Kimberly Gold Mines

  • Glaube , dass ich hier ein recht interessantes Unternehmen gefunden habe. Kimberly hat die Möglichkeit recht bald in Produktion zu gehen . Infrastruktur steht schon. Das Management Team ist Klasse. Die Top Guys sind on Board. Shill (Stillwater), Rice (Coeur).

    Wer von Euch kennt das Teil ?

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    moin, gehe bitte mal in das Musterdepot von valueman! "Der guten Ordnung halber..."

    Er hat ihn in den letzten Tagen prima detailliert vorgestellt und diskutiert :))

    Prima ,daß es nicht nur mir so geht, einiges bekannte im Forum mal neu zu hinterfragen. ;)


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Edel Man ()

  • Valueman hat Kimberly diamond vorgestellt.
    Glaube nicht, dass das die selbe Firma ist.
    Stellt´s doch einfach ein Kürzel dazu od. eine Wkn.
    Kimberly gibt es reichlich.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    @ newtechxl

    beg your pardon!
    Habe soeben Kimberly Gold mit Kimberley Diamonds verwechselt, und das bei 0 0/00 :D

    Habe aber nicht editiert, weil offensichlich ein Freudscher Fehler, und ich den Diamantenbuddler grade im Kopf hatte,(und ihn ebenfalls für interessant ansehe.)

    Hänge mich gern an Deine Frage dran. Denn Kimberly wird hin und noch mE. von zB .Bob Moriarty in 321gold und anderen erwähnt.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Edel Man ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    @ All

    KMGM/OTC wahrscheinlch gemeint


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Noch ein paar Infos zu Kimberly:

    K. hat verschiedene Properties, die zum Teil schon ueber Infrastruktur verfuegen.

    - Rescue Mine soll 2006 in Produktion gehen
    - Kimberly Mine soll 2007 produzieren
    - Wenatche Gold Belt - fortgeschrittene Expolorationsstufe
    - Empire Creek - ebenso fortgeschrittene Explorationsstufe

    12 mio shares stehen aus.

  • Neue Bohrergebnisse

    Press Release Source: Kimberly Gold Mines

    Kimberly Gold Mines, Inc. Announces Drill Results on Compton Property in Wenatchee Gold Belt
    Thursday September 1, 12:58 pm ET

    COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 1, 2005--Kimberly Gold Mines (OTC:KMGM - News) Kimberly Gold Mines, Inc. is pleased to announce the completion of its Compton Drill Program within the Wenatchee Gold Belt. The program consisted of eight diamond drill holes (holes Com 43 to 50, totaling 5,000ft) designed to sample and expand on the gold-bearing silicified zone identified at the surface of the Compton Property by Asamera Inc. in the 1990's.
    Phase One -- Holes 43, 44 and 50 were designed to test the high-grade gold area where Asamera drilling has returned intercepts grading up to 3.1 oz/t gold, and to expand this zone to depth (hole 44) and to the north (hole 50).

    The high-grade gold intercepts in holes 43 and 50 support Asamera's
    drill data (see table below).

    Hole From To Interval Au Au Ag (ppm) Ag (oz/t)
    (ppm)(1) (oz/t)(2)
    Com-43 102 107 5 4.853 0.16 9.04 0.33
    Com-43 117 122 5 32.713 0.90 28.11 0.885
    Com-43 227 232 5 7.624 0.222 8.31 0.25
    Com-43 232 237 5 4.54 0.145 4.77 0.14
    Com-43 267 272 5 5.175 0.148 6.36 0.19
    Com-43 592 597 5 2.504 0.07 1.08 0.03
    Com-50 22 27 5 1.598 0.05 6.3 0.18
    Com-50 27 32 5 3.366 0.10 6.54 0.19
    Com-50 50 55.5 5.5 15.572 0.45 13.56 0.40
    Com-50 61 66.5 5.5 23.596 0.69 14.47 0.42
    Com-50 66.5 72 5.5 2.47 0.07 1.37 0.04

    (1) FA with an AA finish
    (2) FA with a Gravimetric Finish

    Hole 44 appears to have been designed too steeply and was drilled beneath the zone.

    Phase Two - Holes 45 to 49 were designed to expand the known area of silicification to the south-east, and to explore the high silver intercepts identified in the West Eagle Creek Fault System by Asamera and Yamana drill-holes (step-out drilling).

    All holes, with the exception of 49, intersected broad zones of silicification with elevated gold and silver mineralization. No gold values in excess of 1 gram per ton were encountered, however the wide spacing of the drill holes leaves considerable potential remaining.


    The drill results yielded by Hole 43 supports the information obtained from Asamera's database containing intercepts grading up to 3.1 oz/t gold, while Hole 50 was successful in expanding the potential boundaries of this same high-grade gold area to the north.

    The step-out drilling of Holes 45 through 49 expanded the limits of the near-surface epithermal system, and provided information on the West Eagle Creek Fault that forms the eastern boundary to the system. The step-out holes appear to have drilled the roots of an epithermal system. It is likely that a high-grade silicified zone will be found at shallower depths.

    Future efforts on the Compton property will likely focus upon short-hole, shallow surface drilling definition of the high-grade gold area verified by Holes 43 and 50, with intent to develop a mineral resource.

    Kimberly Gold President, Kevin Shiell, stated, "We are very encouraged with the results of our first drill program in the Wenatchee Gold Belt."

    Kimberly Gold Mines is an aggressive gold exploration company focused on the historic mining districts of the Pacific Northwest. Active Kimberly projects include the Kimberly and Rescue Gold Mines in central Idaho, the Matthews property in the Wenatchee Gold Belt of central Washington, and the Empire Creek Project in the Republic Graben of northeastern Washington. Kimberly stock trades on the OTC Market under the symbol "KMGM".

    Certain statements contained in this press release are "forward looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are based on beliefs of management, as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to management. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expected results.

    If you would like to receive press releases via email contact: Monique Hayes at 208-667-8450.

    Kimberly Gold Mines, Inc.
    Kevin Shiell, 208-667-8450

  • COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho -- (Business Wire) -- June 5, 2006

    Kimberly Gold Mines (OTC:KMGM) is pleased to announce
    filing, with the US Forest Service, the 2006 Plan of Operations for
    its Rescue Gold Mine. Kimberly is mobilizing to resume activities at
    its Rescue Gold Mine, located in Warren, Idaho. Contingent upon
    funding and manpower availability, the Company plans to aggressively
    pursue the following scope of work to completion:

    Phase One

    -- Safety, Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Initiatives

    -- Site Clean Up and Rehabilitation

    -- Improvements to Pond Facility

    -- New Building Construction

    Phase Two

    -- Rehabilitate the Rescue No. 2 Tunnel to satisfy escape route
    and ventilation requirements, and to accommodate exploratory
    drifting westward on the Rescue 6000' level, to the property

    -- Repair the ramp/decline portal and advance rehabilitation from
    portal to the bottom of the decline ramp.

    -- Complete a survey tie-in between the surface and underground,
    and conduct a global sampling and structural mapping program
    of all accessible areas within the mine.

    -- Develop and implement a core drilling program encompassing
    surface and underground targets.

    -- Rehabilitate existing stopes and raises in the mine.

    Phase Three

    -- Advance exploration drifts (on vein) to the east and west
    property boundaries on the 5850' level, assembling resource
    data for the purposes of evaluating and expanding the mineral
    resource. These are the necessary steps for defining mineral
    reserves and providing a metrics basis for more reliable
    planning, forecasting and budgeting. Additionally, on-vein
    drifting could yield low-grade development ores, which may be
    processed in the Rescue mill.

    -- Upgrade the mill facility to maximize recovery and commission
    the mine backfill system.

    -- Initiate test stoping, employing a conventional cut and fill
    method. The purpose of this exercise will be to compile data
    pertinent to: dilution, deletion, stope ore grade, mill
    recovery and mining productivity, again providing more
    reliable planning and budgeting metrics.

    -- Prepare a "Feasibility Report," to be compiled from the
    information obtained.


    This three-phase program will prepare the site and its personnel
    to safely and efficiently develop the Rescue Mine to its actual
    potential. If each of these initiatives is successful and a mineable
    ore body is proven to exist, we expect the Rescue Mine to continue
    forward as a producer, at some capacity. The "Feasibility Report," to
    be developed as the final portion of Phase Three, will better define
    the path ahead and is expected to yield insights as to the real
    potential of the mine, in terms of sustainable gold production.
    Kevin Schiell stated: "'Phase Three' of the plan, could take the
    mine into limited production, by processing lower-grading ore
    generated from development drifts, as these are advanced, while
    concurrently processing ore realized from production test-stoping

  • COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho -- (Business Wire) -- June 13, 2006

    Kimberly Gold Mines (OTC:KMGM) is pleased to announce
    that Don Rolfe has joined the company as Vice President and Chief
    Operating Officer. Mr. Rolfe is a graduate of the Montana School of
    Mines and brings to the company more than 30 years of engineering and
    mine management experience gained primarily with senior mining
    Mr. Rolfe has managed a diverse range of mining operations across
    North America. He worked as a Mine Engineer for Hecla Mining in
    Wallace, Idaho, Lakeshore project in Arizona and as Senior Mine
    Engineer at the Knob Hill mine in the Republic District of Washington
    State. He also held various positions with Union Carbide in Nevada,
    California and Utah including Mine Engineer, Foreman and
    Superintendent of Mines.
    Mr. Rolfe joined Homestake Mining as Mine Manager of a new uranium
    mine in Utah and silver property in Creede, Colorado. He also managed
    an open-pit, heap-leach operation in Nevada, and the Golden Bear gold
    mine in northern British Columbia, Canada.
    Kimberly Gold Mines is pleased by this new addition to its team as
    it advances its Plan of Operations for the Rescue gold mine in Warren,
    Effective immediately Mr. Rolfe will assume managing control
    over all operating initiatives including all safety, regulatory
    compliance, exploration, development, production and human resources
    He will be responsible for executing the Company's business plan,
    with primary focus for the next 12 months on the Rescue Gold Mine. Don
    will report directly to the President.
    Kevin Shiell stated, "We are very fortunate to have a mining
    professional of Don Rolfe's caliber taking the lead in the field. I am
    confident Don's experience and business maturity will help to guide us
    down the critical path toward our objective of becoming a junior gold
    Kimberly Gold Mines is an aggressive gold exploration company
    focused on the historic mining districts of the Pacific Northwest.
    Active Kimberly projects include the Rescue and Kimberly Gold Mines in
    central Idaho, the Matthews property in the Wenatchee Gold Belt of
    central Washington, and the Empire Creek Project in the Republic
    Graben of northeastern Washington. Kimberly stock trades on the OTC
    Market under the symbol "KMGM."

    Certain statements contained in this press release are
    "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private
    Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are based on
    beliefs of management, as well as assumptions made by and information
    currently available to management. Forward-looking statements are
    subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause
    actual results to differ materially from expected results.

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