Beiträge von Bin Adabei

    Die sollten nun geheilt sein und nicht mehr brennen, Tschonko.


    Die ganzen Daten und Non Farm Payroll sind ein Joke.
    In einer Woche wechseln oder verlieren eine Million Amerikaner ihren Job. Soll das ein Masstab sein ? :D

    Sie verschulden sich taegliche mehr und glauben Treasury Mr.Snow laesst wie Frau Holle den Schnee aus den Kissen damit sie weiterborgen koennen.

    Disneyland !!! :D

    Eines Tages haben sie 25% Arbeitslose die dann Probleme haben ihre Schulden zu bezahlen.

    Fasten your seatbelts and hang onto your jobs, buy Gold and Silber,...heisst es in den naechsten Jahren.

    Soon the Party is over.



    Hmmmm....... :rolleyes:

    Please book profits in metals because I don't see next five that favourable. As previously mention many time that June would be positive months and looks like but current over scenario is very choppy so book profit is always a good thing.

    Treasury Bond looks weak.
    Oil will hang around here and than fall will came.
    Stock market may hang around this level during this week but looks weak and very weak.
    Don't forget to buy dollar index in weakness.

    Time will tell !!!


    Porphyry Deposits Winning Even Precious Metal Respect

    By Craig Stanley
    20 May 2005 at 09:43 AM EDT

    TORONTO ( -- The rise in metal prices since the lows of 2001 has renewed interest among producers, explorers and investors in the largest copper deposits on Earth - porphyry copper deposits. Yet the interest is not limited to just copper as these deposits can potentially host significant concentrations of gold, silver and molybdenum, an element used in hardening steel.

    Moly prices doubled in 2004, whilst copper recently reached a 16-year high in New York, and gold and silver prices have averaged more than we've seen in a decade. Consequently, the imputed value per tonne of porphyry deposits has rocketed making them the target of cash flow and growth hungry companies.

    The interest is not just limited to base metal companies since gold companies with some natural hedging exposure have been some of the best investments in this cycle.

    Ivanhoe Mines’s [IVN] Oyu Tolgoi deposit is perhaps, from a resource investor perspective, the most important copper and gold porphyry presently being developed anywhere in the world. It is well above average grade for deposits of this type, and investors now wait to see if it can become the cash dispensing machine that the world’s greatest mine, Grasberg, is. Grasberg is owned by Freeport McMoRan [FCX] and Rio Tinto [RTP].


    Porphyry copper deposits can be boiled down to the economics of bulk mining. They are the quintessential low-grade, large-tonnage deposits, containing hundreds of million tonnes of ore generally grading 0.5% copper and up.

    Most are Mesozoic to Cenozoic in age and located at convergent plate boundaries in the Canadian Cordillera, the southwest United States, the Andes Mountains in South America, and in the Philippines, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

    Their occurrence is linked to the intrusion of subduction-related magmas at shallow levels in the crust, generally forming stocks with large, well-formed minerals crystals set in a groundmass of finer-grained crystals, hence the name porphyry. These intrusive rocks are generally felsic to intermediate in composition, ranging from granite to diorite. Virtually any type of country rock can be mineralized and both the intrusion and the country rock typically exhibit pervasive fracturing and brecciation. Copper generally occurs in chalcopyrite in stockworks of veins and disseminated throughout the host rocks.

    Porphyry deposits are known for the development of immense (up to 10 km2), convective hydrothermal systems in and around the intrusions. The concentric alteration shells in porphyry copper systems was documented by Lowell and Gilbert in 1970 and has since become required knowledge for a generation of geologists. Their model consists of an inner potassic zone with biotite and potassium feldpar, grading outwards into the phyllic zone (quartz and sericite), passing into the propylitic zone (chlorite, epidote, calcite) and finally an outer argillic zone (clay minerals). Though the Lowell-Gilbert hydrothermal model has proved itself to be an aid in exploration efforts, not all zones are present in every deposit, nor are they always concentric.

    Low-temperature processes that are not related to the primary magmatic-hydrothermal system have made many porphyry deposits economical by further concentrating copper. These 'supergene' deposits form from ground water leaching copper from chalcopyrite and re-depositing it as higher-grade chalcocite and bornite below the water table. An oxidized or ‘leached’ cap is left at the surface, consisting of clay minerals, iron oxides and residual quartz.


