52 week price range : 0.26 - 0.68, gestern 0.26
Keine sonstigen Infos im Internet zu finden. Ausser auf Infomine in Canada, allerdings nur für subscriber (gegen Bezahlung).
Grüsse - Explorerfan
9. Januar 2025, 14:24
52 week price range : 0.26 - 0.68, gestern 0.26
Keine sonstigen Infos im Internet zu finden. Ausser auf Infomine in Canada, allerdings nur für subscriber (gegen Bezahlung).
Grüsse - Explorerfan
Fronteer über nimt das türk. Goldgebiet von Teck Cominco. Rückkaufrecht bis 70 % später möglich.
Aus dem letzten Pan American Silver Rundschreiben :
Hiebei ist inInteressant, dass auch ein Silber-Duchschnittspreis von USD 10.00/oz als Berechnungsgrundlage erwähnt wird.
Grüsse - Explorerfan
Dukat is the world's third largest primary silver deposit, containing nearly 500 million ounces of silver in reserves and resources, and is located in Magadan State, Far Eastern Russia. From 1996 until 1999 Pan American was actively involved in financing and constructing a new mine at Dukat. In 2000 this activity was frustrated and, after significant legal action, Pan American Silver and Russian company OAO MNPO Polymetal agreed to form a new company owned 80 percent by Polymetal and 20 percent by Pan American. Pan American's interest required no further contributions to project expenditures.
Due to the loss of control of the Dukat deposit, Pan American wrote off its $37 million investment in Dukat in 2000. In November 2004 Pan American sold its 20% carried interest in the property for up to US$43 million. Pan American has received US$20.5 million in cash and is to receive up to US$22.5 million in contingent future payments. The future payments are to be made annually based on the yearly average silver price, and range from no payment at a silver price of less than $5.50/oz, to $8 million if the average silver price for the year exceeds $10/oz. The agreement also includes provisions for early payment of remaining future payments on the occurrence of certain events, such as a public share offering by Polimetall.