Clifton Mining

  • Hallo Tschonko,

    da hat der Hugo was zu lesen ... , habe es mir angesehen: bei aller berechtigter Kritik (die Erwartungen hängen auch oft zu hoch) - es entspricht dem, was ich Silber von meinem eigenen Textmaterial her im antibiotischen Bereich zutrauen würde: Wirkstoff-unspezifische, aber schwache & messbare antibiotische Wirkung, - deshalb kann man es nur als Beiprodukt zu Antibiotika sinnvoll verkaufen. Ich bin ja kein Arzt, nur Biologe.

    Aber, - an die Kritiker gewandt: Man kann einerseits lachen über solche Sachen, es ist jedoch auch gut zu wissen, dass bei wachsender Zahl der Allergien & Resistenzen solche Beiprodukte wirklich immer relevanter werden müssen !
    Und immerhin ist die Wirkung recht konstant nachweisbar.

    Wer würde sich momentan gegen ca. 1/5tel bis 1/3tel Einsparungen im Bereich Antibiotika wehren? ....


  • Zitat

    Original von gutso
    bei aller berechtigter Kritik, es entspricht dem, was ich Silber im antibiotischen Bereich zutrauen würde: Wirkstoff-unspezifische, aber schwache antibiotische Wirkung, deshalb kann man es nur als Beiprodukt verkaufen. & ich bin kein Arzt, nur Biologe.

    Frage an den Biologen gutso, nicht den Investor:

    Aber ist es nicht so, daß die antibakterielle Wirkung von Silber doch gut erforscht sein müßte, wenn sie es denn jetzt schon in den neuesten Kühlschränken verwenden wollen? Oder ist das nur ein Promo-Trick, um aus einem Kühlschrank mit 5g Silber ein Nobelprodukt zu machen?

    Dann wär´s ja wirklich für´n Hugo (das ist Ösi-Sprache , in etwa: für´n Arsch)



  • Hallo goldcore,

    ich denke mal, dass das Problem u.a. die Patentierbarkeit darstellt, Silber ist ein Element, da tut man sich z.B. mit einem Molekül wie Acetyl-salicylsäure (= Aspirin) leichter, man kann also patentrechtlich abgesicherter versuchen Geld damit zu machen.

    Könnte ein Grund sein, warum Silber in seinen Wirkungsspektren eben doch nicht so gut erforscht ist, wie es der Fall sein könnte.
    Gerade an den neu rausgekommenen Silber-Waschmaschinen (habs nicht näher verfolgt, nur am Rande) sieht man ja, dass es Nebenwirkungen geben könnte, die nicht genug erforscht wurden (da waren so Pressemitteilungen unterwegs, dass das erst mal kritisch zu beäugen sei).

    Jedenfalls hat Silber eine antibiotika-unabhängige antibiotische Wirkung.
    Man könnte so schon das Resistenzproblem ein wenig entschärfen, würde ich annehmen. ...


  • goldcore, gutso,
    ist Wienerisch: Hugo = vollkommen unötig. Kann man auch sagen, für´n A.
    Chem. Antibiotika sind antibakteriell, wirken aber nicht gegen Viren.
    Warum soll ich Kolloid zumischen, nur damit man weniger braucht.
    Werden sowieso viel zu viel Antibiotika eingenommen und damit wieder resistente Stämme gezüchtet. Viele Ärzte verschreiben auch noch bei Virusinfektion, auch für den Hugo.
    Kolloide dämmen Bakterienstämme ein, funktioniert sehr gut bei Kühlschrank. Macht auch besseren Geruch.

    Also lieber Studien erstellen, wo Kolloid allein wirkt.
    Gibt es schon einige. Schwer Geld aufzutreiben.
    Pharmakonzerne sind da nicht sehr amused :D
    Und die haben ihre Drecksfinger überall drinnen.
    Empfehle Handwaschung mit Kolloiden. :D

    Das hab ich gemeint.


