Juniors aus Kanada

  • @eldo,
    ich wünsch dir alles Gute für die Reise.
    Mehr sag ich nicht, weil mir fällt da nur Blödsprüche ein....

    CFTN.PK: die 0,6 haben sich als gute Unterstützung erwiesen. Passt!

    Zu Hommel:
    er erwähnt im SS54 einen Stock (Text unten).
    Welche könnte er meinen? (evtl. MMGG.OB, YZC.V od. ABI.V?)
    Hast du eine Ahnung?

    There is another stock that I would like to tell you about, because I feel it is now cheap for the fundamental reasons discussed above. A multi-million dollar private placement with a one year hold time that was done last year, just became free trading, and right now, market sentiment by the public is very low. Clearly, this has created another wonderful opportunity, as the stock is down. Normally, I would not tell you about this kind of an opportunity, because I would simply buy it first. However, I already own the stock, and in rather large amounts. It's the 3rd largest stock holding in my portfolio of about 30 stocks, and it is about 5% of my overall portfolio. I suppose, if I really started sacrificing other stocks, I could double my position, and get in cheap (below the price of prior insider buying). However, if I did that, it would significantly reduce my portfolio diversification.

    And that is why I'm able to present this particular opportunity to you.

    Now, here's the really good details. This stock's fundamentals have tremendously improved over the last year--so I'm not eager to sell my private placement shares that just became free trading at these prices, (unlike some other people who bought in the private placement). First, the company booted out their Joint Venture partner who missed a deadline (basically a technicality), to re-acquire the title to their property, 100%. Second, they completed a very successful drill program, and found exactly what they were looking for, 4 billion pounds of zinc. Third, the zinc price has really improved, up to $.58/lb, up from about $.35/lb. nearly 2 years ago. And yet, the stock is now 50% off it's previous highs! If you want to know which stock this is, the 3rd largest stock holding in my portfolio, please sign up at silverstockreport.com to the "look at my portfolio".

    Best regards

  • Klar hat er Recht.

    Ich hab eh auch aus MMGG getippt (drum stands auch als erstes, war mir aber nicht sicher.)

    Hast du die in der Herde? Ich nicht.

    Zu Werten, die er entfernt hat (u.a. NPG.V, FCO.TO) siehe unter
    Musterdepot, dann hommels depot.


  • Tschonko

    Warum er Nevada Pacific rausgeschmissen hat weiss ich nicht,ich halte sie aber weiter auch ohne ihn. Metalline habe ich seit langen im depo und die sind genauso gefallen wie NPG. Wir werden sehen ob nun schluss ist mit dem massaker der juniors in den naechsten wochen.
    Ich schaetze der markt ist nun total ausgewaschen und eine gute einstiegsmoeglichkeit. Clifton hat sich gut gehalten und ich erwarte dass nun bessere zeiten fuer die juniors kommen.

  • Offensichtlich haben einige geschnallt, daß Jason Hommel in seinem neuesten Brief MMGG gemeint hatte.

    Unter außergewöhnlich hohem Volumen +23,33%

    Ist doch schön, daß Hommel seine drittgrößte Position selbst in die Höhe reden kann. Quasi die Lizenz zum Gelddrucken.

  • Take the money and get lost :D :D

    IMA Exploration Inc. (IMR-TSX.V, IMXPF-OTC.BB) announces that the Company has offered $100,000 - "nuisance value" - to Aquiline Resources Inc. to settle their ongoing lawsuit. "We have offered Aquiline a nuisance value sum to put this nonsense behind us," explained Mr. Grosso. "We have to get back to running our company and focus our energies on the development of Navidad, our extraordinary silver discovery in Argentina".

    IMA announced the discovery of its 100% owned Navidad silver project in Patagonia, Argentina, in March 2003. To date, IMA has defined an Indicated Resource of 268 million ounces of silver and 1.1 million tonnes of lead (50 g/t cut off, 80.8 M tonnes at 103 g/t silver and 1.45% lead), quickly making it one of the world's largest and purest silver deposits. In a suit filed in British Columbia in March 2004, Aquiline alleged IMA used confidential information to acquire Navidad.

    "There is absolutely nothing to the claim," Mr. Grosso said. "If this ever gets to court, we are confident it will be thrown out. But we have a responsibility to our shareholders and we must focus on making the potential of Navidad a reality, not on legal fees to fight opportunistic lawsuits."

    IMA is well financed to continue to test the numerous exploration targets at Navidad with significant drill programs. The Company has over 10 years experience in Argentina and is dedicated to the exploration and development of socially, economically and environmentally responsible mining opportunities.


    "Joseph Grosso"

    President & CEO

    Schluss mit dem Nonsense !!! :D

  • Ulfur,
    ist ja nicht das erste Mal, dass sowas passiert.
    Ärgern tut mich nur, dass ich bei meiner heutigen Order für MMGG um 3 cent zu gierig war am frühen Nachmittag. Zu 1,56 hätt ich sie da noch bekommen, ich limitier mit 1,53.
    Jetzt komm ich grad vom Fußball und seh + 26%. Naa jja!

    Nachrennen tu ich auch nicht. Wir kriegen schon noch ne Chance in diesem Frühjahr.

    Sonst geht´s mir wie Eldo. CZN, MGN, ASM, SRLM, CDY......etc.


  • So kurz vor dem koffer packen habe ich noch ein paar junior info's:

    Quattera : Video Interview QTA.V... same CEO from WTZ



    Beobachtet auch mal TM.V:

    A steel of a deal : PLL (Bob Moriarty) PLL.V


    Selbst als explorer fan :D, kann ich mit denen hier unten locker mithalten im durchschnitt:

    Le Metropole: (hat silbertaler auch reingelegt)

    GO GOLD RUSH 21!!!
    Gold came out swinging last night in Asia, rising $2 on weaker dollar. The dollar weakened further in European/US trading and gold followed through nicely on the upside. There are a number of constructive developments to report.

    One of the most important in my book is a new recovery high in gold euro terms. Right after Comex closed, it registered 328.06. This is important because it means gold is continuing to advance in foreign currency terms and not only moving up on dollar weakness.

    One of the reasons for this strength in all currencies is due to the very firm physical market. John Brimelow and I have been pounding the table re this critical gold factor for some time now and it is finally kicking in as far as the price is concerned. The bad guys in The Gold Cartel have their hands full trying to figure how they are going to handle physical market tightness as this year wears on.

    The following comment caught my attention this morning:

    "A Move Above $432.50, Basis April Gold, Should Take Us To $500." This is according to the gold trading folks at Morgan Stanley. It carries weight with me for the following reasons:

    *Morgan Stanley bought heavily with the rest of The Gold Cartel when spot gold broke to the $410/$413 area. They have no dumped those positions and are pretty much flat according to my sources, although still very long silver.

    GATA has never officially thrown Morgan Stanley into The Gold Cartel camp. However, they know the drill and how the cabal operates. They use this input to their advantage and often trade gold accordingly.

    They have to know the effort The Gold Cartel just made to bury gold, assisted by the orchestrated IMF gold sales flap. While the price setback has been steep, a very firm cash market kept gold well above $400, preventing the cabal from taking gold even further off the investment radar screen.

    $430 spot gold is key for many technical reasons. Should that area be taken out for any reason, it should put enough nails in the coffin to nullify the cabal’s attempt to keep gold buried. It tells me the cash market was eating up too much gold at too cheap gold prices below $420/$430 and they knew they could not keep up the pressure.

    Morgan Stanley has to understand the cabal will go all out to prevent this area from being breached. Therefore, if it does so it means the cabalites don’t have the firepower to keep gold suppressed for too much longer. A move above $430 should complete nine years of attacking gold to prevent it from clearing and holding above the $420 to $430 level.

    Of course, I don’t want to put the cart before the horse. Gold has now checked the $400 to $410 support area and held. From a longer term perspective, this will gain in relevance should it continue to remain that way. While I believe $400/$410 will hold, who knows? I never thought, with the physical market so strong, the cabal could get gold down to the levels we endured early last week. Yet, here we are, just recovering from the nausea. If my input is correct about Morgan Stanley, they are content for the moment to see how gold plays out over the near term. Should gold be able to trade at $432.50, basis April, it would signal to them much higher prices are in order – and that the Gold Cartel’s finest days are behind them. According to my source, this will bring them back into the fray in a major league way. (Lets hope it runs over the limit) :P

    Was the bottom reached ??:


    Have a good one !

    Over and out..... 8)


  • Ich muss da das noch einmal herausheben.
    Das geht vielleicht unter:

    Eldo schrieb: PLL und PLL.V
    Der Artikel bezieht sich auf PLL.V (Palladon ventures)
    Wir haben sie in diesem Thread schon Anf. Febr. besprochen.
    Und es ist eine Hammerstory! PLL = Palladium Corp (auch interessant!)

    Der Artikel von Bob Moriaty ist sehr humorvoll und für ihn außerordentlich lang. Unbedingt Lesen!
    Vor allem: die Beteiligten an der Story sind alle nicht auf der Nudelsupp´n dahergeschwommen.

    Hier noch einmal der link:


  • Bei MMGG gab es gestern kaum Umsätze. Der run ist vorbei vorerst.

    Bei PLL.V Umsätze über 2Mille. Fortsetzung folgt.
    In D wird heute 4 ct über US kurs gehandelt.
    Guter Broker!
    Ansonsten: Die haben einen Klescher!

    Ein Artikel zu SUR.V.



    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

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