Gefunden: Brief vom Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee

  • Eliot Spitzer, Attorney General
    State of New York
    120 Broadway Avenue
    New York, NY 10271

    February 19, 2004

    Dear Attorney General Spitzer:

    I have enclosed a beautiful silver eagle coin in this express mail
    delivery in an effort to get your attention regarding the
    manipulation of the silver market. What you do or don't do in the
    weeks and months ahead could have enormous impact on the
    financial markets and politics alike.

    As I am chairman of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee,
    I know you have received more than a thousand e-mails and
    letters from outraged investors all over the world on this serious
    matter. By 2006 the manipulation of the gold and silver
    markets will have been exposed and acknowledged. By then
    the price of silver will have gone from the current $6.65
    to perhaps $40 per ounce. Gold ought to be above $800 by
    at that time. The ramifications of the price rigging of silver and
    gold are going to be significant for U.S. financial markets.

    The suppression of the prices of gold and silver is hiding
    systemic financial problems from American investors. Soon
    the cabal that is suppressing gold and silver prices won't
    be able to keep those prices down any more. Then the stock
    and bond markets will be affected. In my opinion the stock
    market is going to be hit very hard, and unsuspecting
    investors will suffer terrible loses in their retirement
    funds. They are going to want to know what happened and

    If you at least look into this matter before there is a
    price explosion, you will be recognized as a public official
    who did what he could to stick up for ordinary investors,
    a man who was unafraid to delve into the wrongdoing of
    powerful people.

    Gold and silver are my business. I have reliable information
    interests in China who tell me they have already tied up
    about 75 percent of likely world silver production for 2005.
    If my information is correct, it is only a matter of time
    before there is trouble in silver. Gold will follow. Financial
    market derivatives problems could be catastrophic.

    From the many letters you have received, you must know
    about Ted Butler by now. I hope you will meet him to learn
    how you can quickly get to the bottom of this matter.

    Best regards,

    Bill Murphy, Chairman
    Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee

  • Hallo paco,

    ich kann von hier aus nicht beurteilen, ob dieses Schreiben authentisch ist. Auf jeden Fall ist es eine Sammlung aller Befürchtungen die uns hier im Forum antreibt.
    Für meinen Geschmack sehe ich hier zuviel "Weißes im Auge", sprich Panik.
    Dennoch danke für's sharen der Information.

    Interessant, dass gerade ab 2006 allen schlagartig klar wird, dass der Silber- und Goldmarkt manipuliert wurde. Mal schauen.
    Da sich manche Prophezeiungen ja selbst erfüllen, sollten wir dieses Datum im Auge behalten.

    Es grüßt

    "Nothing to worry about as long as you own Gold and Silver"

  • Jürgen

    Bill Murphy der Vorsitzende der Gold Anti Trust Action Com. teilt uns mit, dass der Gold&Silberpreis manipuliert wird (Wie hier ja auch einige Mitglieder vermuten).
    In 2006 wird es den meisten Investoren bewußt.
    Er rechnet dann mit einem Silberpreis von 40$ und einem Goldpreis von 800$.
    Desweiteren rechnet er dann mit einem Crash an den Aktienmärkten.
    Der kluge Anleger sollte vorsorgen.
    Soweit in kürze...

    „Die Menschen sind so einfältig und hängen so sehr vom Eindruck des Augenblickes ab, dass einer, der sie täuschen will, stets jemanden findet, der sich täuschen lässt.“ (Niccolò Machiavelli)

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