Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    King's Bay Gold Acquires Bissett Area Gold Property

    Wednesday March 31, 11:06 am ET

    WINNIPEG, Manitoba--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 31, 2004--King's Bay Gold Corp. (TSX VENTURE:KBG - News) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an option agreement with Falcon Crest Resources Inc. to acquire up to a 50% interest the Gold Horse claims located in the Bissett area, Rice Lake Greenstone Belt, Manitoba.

    The Gold Horse prospect consists of 4 contiguous mining claims (1000 acres) where gold occurs in quartz veins and stringer systems, within shear faults and fractures. The Bissett area is host to a gold mine (historically known as the San Antonio Mine), which produced 1.36 million ounces of gold from 4,876,000 tons. It is located approximately 100 km west of Red Lake on the extension of the Uchi Lake Greenstone Belt. It consists of a mill, complete with a tailings management area, hoist, shaft and surface infrastructure that was newly installed in 1996-1997.

    Exploration Potential

    Prior trenching, stripping and channel sampling on the Gold Horse claims has identified many gold bearing quartz veins and revealed some significant results to date.

    The east vein was found to be 100 metres long and averaging 0.50 ounces gold per ton over 0.30 metres.

    Detailed sampling of another vein called the Eleanor established 32 metres in length, 1.34 metres in width averaging 0.21 ounces gold per ton. Some selected grab samples assayed over 2 ounces of gold per ton.

    The west vein was found to be 36 metres in length, 2.5 meters wide and gave an average 0.223 ozs. gold per ton.

    The south vein was discovered on the edge of a swamp, a grab sample carried 3.86 ounces gold per ton and has been exposed for only a few metres along strike.

    Structural Geology

    A pervasive regional foliation was observed in all outcrops, averaging 280 to 290 degrees/80-85 degrees. This is parallel to the main contact between the granodiorite to the south and all other rock types, to the north. This contact was not observed in the outcrops. It runs underneath a prominent swamp. Shearing was observed in several locations across the property, and generally runs parallel to the main foliation. Occasionally it runs at a low angle to the main foliation. The shear zones are typically narrow, at 1-10 metres wide. At the Eleanor Vein the shear is reported to be 40 metres wide. The frequency of shear zones increases towards most swamp edges. This indicated that a major shear is likely to exist under the main swamp (at Gold Horse 1), with secondary splay faults and shears on the smaller, branching swamps.

    Source (J.W.Campbell, P.Eng, 1999 Report)

    King's Bay has agreed to pay Falcon Crest $5000 on signing. To earn the 50% interest King's Bay must incur exploration expenditures on the project to the sum of $200,000 over a three-year period. Upon the company earning the 50% interest, King's Bay and Falcon Crest shall enter into a joint venture agreement under standard industry terms. The option agreement is subject to regulatory approval.

    Area News

    The area has seen an increase in activity lately. Our neighbors San Gold and Gold City just announced on March 29 the completion of the acquisition of Harmony Gold (Canada) Inc, which gives them the Bissett Mine and other claims. It is understood from their web site that the partners will attempt to return the Bissett Gold Mine to production in the very near future.

    Richard Rivet said, "We believe that to date King's Bay Gold has assembled a significant number of quality exploration projects. It is our plan to continue with an aggressive acquisition strategy and a long term thinking approach that will allow us to continue moving forward and accomplish our goal of becoming one of the emerging leaders in the Canadian Mining Industry.

    "We have distanced ourselves from the industry core by purchasing our own drill rigs, bulldozers and most of the equipment required to carry out all of the various phases of exploration, it is our belief that this in-house exploration and drilling capability will allow us to move in a moments notice when opportunities present themselves.

    "We wish to thank our supporters who continue to believe in us going forward and look to the future with great enthusiasm."

    About King's Bay Gold

    King's Bay Gold Corporation (TSX.V - KBG) is a fairly new Canadian mineral exploration company with a specific focus on prospective gold properties in Ontario, Canada. The company is well financed and has assembled a portfolio of precious metal prospects, including strategic locations in the Red Lake, Pickle Lake, Wawa and Kenora gold districts. Most of the company's properties are located in close proximity to present and past producing mines. The company also owns its diamond drill rigs and most of the equipment required to carry out all of the various phases of exploration.

