistral Gold Mine and an exploration property portfolio covering approximately 85 square miles of mineral rights in the State of Nevada. A description of these projects, including maps and photographs, can be viewed on the Company's website at


    David Hottman, Chairman, CEO and President


    ... und er wird auch bei Tone zurücktreten.

    Ea hat mit der US SEC und GAAP Vorschriften zu tun, die ihn zwingen alle kanad. targets auch GAAP compliant zu machen. Auchdürften die Insider Rules zum Tragen kommen, aber das ist damit kaum aus der Welt.

    Auch ein Listing von USGL in Toronto würde nichts ändern.
    Soviel ich von Rob hörte ist die Versicherung, dass alle weiter im Spiel bleiben. Er ist ja nun auch grösster Akktionär in allen target co's.

    Stay calm, cool and collected - this may bethe last washout before we see 800 AU and 20 AG - Time to buy soon.

    buy, buy ...

    Bin etwas enttäuscht - Niemand scheint hier die nachrichten auf Englisch zu lesen.

    FRR hat eine konklusive, wie er meint Chronologie verfasst, die heute dort erschienen ist.
    Nochmals leicht redigiert:

    A Shareholder’s Opinion

    IMA Exploration Inc.

    Having followed IMA’s progress over years I’m experiencing some kind of deja vu in the opportunistic and frivolous court action Aquiline Resources has mounted against IMA. This action was holding up severely the potential and deserved price appreciation for IMA’s shareholders as warranted by the outstanding success of exploring their Silver/Lead deposits on the Navidad property, located in Argentina’s Chubut Province in Patagonia.

    IMA’s management, never the less showed their acumen and wasn’t fazed at all by the court case and just kept on working to expand and develop this bonanza grade deposit. A project, though still in an early stage of exploration has already proven to be of world class dimensions, but may lastly have a potential of way over a billion ounce silver deposit – not even crediting the lead.

    As a long term shareholder I’ve had the opportunity to meet the management several times over the years and came to the conclusion that listing the facts in some chronological order from my notes taken by these meetings. I do hope that I may be able to clear up some mis-conceptions surrounding the recent issues.


    Having met the President and CEO, Joe Grosso even before he ventured to Argentina as one of the first Canadian Juniors in order to explore mining possibilites in a country, which has just opened up to foreign capital investment in the resource sector, I became very interested.

    In the early 1990’s Joe Grosso spent long months every year in the country and delineated a vast acreage of potential resource properties. At that stage he was amongst others working together with a senior geologist, Vincente Mendez, who was a former director of Argentina’s GS (equivalent to the USGS). A portfolio of very promising exploration projects were acquired at that time and some were farmed out or joint ventured to blue ribbon names in the industry since.

    Chubut Province

    • IMA has been active in Chubut Province in Argentina since 1995, reviewing and prioritizing targets. In early 2002, IMA’s project geologist was working in north central Chubut on targets that IMA had identified over the preceding several years.
    • Newmont Mining Corporation and IMA have had and continue to have an excellent working relationship in South America since 1995, during which time IMA kept Newmont’s South American exploration team current on its properties and strategies in various locations of Peru and Argentina. Newmont reviewed numerous properties and signed confidentiality agreements with IMA indicating a long term relation which continues uninterrupted to this day.

