Beiträge von Aladin

    This is silly season now...bis "Sell in May" and go away ! :D......>>>>>
    Die Konfetti Party geht weiter, man kann damit gut die anderen boesen Aktien shorten wie man sieht.
    Die 26 billion USD haben die immer um die PM Aktien zu shorten.
    Bei den Oilaktien die selbe Geschichte, hoher Oilpreis und langweilige Aktien die den Oilpreis nicht zeigen. Der Uranpreis ist am Boden, tiefer kann ich mir nicht vorstellen. Der Anstieg von Goldman Sachs war lustig heute, fuer mich waren die earnings gut frisiert wie bei Lehman die Brother's arm. ! :D

    Wie auch immer, erstmal wieder Fiat und rate cut und schon kommt ein.....


    Sense of Calm Returns to Markets

    All Eyes on the Fed

    A sense of normalcy seems to have returned to the markets this morning after yesterday’s panic attack. US T-Bill yields are back up over 1.0%, after falling to a 50-year low of 0.75% yesterday, and global stock markets have stabilized with the Japanese Nikkei and Hong Kong index recovering 1.5% and the FTSEurofirst 300 index up 2.2%. Oil is trading just over $108 again, having now recovered all of yesterday’s losses, and gold is back up over $1000 after trading as low as $995 yesterday. And, of course it wouldn’t be a normal day if the US dollar weren’t lower, and so the currency markets are cooperating in that regard as traders are a little less risk adverse today and the dollar is down against most currencies with the exception of the Japanese yen and the Swiss franc.

    Of course, all eyes today are on the Federal Reserve’s interest rate decision at 2:15 Easter time. The market is expecting a full 1% cut to the Fed Funds rate from 3.0% to 2.0% and there is no reason to doubt the Fed will deliver. The US investment-banking sector is teetering on the edge of collapse and the Fed is doing what it has to to ensure the banks don’t go over that edge. Drastic times call for drastic measures and we sure saw that in the unprecedented quasi nationalization of Bear Stearns. The Fed guaranteed Bear’s debt so JP Morgan could take it over at an 88% discount to market value without a bidding process or shareholder consent. This is an extreme measure for a market economy and one the Fed did not take lightly. But the survival of the US financial sector really is at stake, and the Fed has sent the message that, as lender of last resort, they will do what is necessary, no matter how unconventional, to save the system. In the end, the markets held up rather well yesterday as confidence in the Fed grew throughout the day and continues to build leading up to today’s interest rate cut.

    Risk Trades Back in Play

    In anticipation of today’s rate cut, traders are once again testing the risk waters and selling the safe haven Japanese yen and Swiss franc and buying the high yielding Australian dollar, New Zealand dollar and British pound. The yen has come off quite dramatically and is now trading above 98 yen to the dollar after falling below 96 yesterday. The Australian and New Zealand dollars are the biggest benefactors of the yen’s weakness. Both are up more than a cent over the greenback and they’ve gained more than 2% against the yen.

    The euro seems to be consolidating in the 1.5750 range after having failed a test of 1.5825 earlier this morning. There’s been talk of possible central bank intervention to shore up the dollar and this might be holding the euro back this morning. Although it is only a rumour at this time, given what the Fed is dealing with, it wouldn’t be surprising to see a concerted effort on the part of the leading central banks to restore confidence in the dollar. The Fed is doing what it has to to restore confidence in the US banking sector, but it is doing so at the expense of the dollar, and that has its own set of risks, not just to the US but to the global economy as well. You have to think that the central bankers are assessing how they can best step in to at least slow the rate of dollar depreciation.

    Commodities Look Vulnerable

    In economic news this morning, Canadian CPI came in at a very tame 1.8% annual rate in February. The core rate (excluding food and energy) was higher than expected at 1.5%, but overall inflation remains low enough to give the Bank of Canada plenty of latitude to cut interest rates another 50 basis points next month. The Canadian dollar is slightly higher today after having traded just below par yesterday. The outlook for the loonie continues to rest on US dollar developments and sentiment towards the basket of commodity oriented currencies. Although gold and oil prices have recovered somewhat from yesterday’s sell-off, other commodity prices remain under pressure and the broad based CRB index has recovered little of yesterday’s 20-point drop. Technically, commodity prices look like they’re in correction mode and prices are likely heading lower over the coming months.

