Beiträge von Eldorado

    Juniors Sentenced to Death ?

    by Eric Hommelberg

    September 17, 2008

    It sure has been a brutal year for the junior sector so far. The horror show has decimated most juniors and many are trading at levels not seen since the beginning of this bull market in 2001. Does it mean the death of the juniors? Although most people would tend to believe that would be the case indeed one has to remember that we were there before in 2001/2002. Juniors were trading at penny levels coming down from multiple dollar levels the years before. In 2003 however many juniors caught tail wind and appreciated by 1000% or more in just a year.

    It's all about perception..... Milly !

    Let me give an example here:

    Samex, a junior exploration company that I’ve been following for years traded at 5 cents back in February 2002. Its market cap had evaporated by more than 98% over the years before. You may guess what sentiment was at that time. Well, I can tell you, it wasn’t good. But then suddenly out of the blue its share price jumped by 100% in a single day to 10 cents and within 18 months the stock appreciated to a high of $1.60. The company didn’t show off any drilling results during that period and nothing spectacular had happened. So what did cause the run (along with the entire junior sector) then? The answer is simple. Perception changed. You simply can’t value a junior without proven resources, it’s all about perception and expectations. Perception can change overnight and once it does change things can go very fast. Now fast forward to today, needless to say that sentiment has rocked bottom again but the same applies today as it did in 2002. Once perception changes, things can go up fast again. John Embry recently said in an interview with The Gold Report:

    John Embry:

    Things have gone much farther down than I could have imagined in my worst nightmare. If you are confident that the gold price is going higher, this is an ideal time to be picking away and buying a diversified list of very good quality, cheap juniors. I've made the most money in my life buying things that are out of favor because there's no downside risk, certainly from a fundamental standpoint. When the worm turns, these things could double very quickly. When that happens it'll be hard to buy. Start picking away now, as long as you share my opinion that the gold will see a hefty price rise over the next 12 months.


    Auratico,...Its Sushi Time ! :D

    Linar, einen dicken zurueck. ^^

    When the debt has to be repaid, everyone scrambles to sell assets and buy dollars to answer the call of margin clerks.

    Irre wie hier Wert und Geld verliert, verschwunden, und keinen ist das aufgefallen :hae:

    Der grosse Scam der Banker oder Bankraub an den Kunden. :cursing:

    Gold ist eine Feder, die sprang nach oben, auf Dauer kann man Gold nicht druecken.

    Auch eine gute Gelegenheit fuer Elefanten wie BHP etc....und ich habe kein Moos. :wall:

    Lasst mich doch mitspielen... :(

    Dear Members,

    Today one can cover their short positions in all major commodities as we expect there to be a bit of a rebound from the current level (gold at $786, silver $10.62). On other hand, I still see weakness in copper, platinum, gold and silver will bottom out today. Medium term planetary view is still not that encouraging so just cover your short positions and those who like to buy small quantities can.

    Grain, metals, energy and soft commodities are still in a bear market for medium term but we will buy them once the planetary movement gives 100% strong and safe signal. Until then just avoid or we will just do short term trading and my weekly newsletter as well as newflash will guide you.

    Dollar is doing well and we will witness a sideways trend in dollar for the next three trading sessions BUT LONG TERM BULL MARKET STORY IS INTACT. Commodities and currencies look weak. Our members made good money in their long positions in Japanese Yen and dollar against all the other currencies. We will get out fromthe Japanese Yen long position.

    One can cover short positions in gold and silver stocks. Buy JASO, SOLF, USU. HL, GMO, ESLR, LDK, HOKU, XSNX.

    On 16th July when I was on CNBC, a fall was predicted in oil and it was said that it would go down from $145; gold would go down from $970 and silver from $18.90. No one wanted to agree with this prediction because we were calling sharp corrections of more than 40% in oil and 30% in metals. Once again, the wave of nature theory has proven itself and has now become hard to ignore.

    Subscribe weekly newsletter or flash news here , cost of subscription is nothing against the risk you take in market.

    Thanks & God Bless
    Mahendra Sharma, Wednesday 10.00 am India time


    Investing in these times is investing in a time of chaos; and gold and silver, traditional havens, appear to have failed in that role, both having sustained significant losses of late. But don’t dismiss gold and silver so quickly.

