Beiträge von Ingeniero de Edificacion

    ETA exist because there is a few part of "Vascos" who want to be independent inside Spain. Including they want a part of "Pais Vasco", who don't want to be independent ( NAvarra) ,to be independent.( is difficult to understand including to Spanish person)

    For the moment some parts of "Pais Vasco" have specials fiscal system , and work inside Spain like a fiscal paradise. Many companies put his central office there to pay less taxes.

    We will star to make solutions when no money is going to be lend to our politicians. But whit the electricity more expensive in UE, petrol to much expensive to Spanish companies, very, very big bureaucracy ( no European can imagine how much bureaucracy we have) , etc, etc is very , very difficult to start companies in Spain.

    I'm not the autor of the text. Is only one link.And we have the same article in Spanish.

    I use google translate to read German.

    But I'm Spanish , and we have a very big problem whit our politicians. They are completely out of reality. Spend, spend, spend, is the only think they do and thinking to do.
    We have every government department 19 times:
    UE one
    Spain one
    17 "Communities autonomous" , each one whit president, Lords, official cars,translators,embassies, etc, etc, etc

    But the works-man have big taxes like German one, and salaries like Marroco one. Electricity the more expensive at UE, and petrol more expensive than , for example, Belgium, with haft salaries.


    Enjoy :) :

    @Von Stefanie Claudia Müller und Roberto Centeno* 06/09/2012 06:00h

    Am 6. September treffen sich in Madrid die Regierungen von Deutschland
und Spanien, dabei wurde schon im Vorfeld über die Konditionen von weiteren Hilfszahlungen an spanische Banken und die spanische Regierung
gesprochen. Auf beiden Seiten hat sich die Stimmung in den vergangenen Monaten aufgeheizt. Mit Spannung erwartet Spanien die Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgericht am 12. September zum Europäischen Rettungsschirm.

    In Deutschland wächst seit Monaten die Kritik an der angeblichen “Fiesta-Mentalität” der Spanier und in Spanien fahren die Medien einen immer kritischeren Kurs gegen das angeblich “harte Europa-Regiment Merkels”. Wir glauben, dass die Situation wesentlich komplexer ist als es von den Medien und Regierungen beider Länder dargestellt wird: Spanien ist nicht Griechenland, aber es könnte für Europa und die spanischen Bürger zu einem ähnlich chronisch leidenden Patienten werden, wenn jetzt nicht die wirklichen Probleme des Landes angegangen werden.

    Spanien sollte kein Geld mehr bekommen, wenn es sein politisches und wirtschaftliches System nicht in seinen Grundsätzen ändert und das Mitspracherecht der Bürger garantiert. Um nicht
Generationen von Spaniern zu verschulden, sollte die spanische
Regierung zum Beispiel das Verwaltungssystem der 17 autonomen Regionen reformieren, wo es inzwischen 440 000 politisch besetzte Stellen gibt. Derzeit kostet den spanischen Bürgern allein die Verwaltung der 17 autonomen Regionen 12 Prozent des Bruttoinlandproduktes (BIP).

    Dass liegt auch daran, dass viele gleiche Behörden auf zentraler und
regionaler Ebene existieren. Die autonomen Regionen kommen alleine auf
200 Botschafen, 4000 öffentliche Unternehmen und 50 Regional-TV-Kanäle. Die regionale Verwaltung und ihre ausuferenden Kosten sind ein zentrales Problem dieser Krise. In 2011 machte sie mit einem Volumnen von 234 Mrd. EUR Zweidrittel der gesamten Staatskosten aus.

    Die wahren Gründe für die Verschuldung des Landes haben also wenig mit zu hohen Gehältern oder zu wenig geleisteten Arbeitsstunden zu tun
oder gar zu hohen Renten wie es von deutscher Seite manchmal
durchklang. Spanien fehlt es auch nicht an Talent oder Kreativität, es hat viele exzellente Denker, Kreative, Ingenieure, Mediziner und Manager.

