Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

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    Gallery Gold encouraged by Tanzanian exploration

    Source: PERTH, March 17 AAP
    Published: Wednesday March 17 2004, 8:17 PM

    Gallery Gold Ltd said today its Buckreef-Rwamagaza project in Tanzania was a step closer to production with the discovery of a significant extension to the high-grade underground gold deposit.

    "Drilling results confirmed yesterday bring the project an important step closer to production," the company said.

    Managing director Hamish Bohannan said Gallery Gold would begin a revised drilling program to further test the extent of the high grade zone.

    The company believes Buckreef-Rwamagaza will be its next gold development, following the Mupane operation in Botswana which begins production later this year.

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]


    Gold hat noch Potenzial

    Berlin (ddp.vwd). Gold ist seit jeher eine beliebte Wertanlage. Das gilt erst recht in den gegenwärtigen wirtschaftlich turbulenten Zeiten. Weil nicht genau abzusehen ist, wohin die Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik führt und wie sich Aktien und andere Wertpapiere entwickeln, kann es sinnvoll sein, sich eine kleine Goldreserve anzulegen. Die könnte weiteren Kursstürzen an der Börse widerstehen.

    Finanzexperten raten auch Privatanlegern, in Gold zu investieren. Der Anteil im Depot sollte aber fünf bis zehn Prozent nicht übersteigen. Allerdings ist der Goldkurs und damit der Einstiegspreis für Neueinsteiger derzeit so hoch wie lange nicht mehr. Aktuell bewegt er sich auf einem Niveau um die 400 Dollar je Feinunze (rund 31 Gramm).

    Auch nachdem sich die europäischen Zentralbanken kürzlich darauf geeinigt haben, in den nächsten fünf Jahren bis zu 2500 Tonnen Gold zu verkaufen, rechnen Finanzexperten nicht mit einem dramatischen Verfall des Goldpreises. Im Gegenteil, viele meinen, dass er weiter steigen wird.

    In zehn Jahren könnte er nach optimistischen Schätzungen bei 2000 Euro pro Feinunze liegen - wenn nichts dazwischen kommt.

    Für das Investment in Gold gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten. Anleger können sich das Metall als Barren oder Münzen in den Safe legen. Barren gibt es bei der Bank in verschiedenen Größen, von einem Gramm bis zu einem Kilogramm. Der Kauf der physischen Ware hat den Vorteil, dass man jederzeit das edle Metall betrachten und bewundern kann. Aber das ist eine ziemlich teure Variante.

    Denn für viele Prägungen muss ein Aufpreis bezahlt werden. Auch der Aufwand für die Sicherheit ist ziemlich hoch. Außerdem bieten die Banken das Gold nicht unbedingt zum tagesaktuellen Goldkurs an.

    Es lohnt sich also, die Preise mehrerer Geldinstitute zu vergleichen.

    Die meisten Anleger investieren in Gold, indem sie Anteile von Goldfonds, Zertifikaten und Goldminenfonds kaufen. Letztere bündeln Aktien von unterschiedlichen Goldminenbetreibern und mindern so für den Anleger das Verlustrisiko. Eindringlich warnen Experten davor, in einzelne Aktien von Bergwerksgesellschaften zu investieren. Grubenunglücke, das Volllaufen von Minen und Managementfehler würden gerade kleinere Goldminen schnell ins Aus führen. Das bedeutet dann den Totalverlust. Zudem müssten Anleger stets das Währungsrisiko beachten.

    Der jetzige Schub des Goldpreises ist auch dem gegenwärtig schwachen Dollar zu verdanken. Der dürfte nicht ewig auf diesem Niveau verharren. Wer in Gold investiert, spekuliert auf ein Ansteigen des Goldpreises. Der Gewinn oder Verlust liegt in der Differenz zu Kauf- und Verkaufpreis. Der Goldpreis kann über die Jahre beträchtlich schwanken. In Kriegs- und Krisenzeiten erweist sich Gold erfahrungsgemäß als sichere und lukrative Anlage. Dagegen sinken die Kurse in stabilen Zeiten wieder. ddp.vwd/ref/mos

    17.03.2004 07:00

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]


    India Gold-Marriage buying seen lifting demand

    Wednesday March 17, 2:58 am ET

    BOMBAY, March 17 (Reuters) - Strong marriage-season buying of gold jewellery in India is likely to lift demand for the yellow metal in the world's largest consumer from next month, provided prices do not fluctuate much, traders said on Wednesday.

    April and May are generally the busiest months for marriages in the Hindu-majority country with a population of more than one billion.