    Issued and outstanding shares 14,394,082

    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release

    King's Bay Gold Corporation
    Richard Rivet, 204-253-4653
    Fax: 204-224-0306
    Current Capital Corp.
    John Robinson, 416-860-0211
    Fax: 416-361-6228

    Source: King's Bay Gold Corporation


    Wird auch in Deutschland gehandelt, jedoch nur bei sehr kleinen Umsätzen.

  • [Blockierte Grafik: http://csl.finanznachrichten.d…boerse-nachrichten-s1.gif]

    31.03.2004 19:11

    Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited: Convertible Bond Issue

    LONDON, March 31 /PRNewswire/ --

    Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa (Registration number 1950/038232/06) Share Code: HAR ISIN:ZAE 000015228

    Harmony Gold Mining Company Ltd ("Harmony") today announces that it intends to issue ZAR1,700 million (c.US$270 million) of convertible bonds (the "Bonds").

    The proceeds of the issue will be used primarily to refinance Harmony''s existing South African Rand debt, hence benefiting from the attractive financing opportunities currently available in the convertible bond market.



  • [Blockierte Grafik:]…an_040331160910&printer=1

    Federal Reserve says Greenspan fine, denies heart attack rumor


    The US Federal Reserve (news - web sites) denied a rumor that 78-year-old chairman Alan Greenspan (news - web sites) had suffered a heart attack, after the traders' gossip pounded the dollar.

    [Blockierte Grafik:…oto00.default-380x298.jpg]


    "There is no truth to the rumor," said Federal Reserve spokesman Andrew Williams.


    "Greenspan is fine."

    The Federal Reserve usually refuses to comment on market rumors, but its silence had appeared to fuel the talk.

    The euro had surged against the dollar -- spiking at 1.2312 compared to 1.2168 late Tuesday -- on the rumor that the central bank chief had suffered a medical crisis.


    "The euro has been rising strongly against the dollar on the back of news that Greenspan has had a heart attack,"

    ABN Amro economist Paul Mackel said, noting the Fed's silence.

    Greenspan had cancelled a speech on March 26 because he had a cold.

    He had surgery for an enlarged prostate, which tested negative for cancer, on April 22 last year.

    The sharp swing on the dollar because of the heart attack rumor is an indication of the massive sway Greenspan has over financial markets.

    Greenspan, appointed to the Fed in 1987, is widely credited with helping keep the US economy on an even keel with a monetary policy that kept inflation in check with enough stimulus to avert a deep slump.

    Greenspan's fourth four-year term as chairman expires June 20 this year, but President George W. Bush (news - web sites) said last year -- on the same day of the prostate surgery -- that he would re-appoint him.


    "I think Alan Greenspan should get another term," Bush told a group of business journalists.

    The central bank chief's 14-year appointment as a member of the Federal Reserve Board runs through February 2006.

  • [Blockierte Grafik:…/%24File/mining_small.gif]

    Kingsgate upgrades profit by 36%

    By: Peter Gonnella

    Posted: 2004/03/31 Mi 17:26 ZE8 | © Mineweb 1997-2004

    PERTH ( – Leading Australasian gold miner Kingsgate Consolidated [ASX:KCN] is set to eclipse its fantastic first-up full financial year (FY) performance from its flagship Chatree operation in Thailand after factoring in the expected impact of exploiting new higher-grade reserves.
    The Sydney-based company today (Wednesday) announced that it had raised net earnings and gold production estimates for the current FY ending 30 June by 36 percent and 15 percent respectively to about US$30 million (at an average realised price of US$400 per ounce) and about 155,000 ounces respectively, while anticipated average cash costs for the 12 months were reduced 11 percent to US$120/oz.

    All these revised forecasts amounted to increases and improvements on already recently upgraded targets of US$22 million and 135,000oz at US$135/oz respectively.


  • Kehrtwende!

    Habe mich wohl etwas zu früh gefreut als die Meldung über meinen Ticker lief, dass die russische Zentralbank unter Chairman Sergei Ignatiev, ihre Gold und Devisen Vorräte "considerable" ausbauen wolle.

    Nur einige Stunden später eine andere Story!

    Sergei Ignatiev will nun plötzlich bereits genug Gold Vorräte haben.
    Gleichzeitig gibt er aber etwas ebenfalls hochinteressantes, eine bislang nicht bekannte Information preis.