    Due to their low grades, porphyry deposits must be amenable to bulk mining methods (open pit and, rarely, underground block caving). In very general terms, sulphide ore is concentrated via traditional flotation processes and shipped to smelters, whereas oxide ore is leached to produce a solution that is then subjected to a solvent extraction and electrowinning process (SX/EW), producing copper cathode on site.

    Sulphide ores may also undergo bioleaching and/or bioxidiation processes that use iron and sulphur oxidizing bacteria to make ores amenable to SX/EW or to directly produce copper.

    A joint venture between BHP Billiton [BHP] and Codelco, the Chilean state copper mining firm and the world number one producer of the metal, is seeking environmental approval for its proposed $328 million copper bioleaching project that is expected to produce about 153,000 tonnes of the red metal a year.

    Though SX/EW is less costly, the electrowinning process is power intensive, an issue in remote locations where power has to be generated at site. High natural gas prices caused Argentina to curb exports to Chile in 2004, forcing miners there to switch to more expensive energy sources.

    Companies and their deposits

    The two largest copper porphyry deposits on Earth – El Teniente, which also holds the title of the largest underground mine, and Chuquicamata – belong to Codelco.

    The state-owned company produced 1.84 billion short tons in 2004 at a cash cost of $0.37 a pound, making it one of the lowest cost producers. Codelco plans to increase output to meet growing Chinese demand and has added about 73% to its debt since 2001, though its local currency debt outlook was lowered on May 4 by Standard & Poor's to negative from stable.

    Title of the world’s largest copper producing mine goes to Chile’s Escondida mine, a joint venture between BHP Billiton (57.5%), Rio Tinto (30%), a consortium of Japanese companies (10%) and the World Bank’s International Finance Corp. (2.5%). Almost 1.25 billion tones were produced from the mine in 2004.

    BHP Billiton also owns the Tintaya mine in Peru, while Rio Tinto operates the historic Bingham mine, 20 miles southwest of Salt Lake City, through its Kennecott Utah Copper subsidiary.

    Title of the most gold-rich porphyry copper deposit goes to the Grasberg mine on the south side of Papua (formerly Irian Jaya), Indonesia.

    Freeport owns 85.9% of the mine, with the remaining held by the Indonesian government and a private company; Rio Tinto has a claim of 40% of production in excess of 125,000 tonnes per day.

    In 2003, 1.5 billion pounds of copper and 2.3 million ounces of gold were produced. The net cash production cost for the copper was negative $0.02 per pound thanks to the sale of gold as a byproduct credit. Production was down in 2004 due to two pit wall failures: one in October 2003, the other in January 2004. Over 335 million pounds of copper and 600,000 ounces of gold were recovered in this year’s first quarter at a cash cost of only US$0.07 per pound. Freeport McMoRan’s share of estimated recoverable reserves at Grasberg as of December 31, 2004 totaled 40.7 billion pounds of copper and 46.6 million ounces of gold.

    Another gold-rich porphyry is Ok Tedi, situated in the Star Mountains region of Papua New Guinea. In 2004, 173,400 tonnes of copper and 524,500 ounces of gold were produced at the mine at total costs of US$0.60 per pound of copper. Inmet Mining [TSX: IMN] has an 18% stake in Ok Tedi, with the rest held by the federal and provincial governments.

    Ivanhoe Mines currently produces copper at its Monywa project in Myanmar. However, Robert Friedland’s company is far better known for its wholly owned Oyu Tolgoi, or Turquoise Hill, project in southern Mongolia, 550 km due south of the capital, Ulaanbaatar, and 80 km north of the Chinese border. As of the beginning of May, the porphyry deposit has a measured and indicated resource of 32.9 billion pounds of copper and 17.3 million ounces of gold.

    Other Producers

    Phelps Dodge [PD] produced over a million tons of copper and 57 million pounds of molybdenum in 2004 from a number of porphyry deposits, including Morenci (Arizona), Cerro Verde (Peru), El Abra, and Candelaria (Chile).