    CFTN.PK ist übrigens wieder da angelangt, wo ich nachgekauft habe.
    Sollte da auch mal was verkaufen.
    Da gab´s übrigens mal eine Aktion, bei der man als Clifton aktionär sehr günstig ABL Produkte erwerben konnte. ber nur größere Positionen.

  • Hommel zu Clifton:

    Einer der wenigen Stocks, die keinerlei dilution haben, sondern wo die Aktienantahl abnimmt. Zwar nicht viel aber immerhin.

    Clifton Mining
    Silver Stock Report
    by Jason Hommel, November 19, 2006 (CFTN.PK)
    46 million shares outstanding.
    At $.59/share
    Market Cap: $27 million

    I now own just over 500,000 shares of Clifton Mining, just over 1% of the company, all bought on the open market, and let me tell you why.

    First of all, the price was right. Clifton just dipped in price again to a near record low of $.55, and so I bought just over 100,000 shares this Friday, bidding the stock up to $.59.

    Second, Clifton announced on October 30th, that Clifton's partner, Dumont Nickel, is making continued progress. "A feasibility study covering the Kiewit Gold Zone is in progress with the anticipation of advancing a portion of the deposit into early production."

    Confirmed at at the Kiewit project page, it says: "An internal resource estimation and scoping study commenced in May, 2006, to evaluate viability of advancing part of the Kiewit Gold Zone which is exposed at surface toward early production."

    From Clifton's press release: "Early production from the Kiewit Gold Zone could also provide Clifton with positive cash flow and earnings from mining operations."

    Third, Clifton has already made money from the ASAP silver solution.


    From the shareholder summary: "Clifton received more money in its first cash disbursement from ABL than its entire investment."

    Clifton announced on November 8th, that ABL, a private company, 23-24% owned by Clifton, the ABL silver solution ASAP product enhances the effectiveness of antibiotics.

    Furthermore, ASAP product sales are up about 50% more than the previous year, mostly on word-of-mouth, or "zero" advertising.

    (I also just ordered my 3rd case of ABL's ASAP silver solution, because I know the product works to kill all kinds of germs.)


    See the Doctor's reports:

    See the testimonials:

    For news about Clifton:

    Read the latest patent application: (November 14, 2006)

    For a 5 year chart of Clifton's share price:
    (See that the share price was at $2.50/share in January, 2004, (back before silver hit $8/oz.) and the stock has not been significantly diluted since.)

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Clifton Mining trades under the symbol, CFTN, on the Pink Sheets. For a quote, see CFTN.PK at Yahoo! Finance.

  • Clifton ist der grösste Eigner an ABL Americon Biotech lab, die in der Silbertechnologie zu den Führenden gehören. (Kolloide etc.)

    ABL end of year summary informationMonday February 12, 7:00 am ET

    ALPINE, UT, Feb. 12 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - American Biotech Labs (ABL) is a private company in which Clifton Mining Company (Clifton) is the largest individual shareholder.

    Annual Sales
    American Biotech Labs annual sales continued to grow at more than 20%. All market sectors grew, with the fastest growth occurring in sales of products to doctors and new volume purchase contracts. Numerous new domestic and international contracts have been signed, many within the last two months. The largest single order in January 2007 was 130,000 bottles.
    New Products


    ABL is planning to release four (4) new products in 2007, three (3) of which are expected to be launched during the second quarter. Two new gel products are awaiting approval and will be released when approved. Both domestic and international clients are already testing these new products. Filings have been made internationally in the hope that new products can move quickly into these markets.

    Military Special Operations


    American Biotech Labs was invited to be and has become an active member of the United States Special Operations Medical Association. This association is dedicated to the health and welfare of US Special Operations Medics and the soldiers they care for. American Biotech Labs has been supplying product to many of these medics who work in Iraq and to US Air Marshals and fire fighters who are also part of the association.

    Full Information Summary, Fact Sheet


    Said Keith Moeller, a Managing Director, "2006 was an outstanding year for ABL but with the new accounts the company has recently signed, we expect 2007 to be substantially better. A great deal of time and money has been expended in building an impressive intellectual property foundation. ABL's reputation as a world leader in silver technology continues to broaden, as documented by papers in prestigious professional peer-reviewed journals."

    Management has completed a year-end summary which will shortly be available on the American Biotech Labs listing on Clifton's website home page at If you click on the American Biotech Labs button, the new summary will appear third on the list.

    New Patent Information


    The unique SilverSol Technology(TM) created and owned by ABL now has a patented construction process, patented particle sizes and many patented end uses. The patent covers a wide range of pathogens, including: Anthrax and the bacteria that cause Bubonic plague; and Viruses such as Hepatitis B and HIV; and, Parasitic diseases such as Malaria. The patent also includes more common infectious agents an ailments ranging from MRSA to TB, from UTIs to skin infections, ear and eye infections, upper respiratory tract infections, STD's, and others.

    The company is now working with military, government, university, and medical organizations to study and develop additional uses for the products and the technology. Information on our most recent patent can be accessed through the patent link button on the ABL website. The website also has a direct link to the peer review antibiotic synergy study article.
    Clifton trades on the U.S. OTC: (CFTN).

  • Hi Tschonko

    Bei breakeven von 0.96 USD fliegt zwei drittel raus von Clifton, was hilft es schon wenn ABL 20% mehr Profit macht und die Aktie dafuer 20% faellt.
    ABL ist immer gut gelaufen was der Kurs nicht zeigt.
    Ich habe in erster Linie Clifton weger der Reserven in Utah gekauft, wenn ich Medizin will dann kaufe ich Pfizer oder Merck.
    So gut wie das Zeug auch sein mag jedoch heutzutage stellt jeder Kluge sein Silberwasser meistens selber her und braucht wenig oder gar nichts von ABL das ansich teuer ist im Vergleich.
    Der Kursverlauf von Clifton war immer ein Raetsel, im Endeffekt geht dort was Silber im Boden angeht gar nichts ab. Das Management konzentriert sich mehr an ABL als an die Ore in Utah nach dem Motto es kann warten.
    Die sitzen auf ihrer Silberore ohne Schlagzeile oder Fortschritt der den Kurs mal in die Hoehe treibt.
    Ok, nun fangen sie mal an zu bohren, bin gespannt was da rauskommt, wie auch immer weg mit dem Langweiler, es gibt andere die sich besser nach oben bewegen.
    Hommel treibte die Clifton oft an, das einzige mal wo sich etwas ruehrt.
    Wenn ich an seinen richest hill on earth OT Mining denke dann wird mir schlecht.
    Von Hommel seinen Empfehlungen halte ich nicht mehr viel, der treibt den Kurs an und dann verkauft er wieder eine Ladung vor uns.
    Sobald er guenstig seine PP's hat dann kommt die Empfehlung an seine Juenger vom Silberberg. :D

    Halleluja, die 2 Jahres Chart spricht fuer sich selbst



  • Hi eldo,
    ja da hast du Recht, das Ding ist absolut langweilig.

    Ich hab eigentlich ähnliche Gedanken.

    warum ich noch nicht verkauft habe, hat mehrere Gründe.
    Von den Dividenden von ABL (voriges jahr erste zahlung) wurde schon ein Viertel bis ein drittel der MC von CFTN abgedeckt.
    Es gibt keine Dilution, die Aktien werden sogar etwas weniger.
    Also sind die nicht gefährdet, dass sie mal eingehen.
    Das Erz im boden bleibt auch.
    Wenn sich aber mal was tut - mit od. ohne Hommel, auf den pfeif ich auch - dann geht das Ding ziemlich ab, obwohl dann auch einige kleinere noch verkaufen werden, weil sie froh sind, dass sie raus können.
    Hat ja auch kaum Umsatz.
    jetzt hab ich die schon 4 Jahre, also lass ich sie noch eine Zeit liegen.