    Teile der russischen Gold Bestände werden anscheinend nach Chairman Sergei Ignatievs neuen Zitierungen nicht in Russland gelagert, sondern bei mehreren Dutzenden ausländischen Banken.

    Das wird ja immer schöner!!

    Schade nur, dass uns der Chef der russischen Zentralbank verschweigt, wieviel Gold der gesammten 300 Tonnen russischen Goldbestände den nun im Ausland "gelagert" werden. Da Sergei Ignatiev von mehreren Dutzenden Banken spricht, müssten es sich nach meinem Verständnis ja dann mindestens um 24 verschiedene ausländische Banken handeln.

    Wieviel physisches Gold denn nun wirklich bei Gold Bullion Banken im Ausland "lagern" dürfen wir zur Zeit nur raten. Das sind wir ja von anderen europäischen Zentralbanken her, fast schon gewöhnt.



    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Rosbalt, 31/03/2004, 18:03

    Central Bank Chairman: Gold Reserves Are Adequate

  • Kommt wohl auch nicht ganz von ungefähr?

    [Blockierte Grafik:]…&alias=/alias/money/cm/nw

    Mexico silver output soars 17.8 pct in January

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Wednesday March 31, 3:36 PM EST

    MEXICO CITY, March 31 (Reuters) - Silver output in Mexico, the world's largest producer, rose 17.8 percent in January from a year earlier to 275,854 kg, the government said on Wednesday.

    It also said gold output rose 14.9 percent to 2,006 kg in January compared to the same month in the previous year.

    ©2004 Reuters Limited.

  • Hallo zusammen,

    erstmal vielen Dank für die vielen wohlmeinenden Postings zu meinem "Fall".

    Es hat schon gutgetan hier zu lesen, dass die meissten dieses Vorgehen von WO wohl auch eine Sauerei finden.

    [Selbst wenn mein Aufruf zum Board-Wechsel in deren Board "juristisch" nicht völig korrekt war, ist deren Reaktion eine absolute Sauerei, da sie zur Sache selbst bisher nichts von Belang gesagt haben; und von daher ist der Wechsel-Aufruf doch auch mehr als gerechtfertigt ?! ]

    Mein ganz besonderer Dank gilt aber xxxp3: ich finde es klasse, dass Du mein Posting dort nochmal in den Imoen-Thread gestellt hast !
    Das hat die mods bestimmt geärgert und ich bin nicht völlig lautlos "untergegangen". danke.
    [Auch wenn widerwärtiger Weise alle nachfolgenden Poster jenes Threads den Beitrag komplett(!) ignoriert haben. Schon eine Leistung, die wissen, was sich "gehört" ! (wie eklig) ]

    Ich werde mich in Zukunft gerne mehr - soweit es Zeit und Wissen zulassen - mit Beiträgen zum Goldgeschehen beteiligen (bisher war dazu ja nicht allzu viel :( ) und hoffe natürlich auch auf viele weitere so erfreuliche Goldtage wie heute !

    Gruß wolf

  • Thai, was wären wären wir alle wenn Du mal eine Deiner Androhungen wahr machtest: Eine Auszeit von sagen wir mal $100 im PoG....nicht auszumahlen....
    Zwischendurch wieder mal ein herzliches Dankeschön und.....könnte es sein, dass Mr. Bognair in Deiner Liga spielt?
    Gruss und Danke an beide und alle anderen engagierten hier.

  • @ludopata

    Diese Pause kommt schon noch, spätestens in diesem Sommer.
    Weil irgendwann muss ich auch einmal etwas Geld ausgeben.

    Würde Dir gerne mal eine Frage stellen

    Wann, und aus welchen Beweggründen, oder Erkenntnissen, bist Du selbst zum Entschluss gelangt in Gold/Silber zu investieren. Noch viel mehr würde mich interessieren wieviele Prozente Deines Vermögens (Beträge sind unwichtig) Du in Gold, oder Silber Anlagen investiert hast.

    Falls meine Frage zu direkt sein sollte, ignorier sie bitte.



