Beiträge von Freakstar

    Nun sind die Preise der Händler auch offiziell. Minormetals zeigt nun schon 420,-Dollar. Die hinken zwar immer ein bisschen hinterher, doch müsste der aktuelle Preis von fast 450,-Dollar, demnächst auch dort zu sehen sein.

    Hier ein Auszug des aktuellen Indium-Berichts von Metalbulletin:

    Indium heads to $450 on higher demand, poison inspections
    Shanghai 26 August 2009 07:56

    Chinese indium is being sold as high as $450 per kg for export amid strong buying interest and indications that production in China could be affected by heightened pollution inspections in the wake of poisoning incidents.

    "We just sold one tonne at $450 per kg in the past few days, higher than what we got last week," said a trader in Hunan province.

    "As far as I know, prices in the European market have all been above $400, but of course that is still lower than what we can accept, because domestic prices are quite high and even the smuggled material in Hong Kong is offered at more than $450 now," he added.

    Refined indium is selling at 3,000 yuan ($439) per kg, duty paid, up over 200 yuan from last week, while crude indium prices increased by around 300 yuan to 2,500-2,600 yuan per kg, duty unpaid, amid very limited deals as producers are reluctant to sell.

    "It is physical consumers that are buying more, and buyers from the overseas market are especially active. For many consumers, indium prices are not a big deal as indium only accounts for a small percentage in their production costs. They are not so sensitive about prices. And existing indium prices are still quite low compared with the past," said a Shanghai-based trader.

    The bullish mood is supported by the aftermath of heavy metal and lead poisoning investigations in more than one province.

    After deaths were linked to pollution from smelters, authorities in China have begun inspections of some facilities, and this may could also affect indium producers.

    "Officials have come to our company recently, taking water and earth samples for laboratory test. The refined indium smelters like us are all right. But the crude indium producers may have big problems, and a lot of our crude indium suppliers have shut down these days to avoid this round of control," said the first trader in Hunan.

    Market participants are now talking of prices heading to $500 per kg soon.

    "Prices will go up further in September. The market is being pushed up by real physical demand this time, so it's unlikely to retreat soon," said a second trader in Shanghai.

    "Prices have been going up rapidly, and sellers are quite cautious," said another trader in Hunan.

    "There are no crude indium producers that will give you any quoted prices. They just sit on their stocks. And for refined indium producers, if they cannot get enough raw material, how can they dare sell?" he added.