    Außer mich packt der Rappel, dann fliegt sie zu jeder zeit.
    Weil das ist einer meiner raren Hänger. Und Cabo aber da mach ich mir auch keine Sorgen, da entschädigt IMMC schon einiges.

    Ich glaub eher, dass so Firmen wie ABL in Zukunft noch mehr Geschäft machen. Kenn aber ihr Wasserl nicht.


  • Unprecedented Paper on Human Use of Silver
    Friday April 27, 7:00 am ET
    Clifton Mining Company Inc. (OTC : CFTN)

    ALPINE, UT, April 27 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - American Biotech Labs (ABL), a private company (Clifton Mining Company owns about 23% of ABL) announces that a new peer review paper has just been released. Dr. Rustum Roy, one of the most pre-eminent materials scientist in the world, has just co-authored an important paper. "Ultradilute Ag-Aquasols with extraordinary bactericidal properties: role of the system Ag-O-H(2)O" in Materials Research Innovations, vol. 11, no. 1, (2007) pages 3-18. The focus of much of the paper is the American Biotech Labs® ASAP silver aquasol products. The authors note critical properties of this unique, patented silver aquasol technology.

    The first line of the paper states:

    "We first establish the literature on the use of ultradilute aquasols as extraordinary, powerful, bactericidal inorganic agents equal to most commercial antibiotics. These findings provide the rationale for a major role for inorganic materials scientists to contribute the insights unique to their field for new, safer health vectors."

    Pointing to antimicrobial studies performed on American Biotech Labs® products the paper states:

    "Table I shows a comparison of the MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration of (tilde)1 at.-ppm silver sol in pure water, with the most prominent antibiotics used world wide, as fully established in both in vitro and in vivo trials.(10) Not only is this radically different antibiotic material more or less equal to the traditional biochemical antibiotics, it has the unique advantage that bacteria do not mutate to destroy its activity. Moreover, when used alongside a traditional antibiotic, as shown in Table 2, the silver aquasol has a synergistic effect, thereby extending the life of the efficacy of several antibiotics tenfold(11)..."

    On the safety of eating silver as a metal the paper states:

    "A recent paper by Das and Khanna(1) provides the remarkable datum that some 275,000 kg. (605,000 pounds) of edible metallic silver foil are consumed every year (in food) in India. No known adverse health effects have ever been recorded. This epidemiological evidence that silver as a metal is not toxic in any way needs no comment..."

    The paper separates American Biotech Labs® products from other silver products by identifying them as silver aquasols stating:

    "Our first contribution in this direction is a thorough review and new analysis of the structure of liquid water(6). The study is the key starting point because of the deluge of products loosely lumped under the term 'silver colloids' now appearing in the U.S.A. supplements market and targeting many of the very same, above-mentioned applications. Many of these products claim to be dispersions of metallic particles in nearly pure water. Some of the metals are linked to proteins and other organic additives... Some contain 'organic silver' - presumably metal-organic silver compounds, and some contain 'ionic' silver, possibly in true solution... We confine ourselves only to silver aquasols, i.e. suspensions of nominally metallic silver particles in essentially pure water..."

    In the Conclusions section of the paper it states:

    1. "The very potent biologically active silver aquasols contained,
    typically, the amounts of silver claimed by the manufacturer,
    typically from 10-30 ppm by weight of Ag, The silver was very
    pure as was the water." In other words, the "potent" ABL silver
    products were very clean, metallic not ionic, and contained the
    right amounts of silver.

    We are making the entire paper accessible to readers on the Clifton website at If you will click on the American Biotech Labs button on Clifton's main page, four choices will appear, scroll down to the last one called "Dr. Roy Paper". The entire peer review paper will appear.

    The American Biotech Labs® products can be found at better health food stores nation wide (ie. GNC Stores etc.) under both the Silver Biotics® and ASAP Solution® labels.

  • Cliftons Sparschwein gewann Preis!

    ABL Wins Top Medical Innovation Award
    Tuesday May 29, 7:00 am ET

    ALPINE, UT, May 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - American Biotech Labs (ABL), a private company (Clifton Mining Company owns about 23% of ABL) announces that the company has just been awarded the 2007 Best Of State award for Medical Innovation by The Premier Recognition and Rewards Program for the State of Utah.