    Vielmehr krankt die spanische Wirtschaft an einer jahrzehntelangen Vetternwirtschaft und einer gefährlichen Verlinkung derselbigen mit
der politischen Macht sowie einer chronischen Schattenwirtschaft, die bisher kaum bekämpft wurde, die rund 20 Prozent des BIP ausmacht.

    Die Hilfen für Spanien und das gilt auch für andere europäische Mitgliedstaaten sollten deswegen nicht in marode und
politisierte Banken gesteckt werden wie im Fall von Bankia, da die wirkliche Situation der in Bank umgewandelten Sparkassen-Gruppe schwer abzuschätzen ist, die Zahlen und Bilanzen, die veröffentlicht wurden und werden zweifelhaft sind.

    Die Verlinkung des Kreditinstituts mit der Politik und der aktuellen Regierung läßt vermuten, dass statt zu entpolitisieren und neuauszurichten, die Milliarden-Hilfen
vor allen Dingen in bereits bestehende falsche Strukturen investiert werden. Bankia wurden bereits vom spanischen Staat 23 Mrd. EUR zugestanden. Weitere Hilfen sollen von Brüssel kommen. 60 Mrd. EUR wurden von Bankia bereits reklamiert. Statt den scheidenden, gescheiterten Bankia-Vorstandsmitgliedern auch noch Abfindungen in Millionenhöhe zu zahlen, sollte überlegt werden, ob diese Bank wie viele andere in Spanien und ausserhalb Spaniens, nicht besser geschlossen statt mit Steuergeldern gerettet werden sollte.

    Schon der Fall Griechenland hat gezeigt, dass EU-Hilfen an starke Kontrollen und Auflagen gekoppelt werden müssen, die nicht nur an der Oberfläche kratzen dürfen. Die Konditionen können nicht nur Sparmassnahmen nach der Schlachtermethode beinhalten wie es die Regierung von Mariano Rajoy derzeit praktiziert, auch auf Druck der deutschen Regierung.

    Es muss deswegen in Spanien mehr getan werden, als Sozialausgaben zu kürzen, die im Vergleich zu Deutschland bereits sehr gering sind. Milliarden
von Euro gehen seit Jahren in einem aufgrund der Vetternwirtschaft und Korruption ineffizienten und völlig undurchsichtigen Wirtschaftssystem verloren. Das muss bekämpft werden.

    Denn die junge Demokratie Spanien hat immer noch große Defizite und auch das sollte Brüssel und die Kanzlerin Merkel interessieren, soll Griechendland II vermieden und der Euro wirklich gerettet werden. Spaniens Justizsystem ist anders als in Deutschland immer noch stark mit den beiden Volksparteien PP und PSOE verbunden, die bisher abwechselnd, wie derzeit der Fall, teilweise auch mit absoluter Mehrheit regieren.

    Koalitionen nach deutschem Muster, gar große Koalitionen, sind unbekannt und leider in Spanien derzeit nicht durchsetzbar und die derzeit regierende Partei verabschiedet viele Entscheidungen per Dekret, ohne Debatte im Parlament oder in der Gesellschaft. Das spanische Verfasssungsgericht hat anders als das deutsche wenig Einfluss auf die aktuelle Politik, es wird auch instrumentalisiert.

    Deswegen versteht man in Spanien auch schwer, die Macht und Unabhängigkeit des deutschen Verfassungsgericht, das viele politische Entscheidungen
blockieren kann und jetzt am 12. September auch über die Zukunft
Spaniens mitentscheidet, indem es über die Vereinbarkeit der europäischen Bankenrettung und des Rettungsschirm mit deutschem Recht entscheidet.

    Auch die wirtschaftlichen Kontrollorgane sind in Spanien nicht unabhängig vom Machtapparat der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Oligarchie, weswegen der harte Unabhängigkeitskurs der deutschen Bundesbank auf sehr viel Skepsis in Spanien stösst. Aber das erklärt auch, dass bereits mehrfach Unternehmer wie im Fall des Banco Santander Vize Alfredo Sáenz trotz Verurteilung weiter im Amt bleiben und später sogar von der Regierung begnadigt werden.

