Are Gold & Silver Finally Airborne?
Rick Ackerman
Wednesday, Apr 20
"I'm confused!" writes Bill R., a paid-up Rick's Picks subscriber. "Is this gold and silver rally going to last, or should we wait for your call for the bottom?" First of all, Bill, let me say that as investors we need never be confused about where to enter or exit a position. Both of these things are entirely knowable from the get-go, and it is well worth our diligence to fix these details in our minds before initiating a trade, since being wrong is often easier to live with than being confused. Wrong means buying a stock, having it go against us, and then bailing out. When we are confused, though, we allow psychological pain's unpredictable nuances to make such decisions for us, usually with poor results. Thus, if bullion prices continue to rise, we might jump in belatedly, angry at ourselves for having missed the bottom. We've all done this, or something like it, succeeding in the process at something we can only rarely achieve deliberately - i.e., picking the exact top.
Nobody rings the bell when its time to buy or sell !