.when markets must climb the wall of worries, setting up suckers to hold the bag, metals cut up worthless paper, credit default swaps now skyrocketing, a witches brew of economy killing debacles, SEC watching Bear Stearns, ruining the reputation of America
Everything the cartel does is geared into keeping both professional and private investors out of precious metals.
The so-called "wall of worry" which any given market is said to climb, is nothing more than a false, fraudulent front of disinformation which is created by elitist insiders on Wall Street, in our government and in corporate America, in order to scare people out of any market from which the elitists wish to profit.
They want you to keep out until they have bought in cheaply . After they have glutted themselves, the wall of worry is removed and the public dupes are let in on "the coming huge rally" in whatever, all as promoted by our "beloved" fane-stream media. The market is then run up by the sheople-dupes to a blow-off top, and then the inside players bail out with as much stealth as they can muster, booking monumental profits while the public sucker-dupes crash and burn and are essentially left holding the bag as they are advised by the fane-stream media to follow Charles Schwab's mantra that "we're in it for the long term." (Barf) We have news for you -you're in it for the long greased pole that the elitists will be shoving up your collective derrieres after they have glommed their pirate booty. Yes indeed, you're "in it for the long pole."
...... The "wall of worry" for precious metals is no different and is a product of the cartel's overall creative efforts at suppression of the monetary metals.
Gold suppression is JOB ONE at the Fed, and the Fed uses its vast powers, in conjunction with the powers given to the PPT by Reagan's Executive Order (and we might add in conjunction with powers that go way beyond the mandate called for in that Executive Order), to create the wall of worry for precious metals. They do this not only because precious metals continually embarrass the value and integrity of their "worthless paper" which some prefer to call Federal Reserve notes (printed by a Ponzi-scheming, privately owned Fed and backed by the full faith and credit of a bankrupt US Treasury), but also because they are attempting to alleviate what is one of their greatest causes for angst.
The fear we have just alluded to is the cartel's fear that due to their complete bungling and ineptitude, gold and silver will explode before they can bail out of the general stock and bond markets through dark pools of liquidity that would hide their bailout from the public patsies.
They want to plow those proceeds into commodities and real, tangible assets, with gold and silver high on their list.
And when they buy, they want to get in cheap. ....got it ???
PS. Wer Gold und Silber drueckt der kauft heimlich im Hintergrund ist auch meine Vermutung.
Und wenn sie dann genug billigst gekauft haben dann werden sie es hochreden ueber ihre Medien.
Man kauft das Gold der Steuerzahler von den Zentralbanken in erster Linie.
Die Elite bestimmt wann und wo eine Hausse ist ebenso ein Crash oder wo Krieg stattfindet meine Herren !!!
Die haben doch das selbe Problem ihr Fiatgeld unterzubringen zur Werterhaltung.
Die dummen sitzen dann auf wertlosen Papier mit Schulden oben drauf und die Elite sitzt auf Sachwerte das ist doch logisch.
Dann verkaufen sie wieder ein paar Sachwerte und drucken wieder was neues wie den Amero.
Und das Spiel kann weiter gehen oder nochmal von vorne anfangen, man braucht nur eine Druckmaschine und Grossbanken die man kontrolliert wie die Federal Reserve oder EZB.
Dieses Spiel war schon so oft da in der Geschichte und wiederholt sich wieder wenn ihr mich fragt.
Die sind dann bereits gut positioniert und bereits am anderen Ufer bevor die Masse ueber die Medien dann ins Hirn gepocht bekommt welche Bruecke sie nun nehmen sollen/muessen.
Das war mein "Wort zum Sonntag", 19 mal editiert !
Gute Nacht .... XEX