    Und auch die spanische Bankenaufsicht hat in den vergangenen Jahren nicht mehr effizient ihre Arbeit ausgeführt, weil niemand der Machthabenden in Spanien, und anscheinend auch nicht in Deutschland, ein Interesse hatte, die spanische Immobilienblase platzen zu lassen, die auch von vielen ausländischen Banken mitfinanziert wurde. Damit haben natürlich auch europäische Kontrollorgane, trotz Stress-Tests,
versagt, rechtzeitig auf die Bremse zu drücken bei den wachsenden Kreditvolumina der Banken, die auch 2007 noch in Spanien vorherrschten.

    Spanien hat definitiv von Europa profitiert, indem es mehr an
EU-Hilfen erhalten hat in den vergangenen 20 Jahren als
Gesamteuropa durch den Marshall Plan. Weil die Kontrollen schon damals wenig effizient waren, wie die Strukturhilfen verwendet wurden, muss Deutschland und Brüssel sich vorwerfen lassen, die Immobilienblase mitkreiert zu haben. Statt
in Ausbildung und Innovation floss das EU-Geld für Spanien in die heimische Bauwirtschaft.

    Der Fall Griechenlands ist natürlich wesentlich dramatischer als der Spaniens, aber der Fall Spanien ist wegen der Bedeutung der Wirtschaft und der Verflechtung mit deutschen Interessen weitaus gefährlicher für den europäischen Frieden. Die aufgeheizte öffentliche Debatte in beiden Ländern belastet die bilateralen Beziehungen. Man denke nur an die vielen Hundertausende von Deutschen, die Ferienhäuser in Spanien unterhalten oder die Millionen, die dort jedes Jahr in Urlaub fahren.

    Frustierend ist, dass seit Jahren in Spanien Talent und Kreativität
durch die Vettern- und Schattenwirtschaft zerstört wird und jetzt viele der gut Ausgebildeten nach Deutschland gehen, wo die Arbeitslosigkeit Rekordtiefe erreicht hat. Die Verteilung des Reichtums in Spanien dagegen wird
immer schieflastiger.

    60 Prozent der spanischen Bevölkerung verdient weniger als 1000 Euro im Monat, die durchschnittliche monatliche Rente beträgt gerade mal 785 EUR, das sind 63 % des EU-15-Durchschnitts. Kredite bekommen derzeit nur noch die Konzerne, welche eng mit Banken und Politik verflochten sind. Die kleinen Firmen sitzen schon seit 2007 auf dem Trockenen. Das läßt einen starken und gesunden Mittelstand bei Firmen, aber auch eine starke Mittelschicht in der Gesellschaft, wie wir sie aus Deutschland kennen, missen.

    Es sind nicht die Spanier und der, wie man vielleicht in manchen deutschen Medien gerne propagiert, mangelnde Arbeitswille der Südländer, der schuld sind an der Schuldenkrise. Es ist vor
allem ein ineffizientes und korruptes Wirtschafts- und Politiksystem. Die Kritik der deutschen Regierung und ihre Konditionen für EU-Hilfen sollten dort ansetzen.

    *Stefanie Claudia Müller, Korrespondentin der Wirtschaftswoche in Spanien und Doktorandin der Wirtschaftsfakultät der San Pablo CEU in Madrid und Roberto Centeno, Wirtschaftsprofessor der Polytechnischen Universität in Madrid.


    Thank you for posting this letter. What a brave man! Congratulations for daring to write this. He definitely loves his country.

    This teacher has been warning since 2005-2006.
    There are 2 or 3 economists to warn about the state of the Spanish economy since 2005-6 (D. Santiago Nino Becerra,D. Roberto Centeno and Marc Vidal) and one from even earlier (Mr José Luis Sampedro).
    In Spain, few of us have given credibility to these economists who moved away from official discourse. Now that the crisis has worsened timidly appear in any mass media, but ordinary people do not believe her predictions. The situation, the future, can not be so bad.
    Mr. Centeno is branded a "troublemaker" because he saw as clear a disaster was coming. He was very upset when someone said that the situation was not so bad.
    For me the point of no return of the Spanish economy was 2008, we had a very low government debt and the possibility of having changed the production model broken ( Real estate). The most incompetent president is known (he won thanks to a terrorist attack,even his party do not expected to win), spending in the country Keynesian policies to lift sidewalks, increased public spending, put 120,000 million in the FROB (Fund bank restructuring), and make like nothing happens.