    Have a good day.

    Paul Lennox, CFA, Corporate Treasurer


    Power state 'extremely serious"

    2008-3-18 12:02


    The current power situation is "extremely serious" as nine of Eskom's generators have tripped over the last few days, the power utility said on Tuesday.

    Spokesperson Andrew Etzinger said the national grid was vulnerable to further trips and South Africans could expect "far more extensive" load shedding on Tuesday than they had experienced on Monday.
    He said Tuesday's expected power usage peak was 32 000 MW, when Eskom could only produce about 30 000 MW.
    Power cuts could be expected throughout the day and in the whole of the country.
    The causes for the trips varied and were not due to lack of maintenance, but to technical problems, he said.
    "These problems are typical for the kind of process we run and will occur from time to time.
    "These trips coincidentally happened close to each other."
    He said the underlying problem was the absence of any reserve margins Eskom had, to cope with failing generators.
    Of the 56 generators in South Africa, nine were in maintenance - in addition to the nine that failed over the past few days.:D
    If more failures occurred, which Etzinger said was unlikely but not impossible, the national grid could become unstable and mining companies would have to be informed of a force majeure situation.
    Etzinger expected three of the generators to be back in service by Tuesday night.


    Doomsday scenario for oil

    2008-3-18 11:05

    Cape Town - A gloomy forecast about the future of the oil industry - looking forward to a possible Doomsday within a very few years - was given to the Sub-Saharan oil, gas and petrochemical conference in Cape Town on Tuesday.
    Chris Skrebowski, a researcher for the Energy Institute in Britain, told delegates that the oil supply will peak in 2011 or 2012 at around 93m barrels a day, that oil supply in international trade will peak earlier than the oil production peak, and he forecast: "There will be supply shortfalls in winter before peak."
    Skrebowski said that latest BP statistics showed that peak is already happening in some regions. "OECD production peaked in 1997 and has now declined by 2.2m barrels a day (10.4%)," he said. "Non-Opec, non-former Soviet Union production peaked in 2002, and has now declined by 771 000 barrels a day (2.15%).
    North America/Mexico peaked in 1997. North Sea -UK/Norway/Denmark peaked in 2000 and has now declined by 1.6m barrels a day (25.4%)."
    The figures show, he said, that around 28 significant producers are in decline, and that about 35% of global production comes from the decliners. Once that figure reaches 51% "we reach global peak oil", he said.

    Peak oil

    Peak oil will be earlier than most expect, Skrebowski told delegates. And he explained that global production falls when loss of output from countries in decline exceeds gains in output from those that are expanding.
    And he cited eight key pieces of evidence that we are close to peak: a falling discovery rate; few large discoveries; ever more countries in sustained depletion; companies struggling to hold production; non-geologic threats to future oil supply; the current lack of incremental flows; few countries with real growth potential; the age of the largest fields; and sustained high oil prices.
    "The oil companies are already struggling to hold production," he said.
    "In the third quarter of 2007, only Total recorded oil production gains. For the last 12 quarters oil production has drifted down for the five super-majors; has flat-lined for the 10 largest quoted companies and has flat-lined for the 24 largest quoted companies. Quoted companies' share of production is now declining, notably for the super-majors."
    The non-geologic threats to future oil supply flows include resource nationalism in Russia, Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador, with perhaps more to follow; civil insurrection in Nigeria and Sudan; and cost inflation, ageing infrastructure, lack of skilled people, refinery constraints.
    "How likely is improvement in any of these?" he asked. And he wondered: "Who will cap or ration production first?"
    The world's biggest oilfields are old, tired and fading, he said. Of the 120 largest fields, 50 are in decline, 44 not in decline, 12 unclear and seven are undeveloped. The average age of the giants is 42 years, but the 120 largest fields give 50% of total production and contain two-thirds of reserves.