  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    March 31 - Gold $427 up $5.60 - Silver $7.91 up 16 cents

    Gold And Silver Close At 15-Year Highs / Superb Market Action

    Ramble On
    The leaves are falling all around, time I was on my way
    Thanks to you I'm much obliged, such a pleasant stay
    But now its time for me to go, the autumn moon lights my way
    But now I smell the rage, and with it hate, and it's headed my way.
    Ah, sometimes I grow so tired, but I know there's one thing I have to do.
    Ramble on. And now's the time, the time is now.
    Led Zeppelin

    The precious metal market action today was superb. Both gold and silver opened very strongly and went up from there to close on their highs of the Comex trading session. Both made news highs right near the close, a positive for tomorrow. Naturally, the $6 rule was enforced in the gold pits by the corrupt and increasingly impotent looking Gold Cartel. The high on gold was $5.80 up on the day.

    Both gold and silver made 15-year highs. The highest previous gold close was in late January at $426 and change.

    The big news of the day as far as I am concerned was the market action. Once gold and silver rallied, they just sat right around the highs very quietly. This is in complete contrast to the last time gold was up here in January. Then, the trading action was very frenetic. Today had more of the "uh-oh" feel as far as the gold and silver shorts are concerned. You can almost hear them talking to each other behind the scenes saying, "What the heck are we going to do? How do we cover our shorts without driving the prices to the moon?"

    They don’t! GATA stretcher-bearers: please stand by!

    It appears gold and silver are going to take out $430 and $8 respectively. When they do, the volatility should pick up noticeably. There is no real technical resistance for gold after $430 for a long ways up. We will start hearing talk about $500 gold when $430 is taken out and it might happen in short order. It is important to keep in mind what we know and few others are paying any attention to because they are clueless. And that is there is a massive gold short position out there. More than 16,000 tonnes of gold is owed to the central banks. Some of it may be paid back in cash settlements. But, certainly not most of it. The shorts cannot cover their positions in a major way in a market with a 125 tonne monthly supply/demand deficit without driving the price sharply higher. Then, you have the potential of the gold derivatives neutron bomb going off which could come at any time. At some point we ought to start hearing more about gold producer hedge book problems too.

    When it comes to silver, forget about it. The shorts are in deep doo-doo. There is no way they can cover without the price accelerating even more than gold will because THERE IS NOT ENOUGH PHYSICAL SILVER OUT THERE for them to get the job done except from silver scrap. And that will take a price spike to ferret out and will take a modicum amount of time. The Silver Streak is going to be a sight to behold!

    The gold open interest only rose 970 contracts to 295,044 on yesterday’s rally. This suggests some shorts are beginning to run for the hills.

    The silver open interest gained 721 contracts to 119,147. To me this is good from a technical point of view. The price is going up steadily without the specs pouring in. Another sign that silver has become a PHYSICAL market.

    April Gold

    Love, love, love this one – from a highly regarded hedge fund manager:

    Hi Bill. I was visiting today with a friend who runs a Comex warehouse. In reference to your hypothesis that (new) buyers are going directly to producers, it sounds like those buyers are mainly the dealers, themselves, and they are definitely contracting at an increased rate with "producers" (which can mean refiners, a combination of mining companies and refiners, and other upstream handlers of the metal). It seems that they are concerned about their own delivery commitments, so they are arranging physical purchases and trucking the refined bars to the warehouses themselves. Pretty interesting, isn't it?


    Sure is! This confirms other silver information sent your way the past months from various Café sources. The plot thickens.

    May silver

    JUST IN LATE from another extremely well-connected and highly regarded Café source who is very knowledgeable about the precious metals, someone who loaded the boat years ago with gold/silver physical and the shares. A month ago he bought 500,000 ounces of silver and did not have much of a problem doing so and with immediate delivery assured. This afternoon he was told the maximum order he could place is 100,000 ounces and he would have to wait a few days.

    It gets better. Turns out he learned the bullion dealers are sneaking around with armored cars making deliveries. They are trying to give the perception everything is normal in the silver world. IT IS NOT! The buggers are going to get buried. Second line of GATA stretcher-bearers: please stand by!

    It’s the funds versus The Gold Cartel in the gold pits. Money is pouring into various commodity funds and these new funds are usually put to work at the beginning of the month, which is tomorrow. This could be supportive for both gold and silver in the near-term.

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    The John Brimelow Report

    Wednesday, March 31, 2004

    Indian ex-duty premiums: AM $3.31, PM $4.00, with world gold at $422.50 and $424.25. Below legal import point, in the afternoon only modestly. The rupee jumped again today, and has now risen 3.5% against the dollar in the past nine sessions. Official GDP data, released today, indicated India logged a 10.4% y/y expansion in the last 3 months of ’03. This is bigger than China. Should the Reserve Bank opt not to reverse the recent currency strength with the start of the new Financial Year tomorrow , India will support world gold on any correction at a much higher level than Western Bears expect.

    It is also the Japanese Financial Year close today. Perhaps this explains the big increase in TOCOM volume: up 131% to the equivalent of 40,689 Comex lots. The big news of the Japanese day, of course, was the jump in the yen to a four year high: uncomfortable news for those long yen gold futures, although possibly positive for physical bullion demand in due course. The active contract was down 8 yen and but open interest slipped the equivalent of only 102 Comex lots. (NY yesterday traded 104,095; open interest edged up 970 contracts: perhaps Monday’s shorts were covering.

    Yesterday in NY appears to have been a day of quiet, orderly resilience. Volume, of course, was actually heavy: in fact, the last nine days on Comex are probably the heaviest in the gold contract’s history. The most arresting comment came via Dow Jones from Commerzbank:

    "We have seen strong investment demand, which brought us up to the $420s," said Paul McLeod, vice president of precious metals trading at Commerzbank Securities. Additionally, "these folks are not short-term players and are not looking to take profits."

    The Paul McLeod quote is EXACTLY what MIDAS has been bringing to your attention for some time. It is a part of the structural change in the gold market I keep referring to.

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]


    The US economic and world news was VERY stock market bearish, VERY dollar bearish, and VERY gold bullish.

    First things first:

    "Labor Dept says Feb PPI will be released tomorrow, 4/1 at 8:30 ET
    The release date for the March report, originally scheduled for 4/8, has yet to be determined."

    Oil prices dipped today, but not for long:

    March 31 (Bloomberg) -- The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries agreed to reduce oil production quotas starting tomorrow by 4.1 percent, threatening to send U.S. gasoline prices higher and impede world economic growth.
    Oil in New York this year has rallied 12 percent as demand from China and the U.S. rose and OPEC planned to reduce supplies. The advance sent U.S. gasoline pump prices last week to a record $1.758 a gallon, increasing pressure on President George W. Bush to bring down energy costs seven months before an election.


    Very disappointing:

    Chicago Business Index Fell to 57.6 in March vs 63.6

    March 31 (Bloomberg) -- An index of Chicago-area business in March fell by the most in three years as hiring plans and production weakened, a survey of purchasing managers showed.

    The National Association of Purchasing Management-Chicago said its gauge dropped more than expected to 57.6 from 63.6 in February, the second decrease in a row. The decline was the biggest since 6.2 points in March 2001. The gauge has exceeded 50, indicating expansion, since May.

    ''The upsurge in manufacturing activity that's occurred over the last several months is continuing, but at a slower pace,'' said Kevin Logan, a senior market economist at Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein in New York, before the report. ''The economy got hit with a real burst of demand in the third quarter of last year from tax cuts and business spending.''

    Factories may be catching up with the demand to replenish inventories sparked by the economy's rebound, he said. At the same time, orders for goods made to last at least three years have climbed four of the past six months. Companies such as Emerson Electric Co. say bookings continue to rise, spurring increased production.

    Economists and investors watch the Chicago report for clues about the strength of U.S. manufacturing. The index was forecast to fall to 61, based on the median of 58 estimates in a Bloomberg News survey of economists. The index fell below 60 for the first time since October….

    The purchasing managers' production index declined for a second straight month to 59.1 from 73 last month. The new orders index dropped this month to 60.4 from 67.5.

    The prices-paid index jumped to 75.7 from 66.9 in February. The index of order backlogs increased to 55.9 from 54.5.

    The inventories index climbed to 54.3 from 46.5 in February…


    But, there is no inflation!

    More disappointment:

    Factory Orders Rise 0.3 Pct. in February
    Wednesday March 31, 10:00 am ET

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New orders at U.S. factories rose slightly in February, the government said on Wednesday, although demand rebounded by less than expected and the previous month's decline was even larger than first reported.

    The Commerce Department said factory orders advanced 0.3 percent last month after falling a revised 0.9 percent in January. Wall Street had expected a 1.5 percent gain. –END-

    The dollar slumped on the poor US economic news, falling .83 to 87.98. The euro gained 1.31 to 122.81, while the yen made a new high for the move to 104.34 as it easily blew through 105.

