Geologix Explorations Inc. (TSX: GIX) is a mineral exploration company focused on acquiring, exploring and developing mineral resource opportunities with the potential to host world class mineral deposits. The Company's primary focus is the Tepal Gold-Copper Porphyry Project in Michoacán State, Mexico, where the Company has completed a Preliminary Economic Assessment study ("PEA") and initiated resource expansion drill programs to further test the project's potential. Through the Company's successful exploration and drilling programs of 2010, in March of 2011 Geologix announced an updated resource estimate increasing the project's Indicated tonnes by 131%, and the Inferred tonnes by 69%. In April of 2011 the new resource numbers were applied to a revised Preliminary Assessment which reports a mine plan with increased gold and copper production, an extended mine life, and increased estimated net positive earnings. Meanwhile, further programs of resource expansion drilling and target delineation are ongoing and preparations are underway for the commencement of a pre-feasibility program in the spring of 2011. Highlights aus aktueller Präsentation (August): - Seite 14: Vergösserung der Anlage auf 35000tpd führt zu einer durchschnitllichen Produktion von ca 200000 Unzen Gold EQ p.a. gegenüber 134000 Unzen Gold - Äquivalent pro Jahr im PEA-Senario - Seite 15: Der NPV (5%) steigt bei einem Goldpreis von 1650$ auf unglaubliche 1,34 Mrd$ oder 9,21$ je Aktie!