    "We should see very good demand from April to mid-May as jewellers have to replenish inventories and consumers have to buy for their marriage needs,"

    said Ranjeeth Rathod, a bullion dealer based in the southern city of Madras.


    "But if prices surge, it would be a complete mess-up. People will cut purchases and wait for a right time to make big buying."

    Volatile prices in the past several weeks have prompted jewellers to manage with minimum stocks and many consumers have postponed purchases, traders said. Jewellery accounts for about 85 percent of Indian gold demand.

    Spot gold (XAU=) was quoted at $403.00/403.75 an ounce at 0618 GMT on Wednesday, up from $395 about five days ago, but down from a 15-year peak of $430.50 on January 6.

    Domestic prices follow global trends because the country imports an average 1.6 tonnes a day to meet 70 percent of its annual gold needs of more than 800 tonnes.

    Traders said Indian gold demand would pick up in April and May, but would be lower than the corresponding wedding season of the previous year, when world prices were around $337 an ounce.

    Gold jewellery forms an important part of Hindu marriages, as parents gift their daughters the metal for financial security. Hindus consider gold an auspicious metal and like to buy or gift it during religious festivals.

    Indian households stock about 15,000 tonnes of gold accumulated over generations. The country has about 300,000 gold jewellery outlets and around three million goldsmiths and ancillary workers.

    Rathod said gold demand in Madras might rise to 325 kg a day from about 225 kg now if prices drop into a range of $382-$388.

    Traders said demand in Bombay, which accounts for about a quarter of the country's gold demand, could surge to 600 kg per day from 400 kg, while Ahmedabad could witness demand of more than 200 kg against about 150 kg at present at that price range.

    "The $400 level has now become a new equilibrium price for Indians. Some years ago, it used to be $280," said Girish Choksi, a bullion trader based in the western city of Ahmedabad, a leading bullion and textiles trading centre.

    These days, people generally defer buying for some time whenever prices rise above the psychological level of $400 an ounce, traders said. "We look for some stability. Prices should stay at a level or hover in a narrow range for some days. But the market is very volatile these days," said Prithvi Raj Kothari, a Bombay-based bullion dealer.

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    Preis für US-Öl klettert auf neues Jahreshoch

    Mittwoch 17 März, 2004 18:47 CET

    [Blockierte Grafik:…61_RTRDEOP_2_PICTURE0.jpgÖl-Tanker vor Singapur: Befürchtungen über Versorgungsengpässe im Sommer haben am Mittwoch den Preis für leichtes US-Öl auf ein neues Jahreshoch getrieben. (Archivfoto: David Loh)© Reuters 2004

    London (Reuters) - Sinkende Benzinvorräte der USA haben am Mittwoch Befürchtungen über Versorgungsengpässe im Sommer aufkommen lassen und den Preis für leichtes US-Öl auf ein neues Jahreshoch getrieben.

    Für ein Barrel (knapp 159 Liter) der marktführenden Nordseesorte Brent zur Lieferung im Mai wurden am späten Nachmittag 33,15 Dollar gezahlt und damit 42 US-Cent mehr als am Freitag. Der Preis für leichtes US-Öl kletterte um 25 Cent auf 37,75 Dollar und damit auf sein höchstes Niveau seit vor Beginn des Irak-Krieges vor einem Jahr.

    Die Benzin-Vorräte der USA sind in der vergangenen Woche nach dem am Mittwoch vorgelegten Bericht des US-Energieministeriums weiter gesunken und liegen damit um fünf Prozent unter dem Fünf-Jahres-Durchschnitt. Händlern zufolge wurden dadurch Befürchtungen geweckt, es könnte in den verbrauchsintensiven Sommermonaten zu Engpässen in der Benzinversorgung der USA kommen, wenn es den Raffinerien nicht gelingen sollte, die Lager rechtzeitig wieder aufzufüllen.

    Preistreibend wirkten sich nach Angaben von Marktteilnehmern zudem weiterhin die starke Nachfrage Chinas und die bevorstehende Drosselung der Ölexporte der Organisation Erdöl exportierender Länder (Opec) ab 1. April um täglich eine Million auf 23,5 Millionen Barrel pro Tag aus.

  • Einer Meldung auf CNBC zufolge, sollen morgen um 8:30 Uhr (EST) Die bis jetzt so geheimnisvoll zurückgehaltenen (und geschönten?) PPI Zahlen veröffentlicht werden.

    Falls die (ungeschönten) Zahlen schon "durchgesickert" sind, wer weiss, vielleicht war das der wirkliche Grund für den Preisanstieg beim Gold, und nicht der Bombenanschlag in Bagdad?