    What a nightmare Iraq is:

    March 31 (Bloomberg) -- Bombings today in Iraq left five U.S. soldiers dead and three British soldiers injured, military spokeswomen said. In Fallujah, west of Baghdad, one American was among as many as six foreigners who were killed and their bodies mutilated by an angry crowd, the Associated Press said.
    The U.S. soldiers were attacked as they rode in a military vehicle in Al-Anbar province, west of the capital, Baghdad, a U.S. military spokeswoman said by telephone from Baghdad. The U.K. soldiers were hurt southwest of the city of Basra, in the south, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Defence said in a telephone interview in London. Details on the attacks weren't available, said the spokeswomen, who declined to be identified. –END-

    But, there is no inflation:

    New York City announces intent to raise base cab fares by 25% to $2.50

    "Under the new guidelines, the base fare will rise to $2.50 from $2, with an added $1 surcharge to be applied during the evening rush between 16:00 and 20:00 ET. The cost of a one-way fare between Manhattan and Kennedy Airport will increase to $45 from $35. NYC Commission Chairman Matthew Daus said "Everyone's not going to be happy about this, but we believe we have a job to do, whether people are happy or not." It is the first taxi rate increase since 1996, according to Daus."

    But, there is no inflation:

    SINGAPORE, March 31 (Reuters) - U.S. unleaded gasoline futures hit a new all-time high on Wednesday after reports of explosions and a fire at a large BP Plc refinery in the United States.
    Front-month April gasoline on the New York Mercantile Exchange charged to a record at $1.1768 a gallon, surpassing a May 2001 record at $1.1750. –END-

    But, there is no inflation:

    "milk prices have risen 40% in 60 days"..CNBC – EOM

    But, there is no inflation:

    Just got back from Boca Leather Gallery to check on some new furniture we ordered. Big sign on the show room floor reads: Effective today we have to raise our prices 9% due to cost increases in lumber and leather.

    No inflation in France either:

    Hi Bill,
    I recently sold my south Orange County, CA, home and hopped the pond to a nifty old chateau in the south of France. Part of my culture shock indoctrination was
    the fuel costs that the French take for granted.

    Your 3/30 Midas discussion has an Associated Press story titled: Fuel Prices Hitting Farmers Hard. "The nationwide gas price average over in the past two
    weeks is $1.80 for all grades, according to the Lundberg survey, which regularly surveys 8,000 stations nationwide. That is a new record high."

    I sat down and did some cipherin' to come up with the reality that probably awaits the US motorists, truckers and farmers:

    One litre of premium unleaded (sans plomb) in the French countryside (I haven't checked out the city prices) goes for Euro 1.10, which equates to, using the Kitco current spot dollar prices, US $5.114 per gallon. Diesel goes for US $4.165 per gallon.

    I don't know how much longer the Lords of the Universe can keep the peak oil reality from the US citizens, but from where I sit a buck eighty per gallon looks
    pretty damned cheap.

    My guess is that no matter which of the plutocrat twins Bush/Kerry prevail in November, shortly thereafter the thieves in the Houston oil patch will be unshackled and set forth to suck the last of the wealth from the American people. Heads up. You're going to need a sack of gold to top off the old Suburban.

    I see a small, 4 cyl., manual transmission, highly efficient European diesel in my immediate future.

    Au revoir.

    Despite the negative news of all kinds the DOW only fell 24 to 10,357, while the DOG only sank 6 to 1994.

    GATA’s Mike Bolser:

    Hi Bill:
    The Fed added $8.5 Billion in temporary repurchase agreements, an action that pushed the repo pool up to $36.08 Billion and also kept its 30-day moving average turning upward in a gratifying manner.

    A reliable source has informed me that my Labor Day DOW 11,750 prediction is exactly correct according to persons in the know. That's all I can say at the moment but regardless the trading pattern of the DOW, coupled with the Fed controlled repo issuance pattern tells a conclusive story that the Fed wants the DOW to break its old high in time for the election. Don't fight the Fed...unless it concerns precious metals which the government can't "print" into existence.

    LBMA gold & silver volume held hostage--Day 17

    Starting with the 15th of march we have seen 17 days pass with no LBMA
    silver or gold volumes reported. How bad can the numbers be? Are preparations under way for a ban on all precious metals sales in the West? It's anyone's guess as we still see no response from the LBMA. The time for action on physical metal is right now.