    - I-Net Bridge

    Airport gangs 'target' arrivals

    2008-3-18 09:19

    Johannesburg - According to the American Embassy, 14 Americans in the past 12 months have been robbed at gunpoint after landing at the OR Tambo international airport in Kempton Park, Beeld newspaper reported on Tuesday.
    The embassy said that gangs of robbers targeted people arriving at airport and robbed them either at their destinations or on the way to their destinations.
    The embassy's website warned that organised criminal gangs were targeting visitors and residents at shopping malls and at the OR Tambo airport.
    "When a victim is identified he or she is followed to his or her destination and robbed, usually at gunpoint, though the use of violence is generally limited to those who offer resistance."
    Airport staff involved
    Beeld reported that another entry on the website read: "It seems that certain employees at the airport are involved in crime and it is believed that these employees inform criminals waiting outside the airport about which tourists declared valuable items or cash."
    Beeld reported media liaison officer for the embassy, Sharon Hudson-Dean, as saying that no travel warnings concerning South Africa have been issued.
    This statement stands in contrast to the police task team finding that no syndicates were operating at the airport that specifically targeted tourists.
    Superintendent Vish Naidoo said the department of foreign affairs had been contacted to pressure the Americans to remove the claims from their websites.
    "They are free to warn their citizens but we want proof of these allegations. ... Our investigations have shown that these are nothing more than allegations," Naidoo told Beeld.
    It was reported on Tuesday that three Vietnamese men have become the latest victims of robbers who follow tourists from the OR Tambo International Airport and attack them.
    Three men were accosted when they got to a house in Brooklyn, Pretoria, from the airport at 19:50 on Monday, said Captain Colette Weilbach.
    A red 4x4 pulled up behind them and four men held them at gunpoint taking their luggage and cellphones before fleeing, she said, adding that the serious and violent crimes unit was investigating the incident.
    Gauteng national police spokesperson Superintendent Vish Naidoo announced last Monday that, despite a spate of similar robberies, there was no evidence a syndicate was targeting air travellers.
    Just two days later, a Nigerian was robbed of his luggage on arrival at Johannesburg's exclusive Westcliff Hotel from the airport, in Kempton Park.
    Another two tourists, who were in the reception area checking out at the time, were also robbed of their bags.



    F....erstmal ein wenig in Deckung gehen ist nicht verkehrt, am Hoehepunkt ?
    Bush war zuversichtlich im TV... :D
    Der USD koennte eine Notfall Rettung werden, so schnell gehts nicht runter wie mancher glaubt auf die 62 USXD.
    Der CHF ist der absolute Wahnsinn, nicht gut fuer mich.
    Das rote Kreuz mit Fed haut nun mehr aufs Gas und gibt Kredite fuer alle die schwitzen.
    Kein Schwein weiss was die noch im Hubschrauber haben und abwerfen koennen sowie die PM Aktien in den Boden shorten.
    Die koennten noch mit einer trillion USD den Markt manipulieren und dabei einen Krieg fuehren, es ist es schon wurscht bei den Schulden die keinen jucken.
    Ich bin ja sonst mutig, aber nun einen Puffer aufbauen ist nicht schlecht.
    Ihr seid mir zu Siegessicher, Raketenstimmung, passt auf ! margin sowieso.
    Die grosse Party ist erst 2009---bis.... also Holzauge sei wachsam.
    Ansonsten einfach aussitzen und auf was anderes schaun was ich bald mache.
    Die Enttaeuschung sind die Oil, Uran, EM, sogar Agrar Aktien die der Dow wie ein Wunder weiter runterzieht.
    Die sollten nicht fallen, wie beschrieben rennen nun viele in Sachwerte und CHF z.B. und raus aus allen Papierhoffnungen.
    Der Fed und leidenden Hedgefonds bombardiert diese Aktien wenn ihr mich fragt damit kein Orgasmus aufkommt bei den Rohstoffaktien und PM's.
    Der Auftrag vom Boss sonst gibts keine $$$$$ Hilfe vom Fed :D
    Beim POG/POS und Oilpreis koennen sie wenig machen, das Zeug wird aus der Hand gerissen.
    Im Schnitt fielen die Aktien um 3% und der Dow mit leicht im Plus wo das PPT sich reinkaufte als Kissen fuer heute.
    Well, well, HUI oder Pfuiiiii....

    Die goennen einen gar nix.... also halten oder trimmen diesen Aktien Chilli :D

    Ich habe ein wenig bei PM abgeraeumt und umgeschichtet in was anderes.
    Unter andern LAM MGA bei Uran aufgeladen, das war ja ein Tag. :(
    Aktien sind wenig gefragt, die Investoren gehen in Deckung, der CHF bringt mich noch um beim CHF margin. Linar & Lucky kauft jetzt Amerika damit. :D
    Obendrauf verstrahlte die hier ueberall auftauchen bei 1000 $.
    Chernobyl laesst gruessen....
    I take a break... good luck guys !


    Cheers !


    Ich habe die Kimber, heute ein drittel verkauft mit 70% plus. :D
    Bei der Hektik und Euphorie im Forum kannst du lesen aber lest im Endeffekt nichts so ein Durcheinander ist es nun.
    Ich habe quer durch die Bank meine PM Senior heute zu 25%-30% gut verkauft und nun Geld in der Kriegskasse. Mir Wurst ob es zu frueh war, habe noch genuegend, auch Miese.
    Wenn alle hier Yahoo schreien wird es eh Zeit zum verkaufen.
    Ich bin bald im Uraub, will ruhig schlafen und nichts lesen von den Rookies hier.
    Einige gehen mir echt am Zeiger wo die ueberall ihren Senf abgeben, ich sag nichts mehr.
    Stell dir vor welche Typen erst auftauchen wenn Gold bei 1200 $ ist.
    Dann wird es noch ein groesserer Zirkus Sarasani.
    Melde mich noch wegen Muenchen, vielleicht klappts diesmal ein Bier zu trinken.

    Wuensch dir (Euch) was.... ;)



    Weiter so im Forum, bald eine Qualitaet wie die Bild Zeitung..... :evil:
    Bald kommen noch mehr von den Kaliber.


    Genau das meine ich, so kommt nun jeder mit seiner ""Blitzmeldung" und macht einen neuen thread auf aus Faulheit und Sensationslust.
    Die muellen unsere Hauptseite damit zu das keiner mehr durchblickt wo der alte thread war.
    Fehlt nur noch ein neuer...wie z.B. meine Oma kaufte heute Gold oder so aehnlich.:D
    ""Heute bin ich erschrocken, ein Arbeitskollege hat mit glänzenden Augen von Gold gesprochen".
    Wen interessiert das hier frage ich mich ?..der Typ ist kein Masstab.

    Die nerven mich nun gewaltig...X(

    Fed acts Sunday to prevent global bank run Monday

    By Rex Nutting & Greg Robb, MarketWatch
    Last update: 10:38 p.m. EDT March 16, 2008

    WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Acting quickly to prevent a run on major global financial firms, the Federal Reserve cut its discount rate by a quarter percentage point to 3.25% and offered to lend money to a longer list of firms than ever before.:D

    Following is a list of primary dealers in government

    BNP Paribas Securities Corp.
    Banc of America Securities LLC
    Barclays Capital Inc.
    Bear, Stearns & Co., Inc.
    Cantor Fitzgerald & Co.
    Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
    Countrywide Securities Corporation
    Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC
    Daiwa Securities America Inc.
    Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.
    Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein Securities LLC.
    Goldman, Sachs & Co.
    Greenwich Capital Markets, Inc.
    HSBC Securities (USA) Inc.
    J. P. Morgan Securities Inc.
    Lehman Brothers Inc.
    Merrill Lynch Government Securities Inc.
    Mizuho Securities USA Inc.
    Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated
    UBS Securities LLC.