  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    March 17 - Gold $406.50 up $4.60 - Silver $7.24 up 9 cents

    JUST The Kind Of Day We Wanted To See / Happy St. Patrick’s Day


    To endure is greater than to dare; to tire out hostile fortune; to be daunted by no difficulty; to keep heart when all have lost it -- who can say this is not greatness? ... William Makepeace Thackeray

    GO GATA!!!!!!

    The Luck of the Irish was with us this afternoon on St. Pats Day. This is just the kind of day we wanted to see and what MIDAS has focused on recently.

    The day began very strangely. The euro was in the tank, the yen was much higher again and the pound was on the strongish side. The dollar was mostly around 30 points higher due to the euro weakness. Despite the substantial beating the euro was taking (briefly down close to a full point, gold refused to go lower on the day for more than an instant. Each time the euro would make a low, gold would drift lower, then pop right back up a few dimes on the session.

    At the same time, oil popped over $38 per barrel, the Mount Lebanon Hotel was blown up in Baghdad and the CRB was making new 15-year highs.

    Meanwhile, the gold shares were going straight down. Both the XAU and HUI were very close to breaking down technically. It made no sense as the general US market was on a tear to the upside. Thus, fears of market meltdown, one which might affect all shares, had dissipated for the time being. My colleagues and I just scratched our heads.

    All of a sudden in the last 20 minutes of Comex trading, gold took off, leaving traders on the floor completely befuddled. One could say it was the Baghdad blast, but the market didn’t react to that for hours, nor did it affect the US stock market, so that was not it in my book. My speculation is the big buyers (Saudis and Chinese) we have been talking about in past MIDAS commentary were there buying gold even as the euro swooned. When it finally became apparent gold was going to hold its own, regardless of what the euro did, everyone wanted to be a buyer at the same time.

    The gold open interest rose 5017 contracts to 245,495 yesterday as the funds took on the bullion dealers. The funds are the winners at the moment.

    The fact that gold could rally so strongly despite the euro weakness is BIG and just what should happen. Gold bull markets in all currencies is the wave of the future and those waves have been set in motion. As gold advances in all currencies, world-wide gold demand will surge, making the task of The Gold Cartel of holding down the gold price a miserable and very difficult one.

    Gold closed right at its downtrend line started when it reached $430 per ounce. It could accelerate from here very quickly.

    Gold looks very powerful from a technical standpoint:

    April gold:

    The CRB closed at 281.23, up another 1.56, another 15-year high. Commodities were generally firm across the board, led by crude oil which closed at $38.18, up another 70 cents. But, there is no inflation!

    With commodity prices doing what they are doing and with the turmoil in the world today, it makes no sense for gold to be under $400, $450 for that matter, regardless of what the dollar does.

    The dollar closed at 89.05, up .03. The euro rallied back to close at 122.14, down .23.

    Gold in euros closed at 333.36, a new high for the recovery move by a healthy margin.

    The silver action today was classic. It has been very quiet the past few days and it has been my take silver was gearing up for a big move, up if I was to be correct. Today was very quiet also with silver first trading up, then drifting down, eventually taking out yesterday’s low. Then BAM! When gold started its move higher, silver caught fire and rallied a dime in a matter of 15 minutes. The shorts were caught big time.

    Silver surged going into the close, making a new 7-year high and putting in a key reversal outside day to the upside in the process.

    The silver open interest fell another 532 contracts to 117,659. Once again this was a positive technical development as more lazy longs exited yesterday with silver doing little. March gave up 14 contracts to 415. There were 25 deliveries and Deutsche Bank took 6 more of them. I still have not received my physical silver via my long March contract.

    294,290 more ounces of silver were withdrawn from the Comex warehouses today.

    Silver spent the last week diddlying around below $7.20 and now has clearly broken out to the upside with $7.50 as its first objective:

    May silver:

    Another technical plus for both silver and gold. There are no near-term gaps to fill. We STILL have breakaway gaps ahead of us.

    At the moment silver seems to be one of the least understood commodities I can ever remember. It keeps going up and VERY few pundits are bullish. It has been this way for months. Many smart market observers can’t understand why silver is roaring ahead and is making this kind of move without the lease rates soaring, for example.

    My answer to all of that is very simple. These pundits don’t have the information presented your way these past many months by a myriad of plugged-in Café members. Funny thing is when I explain what I know, via these savvy Café members, almost no one pays attention.

    The story is a simple one.


    My sources tell me you cannot buy silver IN SIZE almost anywhere in the world. Europe is out of silver.

