Beiträge von Eldorado

    Lucky, keine Ahnung ob du es verstehst, ich habe jedenfalls nun genug Elli Gold 650 $ und andere Horror Stories satt.

    Ok, ich blatter drueber...lass sie alle kommen mit ihren Charts welche auch immer.

    Hier was anderes....oft hier im Forum.

    Nibiru, Weltuntergang 2012, Bilderberger, Kriegsrecht und Arbeitscamps, Chem Trails und schließlich: Einführung des Amero. Verschwörungs-Theorien nehmen zu.…rien-Kommt-der-Amero.html

    G&B....keiner kennt dich bis jetzt, deine Vermutung kannst fuer dich behalten sonst machst du den wahren Goldbugs hier noch Angst und die verkaufen. :D

    Nicht das du dich jetzt gruen und blau aergerst mit den Bollinger. :boese: :D

    Sorry ,ich sehe hier sehr oft das User mit unter 50-100 Postings auf einmal auftauchen und ihre "Prognosen" abwerfen , bis auf zwei User in letzten Zeit lese ich den Schmarn gar nicht. :D

    Rocky, """Ich frag mich wo das ganze Geld denn gerade hinwandert?"..das frage ich mich auch. :D Hast du eins bekommen ??

    Peter, was ist in 2003 passiert ?.. keinen bock das ich jetzt nachschaue.

    Hoffentlich eine Rally fuer die EM's. :thumbup:

    Genug schlechte Nachrichten heute , morgen wird es hochinterssant !

    CNBC ,die ersten I'm worried" now, its a bearmarket !... tauchen auf und der Dow faellt gleich.
    Even the bears losing this market says Bob Pisani. :D
    Tick Tack...unter 11.000 gibts beim Dow dann Panik, wann geht die Bombe los.?
    Wie Auratico schon sagt bald kommt das Battle Royal, die ist spaetestens wenn der USDX bei 80 ist.
    Was das gut sein soll wenn er ueber 80 ist fuer Gold habe ich nicht kapiert.
    Ich hoffe und druecke die Daumen das der Index erstmal wieder unter 777 faellt dann Richtiung 666, zur Hoelle !
    Strong Dollar bei solchen Daten und Aussichten in USA ??????????
    Bullshit, wieder so eine gute Manipulation vom PPT, nun muss einer sich verabschieden, der Dow oder der Dollar, beide stuetzen wird jetzt schwer fuer das PPT wenn sie gleichzeitig Cash gegen Gold werfen.
    Stagnation angesagt ?...
    Irgendwo auf YouTube gesehen, nur ein Geruecht bis jetzt, der System Crash ist fuer den 11.September "angeblich" geplant, irgendwas bewegt sich stark an diesen Tag, der Startschuss fuer die PM Rally ??? oder gar nix ?????
    Global Slowdown Talks, gut fuer das weitere Shorten von Rohstoffen, man faehrt seit vier Wochen nur mehr halb so viel mit seinen Auto. :D

    GASOLINE ein wichtiges Wort in USA....lets talk it down, spend and borrow again Goldilocks.

    Eigentlich ein saudummes Volk ohne kulturelle Werte oder gutes essen mit Horizont auf New York, die brauchen auch Mickey Mouse Money damit die Muppetshow dort weiter geht.
    Vielleich eine riesen Nachfrage die den USD weiter treibt, klar die Aktien werden meisten in USD ausgezahlt und jeder nimmt nun erstmal Cash, dann hoffentlich Gold im Tausch mit dem Fetzen. !

    Eigentlich müsste hier an dieser monetären Maginot-Linie ein "battle royal" stattfinden und ein Abprall nach unten hin würde dem arg gebeutelten Gold deutlich auf die Sprünge helfen.

    Unerwartet schlechte Nachrichten der Banken, eine Pleite gar oder eine weitere "Rettungsaktion" in USA - ein Ereignis in dieser Grössenordnung müsste es sein, um den sich anbahnenden Trend auf die Schnelle umzudrehen.

    JUNIORS ....was fuer Milly :D

    Few investors can stand up to the fortitude of an investor in the junior mining sector.
    Basically, if you did not sell everything in May 2006, then your portfolio is probably under water.
    The drawn downs in the junior’s has been beyond belief. Most of the shares are down 50% or more from the May 2006 highs and many are off 70%, 80% and even 90%.

    Are investors insane to stay with these ‘investments’ or should we be looking elsewhere? :?:

    Each investor must answer this question for themselves.
    However, investors need to remember the reasons they started investing in the junior mining sector in the first place.
    Has anything changed? Has inflation gone away? Has the Fed stopped printing money? Have the fundamentals of the U.S. Dollar changed (other than for the very short-term)?