    Collahuasi, a joint venture between NorandaFalconbridge [NRD] (44%), Anglo American [AAUK] (44%) and a Japanese consortium (12%), produced over 200,000 tonnes of copper concentrates and cathode in 2004. The mine, located in northern Chile, is the fourth-largest worldwide.

    Southern Peru Corp. [PCU], one of the ten largest copper producers worldwide, counts the Toquepala and Cuajone porphyry deposits among its assets. The company’s largest shareholders include Grupo Mexico and Phelps Dodge.

    Over 370 million pounds of copper and 600,000 ounces of gold were produced from the Alumbrera mine in 2004 at a cash cost of negative $0.04 per pound of copper. Located in the northwest of Argentina, the project is owned by Xstrata [LSE: XTA] (50%), Goldcorp [GG] (37.5%) and Northern Orion Resources [TSX:NNO] (12.5%).

    Placer Dome [PDG] owns 100% of the Zaldívar mine in northern Chile. In 2004, the mine produced 325 million pounds of copper at an average cash of $0.51 per pound.

    The bulk of Aur Resources’ [TSX: AUR] production comes from two Chilean deposits: Quebrada Blanca, in which it has a 76.5% interest, and a 63% stake in the Andacollo deposit, which originally was thought to be a porphyry but has since been classified as a manto-type deposit.

    Quadra Mining’s [TSX: QUA] main asset is the Robinson Mine in eastern Nevada, which produced 27.6 million pounds of copper and 14,081 ounces of gold in the first quarter.

    Amerigo Resources [TSX: ARG] produces copper and molybdenum from the tailings of Codelco's El Teniente mine.

    A number of companies are mining porphyry deposits in British Columbia. Teck Cominco [TSX: TEK.SV.B] more than doubled its first quarter profit on increased sales of copper and molybdenum from its Highland Valley mine, 60 km southwest of Kamloops. Northgate Minerals [NXG] is currently mining the Kemess deposit in the north-central area of the province and is contemplating the development of the Kemess North deposit. Taseko Mines [TGB] recently restarted the high cost Gibraltar mine in south-central British Columbia, while Imperial Metals [TSX: III] owns the Mount Polley porphyry copper-gold deposit and has a 50% stake in the Huckleberry mine.


    One of the largest undeveloped porphyry deposits is Cerro Casale in northern Chile, with 23 million ounces of gold and 6 billion pounds of copper. The deposit is jointly owned by Placer Dome (51%), Arizona Star Resources [TSX-V: AZS] (25%) and Bema Gold [BGO] (24%). The Vancouver-based major funded a feasibility study on the project but must make a production decision before the end of 2005 to earn its interest, or else its stake will revert back to Bema. The project has been through some drama because of its high start-up cost - $1.65 billion .

    Lumina Copper completed its transformation into four separately traded companies this week. One of the spin-offs, Regalito Copper [TSX: RLO], contains Lumina’s former prize asset – the fully owned Regalito deposit in central Chile, currently estimated to host over 7 billion pounds of copper.

    Entrée Gold [TSX-V: ETG] is focused on the Lookout Hill prospect, immediately north end of Ivanhoe’s Oyu Tolgoi property. Ivanhoe owns 18% of Entrée and is earning a stake in the Lookout property.

    Other juniors looking to develop porphyry copper deposits include Almaden Minerals [TSX: AMM], Corriente Resources [TSX: CTQ], Frontera Copper [TSX: FCC], Peru Copper [TSX: PCR], Ross River Minerals [TSX-V: RRM], Cascadero Copper [TSX-V: CCD], Climax Mining [ASE: CMX], Sur America Gold Corp. [TSX-V: SUR] and Monterrico Metals [AIM: MNA].


    Na schau mal, die 1.226 Klippe ist wieder da.
    Einige Contrarians haben begonnen den Dollar zu verkaufen die versuchen schlauer zu sein als die Meah Meeh Herde. :O

    Nein zur EU und Ja zum Export in die USA ,... Hurrah ! :D

    Bei GM und SM braucht man Nerven und Geduld sowie Ueberzeugung sonst hat man schnell ein Magengeschwuer damit.

    Ich freue mich aber auf den Tag wenn die Flucht in Gold und Silber beginnt, ....egal in welcher Waehrung.