    The last of the substantial supplies are at the Comex. Therefore, some big league players are coming to the Comex to secure physical supply they can’t find elsewhere. What makes this different is these are not hedge funds speculating just on futures. These people want THE PHYSICAL SILVER so they are not going to be shaken out by any near term price fluctuations. This is a major reason silver has been steady as a rock.

    In addition, as VET Café members have known for months, CHINA is scouring the world for silver and scooping up the increasingly diminishing supply. AND, they have already tied up 75% of next year’s silver production via derivatives. Silver is going to go bonkers next year, if not this year, as this closely-held information becomes disseminated. It will be sharply higher silver prices which will do the dissemination. PRICE ACTION MAKES MARKET COMMENTARY.

    These buyers are not making waves. They are quietly securing cheap silver. From what I can tell, almost no one is paying attention to what is going on behind the scenes in the silver market. Because the lease rates are not shooting up, most players don’t believe there is any real tightness. Most of the pundits think silver is making a big run because of a bunch of yokel speculators who don’t know any better are powering it up and are getting set up to take a big fall. What the pundits don’t realize is the big physical market buyers going to the Comex are some of the shrewdest investors in THE WORLD and know exactly what they are doing. By the time the shorts wake up, silver is likely to be $8 bid. That "uh-oh" trade again. Who knows, maybe the silver lease rates aren’t going up because there is precious little to lease, or whoever still owns silver is afraid to lease it out?

    One of these days the silver stocks in the Comex warehouses are going to be drawn down substantially. The squealing from the Wall Street shorts will be heard all over New York.

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    The John Brimelow Report

    Funds know something?

    Wednesday, March 17, 2004

    Indian ex-duty premiums: $3.06, PM $3.07, with world gold at $402.60 and $402.20: below legal import point. The Reserve Bank was notably active today in holding down the rupee: virtually all gold miners would appreciate such government solicitude.

    Japan was naturally focused on the possibility of a firming yen. TOCOM volume rose 13% to the equivalent of only 20,304 Comex lots; the active contract lost 9 yen but world gold was 75c higher at the close. Open interest was static (down 114 Comex). (NY yesterday traded 48,153 contracts; open interest jumped a notable 5,013 lots.)

    Commentaries dealing with yesterday were clear that Fund interest was to be seen early in the NY day; hence the rise in price. This is supported by the open interest jump. (So is the concept that there was a seller.) NY’s surge on the close today lends further evidence.

    If so, the bears could have a serious problem on their paws: recent CFTC history indicates another 175 tonnes of buying would be easily within the capabilities of the CFTC specs.

    Gold’s jump of c. $5 in the last half hour was on an estimated volume of an immense 40,000 contracts – making 70,000 for the day.

    Rumors of fund interest reported earlier would appear to be substantiated. Obviously, the buyer/s met substantial opposition, which they were willing to challenge and able to overcome.

    With gold viewed as a commodity such a laggard, and the CFTC large spec long comparatively low, this could get interesting.


  • [Blockierte Grafik:]


    The US stock market continues its La-la Land routine. The DOG jumped 34 to 1997 and the DOW gained 115 to 10,300.

    With a Fed Funds rate of 1%, interest rates remain negative in the US, even with this watered down CPI:

    March 17 (Bloomberg) -- Prices paid by U.S. consumers rose 0.3 percent in February, led by higher costs for gasoline and medical care, a government report showed. Excluding energy and food, core prices increased at the same pace as a month earlier.

    [B]The rise in the consumer price index followed a 0.5 percent gain in January that reflected the biggest increase in energy costs since the Iraq War, the Labor Department said in Washington. Core prices rose 0.2 percent and were 1.2 percent higher in the 12 months ended in February….


    But there is no inflation:

    PITTSBURGH--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 17, 2004--Allegheny
    Technologies Incorporated (NYSE:ATI) announced that ATI Allvac is increasing prices effective immediately on all nickel- and cobalt- based alloy, specialty steel and titanium alloy products.[B]

    – END-




    The Producer Price Index (PPI) for January 2004, originally scheduled for release on Feb. 19, will be released on Thursday, March 18, at 8:30 a.m. EST, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, announced today. The delay was caused by unexpected difficulties in the conversion of PPI data from the Standard Industrial Classification system to the North American Industry Classification System.

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics has not yet scheduled a release date for the February 2004 PPI, originally scheduled for March 12, 2004. When a revised release date is determined, it will be announced at least one day ahead of time on the BLS website and through a news advisory. –END-

    GATA’s Mike Bolser:

    Hi Bill:

    The Fed added $4.75 Billion in repos today bringing the pool total up to $36.5 Billion and clearly moving the pool's 30-day ma back in an upward direction. The bottom is thus in for this down cycle in the repo total.

    We also see the DOW's own 30-day ma dipping down a bit edging closer to an intersection with its June 2003 to December linear track...the trajectory that places it at 11,750 on Labor Day. There is a lag in the DOW's response to the force application exerted by the Fed's repo machine.


    These slow-motion actions taken by the Fed through adding and subtracting repos (the main repo driver seems to be its moving average) has a sluggish, steering effect on the DOW and we may expect the DOW to track sideways with increased volatility for a while and then, most importantly for those hoping
    that TA is still valid, the DOW will move UP instead of down. Doubtless, this up move will completely confound the TA adherents as the entire, Fed generated "Iraq War Rally" did since March 2003.

    This prediction places me squarely in conflict with the vast majority of technical analysis followers and yet I'm very confident of its outcome. Having observed the Fed "up close and personal" as few analysts before me, I show them great deference as they wield their paper currency weapons and direct their primary dealer financial army. On Wall Street the Fed seems invincible.

    While they may have a modicum of success in dollar-denominated paper trading entities, the Fed will fail when they inevitably run out of physical materials in their unsustainable, commodity suppressing quest to repeal free market supply and demand principles. They can't hold back such a large tide forever.

    The logical counter-strategy is to acquire physical metal.


    Chuck checked in early this morning with a prescient comment:

    A very different feel so far today. Stocks gap up, of course, and the golds down, of course. But it has an eerie feel with gold trading in such a narrow band and good strength in the Euro.

    My guess is that we will have some movement before the day is over. C.

    So did Mahendra, who is on a roll. No sooner had I brought this to the attention of some colleagues, gold and silver SURGED higher. Both were down on the day when I received this email from him:

    Dear Friends,

    This week I recommended Buy YEN but not Euro and Pound. Yen is doing well and will do well.

    From today or tomorrow I am expecting great turn around in metal stocks and many will rise up to 25% with in March 2004 from today morning level. ALSO METAL WILL START RISING FROM TOMORROW SP. GOLD AND SILVER.

    Those who want to invest go ahead and those how are holding just can wait. Jupiter is saying - this is time to buy not selling.

    Many predictions are fulfilling:

    Oil toward to new high.
    Silver trading above $7.00.
    Palladium and platinum rise.
    Stock market down,

    Thanks & God Bless


    Joseph Granville, Thursday – March 17:

    "Now the market is being set up for a huge drop. Take every opportunity to go into cash."

    From Gibson’s Paradox to the PPI:


    To bring things ‘full circle’ so to speak, I thought I’d try to articulate my thoughts a little fuller where PPI, Gold and Gibson’s Paradox are concerned.

    The ‘players’ who shaped modern day monetary policy in the U.S. include widely recognized gold expert and Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan as well as Lawrence H. Summers, and his academic research on Gibson’s Paradox prior to becoming Treasury secretary in the Clinton administration. Lord Keynes gave the name "Gibson's paradox" to the correlation between interest rates and the general price level observed during the period of the classical gold standard.

    Gibson’s paradox asserts that unless the price of gold is pegged (rigged), interest rates are directly correlated with wholesale prices and are not (as many people assume) directly correlated with inflation (empirical or expected).

    So what you might be inclined to ask? Just what does all this mean anyway? Well, let’s have a closer look at this. I would contend that wholesale prices (as measured by PPI) have gone up dramatically in the past few months based largely on empirical observations. Surely, anyone who buys gas for their car, buys lumber at Home Depot or reads a paper knows this to be somewhat if not largely the case. Strangely-the U.S. government for the first time in history-has been unable to tabulate PPI for two months on the trot (both Jan. and Feb. of 04). In fact, just this week a high ranking economist at the Bureau of Labor Statistics went as far as to say, "that aging computers were partly to blame for the delays in two months worth of PPI releases." These claims are being made despite Fed Chair Greenspan’s proclamations that unending ‘productivity gains’ are the true reason that jobs are more difficult to find than hen’s teeth in the U.S. economy. Are you confused? You should be. Aging computers as an excuse is nothing more than a ruse for the story the true PPI numbers will reveal. That story is one of increased wholesale prices.

