Abcourt Mines Inc./ ABI (CVE)

  • Hello Everyone

    The past three days at the Prospectors Convention in
    Toronto have proven to be very encouraging to Abcourt
    Mines. Renaud Hinse and I met with brokerage houses on
    Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I am happy to report
    that although these meetings were only exploratory in
    nature, all the brokers and analysts that we met with
    were very impressed with our project. We expect to
    receive one or two offers of financing in the near

    First, Abcourt would like to complete its feasibility
    study this summer and conduct a drill program with the
    intention of increasing and upgrading its total ore
    resources. The summer drill program and feasibility
    study is estimated to cost about $1,000,000.

    The various groups that we met with this week also
    expressed an interest in financing the re-opening of
    the mine. The conditions of this second financing will
    depend on metal prices and the results of the
    feasibility study. Our objective is to be in
    production in late spring 2006.

    Abcourt is very encouraged with the reception that our
    project has received.

    Joe o´ Brien

  • Hallo Newtechxl,

    habe ich auch gerade gesehen, dass sie an der Börse Berlin-Bremen gehandelt werden. Wieder eine gute Silbermine mehr am deutschen Börsenparkett. So langsam wird peu a peu einige gute Silberaktien neben Toronto und den USA auch in Deutschland gelistet !

    Dies zeigt aber auch, dass die deutschen Silber-Bugs etwas bewegen.

    Wer immer dies im Hintergrund bewerkstelligt hat: meinen herzlichen Dank !



  • Private placement of units for a total of $1,322,500

    Mont-St-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada, March 14, 2005

    Abcourt Mines Inc. (“Abcourt”) is pleased to announce that it has engaged Northern Securities Inc. (“Northern”) as agent to raise on a best effort basis ONE MILLION THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (1,322,500) dollars from the sale of units made up of one class B (common) share and a half warrant at $0.28 per unit (“offering”). One warrant will entitle its holder to buy one share at $0.42 for a period of two years. A total of FOUR MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND (4,725,000) class B shares will be issued. This total includes the 15% over-allotment of shares that the agent may sell within 60 days of the date of notice to the Stock Exchange. The shares are subject to a four-month hold period. If all the warrants included in the units are exercised, a total of TWO MILLION THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (2,362,500) additional shares will be issued. Northern will be paid $25,000 plus 10% of the aggregate gross proceeds of the offering. Abcourt will be responsible for the issuing expenses.

    The proceeds from the offering will be used to complete our feasibility study and for a drilling program to increase and upgrade our resources. The drilling results may influence our mining plans. Our objective is to place the Abcourt-Barvue mine in production, in eighteen months. Abcourt has a competent management team to realize this work program.

    To know more about Abcourt, please consult our web site and Sedar

    FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS : Except for statements of historical facts, all statements in this news release, including, without limitation, statements regarding forecasts, plans and objectives of Abcourt Mines Inc. - are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

    This press release was prepared by Abcourt Mines inc. The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

  • Hi Folks

    The financing is great news for Abcourt. The company will be in great

    1) Abcourt will perform all suggested work from the 1999 Roche
    study. This will pave the way for Abcourt to go to production in the
    spring of

    2) Abcourt will drill up to 70 holes this summer at the Abcourt-Barvue
    silver/zinc property. The holes will range in depth from 250 to 500
    feet. The
    drill program will upgrade the known resource. The program will also
    exploration drill work at the east end of our resource where little
    exists. This work may increase the size of our resource. We will have
    exciting summer.

    3) Abcourt will be in a financial position to continue advertising at
    traffic precious metal sites such as Renaud Hinse has
    given me
    the go ahead to step up the marketing of Abcourt Mines Inc.

    4) An Abcourt shareholder is currently writing a review (essay) on
    Abcourt Mines
    Inc. The essay will be submitted to Gold-Eagle and various other sites
    publication within the next ten days.

    5) I am working on a few changes at our website which will better
    market our
    company. These subtle chamges should be implemented with 10 days.

    All the best,

    Joe O'Brien
    Abcourt Mines

    Sale option on the Elder and Tagami properties
    Mont-St-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada, March 16, 2005
    Abcourt Mines Inc. announces that the sale option on the Elder and Tagami properties that was given to Tom Exploration Inc. on September 17, 2004, has been extended to May 30, 2005 to give Tom enough time to complete its financing.
    For this extension, Abcourt will receive TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND (200,000) common shares from the capital-stock of Tom, fully paid and free to trade save for a four-month withholding period ending on July 16, 2005

  • Hi folks,
    As noted in the March 14th press re;ease, Abcourt Mines Inc. has
    Northern Securities Inc as agent to raise on a best effort basis,

    Prior to the March 14th agreement, Northern Securities conducted an
    analysis of
    Abcourt Mines and concluded that Abcourt was currently extremely
    compared to its peer group. Northern Securities, in its study, compared
    Mines with Yukon Zinc, Breakwater Resources, PGM Ventures, Minco Mining
    Metals, Canadian Zinc, Eagle Plains and Tri Origin Exploration. In
    category of comparison, Abcourt Mines was by far the most undervalued
    stock. Therefore, fundamentally things appear very bullish.

