The Big Lies Regarding Precious Metals Miners The talking-heads in the mainstream media spend so much of their time talking out of both sides of their mouths that they have clearly become oblivious to the extent of that double-talk. This is the only rational explanation as to the insistence of the mainstream media in repeating the same self-contradictions. In this case I’m referring to media double-talk regarding their reporting on the precious metals sector, and most particularly their totally perverse coverage of the precious metals miners. The contradictions should be obvious to any/all investors who watch this sector closely. On the one hand we have the media endlessly bashing these miners as “under-performers”. Despite the (supposedly) “high” bullion prices we’ve seen in recent years just look at the charts, shriek these bashers. Yes, when we look at the results from our (totally manipulated) markets, it is clear that (mysteriously) these miners are in the midst of their second Depression in five years – in the middle of one of the longest, strongest bull markets in history. Of course the myopic media notices nothing unusual about that. However, the propagandists couldn’t be content to leave their sabotage of the miners at that level. Out of the other side of their mouths we hear voices like Bloomberg. Inserting the stiletto, it proclaims in its headline: Barrick Leads Miners Spending Faster Than Earnings Rising Ouch! The message from that stab-in-the-back is clear: these miners are money-losers…but hold on a second. Weren’t these same propagandists telling us (again and again and again) that these miners should all be drowning in profits from the “high” bullion prices they crow about (as they warn us repeatedly about a “bubble”)? Methinks I see a contradiction here. Either these miners are reaping “high” prices for their gold (and silver) and thus raking in windfall profits; or, they are struggling in just attempting to stay afloat – as low bullion prices mean they are unable to offset spending with revenues. Both of these things cannot be true at the same time... Full commentary: