Researching Gold/Silver Mining Companies

  • With the help of our Mining Coordinator, Brian Boutilier, we are in the process of putting together a complete "tutorial" to help investors who are new to this sector learn how to invest in gold and silver miners on their own.

    For many of you here, you don't need OUR help (lol)! For those people, we have something else to offer, our "Bullion Bulls Miners' Challenge". Simply pick the best-performing miner over the contest period (Oct.1 - Mar.31). While we have not officially announced our prizes, I can confirm that the "Grand Prize" will be a 1-oz gold coin.

    Researching Gold/Silver Mining Companies

    "...As with anything, we must start with the “ABC’s”. To make sure that no one is excluded from this analysis, I will assume that readers are not only new to this sector, but also new to self-directed investing. For those who already have a sophisticated understanding of these basic principles, we will delve into more advanced topics and analysis in future installments.

    To make this analysis a little more “elementary”, we will assume that all of these mining companies are either producers or near-producers (i.e. “advanced-stage exploration projects”) – since “pure” exploration companies are more difficult to value objectively..."

    contest: http://www.bullionbullscanada.…ian-commentary&Itemid=134

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