    The Best Of State Awards are awards that are given annually to companies deemed to have achieved exceptional excellence in an area of endeavor. Only one medical award was issued in 2007. Of hundreds of biotech and medical product companies who have facilities in the state, the 2007 winner for Medical Innovation was awarded to American Biotech Labs. (See under the category Science & Tech.)

    Said Keith Moeller, A Managing Director, "We are very honored to receive this award and we feel that it adds to the value of our company to be recognized for such an award. There are many exceptional biotech and medical companies in the State of Utah, both big and small, and to be singled out as a leader in Medical Innovation, means that we are being recognized for the good we are doing in both health and wellness. ABL is continuing to push research forward in important areas such as wound care and pandemic therapies, as well as general daily health and wellness in many areas of the world."

    Clifton trades on the U.S. OTC: (CFTN).

  • Hey Eldo,
    welche Bohrergebnisse?
    A du meinst die mit den 2 Löchern und den 2 Fingern... :D

    Die schauen fast nur, dass sich ABL entwickelt udn Dumont, der JV Partner treibt auch eher andere Projekte voran.

    Da wird sich nicht viel tun.
    Bis mal der Anteil an ABL so groß ist wie die MC.

    Immerhin einer der ältesten Kolloidhersteller.

    der Bericht vom Doktor:


    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Eldo,
    darauf kannst einen lassen! :D

    Ich hätt die schon längst geliefert, wenn die ABL G´schicht nicht so spannend wär.

    Also leist ich mir die noch länger....... :D

    Jason soll ja an einem Buch schreiben:
    Arbeitstitel: Minenmärchen
    oder wie Jehova das Silber über/unter die Erde verteilte..... :D

    Clifton soll auch vorkommen.
    Nur der is net im Minus und kriegt die ABL Wasserl wahrscheinlich gratis..... :rolleyes:


    PS: ist dir schon aufgefallen, dass man die traden könnte.
    Die haben jährlich einen Ausfall nach oben.....
    Also ich bin jetztr die nächsten jahre beschäftigt.... :D :D

  • Clifton steigt tief runter.
    Aber man hat hier wirklich hohes value, irgendwie paradox.

    Drillen tun die gar nichts mehr, dafür ABK Cash kassieren, Sachen erfinden und die patentieren lassen.
    Und diese Sache schaut nicht schlecht aus.

    Clifton files new production patents
    Thursday August 9, 3:23 pm ET
    (OTC : CFTN)

    ALPINE, UT, Aug. 9 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - William Moeller Chairman of Clifton Mining Company (Clifton) and Rustum Roy (One of the premiere material scientists in the world) have just filed patents on a new and revolutionary ore treatment and extraction process. The new patent has been assigned to Clifton's ownership.

    The New Process

    The new patent pending process utilizes low cost microwaves to make ore more brittle and easier to crush and then a second treatment further in the production process helps the small metal (gold, silver, copper, etc.) particles to amass into larger ones. The larger gold particles are then easier to collect and to process. This new technology could help cut costs and increase metal recoveries in mines worldwide. Said Mr. Moeller, "We believe this new patent, if granted and developed, will add real value to Clifton, not only in use on Clifton's gold, silver, and copper deposits, but also in leasing or licensing the technology to other companies worldwide."

    The Annual Meeting

    The management of Clifton wishes to thank those who took part in Clifton's annual meeting. Notes from the meeting should be posted to Clifton's website within the next two weeks. Additional information will be forthcoming.

  • Wahrscheinlich warten die erst auf einen hohen Silberpreis bevor man die Drills einschaltet. Mittlerweile nur ihre Silberkolloids die den Kurs auch keinen Lift geben. Das ist so ein Schlaefer wie XCL.TO ich schau schon gar nicht mehr hin so aufregend ist der Kurs.

    Ich lasse die in der Schublade und hoffe die wacht wieder auf.