    Let’s face it, nothing has changed and investors need to stay the course. Sure it is difficult to hang in there in these challenging times, but if you believe (as do we) in the long-term bull market in the commodities including gold and silver, then you must exercise patience and good judgment and do not panic. Do you want to be selling now, at these low prices? Of course not.

    To quote, Kevin Corcoran, author of Junior Mining Investor “…The junior exploration and mining industry is one of the few sectors that offers life-changing investment returns.
    This doesn’t mean it’s easy to make money in speculative mining stocks. However, the more research and work you do, the better your chance to create great wealth.
    Investors must do their homework, call the companies regularly and be ready to execute positions when risk/reward dynamics are stacked in their favor….There has never been a better time to invest in natural resources. Be a student of the markets and take advantage of the tremendous opportunity currently offered in junior mining and exploration stocks.”

    We suggest that investors be aware of the high risk of investing in this sector as well as the spectacular potential rewards. Particularly at this time, investors need to focus on companies with excellent management, excellent properties and cash in the bank. This will greatly increase our chances of success.

    Paraphrasing one of our peers in the investment community; ‘regular investors invest 100% in order to receive a 10% return, while junior mining investors invest 10% of their monies looking for a 100% return’. :D

    Junior mining investors today have every reason to be disappointed in the performance of this group over the last year or so. :( :wall:
    But that is the past and we must move forward. Do we whine over our losses or do we get to work and select some of the great opportunities currently available at these ridiculously low prices.
    Remember, we are in a long-term bull market and these shares will shine again, and many of the shares currently selling for pennies will be selling for many dollars in the coming months and years.

    Do you hear it? Knock, Knock, Knock. Yes, that is opportunity knocking. The question is; are you listening? :wall: :D

    If you see what I see (positive diversion forming), we are at or very near an incredible buying opportunity which suggests that you complete your shopping season very soon.

    Yes, junior mining investors are a rare breed. Do you have what it takes? If so, do your homework, selecting sound junior mining shares or perhaps long-term warrants trading on those shares.

    Die habe ich gefischt, die koennen ihr Defizit noch sehr lange steigen lassen bis der USD nichts mehr wert ist, wir drucken weiter wie in Zimbawe.
    Die Zinsen werden sicher auf 12% steigen bis 2012.

    Auf 321 oder GE gelesen, wie gehts weiter ????

    Where Is the Economy Going in the Next Six Months?


    1. The housing decline is not yet done, because we will need another year to unwind foreclosures in the pipeline. The housing bubble still has another 10% to 20% to go to fully deflate.

    2. Consumers in the U.S. are not able to expand credit and are increasingly concerned about the outlook for the economy, so they will slow spending both at home and on imports, which means we are in a recession or about to confirm one.

    3. The financial/banking system is weaker than understood. The global system and literally trillions of dollars in derivatives has left the world's banks teetering on the edge. Don't jump back into financials.

    4. A slowing economy - recession - coupled with inflation, creates a condition referred to as stagflation, as the simulative bailouts compete with the debt implosion of overleveraged financial institutions and real estate, to leave us with stagnation and still high costs.

    The result of this is that the inflation rate, interest rate, food, energy and precious metals are heading higher as the dollar is debased.

    Higher rates are not good for housing and stocks.

    Finally, it is important to recognize that the world remains in the throes of a deep and serious crisis.
    While many analysts will express the view that the worst is over or that, after a modest downturn, things will bounce back just like they always have, our view is that what we will actually witness going forward is a fairly steady erosion of paper currency purchasing power and sluggish economic growth.
    The crisis will accelerate, moving faster, even, than in previous major shifts such as that witnessed in the 1970s.

    While history may find we are too pessimistic at this point in time, in our view it is far better to prepare for a worsening crisis and hope that it does not materialize, than to expect business as usual.

    Electronic Arts...bitte ueber PN das Gefecht fuehren, wir sollten einen Ring aufbauen (Thread) z.B. Der ForenRing :D


    This selloff we've had since Monday was a huge surprise.
    for everyone.
    One would think that we would be at a bottom here, as
    there should be very few leveraged tech funds left to be flushed out of
    the long side. Their selling is what drives the price down. No doubt,
    there is more shorting going on...but all in all, I'd say we're done to
    the downside. But I thought the same thing in the middle of
    August...and look what happened.

    Ich war auch ueberrascht, hoffe wir sitzen nun am Boden.

    Edel ;)

    Milly... mal schaun...299 PFUI ist nun ekelhaft,deine 200 Prognose ist aber laecherlich.
    Klar der Dow zieht auch die HUI Aktien runter, irgendwann koppeln sich aber die Minen dann ab und steigen wenn Dow Werte fallen.
    Irgendwann hilft mir wenig da ich keine Zeit zum verschenken habe.


    with the final leg down underway to complete the pattern…lows should be put in place between 310-320. (300 ?)
    Within 2-3 weeks, this pattern should be complete, with a subsequent move to 430-450 before curling down again.
    The USD has one final leg up to complete the present upward move before heading lower…this will likely coincide with a bottom in gold and the HUI.

    Gold und USD, daran liegt das nun...ich kann nur hoffen das der HUI wieder zwischen 310-320 steigt, morgen !

    Glowing prospects for gold

    Deutsch Google :D ...…l=de&ie=UTF-8&sl=en&tl=de

    By Philip Haddon | 09:42:00 | 04 September 2008

    With the Indian marriage season looming, Investec's gold expert says prospects for the gold price are good despite a strengthening US dollar.
    Gold, seen as a natural hedge against the weakening dollar, has fallen in price in recent weeks as the dollar has shown real signs of strengthening. At the time of writing the gold price was hovering just above the $800 mark at $804 per troy ounce, while the oil price was at $107 a barrel.

    But Investec's AAA-rated gold fund manager Daniel Sacks, who co-manages the Investec GSF Global Gold and Investec Global Gold funds is confident about the commodity's long term strength, although he accepts that a rising dollar and falling oil price are 'major headwinds.'

    'Both those factors are working against the gold price at the moment :( ,' South Africa-based Sacks says. 'But I am encouraged by the strength of the physical gold market at the moment.
    [Rand Refinery the world's largest single refining and smelting complex for precious metals] has actually been selling out of gold. 8o
    A week ago they actually ran out of stock. This is encouraging, it shows the safe-haven-buying we would expect in anticipation of more subprime fallout is occuring.
    And also it is a recognition of the global negative real interest rates we are seeing.' :thumbup:

    Sacks' funds can also invest in shares connected to other precious metals than gold, but has recently been increasing his exposure to gold shares.
    He thinks that with the Indian wedding season arriving, as well as Christmas, demand for physical gold will be remaining robust despite the unwinding of many 'dollar versus commodity' trades.
    'We are actually more bullish on gold shares than others at the moment.
    In anticipation of an appreciation of the gold price, we have been adding to our gold shares,' he says, listing Kinross Gold Corporation, Gold Corp and, for the first time, Newmont Mining Corporation as positions he has been adding to.
    He does not think the gold price can go much lower. If it does he foresees problems for some producers.
    'If you look at the total costs of producing a ounce of gold, it is between $700-$800,' he says. 'Below that price we will see mines closing.' :thumbdown:

    Sacks says he 'does not subscribe' to the views of gold bull François Mouté, however, who thinks the gold price could hit $1600 per troy ounce this year. :tired:
    Having returned 96.6% in the last three years up to the end of July, compared to the average manager's return of 54.3%, Sacks and co-manager Daniel are the top performing managers in Europe in the gold and precious metals sector. They are also AAA-rated for their risk-adjusted performance.…ent.aspx?ID=312966&Page=1

    RICOLA !!!!

    Marc Faber echoed similar sentiments in a Bloomberg TV interview this morning. I found his most recent market commentary, issued on August 20, 2008 titled, "Contracting Global Liquidity," quite compelling. He uses several charts to demonstrate how liquidity is contracting, the dollar is strengthening, commodities are declining, and what the relationships that exist between them predict for the future.

    He writes:

    "In sum, credit growth and liquidity are contracting, a vicious economic downturn is about to unfold (China could surprise on the downside and put additional pressure on commodity prices) and asset markets are still high by historical standards and, therefore, remain vulnerable.

    I would use equity rallies as a selling opportunity and further weakness in gold as a buying opportunity for long term holders with significant cash and cash flows."

    Faber has an enviable track record over the long, intermediate and shorter term. Not many investment strategists can boast of getting the market right over these three terms. He is an open-minded contrarian who is not afraid to change his views. He was way in front of the investment community predicting the rise of China and commodity prices six years ago. He correctly wrote that the US currency and stock markets would relatively outperform others last year. And he got the April-May S&P 500 rally to 1440 right also.

    The one longer-term trend Faber appears to have the most confidence in is the "long gold/short the DJIA" trade that has been working, despite the recent pullback, since 2001.
    Over the intermediate term he is a looking for what can be described as nothing less than a US stock market crash, perhaps by the end of this year.

    Rather than the US markets leading the rest of the world higher, the evidence points toward the rest of the world leading US markets lower.
    The global slowdown had begun in earnest. The US is now more dependent on world growth than the world is reliant upon the US. This is especially true since the US consumer is seeing his credit cut off and US banks and financial institutions suffer the effects of the second wave of the credit crunch.

    Once the relief rally has run its course and investors see that the US economic rebound has not staying power and only worn out consumers trying to pay off 25 years of accumulated debt, the dollar will rejoin the ranks of the other fiat currencies and resume its decline versus the price of gold.

    Excerpted from the 9/2/08 Global MegaTrends Portofolio's Newsletter: