Silver Buckle - Silver Valey

  • David Bond hat das Teil empfohlen. Infos folgen !!

    PO Box 469
    Wallace, ID 83873
    Phone: (208) 752 1131

    Harry Magnusen is the President, Dennis O'Brien is the secretary and a good guy to talk to about this and a lot of the other Magnusen companies.

    It has about 12m shares outstanding, a pretty good claim group (much of it under lease to Coeur), and some other stocks (like 1/3 of VINS).

    1998 Note in the Pennaluna Prospector:

    "Silver Buckle Mines (SBUM) of Wallace got a boost from recent favorable mention by Paul Sarnoff, long time market commentator and editor of Sarnoff's Silver Strategies fax advisory. The little outfit has ground next to the Coeur Mine - Galena Mine - Caladay area (which it now leases to Silver Valley Resources Corpporation). With about 12 million shares out, not long ago it began active bulletin board quotation. The stock's lately moved up from around .20 to about .35" -- Pennaluna Prospector, April, 1998.

    1997 Press release about the lease:

    Wallace, Idaho, March 26, 1997 -- Silver Valley Resources Corporation announced it has entered agreements on two mining leases adjacent to its existing property in north Idaho in a further strategic consolidation of property in the Coeur d'Alene Mining District silver belt. The leases surround Silver Valley Resources' Caladay property and are believed to hold excellent long-term potential for increasing reserves.

    The Silver Valley Resources' Board of Directors gave approval to the two mining leases, representing 149 unpatented claims, from Silver Buckle Mines Inc. and Placer Creek Mining Company. Silver Buckle holds claims east and north of the Silver Valley Resources property. Placer Creek's claims are south and east of Silver Valley Resources existing property.

    The leases represent potential extensions beyond the long term exploration and development of the Caladay. Silver Valley Resources plans to perform geologic reconnaissance and geologic modeling on the properties to identify targets for future exploration. A minimum of $125,000 of spending is required on each property in each five year period under the 20-year, renewable leases.

    Silver Valley Resources, which is owned equally by ASARCO Inc. and Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation, operates the Coeur and Galena silver mines near Wallace. They are historically the lowest cost silver mines in the Coeur d'Alene Mining District. This year's production is anticipated at approximately 3 million ounces of silver. Proven and probable reserves at year-end 1996 were measured at 33.5 million ounces of silver at an average grade of 17.54 ounces per ton.

  • Zitat

    Original von newtechxl
    David Bond hat das Teil empfohlen. Infos folgen !!
    It has about 12m shares outstanding, a pretty good claim group (much of it under lease to Coeur), and some other stocks (like 1/3 of VINS).

    Hallo newtechxl,

    habe den thread gefunden, weil ich gerade einen selbigen zu SBUM eröffnen wollte.

    Sehr gut. Hat David Bond noch mehr dazu gesagt? Habe das Buch leider noch nicht da, es ist aber unterwegs. (Übrigens, anbei: Hat Bond auch zur Hunter Creek Mining irgend etwas gesagt?)

    SEHR interessant ist die 1/3 el Beteiligung der SBUM an VINS. Davon wusste ich noch gar nichts!
    Ob die noch besteht?

    Ich hab sie (SBUM) seit kurzem im Depot liegen, Schnittpreis v. 0,40 US$, besser ging nicht, aber sie ist aufgrund der höheren Marktkapitalisierung wenigstens einigermassen gut handelbar. (Besser als VINS jedenfalls ;) )

    Zu meiner Anlageentscheidung: Ich habe die SBUM gekauft, weil die Geologie massiv gut ist. Ausserdem ist nach dem Verkauf der Galena & Coeur Leasings an U.S. Silver Corp & durch den Weggang der Coeur, die Tür offen, für frischen Wind im Valley.
    Das nächste ist: Die Lage an sich ist günstig, es könnten bei Wallace auch
    noch Grundstücke dazu kommen. ... Die Geologie südlich von Wallace (nicht nur die nordöstlich der Galena) scheint ausgezeichnet zu sein, meinem Kartenmaterial nach! Hat Bond auch dazu was geschrieben?


    PPS: Unten angehängt kommt nach Möglichkeit morgen, wie bei den anderen Silver Valley Minen, ein Bild mit Geologie & Claims. Heute schaff ich nicht mehr.

  • Off-Topic: Ich dachte mir mal, aus gegebenem Anlass schreibe ich "Silver Valley" im Posting Titel für diese Mine mal mit 2 "L". :D

    To the Topic, hier die folgenden Links:






    U.S. Silver Corporation, the formerly private firm headquartered in Wallace, has completed its merger into Chrysalis Capital III Corporation, a publicly traded Canadian company. Shares are trading on the TSX under the new symbol “USA” and the firm expects soon to change its name officially to U.S. Silver Corporation. USA is now about 60 cents Canadian.

    Last summer, the firm bought the Silver Valley properties of Coeur d'Alene Mines. This included one asset that’s now operating: the Galena Mine… and two that aren’t: the Coeur Mine and the 5,000-foot deep Caladay exploration shaft.

    U.S. Silver has said it plans to boost spending on exploration and development, but there’s no official word on expected production levels at the Galena this year. Outfits with property under lease around the Galena include American Silver (PinkSheets:ASLM)… Sterling Mining (OTCBB:SRLM)… and Silver Buckle Mines (PinkSheets:SBUM).

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