    In 2008-2009 an architect economist in charge of delivering the statistics of the ministry projects visas (D. Ricardo Verges), conducted a study of the debt contracted by the Spanish banks abroad. If I remember correctly were 400,000 million euros. Most Spanish banks had the brilliant idea of asking short ( outside Spain) to lend long ( inside Spain). Now another study has been done by him and we are on the 700,000 million.

    As an example personally I had +- 350,000€ debt in 2005, alerted by my instinct and by reading these economists minority, I decided to deduct my mortgage debt as possible.I reduced my quality of life to a minimum, to the point of divorce. It is now +- 170,000 €. 170,000 of debt today, for me, is a double burden heavier than € 350,000 in 2005.We Live with 30% of revenue (70% off) and the costs have doubled (for electricity and local taxes are twice). Gasoline +30%, penalties everywhere,etc, etc
    What I started doing in 2006, is now done by most of the Spanish. No consumption. Now the Spanish economy is in deflation for debt. But politicians do not recognize.


    sorry for my poor English, I learned talking to tourists and customers do not write well. I use an online translator to help me.

    Hello again,

    I think you will enjoy this article. Is write by Mr Roberto Centeno , Professor of Economics of UPM University, Spain.

    Letter to Chancellor Merkel: demand the ending of the Regions system [-Spain-]

    Roberto Centeno 25/06/2012 06:00h

    Three weeks ago the North American professor and historian David Spengler published a letter directed to you in The Asian Times in which he asked you to “let Spain collapse” and detailed the reasons to do so which went from incompetence, the squandering and the general corruption, which the different governments, fundamentally the regional ones, use the money received from the European institutions and where no one controls anything and no one answers to anything, which implies an assignment of the bulk of the public resources in such an absurd , inefficient way which beats anything imaginable. In addition, according to Dr. Spengler, the government lacks a plan or any strategy, lies massively about the reality of the economic banking and tax problems, and the debt is already unaffordable, coming to the conclusion that the situation has deteriorated irreversibly and consequently we cannot be saved.

    Nevertheless, and still recognising the truthfulness of his statements, Spain not only can be saved but also does not even need the intervention which analysts and institutions consider inevitable, just the suppression of the regional system which is an annual waste of more than 120.000 million euros, equivalent to 12% of GDP. However the political oligarchy which governs us, opposes with all its strength to take apart this gigantic structure which they have built for their own benefit and the power to change this epic sacking has been taken out of the hands of the Spanish people. To this day the deficit of the regions and city councils is about 5.000 million euros and is met by the government with supposed “budget advances”, supposed because it will never be paid back, which raises the State deficit by 50% until April, annually equivalent to 10% GDP. Neither can they pay the debt on time, more than 25.000 millions which they expect the government to pay with the money from ECB.

    With a total public debt, not only the accountable, of 118% GDP, a public deficit of 2012 estimated in more than 110,000 million and interest double the previous, the 4.5% GDP of the next 12 months, Spain has already passed the point of no return and it so happens that only you as the Chancellor of Germany and the most qualified leader of the democratic world has the power and dare I say, the duty to put an end to a situation which will entail in a short time not only the ruin of my country but also the end of the euro zone. So to avoid this it would be sufficient to force –conditioning “sine qua non” whatever help- the political oligarchy to radically reform the regional institutions which are responsible for two thirds of the public expenditure of the country. It is precisely there, Chancellor where the Spanish people desperately need your help, to terminate immediately the massive loans of ECB, handed over unconditionally, without control and where not even one euro goes towards the productive economy.