    So PPI, if it were to be accurately reported, would likely indicate that wholesale prices were increasing dramatically-so what you might ask? Well according to Gibson’s Paradox, this would imply that interest rates should move up rapidly (crushing hopes for jobs)-unless the price of Gold is pegged (proving them liars). In Rummy speak-the guys in charge know that we know they know this (aka. a known known). This poses a few problems for Wizard Greenspan and Co. In plain English-it’s ultimately a no win situation for the price fixers, just a question of timing-of their undoing. First, they claim there is no inflation. Second, they claim that the price of gold is not manipulated. Third, if/when they relent/capitulate admitting there is inflation, allow gold prices to find their own level and let interest rates rise-forget about any new jobs, the dollar and bond market. We've already been warned about potential financial crisis at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and what I feel is more likely J.P.Morgan (and it's 35 trillion derivatives book) or worse – the rest of the world.

    The solution to all of this while not perfect- you gata buy silver and gold. It's on sale at these prices. As you can see-we live in a very imperfect world.



    Silver input:

    Hi Bill,

    I rang the Perth mint in Australia the other day in order to get a quote on AUD $200,000 worth of physical Silver. They tried to talk me out of it and just buy the unallocated fund. If I wanted to proceed with the Physical delivery it would take "4 weeks" to arrange.

    Peter Woodland

    From ECU Silver CEO Michel Roy:

    Have to continue with these until I receive something from the TSX and can issue a press release. If you have questions, let me know.

    Dear shareholders,

    We have been very busy yesterday in answering investor calls and trying to get to the bottom of this situation. It was unfortunate that neither Richard nor I were back earlier. Richard and I were in Toronto for 5 days cementing relationships and working on the business plan of the Company. It might have helped alleviate shareholder’s concerns had we been in the office, but it would not have changed events. Our lawyers were in touch with the Exchange yesterday and we can now update you on the situation.

    It all started last Tuesday when the stock traded close to 4M shares and the market surveillance branch of the TSX Venture Exchange contacted us about it. We explained the importance of the last press release and they agreed that it was sufficient explanation for the trading. However, the TSX Compliance department initiated a brief review of the documentation filed by the Company on SEDAR. When they realized that no 43-101 compliant report had been filed, they decided to halt trading. Their opinion is that such a report is mandatory for an active Company. Having called a halt, their policy is to review all technical data filed.

    The Company, after reviewing the 43-101 rules, is of the opinion that it did not require filing such a report because it never needed it. The Company’s lawyers are currently reviewing the situation in order to ascertain whether it was required under a rule unknown to the Company. However, because of the current development plan, the Company had already mandated a Qualified Person to prepare such a report. The Company is not opposed to preparing a 43-101 report, as it has already endeavored to prepare one.

    As of this morning, the Company is awaiting a letter from the Compliance branch of the TSX that will list all the points on which the Company, in the TSX’s opinion, does not respect the filing requirements of the TSX. The Company will then answer by telling the TSX that it will comply with those requirements. We then expect that the Company will be allowed to issue a press release stating the agreement with the TSX and we would be announcing the resumption in trading.

    Your Company has been keeping a low profile in the last few years for lack of human and financial resources. In the last four months it has started to increase its activities and to implement the development plans that it had prepared in the lean years. For the previous 18 months, your Company had only a part-time employee in Canada that tried to keep up with the changes in rules and habits, but did not always catch them. The work being done by the Exchange actually will identify all the little missing documents and will permit the Company to bring its filings up to date.

    In the brief conversation between our lawyer and the person responsible at the Exchange, we learned that ECU is their top priority situation. As of now, we know they will want our commitment to get a 43-101 compliant report (already being under way), the filing on SEDAR of the English version of the AIF for 2002 (being prepared as I write this) and the filing on SEDAR of all our press releases (will be done shortly). Special thanks to those of you that contacted the Exchange as it certainly helped bring our situation to the top of their list of priorities.

    In conclusion, we do not think the 43-101 compliant report was needed, but we will need it in the very near future and will accept the request of the TSX to prepare and file one as soon as feasible. The other known requests of the Exchange, as of now, are minor and easy to accommodate. Consequently, we expect to trade again very shortly after the TSX completes the review of the prior filings of the Company. Then, we will have all the information needed to issue a formal press release. Until then we shall keep you posted of developments.

    Notwithstanding all the above, the management of the Company is perfectly conscious that the recent growth justified more controls and help in insuring proper filings and corporate governance. It was one of the important objectives of the last visit to Toronto where a Qualified Person was contacted to do a 43-101 compliant report on the Velardeña project and a specialized firm offered its services to handle all our future filing requirements with the regulatory authorities.

    Truly yours,

    Michel Roy

    011-52-871-727-1061 cell in Mexico
    819-797-1210 off in Canada
    011-52-871-717-8633 off in Mexico

    One more time - this was my call for this week last Friday with gold down $5.20 to $395 and silver down 11 cents to $7.03:

    "My bet is gold takes out $406 and silver approaches $7.50."