    • In 2002 Newmont made a strategic decision to abandon exploration and development work in Argentina and to focus its South American efforts on Peru. In keeping with that strategy, Newmont decided to sell one of the projects that it acquired from Normandy. This 73,000 ha property, which straddles Chubut and Rio Negro provinces in Argentina, is called Calcatreu. IMA had an exploration crew working nearby in the north-central region of Chubut and was invited, by Newmont, to consider buying Calcatreu.
    • Newmont prepared an information package for potential bidders and had them sign a standard industry Confidentiality Agreement about information relating to the Calcatreu project, which included the normal two-kilometre – no staking restriction around the property.
    • Newmont’s CA did not cover any nearby regional targets that were of interest to IMA in its ongoing Chubut exploration program that was in progress prior to signing the CA review of Calcatreu.
    • Before offering Calcatreu for sale, Newmont and its predecessor Normandy had done some generative work gathering regional stream sediment samples from which it prepared data covering approximately 1 million ha extending more than 100 km away from Calcatreu’s restricted parameters. The area covered by this generative work overlapped several areas that were of interest to IMA.
    • Newmont’s regional generative data included information on what is now called the Navidad property, which had never been staked as a mineral claim. The data showed very high silver potential at Navidad. After making follow up visits to investigate these high silver anomalies, Newmont/Normandy left Navidad and the whole area outside Calcatreu unstaked. Staking the entire Navidad property would have cost approximately $0.30/ha or less than $3,000.
    • In its due diligence evaluation of the Calcatreu gold property IMA sent a team of experts to review the Calcatreu project.
    • During a visit to Newmont’s field office, the team noticed a map on the wall that displayed regional stream sediment data collected from areas far outside the 2 km buffer zone around Calcatreu. That data did not relate to Calcatreu, it covered a different metallogenic trend, it was not useful for the evaluation of the Calcatreu project, it was not specified in the confidentiality agreement and it was not included in the information-bid package received from Newmont. Because this map covered areas of interest where IMA was active in its ongoing exploration program and because of the long relationship and cooperation between the two companies, IMA’s team asked if they could have the data for its own use.
    • Before the local Newmont representative gave the data to IMA he got authorization from his superior at Newmont. He was directed to give the data to IMA because Newmont had interest in a project of IMA’s in Peru. Newmont did not impose any restrictions on its use.
    • After ascertaining that the grades and economics of the project was not a fit for IMA to proceed with the bid, the company gave Newmont written notice that it would not be pursuing the Calcatreu project and offered to return all Calcatreu data Newmont had given it. Newmont acknowledged with regret that IMA would not be bidding on the project, and did not ask for any data to be returned.

    • IMA resumed its ongoing regional exploration program that had been interrupted by the review of the Calcatreu project. Based on the non-Calcatreu data that Newmont had given to IMA and IMA’s pre-existing knowledge of the area accumulated through several years of scouting and exploration, IMA staked the property that has now become known as the Navidad silver project. IMA proceeded to conduct a sample/mapping exploration of the area, encountering excellent values, which were subsequently announced after receiving the official mining office notification.
    • IMA was not able to publicly announce the Navidad claim and initial results until the Mining Department officially accepted and confirmed IMA’s staking of the 10,000 ha Navidad concession.
    • Between IMA’s filing of the Navidad claim and the approval by the Department of Mines of the staking, Newmont and Aquiline made a deal that resulted in Aquiline’s acquisition of the Calcatreu gold property announced January 28,.2003.
    • Upon receiving confirmation of the “Navidad” property staking from the Department of Mines Jan. 31.03, IMA proceeded to announce the Navidad Silver discovery, located 83.5 km away from Calcatreu on Feb. 2. 2003.
    • While IMA and it’s exploration team continued their program of exploration, staking and announcing the results of their findings, as delineated prior to the Calcatreu review, obviously Aquiline continued it’s due diligence on Calcatreu by sending a geologist to Argentina by May 7. 2003. Their due diligence involved visiting the same office where IMA’s team had become aware of the map information on the office wall. Aquline, then and there learned of IMA’s discovery and this obviously precipitated to the change of the Calcatreu property acquisition to a share purchase agreement for tax reasons, as they’ve told NEM at the time. Gaining control of the Argentinian company that owned Calcatreu and all information and data base may in hindsight be constructed as quite opposite to the “tax reasons” cited.
    • Aquiline informed Newmont of their intention to change the property acquisition to a share purchase agreement which closed on July 10. 2003.
    • Aquiline chose to serve notice to IMA during a publicly known “bought financial deal”, with the obvious intent to place IMA’s management in an awkward position to accept the financing. Upon disclosure of Aquilines letter and the threat of legal action the financing collapsed placing IMA in a taxing position, which has taken 2 ½ years, an extensive time and a great deal of money to defend.
    • To this date, Newmont, the original owners of the data and the company that provided it to IMA, has never complained about IMA’s use of the data. In fact, IMA and its affiliates continue to have excellent business relations with Newmont. Only Aquiline has made an issue of these events, and it has profited handsomely as a result with an increase in its stock price not based on any value but on an opportunistic lawsuit of no value.
    • AQI hired a Lac Corona lawyer who served the initial letter of their claim to IMA. The lawyer was not involved in the court case and even stated that this case was in no way a Lac Corona precedence. IMA has never heard from this laywer again, neither before nor during the court case.
    • A Lac Corona case study PDF was widely circulated on the internet stating that this case is similar to Lac Corona – as far as I’ve heard even the court dismissed this notion as not having any relevance to the case. This was the most unashamed propaganda I’ve ever met with.