    Gold is real money in the end of the day when the shit hits the fan.
    Will it ??.... Die Frage muesst ihr Euch selber stellen. ?(

    Rueckschlage mit -35% muss man gleich beim Einsteigen in Kauf nehmen und manchmal schlucken. :(

    Bei Juniors kann es -55% sein, aber die erholen sich auch wieder ganz schnell. In diesen Markt ist der Markt noch nicht, die schlafen alle noch. :D

    Nothing comes easy, easy comes, easy goes ! :D

    Wichtig ist das man am Ende happy ist mit seinen Depo. ;)

    Buy Gold and Silver. Ignore the Dollar!

    The Optimist ;)

    In recent weeks, the Optimist has read many comments which predict that the dollar will gain, and therefore that precious metals will lose, over the months ahead. As you have come to expect from the Optimist, you will not hear that type of negative thinking reflected here. The Optimist sees only a bright and rewarding past, present, and future for gold and silver.

    Gold and Silver Are Better Than Fiat Paper

    To better share that positive vision with loyal readers, the Optimist wishes to more clearly focus the perspective on investments in gold and silver. Gold and silver are rare and desirable objects which have served as true money for thousands of years. Fiat paper is massively duplicated scraps of art (or the electronic cipher equivalent) which people accept in exchange for something of value only because governments require that acceptance. Production of new gold and silver requires difficult, expensive, and dangerous mining operations. Governments simply print additional scraps of fiat art whenever it is convenient for the governments to take more real wealth away from the people. Needless to say, it is no surprise to anyone reading this message that real gold and silver are better than scraps of fiat art. No doubt, many readers are already disappointed in the Optimist for wasting their time by writing about such obvious basics.

    Convert Fiat to Gold and Silver

    Here is the point. Gold and silver are better investments and better stores of value than fiat paper. When the Optimist has a surplus of fiat paper, he converts it to gold and silver when he has a good opportunity to do so. Fiat paper will, as it always has previously, slowly (or quickly) disintegrate through inflation before our very eyes. Gold and silver will stand the test of time, and will retain value throughout the future.

    The Dollar IS Fiat

    No doubt, some bright young whiz kids will be quick to reply that they don't have any stinking fiat, but that they have dollars (or Pounds, or Yen, or Euros, etc. ad infinitum!) instead. The Optimist's view is that all of those currencies are only different flavors of fiat. Obviously, different flavors of fiat can have variations in degree of desirability, and that is translated into currency exchange rate differences. One could easily imagine a sidewalk vendor starting a hot summer day with equal but limited amounts of vanilla and chocolate ice cream. If most of the customers that day wanted chocolate, then the vendor might raise the price of chocolate during the day to avoid running out of that flavor sooner. Regardless of the relative price, however, a cone of vanilla and a cone of chocolate left uneaten would transform into an equally sticky mess. We can be similarly certain that any flavor of fiat will also eventually lose a significant amount of its value through the inflation which results from overproduction of fiat art by all governments.

    Gold is NOT the Inverse of the Dollar

    Although the price of gold in the USA is commonly quoted in terms of dollars per ounce, and the price of gold usually rises when the dollar exchange rate declines (or falls when the exchange rate increases), the Optimist cautions readers to avoid the easy but incorrect assumption that gold is just the opposite of the dollar. Gold and silver should be more properly viewed as the opposite of fiat. The dollar exchange rate obviously makes significant moves in comparison to the exchange rates of other currencies, but those exchange rate variations do not directly effect the value of gold compared to all fiat. A change in the dollar exchange rate only means that the dollar is valued more or less than other comparable fiat currencies. Those variations in flavors of fiat currencies do not directly affect the value of gold or silver.

    The reason most USA investors equate the price of gold to the level of the dollar exchange rate is that they look at charts of gold priced in US dollars. On those charts, gold prices fall when the dollar strengthens compared to other currencies, and gold prices rise when the dollar exchange rate weakens. That obvious result when the price of gold is shown in US dollars causes many gamblers to mistakenly think that buying gold is only another way to bet against the dollar. Those gamblers could just as easily buy the Euro or the Yen and achieve very similar short term results. Those of you who are ForEx gamblers may not want to read the rest of this commentary, because the Optimist confesses to have little insight into short term variations in the comparative exchange rate of one currency versus another. The intent of this commentary is to provide a long term perspective which investors can use to guide their investments in gold and silver in comparison to all fiat.