    As you know perfectly well, because you experienced it at close hand, Spain has been governed for more than seven years by an illiterate, and in spite of the popular illusions placed on the change, Rodríguez Zapatero has been substituted by Mariano Rajoy, who has no plan and no intention of having one, all the measures taken are either useless or have gone in the opposite direction. Both, together with how their own political parties work, form exclusively an oligarchy of common interest and never working for the interest of Spain. For them the party and personal benefits are much more important than the interest of the nation, which at all cost makes them maintain a type of nation whose waste and corruption is leading the country to ruin.

    It is all about an example which divided the country in 17 independent regions, totally opposing except two, to the History and the objective reality of Spain. These regions, whose powers more than double those of the federal states, are a way in which the political oligarchy put family, friends and party followers in positions, by doing so creating the equivalent of 17 mini states with all their own governing state bodies, from 17 parliaments to 19 public televisions, from 23 universities without justifiable students, to 22 airports with only 300 passengers each month, to fully equipped sports centres in areas with hardly 1.000 inhabitants or 30.000 official cars, more than there are in U.S.A. To that add 8.200 City Councils when no more than 3.000 are justified and with amounts of squandering unknown in Europe, Madrid alone, the most indebted capital in Europe –officially 120% GDP but 180% really- has 1.500 useless advisers, 200 official cars and has spent 500 million euros renovating the most luxurious palace headquarters in all the western world.

    Firstly tens of thousands were placed, then hundreds of thousands and today there is a total of two million civil servants – this being the principal cause of the brutal level of unemployment as in Spain, each public job destroys 2.8 jobs in the private sector- also where as not to give any explanations to anyone, as many as 4,000 public companies were created, the great cover-up of public waste, an enormous web hiding debt and corruption, 450.000 people personally employed with salaries 45% more than the average in the private sector. The bulk of the banking crisis would also arise from the model of the state. 45% of the bank deposits up to the year 2000 was concentrated in the savings banks, which had been the reference for the humble Spanish classes during nearly two centuries, were converted into the preferred booty of the regional Presidents, that put politicians and not professionals in charge with the objective of being able to enjoy virtually unlimited economical power to finance their absurd works and unheard of craziness.

    Twenty irresponsible and morally corrupt “agents”, supported economically and politically interrelated to the 14 regional Presidents who guaranteed that firstly the Bank of Spain would not intervene, and the cover up of the true balance after, would finance their unheard of building projects which together with their monumental works would lead the majority of these bicentenary institutions to bankruptcy in just eight years. PP and PSOE made a pact of silence so that not one of those responsible for such a catastrophe would be accused. Sr Rajoy would play the leading role in the last action in agreement with PSOE and the nationalists, not to accuse the Governor of the Bank of Spain of grave failure of not fulfilling his obligations in exchange for silence.

    Altogether, this situation has lead Spain to a level of public and private debt in the region of 400% GDP, the highest of the planet, a sum that can never be returned. But while the debt of non-financial companies and families, somewhat less than half of the total, is reducing that of the financial institutions and the Government, it does not cease to increase and the ECB is the one principally responsible for this with its uncontrolled loans which will ruin Spain for several generations to come. It is obvious that the bank bail out has been absolutely insufficient, firstly because the financial sector needs at least double, secondly because of the vicious circle of bankrupt banks buying government stock and cashing it in the ECB, in order to maintain the current expenditure of a bankrupt state, which at the same time has got itself into debt to save those very same bankrupt banks, only the simultaneous action on the financial system and the model of the State makes any sense. To state that, as Sr Rajoy says, this can only be put right with more Europe, that is to say with more debt is a monstrosity and will ruin us for several generations.