    The gold part is done. Have a couple more days for silver to take a serious shot towards $7.50.

    Gold share owners who blew out early today for no reason, or for the silliest of reasons, got bagged. The HUI also put in an outside day key reversal to the upside by taking out yesterday’s low and then closing above yesterday’s high and on its high of the day at 221.94, up 3.65. The XAU finished at 99.04, up 1.60.

    I will be very surprised if the gold shares don’t take off tomorrow. They have done all the technical work they needed to do at these levels and below 220 to complete a major bottom.

    Gold, silver and the shares are still THE historic investment opportunity of a lifetime!


  • Zitat

    Wie siehst Du das mit dem Gap im Gold Chart von heute, wird es morgen zuerst geschlossen, oder gehts gleich weiter hoch?

    ich glaub, dass bis NY-Handelszeit 405 halten dürfte und dass es dann um die 411 geht.

    funktionieren die PPI-Computer wieder? es muss doch irgendwann/irgendwo der "offizielle" grund auftauchen, dass Gold steigt. Wo bleibt er denn wo bleibt er denn, was könnte mannur sagen... PPI, oder WAG, oder DOW-Crash, oder Bondscrash, oder gar Madrid/Bagdad/Israel-Ängste,... das is doch schon mal was!!!! aber es fehlt der herausragende Punkt, der Gold 480 von seiten der mainstream-medien "legitimieren" würde. mal schaun was denen noch so alles einfällt!

  • bognair

    Gold, Gap geschlossen!

    Jetzt kanns ja weiter nach ooooben gehen.

    Hoffe Gold bleibt nicht bei 411.- stehen, sondern saust gleich weiter.

    Irgendwann müssen die doch mal ne Ausnahme von ihrer Regel: "Gold darf nicht mehr als 6.- Dollar am Tag steigen" machen!…_XAUUSDO&t=f&w=15&a=2&v=w

  • [Blockierte Grafik: http://csl.finanznachrichten.d…boerse-nachrichten-s1.gif]


    Donnerstag, 18. März 2004

    Goldpreis schließt auf Einmonatshoch

    Die Explosionen im Irak sowie die Schwäche im US-Dollar sorgte heute für deutliche Aufschläge bei den Gold-Futures an der New York Mercantile Exchange. Gold schloss 70 cents im Plus bei $407.20. In den letzten 30 Handelstagen verlor der Goldpreis um 1.02% - im Vergleich zu einem Jahr liegt er hingegen 21% im Plus. „Es sieht so aus, als wirke sich die Explosion in Bagdad als Impuls für den Goldpreis aus“, meint Michael Armbruster, Analyst bei Altavest Worldwide Trading. Der Philadelphia Gold and Silver Index schloss 1.6% im Plus und damit nur wenige Ticks unter dem Tageshoch.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    © BörseGo

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]…etype=5&AnalysenID=397598

    Analysen - Fonds


    Philly FED Index im Fokus

    HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt

    Heute stehen in der Eurozone keine gewichtigen Daten zur Publikation auf der Agenda, so die Analysten von HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt.

    In Großbritannien würden die Einzelhandelsumsätze für den Monat Februar bekannt gegeben. In den letzten 3 Monaten seien diese auf annualisierter Basis um 7% gewachsen. Mit dem erwarteten Rückgang der Umsätze um 0,2% im Monat Februar würde zwar die Jahresrate von 6,4% auf 5,6% nachgeben, damit im Trend aber immer noch eine unverändert hohe Wachstumsdynamik ausgewiesen. In den USA würden heute - wie üblich am Donnerstag - die Erstanträge auf Arbeitslosenunterstützung bekannt gegeben. Man rechne nicht mit einer Überraschung und sehe einen nahezu unveränderten Wert von 345.000.

    Das Statement des FOMC von März habe keine weitere gravierende Wortänderung im Vergleich zu ihrem Statement vom Januar aufgewiesen. Vor diesem Hintergrund dürfte die Beachtung des Sitzungsprotokolls zur Januar-Sitzung etwas in den Hintergrund gerückt sein. Nach identischen Statements im Anschluss an die Sitzungen von August 2003 bis zum Dezember 2003 ("... the Committee believes that policy accommodation can be maintained for a considerable period") sei der Wechsel hin zu der Formulierung erfolgt "... patient in removing its policy accomodation".