    MoreAU and MoreAG Indexes Show Gold and Silver Vs. Fiat

    At this point, the Optimist would very much like to present an accurate chart which shows the value over time of gold and silver in comparison to all fiat currencies. Such a chart would likely be a complicated amalgam of all currencies and the prices of precious metals priced in those currencies blended with an algorithm based on statistics such as Gross Domestic Product and the national inflation rate (which have questionable levels of accuracy). The Optimist does not have the resources to produce such a chart, and he has not seen one produced by anyone else, either. The Optimist can, however, offer a simple approximation of such a chart. By multiplying the price of gold or silver in dollars per ounce times the dollar exchange rate, it is possible to easily create a close approximation of the chart of gold or silver compared to all fiat. The Optimist calls these products the MoreAU and the MoreAG indexes, because they filter out the currency fluctuations and more directly illustrate changes in value of the metals compared to fiat currencies.

    As shown in the linked weekly charts, the MoreAU and MoreAG indexes declined into medium term lows two years ago. Since then, the MoreAU index shows that gold gained approximately 10% against all fiat, and the MoreAG index shows that silver is up almost 50% compared to fiat currencies! Another way to view these results is to consider a hypothetical investor who two years ago bought gold at $345 and silver at $4.50, and who hedged the currency risk by simultaneously buying an equivalent amount of the dollar on the ForEx at 92.50. That investor would have far greater profits in the gold and silver positions than losses in the dollar hedge.

    The Optimist cannot promise similar returns for the future. The great news that the Optimist can share with you, however, is that so long as the markets continue to recognize that gold and silver are better than fiat paper, then gold and silver will prosper as long term investments, and that prosperity will be reflected by positive changes in the MoreAU and MoreAG indexes. The Optimist's approach to long term investing is to ignore the dollar exchange rate, and to convert his excess fiat paper into gold and silver when the rising MoreAU and MoreAG indexes are near their lower bounds.

    1 June 2005


    Afrika ist ein Fass ohne Boden und die Schwarzen machen immer irgendwie Theater, egal wo, egal wie. Selbst wenn man die beste Mine der Welt im Depo hat man muss staendig damit rechnen das Gewerkschaften,Rebellen oder der kurupte Staat, oder auch ein manipulierter Wechselkurs einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen.
    Diversifizieren, aber Weltweit, ist die Loesung wegen den ""Geopolitischen Problemen""... Nur ein kleiner Ratschlag....... :rolleyes:

    It can happen anywhere !

    Gold Fields Limited

    Gold Fields believes that Harmony"s mineral reserves are 33.7 million ounces if SAMREC guidelines are correctly appliedGold Fields
    Gold Fields believes that Harmony"s mineral reserves are 33.7 million ounces if SAMREC guidelines are correctly applied Johannesburg 11 May 2005: Shareholders of Gold Fields Limited (GFI: JSE andNYSE) (Gold Fields) are advised that in Gold Fields" view, Harmony has 33.7million ounces of SAMREC compliant mineral reserves and not 62.26 million ouncesas stated in the Harmony Gold Mining Company (Harmony) offer document sent toGold Fields shareholders on 20 October 2004, or 55.65 million ounces as statedin Harmony"s press release issued on 10 May 2005.Ian Cockerill, Chief Executive Officer of Gold Fields said, "We note that, givenHarmony"s repeated promises to deliver its CPR, and the fact that it has takenseven months for such a vital document to be produced, it has finally been madeavailable to our shareholders barely two weeks before the close of Harmony"soffer. In Harmony"s all-paper bid, the true quantity of economically mineablemineral reserves is the single most important measure required to valueHarmony"s offer. From the outset of this hostile bid, we have maintained thatHarmony"s shares were overvalued on the premise of its ever-changing mineralreserve declarations."The key to understanding Gold Fields" concerns about Harmony"s reservedeclarations is the SAMREC Code. Gold Fields, as a member of the South Africanmining industry abides by the definitions of the SAMREC Code. On pg. 17 of theSAMREC Code, Reporting of Mineral Reserves (paragraph 5.5.1) it is stated that"A `mineral reserve" is the economically mineable material derived from ameasured and or indicated mineral resource.