    Their day is coming. :thumbup:

    The recent correction of gold and silver was not unexpected. In my book, I noted that in 2006 UBS had predicted a commodities sell-off—an avalanche sale of all commodities—could occur and take down gold in the process.

    Page 48, from How To Survive The Crisis And Prosper In The Process:

    In the June 5, 2006 article, UBS also warned that while the long term outlook for gold was decidedly positive, there was an intermediate risk of a global economic downturn that would drag “gold down in an avalanche sale of all commodities”; an avalanche that gold would ultimately survive before embarking again on a strong upward path.

    The global turndown predicted by UBS in 2006 is underway; and the current sell-off of commodities, an avalanche sale of all commodities, may well be the event predicted by UBS. That such is occurring means we are now entering what I call the third and final stage of economic-collapse.

    No one knows how long this stage will be. It is clear, however, from the recent takeovers of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the collapse of Bear Stearns and Lehman Bros. that there has been a seismic shift recently in the global financial landscape.

    This stage is the last period in which investments can be profitably re-allocated to take advantage of what will soon happen, a financial tsunami the likes of which have never before been seen.

    A deflationary collapse with hyperinflation is only one possibility. There are more.

    Professor Fekete’s final session of Gold Standard University Live will take place in Canberra, Australia, November 11-14. I will be joining Professor Fekete and Tom Szabo in discussing the gold and silver basis as a trading strategy in this critical period, see

    There are proven ways to prepare for what is to come.

    In matters of money trust in gold and silver; in matters of the world trust in the perfidy of man; and in everything, trust in God.

    Until humanity changes, history will not.

    Darryl Robert Schoon



    Last Saturday when the bankers realized they could no longer depend on government money to bail them out, they came up with a plan. Granted, they did so with only one night’s sleep but nonetheless there appears to be a significant flaw in their thinking.

    This is the plan:

    Sept. 14 (Bloomberg) -- A group of banks including Bank of America, CitiGroup and JPMorgan Chase & Co. are putting up $70 billion for a borrowing fund aimed at providing liquidity… Each participating financial firm will provide $7 billion to establish the fund and have the ability to borrow up to a third of the total. Other banks include Barclays Plc, Credit Suisse Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch & Co. and UBS AG. The pool could expand as other companies join.

    Now, let’s get this straight. Ten banks put up $7 billion for a total of $70 billion. Because any bank can withdraw up to $23.3 billion, if three banks take $23.3 billion each, there will be nothing left for the others. Am I missing something?

    There is nothing wrong with the plan, per se. The flaw lies in the flawed character of the participants. These are investment banks and if investment banks can exploit a situation, they will do so. That’s what investment banks do for a living, they exploit situations for their own advantage in order to maximize profits.

    Last year when two Bear Stearns highly leveraged funds were in danger of failing, Bear Stearns came to the “rescue” of one of its funds and lent it more capital, albeit with the caveat that Bear now had first claim on the fund’s assets. Then, when the fund collapsed shortly thereafter Bear Stearns exercised its now first-in-line rights to all the assets.

    Since self-serving behavior is common among investment bankers, it will be interesting to see how the bankers’ $70 billion fund will fare. After the first withdrawal, there may be a “bank run” on the remaining assets by the remaining banks—a real life version of what will be “the Banker’s Dilemma”. :thumbdown:




    All Swans Are Black

    Saturdays and Sundays

    Used to be fun

    Weekends were holidays

    Perhaps time in the sun

    But now it’s all changing

    Changing for worse

    As bankers are draining

    The public’s thin purse

    Northern Rock Fannie Mae

    Freddie Mac and Bear

    What’s next we all wonder

    Who will it be where?

    Lehman’s a lemming

    As was Bear Stearns

    WaMu AIG

    They’re all gonna burn

    Only one thing is for certain

    And that will be when

    The next bank that fails

    It’ll be on a weekend

    Danke Auratico...

    Eine Risk aversion nennen sie die 60 $ Jump Gold auf CNBC :D

    Lasst und nach Sicherheit suchen, das ganze kommt mir nun spanisch vor. :D

    Bankrun, mal schaun, schoen langsam kapieren einige wie die Konfetti Party ausgeht und gehen in Deckung.