    My notes on the above facts were all derived from direct discussions with the management of IMA, while I had not the least interest to contact the management of Aquiline. This was finally taken on by a reporter from the German reknowned “Handelsblatt” as he was in Vancouver late last year and was interested in the story. Alas, the journalist never received any return calls from AQI.

    In recent discussions with the management of IMA I found them very positively inclined towards the result of the pending judgement. I’ve asked if a B.C. court decision would be honoured in Argentina where hispanic law is prevalent and should the worst case scenario unfold that the Navidad property be awarded to Aquiline, would they enjoy the popularity in Chubut which would allow to take the property to development? It seems to be well known that Aquiline has not met with support from the communities surrounding their Calcatreu property.

    The Hearing

    Oct. And Nov. 2006 the hearings in this case took place at the supreme court of B.C. in Vancouver. The costs to IMA for a frivolous court case are adding up to about 2.5 million $, which could have spent in exploration and development.

    In the final analysis of the court hearings it seems to me that not one of the initial claims or charges were brought before the court, nor ever disputed. The last link – let me call it straw – was derived from IMA’s on site geologist, not a lawyer, who stated at his personal hearing that he is not current on the legal procedures and ramifications on a CA based understanding. He therefor felt uncomfortable with the whole issue and answered as honestly as an on site geologist would answer - I’m a geologist not a lawyer.

    And that seems to be the “last straw” the whole case was built upon. As I’m not a lawyer either, I can only say –“please give me a break!”.


    It’s May now and the frustrated shareholders are still waiting for a resolution on the case. Meanwhile an unsigned 16 page “analyst report” was floated on the internet a few months ago by AQI’s management and directors. It stated that the report was originating from a major shareholder, Frank Lucas of Aaron Loeb, London. Not only did Frank Lucas not write the report nor was he ever an AQI shareholder. This is the exact opposite of what AQI’s management has inferred.

    Finally on the 1. May AQI’s stock went limit up. The stunned public was led to believe that AQI has had won part or all of the court case. As it turned out they only had a line or two on an uranium property in their portfolio which was recommended in Jim Dines’ TDL.

    Some guys take advantage at every corner and others are quietly awaiting the judicial outcome of a court case thrown at them by opportunistic and promotional operators and still do not lose reality of their achievement.

    It may at some stage become interesting to launch a class action at these kind of perpetrators over lost opportunity cost. Seems to me Henderson would deserve such proceedings considering his litigatious past.



    Denke - dass dies der Realität entspricht! ... wie Ping Pong und TT -

    Jim Dines ist derzeit der Uran Pabst; So wie er seit den 1960-ern der Gold Pabst war. Sein "Credo" ist unfehlbar für seine riesige Schar an Jüngern.
    Wie man am Beispiel sieht genügt eine Zeile von D. um Berge zu versetzen ... und ich habe es nicht ironisch gemeint. Kenne Jim D. seit vielen Jahren und bin nicht nur befreundet, sondern wir respektieren unsere manchmal gegensätzlichen Perspektiven. So halte ich wenig von Uran, da genau so endlich wie Öl - wenn auch der run gewaltig ist - ist es eine Sackgasse.

    Go IMA - a real investment in the future ...


    Com'on don't make a complete ass out of yourself!

    Be happy with your ill begotten gains and be so nice as
    to never mention Marc Henderson other than a vile promoter
    and trickster walking the edge of judicial finesse.

    The Lac Corona Case, the Frank Lucas (btw - F.L. didn't even own a share of AQI) story and now the overblown
    mention of a Uranium property by my old friend Jim Dines doesn't
    make a hero of the guy; It just cements my opinion of a vile character.

    Get a life - frr