    Wie waere es mit Taliban ? :D
    Hast du noch keine Nachbarn ?(
    Manchen Deutschen kann man gar nichts Recht machen.
    Naja, das Bild von Dir beim Computer passt aber zu deinen Kommentar.
    Besser Du gehst zum Doctor,hast du vielleicht Minderwertigkeits Komplexe, erst Schwabenpfeil und jetzt Eldorado ??
    Wohl nur 1.62 gross ? :D Oder scheiss Vatertag hinter sich ?

    Gruss von Fallujah

    B A

    Betreff Peter's link, "Rock me Amadeus" :

    ....A large bounce to the 140-150 zone would not be surprising and many analysts are already chatting :Oup that possibility. But the enthusiasm of that relatively bullish expectation is muted by

    The much larger H&S pattern (which Rodin pointed out)
    Gold-Eagle's GoldHeart long term wave analysis
    The 3-up, 5-down yearly pattern
    Recent COT numbers, and
    Respected bullish ?(analysts who suggest selling into the next rally. :(

    ......I am so shocked I will sell the lot better now and buy Fiat USD ! :D

    Diese ""Analysten""(wolken) kommen mir vor wie ein paar Schafhunde. X(

    Nobody has a clue at the moment, its all predictions and assumtions even coming from the enemy !!!!

    It's invisable and kills fast like a tsunami when you feel it ! 8o

    Ja technisch gesehen und spater praktisch erlebt sind zwei paar stiefel.
    Techisch gesehen sind die Amis gegen den Taliban sicher ueberlegen, aber praktisch ist eine andere frage sowie der zeitraum. The final battle for Fallujah is only at 450 USD.


    B A

    Ps. I have a break now,... either you got it now, or you'll never get it !

    Back to Peter Silie........... mit weiteren Kriegsnachrichten (PSKN) News.


    by Monty Guild

    In my last memo, we printed a summary of a statement by former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker. He mentioned the possibility of a financial crisis. 8o

    We believe that gold may act as an anchor to windward in periods of financial crisis, and is therefore a natural resource which may be sought by China, India and other asset rich nations desiring to diversify away from paper currencies. I have heard from three friends who I respect that a crisis is brewing in the derivatives market. It may be insurance derivatives, or it may be speculation against the Chinese Yuan, which has cost some big hedge funds enough money to precipitate a crisis.

    When the US used the number of attacks as a statistic to declare that the new Iraqi government was making significant progress against the insurgency, the following was predictable. Maybe silence isn't a bad idea after all.

    Insurgency and suicide bombings accelerating in Iraq and spreading into Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia

    Balaji Reddy
    May 2, 2005

    The second phase of the Middle East war may have started. Women in the regions are giving up their lives to kill many others through suicide bombings. The raging insurgency is spreading fast like a wild fire into nations friendly to United States. Iraq is getting uncontrollable and the “shock and awe” is getting exported into other neighboring countries. In the middle of all these, Iran is happy! They have promised to work closely with the Shiite-Kurd coalition in Iraq. That is making Sunnis even angrier. Iranian President Mohammed Khatami expressed "satisfaction" on April 29 regarding Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari's election and the makeup of the new Interim Iraqi Government. Khatami offered Iran's political and economic cooperation in expressed hopes that the neighbors will develop a mutual respect for each other.

    Jim Sinclair's Commentary:

    Speculation about a summer surgical bombing raid by the US on Iran is looking more and more plausible.

    Iran, however, is not Iraq and military conflict there would be even more serious than the war in Iraq. Clearly, Israel could not live with a nuclear capable Iran. This fact increases the plausability of a surgical bombing run this summer assuming Iran persists with its efforts to develop a nuclear capability.

    The potential increased costs of extended military encounters is dollar negative.

    These folks insist that I'm wrong, because gold is in a bull market, trend is up, all sell offs in gold stocks are buying opportunities, etc etc...

    Folks, I don't work for the "gold cartel," if there was such an entity to begin with. I am not bearish because I'm a short seller. My responsibility is to my subscriber and my job is to guide them in and out of the markets, bull or bear.