    Erste Emotionen........da kommen noch mehr und fluechten in Sachwerte wie Gold.

    Was meint ihr was erst in 2009 los ist. :thumbup:

    Der totale Meltdown koennte bis ins Fruehjahr 2009 noch gedruckt $$$$ werden.

    Wisst was mich wundert, das jeden Tag ein neuer pleite geht, die wussten doch schon vorher und haetten jede Woche eine auf den Tisch legen.

    Fuer mich ist der Crash von grosser Hand gesteuert, die haetten die bad news verschieben koennen.

    1929 Panik ??, nun Angst, Bedenken, bin gespannt wie die Woche ausgeht :hae: .

    Ich habe die Vermutung das G.W. Bush was dreht und weiter regiert so lange wie moeglich.

    Irre wie schnell etwas wertlos wird, die haben alle auf Sand gebaut.

    Alles Zeitbomben, am besten die Deriviaten Bombe von 650 trillionen USD, die haut erst rein.

    Deriviate sind eine Massenvernichtung fuer den Markt, sagte schon Warren Buffet.

    Got Gold ?

    Nach Ellis Goldanalyse vom August ritt jetzt wohl Szenario B in Kraft. :D :D :D

    Logisch, wenn die eine nicht zutrifft dann nimmt er die andere. :D


    "Bei 1000 Seiten stürzt das Script sowieso ab und das Forum ist Geschichte."

    Dann wird es hoechste Zeit zum verkaufen. :D :thumbup:
    Ich hoffe du hast zu einen guten Zeitpunkt gekauft und bist schon am Montag wie ich geraten habe zum Haendler oder hast den Deal :P mit dem PC abgeschlossen. :D

    Schon vor einiger Zeit habe ich darüber nachgedacht, wie man diese Postingflut HIER reduzieren könnte.
    Das ginge nur über eine Aufteilung in mehrere Themen.
    Bitte denke auch mal darüber nach.
    Nach meiner Überzeugung sollten die Informationen von persönlichen Ansichten und Meinungen mehr getrennt werden.

    IÜ. ist der Zuwachs an Forenmitgliedern auch zu einem sehr großen Teil der Fraktion "Münzen und Barren" zu verdanken.
    Und überhaupt dem steigenden Interesse allgemein an Gold und Silber als Vermögensabsicherung.

    Edel Man

    Lieber Edelman..

    Hier was trennen :D ....schau doch was bisher geschrieben wird, die Leute freuen sich, manchen stinkt es an das sie nicht gekauft haben. :wall: :wall:

    Es wird sich zeigen ob das eine Bullenfalle ist oder nicht.

    Emotionen trennen, dann hilf mir mal mit denn alleine schaffe ich das nicht am Eingangstor zum Forum.

    Ein Lob an die Muenzen und Barren Fans ! :thumbup:

    Ein Aetsch den Fiatgeld Fans im Forum, der Zug kommt nun ins rollen.

    Abfahren bitte, Richtung 850 und dann weg mit dem Panzer. :thumbdown:

    Ueber der 850 $ kommen noch mehr und wollen einsteigen oder aufsteigen.

    Gruss >>>


    Ein kleiner Vorgeschmack :

    Zimbabwe introduces $100 billion banknote

    The new $100 billion banknote is not enough to buy a loaf of bread. It can only buy four oranges. :wall:

    The new note is equal to one dollar. ;(

    Edel, richtig soweit wie moeglich auf die bereitstehenden threads verteilen die in dem "Monster Thread" ueberfluessig sind wie die Muenzhaendler die oft auftauchen und verkueneden sie haben wieder 3 Unzen Silber Phillies oder OS gekauft z.B.
    Ohne diesen Thread waere die Leserschaft oder Mitgliedschaft die ums zweifache angestiegen ist erheblich geringer wie man sehen kann sind es hier nun mehr als 2 millionen die diesen Monster thread angeklickt haben der IMO ein wichtiger Grundstock vom ganzen Forum ist.
    Wir reden hier von 2800 "Klicks" an einen Tag und das bei 5635 Mitglieder mit einigen die keine Mitglied sind.

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