    Energy stress

    Natural gas continues to be at risk as we move into the temperate season with a weak storage report. Moreover, with gasoline very high Senator Kerry has called for the President to cease purchasing crude oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). Kerry knows perfectly well that those purchases were precipitated by required deliveries on past derivatives contracts that were sold short long ago. The president is just taking an action that Kerry himself would have taken but it's the political season so all's fair.

    Indeed, the Bank for International Settlements records $458 Billion in the category that holds crude oil. As I've mentioned here before, the Chinese are building their own SPR and thus contributing to the oil price rise which ought to stay above $33 as a new floor and possibly head for $40 by the end of the year (after the election).

    Chuck checks in:

    It's hard to figure out what the market is saying about the major golds here. In quick succession, we have had the Goldfields stake, the merger between IAM gold and Wheaton, the rumor of Newmont and Barrick. And all of these plus Harmony continue to perform sleepily while some of the smaller producers are coming to life. Obviously, there is something afoot. I would expect as gold rises here, we will begin to see the anticipated pacman effects. I hope the small ones don't fall for the lure of a quick profit. Chuck

    On the $6 rule and the breaking of rules:

    Does it seem lately silver rallies are getting capped at about a 12 cent move? Funny how that is EXACTLY equal value on a COMEX contract to the $6 gold collar. If that isn't suspicious isn't it also curious the late day gold/silver stock selloffs usually bring them back to about 1- 2 % gains if not losses? Same percentages across the board basically. Those would be some interesting chart overlays for Spitzer. The crooks will get smashed when this is said and done. They might not get punished, but the rigging will end badly for them.
    James McShirley

    Setting off the interest rate derivatives neutron bomb?

    A while back I related a true story to you about an old client of mine. He was a former interest rate swap trader at a large bullion bank who had joined a new employer (bank) to trade bonds. I related a conversation we had one night at dinner about how he had done an analysis of the 'new employer's' swap book - that a sharp adverse movement up in interest rates effectively "blew the bank up". I just finished reading Dave Lewis' piece - When the gound gives way under your feet. Since I love connecting dots, I'm going to suggest that the true reason for the Feds not coming clean on PPI is exactly that - it would create a sharp adverse movement up in short term rates that would no doubt jeopordize the integrity of the financial system (through derivatives). I think that's it in a nutshell - we have after all been warned by Greenspan and Co. of the systemic risk posed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's derivatives exposure. In my mind this is just another in a long list of deceptions - the real worry is JP Morgan's 37 trillion derivatives book (Greenspan's pet). His pet has turned into a one eyed monster that will undoubtedly consume him. No bloody wonder he has a little bit of heartburn.

    I think they are listening to you Rob :

    Famous last words:

    J.P. Morgan Exec Dismisses Derivatives Worries
    Tara Murphy, 03.31.04, 1:00 PM ET

    NEW YORK - Making heading this afternoon, J.P. Morgan Chase investment banking Chairman David Coulter is dismissing concern about concentration in the derivatives markets.

    In a speech to the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Coulter said that J.P. Morgan's (nyse: JPM - news - people ) role in the $170 trillion over-the-counter derivatives markets is exaggerated. He also said the exit of one dealer from the market could be handled by others, who would pick up more business. Critics say market concentration increases the damage that could be created by disruptions at one institution. –END-

    I would like to thank The Toronto Stock Exchange for halting ECU silver, my fourth largest share holding, over some Mickey Mouse reporting violations. The two week plus halt may be unprecedented for something so minor. Silver has rallied close to $1 since ECU was halted. Prior to the halt, the price had rocketed almost straight up. Such a move must has attracted a good number of short sellers who have been trapped ever since ECU stopped trading. By the time ECU starts trading again on Friday or Monday (just a guess), silver is likely to be over $8 and headed for $10. The shorts will have to scramble to get out.

    Three chears for one of my share holdings, mega-GATA supporter Seabridge Gold:
    AMEX Approves Listing Application for Seabridge Gold
    Wednesday March 31, 4:31 pm ET

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - Mar 31, 2004) - Seabridge Gold reported today that it has been advised by the American Stock Exchange that its application for listing of its common shares has been approved. This approval is contingent upon the Company being in compliance with all applicable listing standards on the date it begins trading on the Exchange, and may be rescinded if the Company is not in compliance with such standards. Following selection of a specialist and other final arrangements, Seabridge Gold's common shares will trade on the American Stock Exchange under the symbol SA. A date for the commencement of trading has not yet been set.