    Here is a technical analysis of Abcourt which also appears to be very

  • Hi Newtechxl,

    Abcourt hat auf einer Unternehmenspräsentation vor einigen Wochen eine sehr positive Resonanz von einigen größeren Investoren erhalten, die einsteigen wollen.

    Die Aktie ist derzeit wirklich ein Schnäppchen. Sie werden mit der Open Pit-Förderung in diesem Sommer beginnen und voraussichtlich im Frühjahr 2006 dann auch die Mine wieder in Betrieb gehen lassen.



  • Nachdem es in den vergangenen Tagen ja kaum Umsätze in Toronto und sich auch Stille im Thread ausgebreitet hatte, gabs endlich mal wieder was neues und endlich ein Volumen, das meinen Kaufauftrag einlösen konnte.

    Viele Grüße

    506, rue des Falaises
    Mont-St-Hilaire (Québec) Canada J3H 5R7
    Listing (TSXV = ABI)
    Abcourt increases private placement of units to $2,300,000
    Mont-St-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada, April 12, 2005
    Abcourt Mines Inc. (“Abcourt”) is pleased to announce that the engagement of Northern
    Securities Inc. (“Northern”) as agent on March 14 last, to raise on a best effort basis ONE
    (1,322,500) dollars from the sale of units made up of one class B (common) share and a half
    warrant at $0.28 per unit has been modified as follows:
    The total amount has been increased to TWO MILLION THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND
    (2,300,000) dollars. The subscription price will be $0.20 per unit (“Offering”). Each unit will
    consist of one common share and one half of a common share purchase warrant. One full warrant
    will entitle its holder to buy one common share at $0.30 for a period of two years. A total of
    ELEVEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND (11,500,000) class B shares will be issued
    assuming the Offering is fully subscribed and this includes the 15% over-allotment of shares that
    the agent may exercise within 60 days of the date of notice to the Stock Exchange. The shares
    are subject to a four-month hold period.
    If all the warrants included in the units are exercised, a total of FIVE MILLION SEVEN
    HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSANDS (5,750,000) additional shares will be issued. Northern
    will be paid $25,000 plus 10% of the aggregate gross proceeds of the Offering. In addition,
    Northern will receive broker warrants equal to 10% of the number of units sold at $0.27 per unit.
    The attached warrants are exercisable at $0.30 per share. These broker warrants may be exercised
    at any time over a period of 24 months from closing.
    The proceeds from the offering will be used to complete our feasibility study and for a drilling
    program to increase and upgrade our resources. The drilling results may influence our mining
    plans. Our objective is to place the Abcourt-Barvue mine in production, in eighteen months.
    Abcourt has a competent management team to realize this work program.
    To know more about Abcourt, please consult our web site and Sedar

  • Hier ist es aber still geworden! Zum Glück nicht bei Abcourt:

    Abcourt Mines expands Abcourt-Barvue property

    2005-05-02 15:52 ET - News Release

    Mr. Renaud Hinse reports


    Abcourt Mines Inc. has staked additional claims to enlarge its Abcourt-Barvue property. The National Instrument 43-101 resource validation report prepared by Innovexplo received on March 2, last, recommends that Abcourt spends $5-million to explore its Abcourt-Barvue property at depth and along strike on the main ore zone to find possible extensions and on exploration targets where new orebodies may be found. To protect any possible new discovery, it was decided to stake 28 additional claims for a total of 1,120 hectares at the east and north ends of the existing property lines.

    One of the targets is a 1,000-metre-long magnetic anomaly with a corresponding high-gravity anomaly which was tested by Noranda in 1993 with one deep drill hole (672 metres). This hole intersected an average of 5 per cent to 10 per cent pyrite-pyrhotite with traces of chalcopyrite and sphalerite over a width of 200 metres. One intersection from 401.2 to 401.6 metres with visible gold assayed 43.4 grams per tonne gold, 17 grams per tonne silver and 0.50 per cent zinc over a width of 0.4 metre. The new claims will protect any easterly extension of this zone.

  • Abcourt fängt an seine open pit-Aktivitäten vorzubereiten. Sie wollen ja in diesem Sommer über den offenen "Bergbau" ca. 400 Tsd. Unzen Silber fördern.

    Von daher sind sie wieder auf dem Weg vom Explorer-Status zum Produzent zu werden.



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