    Source: Federal Reserve Bank of New York

    'There was blood on the ceiling

    2008-3-17 07:14

    Zeerust - "The bastards raped her, burnt her all over her body with a hot clothes iron, stabbed her in the head, face, neck, back and everywhere, and broke her fingers," says an anguished brother.
    These were the words of Mohammed-Sayed Jeena, 71, of Zeerust in North West on Sunday, after his sister, Zaiboon Jeena, 61, was cold-bloodedly murdered in her house in Ottoshoop (also in North West) on Wednesday.
    "There was blood on the ceiling, the walls and the curtains... just blood."
    "The poor woman was so small and thin; I don't know where all that blood came from."
    "Those Afrikaners in Ottoshoop are going to miss her a lot because they loved her very much," said Mohammed-Sayed.
    Zaiboon was buried in Zeerust on Thursday according to Muslim rites.
    Superintendent Keaobaka Moses said that Zaiboon's domestic worker found her bloody corpse in the bedroom on Thursday morning.
    He said there had been no sign of a robbery.
    Moses confirmed Zaiboon had been burned with a hot iron and stabbed all over her body.
    Moses added that presumably she also had been raped, but could not confirm that her fingers had been broken.
    Several residents of Ottoshoop with whom Beeld spoke on Sunday were hugely upset about Zaiboon's callous murder.
    Mohammed-Sayed said that his sister had lived in Ottoshoop her whole life and that she had provided food to the poor and bought them presents.
    He said that on the day of her death she had cooked pots of food and handed it out to those who were hungry.
    Government 'doesn't pay attention'
    "Then, the bastards came and tortured her. I think she died a drawn-out, painful death.
    "All this while the bloody government doesn't pay attention to crime.
    "They are just busy stealing money and they don't care about the people down here," said Mohammed-Sayed angrily.
    He said police were hot on the heels of a suspect, but could not give any further details.
    Moses said the police had not yet arrested any suspects and that the investigation was continuing.


    Wieso macht ihr keinen thread auf mit Gold in der Presse und TV ?
    Dort kann man alle Nachrichten reinlegen anstatt Gold im Spiegel, Gold in der Tageschau, Gold in weiss ich wo.
    Ich finde den jedenfalls unnoetig aber von mir aus koennte iht Euch weiter wie die Waschweiber ueber den Report in der Tageschau fuer das ganze Jahr weiter unterhalten. ;(;( :D
    Wie viele thraeds habe ich aufgemacht in 4 Jahren, aber die neuen hier im Forum machen einen auf wegen jeder Meldung und machen somit das Forum unuebersichtlich.
    Soll dieser hier Gespraechstoff fuer mehere Jahre sein ? :D
    Denkt doch ein wenig mit, bevor hier Mr. Katzengold z.B. deppat daher redet.
    Mich interessiert mehr der Gold und Silberpreis, der Bericht in der Tagesschau erhoeht die Nachfrage bestimmt nicht bemerkenswert im Vergleich zu China oder India.
    Was bedeutet schon die Nachfrage in Deutschland.....:D


    @Lucky...schau nach Vancouver, da klappt das gut mit den Chinesen, Tibet ist eine andere Sache.

    Die gehen hart vor gegen Verbrecher erst recht, Ruebe ab, und jeder hat Angst.
    In vielen Laendern der dritten Welt wie Texas :D...machen sie es heute noch.

    Weil wir gerade Brutalitaet ansprechen, hier in RSA sind in einem Jahr 900 Menschen in Polizeihaft "gestorben".

    Vor einer Woche stuermten die Riot Police in voller Montur wie GSG 9 in zwei Studenten Lokale in Stellenbosch wo hauptsaechlich weisse Studenten ihr Bier trinken.

    Die Polizei schoss scharf in die Luft in die Decke mit Shotguns obwohl oben auch Studenten waren, verpruegelten ohne Grund viele Gaeste, schlug mit Schlagstoecken auf Frauen und griffen die ab bis zur Vagina, spruehten Pfefferspray auf Leute die am Boden gekniet waren und nichts machten, etc. etc.etc...

    Man fand ein wenig Marijuana und drei Joints das war alles.

    Auftraggeber war der "schwarze" Polizei Station Commander von ruhigen Ort Stellenbosch wo die Universitaet ist.

    Mit einer Ueberwachungskamera vom Lokal wurde alles gefilmt, unter anderen wie ein Polizist aus seiner Hemdtasche das Marihuana auf die Bar legte und sagte deswegen machen sie die Raid.

    Gegen die Moerder und Diebe machen sie nichts aber gegen Studenten die hin und wieder ein wenig Gras rauchen.

    Mir kommt nun vor die Gangster tragen nun eine Uniform, da bin ich lieber in China.

    Stellenbosch Razzia.. ( Apartheid umgedreht, eine Rassisten Polizei kommt mir vor.)

    Ich habe es selber miterlebt in einer anderen Geschichte die du kennst Lucky.

    Es gibt genug Traffic Cops und Kameras die abzocken aber wenn ich die Polizei rufe dann kommt die vielleicht in zwei Stunden mit viel Glueck oder einen Tag spaeter zum Tatort.