  • Aus dem shareholder update 2007:
    Ich halte die nach wie vor

    Clifton Is A Richly Diverse And Unique Company

    • Clifton currently has a property joint venture with Dumont Nickel Inc. The joint venture currently holds 108 mining lode claims and 28 patented claims. (These are claims that have been proven to have mineral value)

    • Clifton owns 61% of Woodman Mining Company

    • Clifton owns water rights in desert lands

    • Clifton owns 23% of American Biotech Labs

    • Clifton has no significant debt

    Mining Claims

    Clifton’s claims (approximately five square miles) are located in a historic mining district that has produced gold, silver, lead, copper and other metals.

    By law, a mining claim could be patented only if it was proven that a mineable deposit exists on the claim. Clifton’s patented claims are listed as having known deposits of gold, silver, copper, and lead.

    Woodman Mining Company

    Clifton owns 61% of Woodman Mining Company, the owner of the Cane Springs gold property. Dumont has also earned an interest in the Cane Springs property by spending funds that led to the discovery of a second gold-bearing structure similar to the historic mine on the property. The mine was a high-grade gold producer, and drilling by Dumont has found gold values in the newly found structure up to 6 ounces of gold per ton. Average values have yet to be determined, but indications suggest a profitable deposit. The new system comes to the surface 2,000 feet south of Clifton’s mill.

    Water Rights

    Clifton currently owns water rights near the town sites of Gold Hill and Clifton, and has the capacity to supply all of its needs. Large flows from these sources would allow Clifton to sell excess water. The water is rich with naturally occurring minerals and may hold value as a source of concentrated natural trace minerals.

    Dumont Joint Venture-Completed List

    • The joint venture has expanded the property to eight times its original size.

    • The venture has completed surface sampling on much of the expanded property.

    • The venture acquired and drilled a known deposit outside of Clifton’s property area (Kiewit Gold Zone).

    • Dumont has spent millions of dollars doing exploration, furthering the interests and value of Clifton and its shareholders, at little cost to Clifton.

    Known Mineralization

    There are hundreds of mineral occurrences on the property, where minerals come to the surface. There are three areas on the property are of particular interest.

    Kiewit Gold Zone

    We believe the Kiewit Gold Zone holds between 75,000-200,000 ounces of mineable gold. The deposit is currently being reviewed to certify reserves.

    Cane Springs

    The Cane Springs is a past producing, high-grade gold mine with gold values well over an ounce per ton. Some of the existing mine pillars were assayed at as much as nine ounces of gold per ton. Dumont discovered a second gold bearing structure a few hundred yards from the original mine working. The newly discovered structure was then drilled and it was confirmed that the deposit continues to depth. The new deposit could hold as much as 100,000-200,000 contained ounces of gold. Phase one drilling has been completed. Management is now deciding if it is better to go on to phase two drilling or to use the same money to open and start mining the property.

    Shear Zones

    The Shear Zones are a series of lead /silver/gold veins on the south side of the property. A 2000 report, completed before SEC definitions of “proven and probable ore” changed, states that the Shear veins hold 581,300 tons of proven and probable resource, containing 4.8 million ounces of silver, 26,626 ounces of gold, and 30,227 tons of lead (5.2%). The deposits are open at depth and along strike.

    Near Term OBJECTIVES

    1) Obtain a certified report for the Kiewit Gold Property.

    2) Negotiate release of claims not currently of interest to our partner, and possibly bring in a new partner.

    American Biotech Labs

    Brief History

    American Biotech Labs is a private company started by the Moeller family and associates. The Moeller’s arranged that Clifton could buy a position in the company, affording Clifton the opportunity for an alternative source of income. The total cost to Clifton was $20,000. Clifton currently owns about 22-23% of ABL. The stock that Clifton has purchased over time in the company has grown in value from $20,000 to an estimated $8,000,000 at today‘s prices for ABL stock ($5/share). ABL continues to grow and prosper.

Schriftgröße:  A A A A A