Juniors aus Kanada

  • Will mining survive a Latin American Pope?

    By: Dorothy Kosich
    Posted: '11-APR-05 05:00' GMT © Mineweb 1997-2004

    RENO--(Mineweb.com) Chances are very strong that the successor of the late John Paul II may be a theological conservative from Latin America.

    The bad news for mining, however, is that a Latin American Pope may be strongly opposed to multinational corporate mining, including foreign junior explorationists.

    "Neoliberalism" is pretty much a swear word in Latin America. The brainchild of Milton Friedman, F. Von Hayec and the Chicago School of Economics, "new" liberalism asserts that the economic crises of the 1970s resulted from excessive government intervention in the economic affairs of society. The economic fate of society is left in the hands of the private sector, which is allegedly free of stringent laws to protest the environment, consumer health and safety standards, or to assure job security.

    Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga, 62, archbishop of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, was prominently featured in the latest issue of People magazine as one of papal contenders to succeed John Paul II. The theologically-conservative archbishop is multilingual and articulate. A past president of CELAM, the federation of Latin American bishops conference, Rodriguez has declared in the past that "neoliberal capitalism carries injustice and inequity in its genetic code."

    As a young man, he studied mathematics, physics and natural sciences, and earned degrees in theology and clinical psychology. Although he comes from a small nation, Rodriguez Maradiaga's presidency of CELAM could improve his papal prospects.

    Rodriguez Maradiaga has also espoused environmental causes, including leading anti-mining protest marches since 2002. Last month, he publicly criticized mining concessions which cover almost one-third of Honduras. "The indiscriminate exploitation of our mines and forests withy no ethical commitment is placing at risk the very purpose of creation--human life and future generations," he declared.

    Bishops like Rodriguez Maradiaga espouse the "theology of the excluded," which views the Roman church's role as overcoming the alleged marginalization of Latin America's poor by the economic policies of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. A passionate advocate of debt relief, Rodriguez Maradiaga has been a strong opponent of Glamis Gold and its operations in Honduras. Interestingly, Glamis has been lauded by the IMF for its socially-progressive programs in Honduras.

    Another prominent Latin American candidate is Brazilian Cardinal Claudio Hummes, 70, is a conservative on church doctrine and a social progressive. He earned degrees in philosophy and taught philosophy at seminaries and a Catholic university.

    Hummes is considered a friend of the labor movement and believes the globalized market economy is responsible for the "misery and poverty affecting millions around the world." He asserted that the market economy has "reinvented poverty in many countries."

    Brazil is the world's most-populous Roman Catholic nation. The Brazilian Catholic Church has been historically involved in mining issues including opposing the privatization of CVRD. The church also helped organize NGO campaigns against bauxite mining and the production of aluminum by multinational corporations in the 1990s.

    Other names being mentioned as possible candidates for Pope include Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglia, 68, archbishop of Buenos Aires. The Catholic Church has formed Equipo Nacional de Pastoral Aborigen, which is fighting for aboriginal peoples to obtain title on the lands on which they lived for centuries. Some of these peoples have formed opposition groups to fight proposed gold mining projects in the area.

    Columbia Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyes, prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Clergy, is another possible candidate along with Cardinal Norberto Rivera, 63, of Mexico City.

  • Bei Palladon ( PLL.V) geht es im Zickzackkurs hin und her, was die Finanzierung betrifft.
    Ich hab am Freitag eine Teilausführung (sehr wenig) zu 0,76 bekommen.

    Heute ein neuer Artikel von Moriaty, der mir allerdings etwas zu euphorisch ist. No chance without danger.



    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Gammon steigt seit zwei tagen, Mexgold faellt, obwohl sie zusammen sind. ?( MGR.V wird schnell wieder steigen, ein aussenseiter den ihr im radar behalten solltet. :rolleyes:

    ;) tschonko

    Ich habe lange gebraucht um ueberhaupt meine 5t OT's zu kaufen.
    Da sind fast keine verkaeufer da.
    Auch fuer Hommel war es nicht einfach die zu bekommen und hat aktien die er halten wollte gegen private placements von OT und Namex getauscht. Die OT und Namex sind eine psss.psss. Aktie. :D


    XEX 8)

  • Cream Minerals Begins Drilling Program on Cassiera Property in Sierra Leone

    Monday April 11, 1:23 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - April 11, 2005) - Cream Minerals Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:CMA - News; OTCBB:CRMXF - News; "Cream") announces that drilling has started on the Hima Exclusive Prospecting Licence for diamonds located on the Sewa River in Sierra Leone. Two Banka drills are operating to sample high terrace gravels identified as diamondiferous in earlier work by the National Diamond Mining Company of Sierra Leone and by the Geological Survey of Sierra Leone. Eight holes out of a planned 150 holes have been completed to date with an average depth of 5 meters each. Two gravel layers have been intersected in the Banka holes completed and these gravels will become targets for a bulk sampling programme where continuity can be demonstrated over a large enough area to allow an industrial scale operation. The two gravel horizons confirm the description of the gravel distribution described by the Geological Survey of Sierra Leone.

    The water level of the Sewa River has continued to drop since the start of the programme. Several large sand bars have been exposed on the downstream side of the large riffles formed by two strong diabase dykes that cross the river from bank to bank, a distance of approximately 500 meters (1500 feet). Sampling is planned with a detailed Banka Drill programme for possible higher grades of heavy minerals, including diamonds, in these natural traps.

    Sierra Leone is currently enjoying an unprecedented mineral exploration boom for diamonds, gold, rutile, bauxite and platinum group elements. Participants include BHP Billiton in joint venture with Mano River Resources, Sierra Leone Diamond Company Ltd. ("SLDC") (which has just completed a reported U.S.$37.3 million flotation on the London Alternative Investment Market - AIM), and the Sierra Rutile Company. The rutile operations of Sierra Rutile were officially opened by the President of Sierra Leone last week on 31st March. This is considered to be a further indication of business confidence in the continuing stability of the country. Part of the financing to complete the reconstruction of the Sierra Rutile operations is reported to have included a 40 million Euro loan from the E.E.C.

    Planning is almost complete for ship charter and engagement of geophysical crews to carry out a detailed marine magnetometry survey supervised by Casierra Diamond Corporation over targets on the marine licence where 20 diamonds were recovered from marine alluvial deposits. This area was tested in 1995 and 1996 for a cost of approximately US $4 million. That work included surveys with sub-bottom profiling with boomer and sparker arrays, bathymetry, vertical gradient magnetometry and sampling. The line spacing was relatively coarse at 500 to 250 meter line spacing and more detailed coverage is planned to allow a close definition of targets for sampling later in 2005.

    Mr. Benjamin Ainsworth, P.Eng., is Cream's "Qualified Person" in Sierra Leone for the purpose of National Instrument 43-101.

  • Candente and Orex Identify Twelve Exploration Targets on Las Sorpresas Gold Property, Peru

    Monday April 11, 2:47 pm ET


    VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 11, 2005--Candente Resource Corp and Orex Ventures Inc. (TSX VENTURE News) are pleased to announce that twelve gold and gold-copper exploration targets have been identified within the Las Sorpresas property. Las Sorpresas borders the southern boundary of Yanacocha, the world's largest open-pit, heap leach gold operation with in excess of 35 million ounces of gold. The targets are part of a trend of domal-circular features, structural controls and clay alteration zones, which are also associated with some of Yanacocha's gold deposits including Cerro Quillish which lies just northwest of the Las Sorpresas property.

    Domal-circular features often represent intrusions which acted as heat sources for gold mineralizing systems and the controlling structures are believed to have acted as some of the pathways for the gold bearing solutions which deposited gold at Yanacocha. On Las Sorpresas two major NW-NNW trending faults cross the central part of the property and extend northward into the central Yanacocha main mine area and across the NE flank of the Cerro Quillish gold deposit. A cluster of domal-circular features occurs along this structure. The satellite imagery also located a number of alunite, pyrophyllite and kaolinite, alteration anomalies on the Las Sorpresas property, which are similar to those occurring with gold mineralization in the Yanacocha deposits.

    Evidence of gold mineralization on Las Sorpresas, found through previous work by Candente, includes anomalous levels of gold in stream sediments, hydrothermal alteration zones and key (geochemical) trace elements in soils and rocks. All of these indicators are similar to those which have assisted in gold discoveries at Yanacocha.

    The structural and alteration interpretation was conducted on a satellite photo image covering both the Las Sorpresas property and the Yanachocha mine area. Murphy Geological Services of Cork, Ireland completed the study on an Aster high resolution satellite image which encompassed an area 48 km east-west by 64 km north-south.

    During late 2004, Candente and Orex carried out a geophysical Induced Polarization (IP) survey, which evaluated depths of up to 200 meters only. Further IP surveys are planned to have a deeper penetration in order to locate buried gold and gold-copper sulphide deposits similar to those which underlie the oxide gold deposits currently being mined at Yanacocha.

    The Las Sorpresas property is situated in the Andean mountains of Northern Peru and is road accessible one hour from the City of Cajamarca. Exploration on the property is operated by Candente's Peruvian exploration team employed by subsidiary Cia. Minera Oro Candente S.A. ("Oro Candente") and lead by Ing. Fredy Huanqui, Director and Vice President Exploration for Latin America. Michael Casselman, M.Sc., P.Geo., General Manager Exploration and Director of Candente and Joanne C. Freeze, P.Geo., President, are the qualified persons (QP) as defined by NI 43-101 for the project discussed above and they have verified the information, have read and approved the contents of this release.

    Further exploration is planned to commence in May, following the rainy season, and will include additional geophysical (IP) surveys with deeper penetration abilities. The IP survey will cover the major NW-NNW trending faults and clusters of domal and circular features extending southward from Yanacocha's main mine area and Cerro Quilish gold deposit, as well as areas with alunite and pyrophyllite alteration anomalies.

    Orex has the right to earn a 51% interest in the Las Sorpresas property by incurring exploration expenditures of US$2.5 million by December 31, 2007 on the property, while Candente retains the right to operate all exploration during this period. In addition to the exploration expenditure commitments, Candente has received US$15,000 in cash and will receive staged share issuances totalling 250,000 shares for the property by January 31st, 2008.

    Candente is a diversified copper and gold exploration company. Our focus is to increase shareholder value through discovery. Candente has an advanced exploration stage copper project, Canariaco, and several other gold and gold-copper projects in Peru and Newfoundland. Candente's directors have individual track records in both the discovery and development of multi-million ounce gold and silver, and multi-billion pound copper deposits. Candente subscribes to principles which ensure that its exploration and development activities are beneficial to the local communities.

    Orex is a junior mineral exploration company, comprised of highly qualified mining professionals with a current focus on the exploration of prospective gold properties in northern Peru. Management is actively engaged in the acquisition of new properties in South America.

  • @eldo
    nichts mit steigendem goldpreis heute. Gut zu wissen. Das kann man abhaken.

    Die kleinen Minen halten sich sehr gut. wenig umsatz, kaum verkäufe.
    Eigentlich ein gutes zeichen.
    kann aber auch sein, dass das der Auftakt der Hämmerung war.

    Hab bei CZN.TO und Kinross ein bisschen nachgekauft.
    Nevada Pacific dürfte ich auch noch ausfassen.

    Was ist mit MYNG.OB los. Geht richtung Orkus.

    Warum muss der Peter schon ins Bett gehen?
    Ahhsoo, das war gestern?
    Dachte schon, er war schlimm.


  • hallo freund tschonko

    ich bin noch wach, aber sag mal was habt ihr gemacht das ihr so mienengeil seit ich kapier das nich so ganz ok grosser hebel zum goldpreis, aber hebel in beide richtungen, chartanalyse nich möglich, bei den meisten und an die richtigen kennzahlen kommt man doch auch erst zu spät ran oder.

    das einzig positive für mich sind die geringen preise das man auf grosse stückzahlen kommt

  • @eldo,
    da gibt´s noch was Absurderes.
    CHMN.PK Chester Mining. 200 Stück gehandelt +87,5%.

    Nachkauf: NPG.V hab ich auch ausgefasst.


    Irgendwas zu MYNG.OB gefunden?

  • Tschonko

    Verrueckt was sich seit gestern abspielt. Man haut auf die minenaktien,das cartel aber weniger die anleger. Es macht ja keinen sinn bei dem goldpreis und die seniors kriegen am meisten ab.

    Golden Eagle ???
    Auf den haben die anleger geschossen so wie es auusieht.

    Ich hoffe man sieht wieder klar am freitag, am besten gar nicht mehr hinschauen.



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