    However, if the inevitable bailing out takes place indiscriminately, without knowing the economic reality of the country, cutting salaries and loans and raising taxes, without getting to the root of the squandering, the result would be a historical disaster and misery and hunger for millions. For this reason, Chancellor as the only person today in a position to help the Spanish people, I ask for your help, before the bailing out insist on the abolition of the economic madness which involves the present territorial administration. The elimination of a useless expense of 120.000 million euros annually, would permit the reduction of the debt and create in a relatively short time significant employment, meanwhile the alternative would lead to a brutal internal deflation and the maintenance of a ludicrous assignment of resources, with devastating economic and social consequences. Almost unimaginable suffering for the present and future Spanish people so that the incompetent and morally corrupt, political oligarchy can maintain their privileges.

    Yours sincerely,

    Roberto Centeno, Professor of Economics, Polytechnic University of Madrid

    (Copies sent to Wolfgang Schäuble, Finance Minister; Olli Rehn, Economic Affairs and Euro Commisioner and Mario Draghi, President of ECB)


    Remenber, 14 of December 2009:
    What's happening in Spain?



    I think you will enjoy this article, the original is in Spanish, I have translate it to English ( I tried my best). Is write by Mr Roberto Centeno , Professor of Economics of UPM University, Spain.

    14 of December 2009

    What's happening in Spain?

    What happens in Spain? Was the question posed a few days ago by a primarily responsible for a large multinational with interests in Spain. In a country with a decent government, central bank and a decent statistical system would be a rhetorical question. In the Spain of Zapatero, with a insolvent government that lies massively, a central bank who lies and a statistical system who lies also, the question is most relevant. And the answer is: They do not know. "Zapatero has lost credibility," said The Economist a couple of weeks ago. And as they do not know it, they stop investing, that simple. The foreign investments have collapsed a 90% in the first semester.

    Zapatero said on Thursday in the presentation of the Economic Report that "recovery is imminent", that is, has ordered the political commissar of the National Sadistic Institution (INE) and the governor of the Bank of Spain that the fourth-quarter growth must be positive "as is " Never mind that the main indicators of output and demand say otherwise, it does not exceed the five million unemployed, no matter who is taking Spain to the ruins, they are lying without limit and make it back to their boss to start the EU Presidency with a vibrating "We have also come out of the crisis!", A must since its objective is "to make Europe stronger economically." Finally we are the laughingstock of Occident.

    What we know

    And yet, nothing is further from the truth. In the final of this year 2009, the economy not only keeps falling, it falling faster. But above all, the increasing restriction of credit to households and businesses, reducing the incentives for third party, the rise in interest rates and the upcoming brutal tax increases, fees and prices for all services, will further reduce investment and private consumption, 87% of the GDP in 2010 and successive years

    We see the last independent indicators of production and demand.

    Consumption of electricity: -3,6% in November against -1,3% in October corrected of temperature and calendar.

    Fuel consumption: -4,6% in November of 2009 versus. equal month of 2008, and also worse than in October, -2,8% versus October 2008. But in addition the gasolines collapse a -7,6%, which the past gives to an idea of the landslide of the private consumption month.

    Gas consumption: -19% in November versus. equal month previous year; much worse than third trimester - 12% with respect to equal period of the previous year.

    Sales of the great supermarkets: -5% with respect to November of 2008 and clearly worse than in October, and we are speaking here of products of first necessity.

    Sales of electric home appliances: they have fallen, according to ANEL, a 16.06% in November, against an accumulated fall of the 15,68% in the first eleven months.

    In summary, a serious worsening of the economic situation in November. Considering the GDP of October and November, through consumption of diesel automovile, a variable strongly correlated, this a 4% have fallen, and in 2010 with less rent available, less more expensive credit and, the situation only can get worse. And this can not be change by the lies to it of the central Bank of Spain(BdE) or the National Statistic Institution (INE). The last one: the National statistic Institution (INE) has corrected the expenditure by family in 2008:-4,2% in real terms, fall far beyond the published one

    And now regarding the government accounts, the Achilles heel of our economy. The Net borrowing-emissions minus depreciation-, amounted to 24 November at 110.492 million euros, and since December, I repeat, is the worst month deficit effect,it will close the year around the 130,000 million Euros, which will elevate the debt of the State to 47.5% of the GDP. But the national debt more things are many: the alive debt of the CCAA, 81,981 million in the second trimester of 2009, with a year-end estimate of the order of 100,000 million and the outstanding debt of municipalities and County Councils, 32,000 million at end 2008, with an estimate of around 45,000 million at end 2009.