    Beim Philly Fed Index kalkuliere man mit einer leichten Eintrübung von 31,4 Indexpunkten per Februar auf 29 Indexpunkte per März. Damit würde die Hoffnung bestehen bleiben, dass der nationale ISM-Index auch im März noch oberhalb der 60er Marke notieren werde.

  • Gibt es hier im Board einen glücklichen Aktien Besitzer von Acadian Gold?

    [Blockierte Grafik:]…yTitle=Metals&Type=metals


    March 17, 2004 20:27

    Acadian Gold Intercepts Bonanza Grade Gold Of 5.63 Ounces Per Ton --192.92 Grams/Tonne-- Over A True Width Of 1.2 Metres Exploration Program Greatly Expanded to Include the Mobilization of Another Core Drill to the Project

    TRENTON, Nova Scotia, Mar 17, 2004 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Acadian Gold Corporation (TSX VENTURE:ADA) ("Acadian Gold") is pleased to announce further results from its ongoing diamond drilling program at its Forest Hill project in Nova Scotia, Canada, which continue to validate the successful application of the "Ribbon Model" to the geological interpretation of the property.

    To date 7 mining width (1.2 metres) gold mineralized drill intersections out of 32 exceed one ounce gold/ton. Furthermore, the average uncut grade of the 32 mining width (diluted over 1.2 metres) drill intersections to date is 27.67 grams gold/tonne (0.80 ounces gold/ton). The average uncut grades for drill hole intercepts reported herein for Ribbons 1 and 2 are 26.55 grams gold/tonne and 28.55 grams gold/tonne respectively, confirming grade continuation with depth. Excluding drill holes FH-03-7 (faulted out), FH-03-16, FH-03-17 and FH-03-18 (drilled through old workings), drilling to date has averaged approximately 2 gold bearing mining width (1.2 metres), intersections per drill hole.

    Gold mineralization has been confirmed in all of the 11 veins drilled to date. The remaining 5 veins will be drilled in the ongoing program.

    Management believes these results not only support the effectiveness of the Ribbon Model at Forest Hill but, most importantly, that the property is host to a well mineralized, extensive gold system.

    The following is the third set of results of a planned 25 hole, 5,000 metre (16,400 feet) diamond drilling program which commenced in 2003. As a result of the success of the program it has been decided to add another drill and expand the program to approximately 10,000 metres.

    Highlights from drill holes FH-03-12 to FH-03-19 are as follows:


  • [Blockierte Grafik:]…ss/business1079596875.asp

    Gold stocks lead JSE higher

    Thursday March 18, 2004 10:01 - (SA)

    By Alison Maltz

    The JSE Securities Exchange South Africa opened in positive territory on Thursday, led by gold stocks, which were boosted by a higher bullion price and a strong performance by their ADRs in the US overnight.

    However, futures-related activity was expected to be the main feature of the day due to the afternoon's quarterly

    The all share index was up 0.16%. Resources were 0.29% firmer, with the gold mining index jumping 1.35% and the platinum mining index climbing 0.42%. The financial and banks indices were flat.

    The rand was quoted at 6.68 per dollar from 6.75 when the JSE closed on Wednesday, while gold was quoted at US$406.60 an ounce from $402.50/oz at the JSE's last close.

    "We've had a stronger start. Golds are looking very good, which was expected with the higher gold price, but we've got a firmer market overall. It is largely futures led and there is strength in world markets as well. With the closeout this afternoon, the market is likely to be dominated by futures activity," a dealer said.

    In early trade, Gold Fields (GFI) gained 1.72% or 1.33 rand to 78.74 rand, AngloGold (ANG) added 1.31% or 3.50 rand to 271.50 rand and Harmony (HAR) was 1.2% or 1.17 rand higher at 99.01 rand.

    Gold futures closed above $407/oz an ounce Wednesday for the first time in a month, as investors looked to the safety of the metals market following a deadly explosion in Iraq and more weakness in the dollar, according to AFX.

    Traders "began to cover shorts after the euro dipped and gold didn't," said Peter Grandich, editor of a trade publication. "The latest bombing in Iraq fed that short-covering rally and gold closed right up at key resistance," he said.

    A large explosion destroyed a hotel in central Baghdad Wednesday. Latest reports indicate a tally of 27 killed and more than 40 injured.

    The incident comes just three days before the first anniversary of the start of the US-led war in Iraq.

    Impala Platinum (IMP) was up 4.20 rand to 548 rand and diversified miner BHP Billiton (BIL) was nine cents better at 61 rand.

    The Standard & Poor's 500 Index rose 1.2% to 1,123.78, and the Russell 2000 Index of small-cap stocks gained 2.1% to 578.57.

    I-Net Bridge

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