    Seabridge Gold's common shares will also continue to trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under its current symbol, SEA. -END-

    The action in the gold and silver shares is mind-bogglingly dreadful. I have no clue what is going on? End of the month squaring? Gold Cartel pounding the shares to dampen gold/silver excitement because they are having so much trouble controlling the gold and silver physical market? You got me!

    The good news is the selling is giving many new Café members to jump into the gold/silver share fray at attractive entry levels. There is no way these shares are not going to soar in the months and years to come.

    The HUI could only manage a pitiful 1.32 gain to 235.89. The XAU was even worse, plodding to a .38 gain to 104.95. That was the bad news. The good news was one of the leaders of the day was Golden Star Resources which jumped 37 cents (5.46%) to $7.15. Another was SAMEX which soared 18 ½ cents (almost 22%) to $1.04.

    The gold and silver shares remain THE historic investment opportunity of a lifetime.


  • Ja, ich würde Dich auch sehr gerne kennenlernen. Ich bin per glücklichen "Zufall" auf Gold gekommen, als die allerbesten Minen noch "deart cheap" waren. Ein Bekannter erzählte mir von seinem Alleinerbe, und dass er eigentlich umgehend alles in GM investiert habe und beim nächsten Treffen, als er schon das Leuchten in meinen Augen sah, fing er dann auch schon an, von Margins und den besten Gold-Letters zu erzählen.....usw
    Und er sagte dann auch: Das ist für mich wahrscheinlich, und die Geschichte der 70er Jahre wird sich wohl so wiederholen, aber: Sei Dir Deiner Sache nie zu sicher und so weiter
    Naja, letztes Jahr habe ich ihn zulezt gesehen, er hatte noch Keine Aktie verkauft! Dein klares Bekenntnis von wg. keine Mine unter $800/POG verkaufen, nun so hatte es mir dieser Arbeitskollege auch von Anfang an erzählt.
    Das muss so im Frühjahr 2001 rum gewesen sein.
    Und ich? nun ja, seitdem mit allem verfügbaren FIAT money ;), von ganz klein auf, sozusagen der Muster-Boy unter den Gold-Investoren, weil" Von 0 auf 100000 in zehn Jahren" oder wie wird die Story lauten....
    Naja, auf jeden Fall 100% zum 2. Teil Deiner Frage, obwohl das ganze Thema Börse für mich bis dahin nicht wirklich ein Begriff war, und jetzt halt schon bedeutend mehr, sodass ich in "Langeweilephasen" auch schon längst zum Zocken mit irgendwelchen Derivaten übergegangen bin, aber allzeit bereit um das nächste bull leg nicht zu verpassen, und, viel später (oder vielleicht doch längst nicht so spät) dann in pysisches Gold und Silber umzuschichten, nebst Ländereien....
    Habe mich halt seidem damit befasst, und wie's aussieht , auch erstmal 'ne vernünftige Aufgabe gefunden, aber auf mittel bis langfristige Sicht zieht's einen dann doch wieder eher hinaus in's Leben, wieder neue Reisen usw.
    Herzlichen Gruss nach Thailand

  • Der 1. April 2004 wird in die Geschichte eingehen!

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Soeben erfahre ich, dass die Deutsche Bundesbank begonnen hat die restlichen, überzähligen Gold 1.- DM Gold Münzen für den Symbolischen Betrag von NUR 1.- DM zu verkaufen!!!

    Die ersten 1000 Besteller die die Telefon Nummer +49 69 9566 - 3511, oder 3512 anrufen erhalten eine Code Nummer zugeteilt mit der sie bei jeder Bundes Bank Filiale diese bei Sammlern so beliebte Gold Münze für eine alte DM erhalten können.

    Bitte beeilt Euch



  • @ Thaiguru

    das würd ja echt in die Geschichte eingehen, dass die BUBA ihr Gold so lapidar verscherbelt!

    die verkaufen die 1-DM-Goldmünzen nicht für 1DM sondern für den aktuellen Goldpreis.

    Vor eineinhalb Jahren hat diese glaub 150 Euro gekostet.

    Hab da grad angerufen und ein netter Herr FLEISCHER hat mich aufgeklärt.

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