    But even this is all, is the back door to hide the debt, the state public enterprises, regional and local authorities, which have grown exponentially: there are almost 4,000 companies to day of today, whose alive debt to February 2009 ascended to 44,598 million Euros, and one 55,000 estimation of in order year. In summary, total national debt in order 2009, 67.5% of the GDP. And the worse thing is not the absolute number, that already is brutal, but its dizzying growth rate and that almost all of this increase is current expenditure, ie structural.

    What we do not know but we can estimate:

    Real unemployment and rate of increase. Neither the EPA (active population survey) and even less in unemployment, show the reality of unemployment, but can be estimated by adding the excluded groups to the lies of Zapatero. The EPA(active population survey) ruled last 550,000 people, mostly educated young people because "not actively seeking" work are "discouraged", and classified as inactive. Additionally, the 2005 methodological change as workers to part-timers to 600,000 unemployed. Therefore, real unemployment in the third quarter: 5.2 million. Registered unemployment excludes the “DENOS”(Unoccupied Job Seekers [1]) that the INE( National statistic Institution) considered unemployed and not included as unemployed jobseekers excludes by Minister Caldera, self employers ( they have no compensation when they loss the job), the unemployed perceiving the 420 euros and discouraged that no longer re-enroll every month. Total 5.4 million through November, where he also has devised a new lies from Zapatero: 140,000 unemployed received the 420 eur help were excluded from unemployment[2], ie the official unemployment in November rose to 200,600, a figure that compares with 175,000 in November 2008, ie, the rate of increase grows not decreasing.

    Deficit and public debt by 2010. According to PGE (General state finances) 2010, gross financing requirements would amount to 212,000 state million and a net 76,177. PGE in 2009, the gross were 104,500 million and net 28,500.Ex-minister Solbes was a phenomenon! And now is the same and the same reasons, mostly understated expenses and overstated revenue. The best estimate of the needs of the state debt amounted to 200.000 million net today.

    To this one adds to predicted indebtedness 2010 for CCAA and Local Beings, 60,000 million; debt overcome and not paid with independent SMEs and, 30,000 million; debt of public companies, 15,000, a total debt of 98% of the GIP, the temporary margin has disappeared. I cannot understand from where it has removed S&P the number of 67% in 2.010, an analysis frivolity, because here “beans are counted”. As it indicated to Friday Marc Vidal here, “the debt only has a foreseeable way: its collapse”.

    And what happens in the financial system? I merely summarize. BDE, rather than undertake sector restructuring as it was obliged, closing the unviable and capitalizing on the viable, dedicated their time and efforts to hide the truth by every means at their disposal.

    CCM intervention has been an unmitigated disaster, and theft from taxpayers, the politicization of rural banks has led to the unprecedented, and worst, there has been some deleveraging, institutions are refinancing a huge debt to guarantee the state without any analysis of who can and who can not repay, which ultimately became a historical dispossession, because now they are not themselves but we, the people responsible for their return. The ending, will bankrupt half of the sector as the cost of their rescue is out of the country's chances.

    As it affirms Credit Suisse, we are worse than Greece, because our deficit is structural due to a model of nonviable State, 18% in 2009 versus 12% Greece; because the debt grows the triple that the rest; by the unstoppable deterioration of the real economy and by the inevitable collapse of the financial system.

    What really happens? We are at the cliff edge. At the Abyss.

    Roberto Centeno

    Professor of Economics of UPM University

    1.- Unoccupied Job Seekers: Applicants will be known as pre-employment services and will help the regions, for example, which governs the PSOE, be drawn from lists of registered unemployed to those who feel they need to complete a training course for employment in another sector.

    2.- They are considered like persons in formation.

    Spanish version here :…ppens-spain-20091214.html

    Pd: first post here , sorry I only speak Spanish, English or French . (google bablefish for German).