AbraSilver Resource Corp. / ABRA (TSXV)
- 37 Capital Inc.
- Katzenpirat
100% Buy
Overall Average Signal calculated from all 13 indicators. Signal Strength is a long-term measurement of the historical strength of the Signal, while Signal Direction is a short-term (3-Day) measurement of the movement of the Signal.
ABBRF - Abrasilver Resource Corp Stock Barchart Opinion - Barchart.comTrading Signals for Abrasilver Resource Corp with Buy, Sell, Hold recommendations, technical analysis, and trading strategy.www.barchart.com -
AbraSilver Commences 20,000 Metre Drilling Campaign at Diablillos ProjectPress release posted on this website was believed to be accurate at the time it was posted, but may be superseded by more recent public disclosure of…www.abrasilver.com
Silver Stock WatchlistWhat a week it was for Silver, I have been focused on the metal for quite some time, and it was surreal to see it finally close the week above $30.miningcharts.substack.com
Opportunities in Silver Explorers and Developers – Part 1Excelsior Prosperity w/ Shad Marquitz – 06/02/2024excelsiorprosperity.substack.com
Diese feine Silberaktie habe ich nun auch, erst so spät gefunden, weil ich lange Zeit den Silbersektor vernachlässigte, so ist ABRA erst die 5.Silberaktie momentan im Depot.
Kauf zu 2,15 C$ nach der Korrektur, die ich nicht ganz verstehe. Chapeau denen, die ABRA früh zu einigen Pence erwarben!
Ein Überschlag ergibt eine Bewertunv von < 1 $ / oz SiEq, grotesk, andererseits rel. hohe CAPEX..
"Die wichtigsten Vorteile für AbraSilver sind die Senkung der Einkommenssteuer von 35 % auf 25 %, die Aufhebung der Devisenbeschränkungen und eine dreijährige Senkung der Ausfuhrzölle von 8 % für Gold und 4,5 % für Silber auf effektiv 0 % nach dem dritten Jahr. Dies würde eine erhebliche Steigerung des Kapitalwerts der Projektwirtschaft bedeuten. Sobald das Unternehmen im nächsten Jahr eine Durchführbarkeitsstudie für das Projekt vorlegt, wäre es außerdem berechtigt, ein Stabilitätsabkommen zu schließen, das die günstigeren Steuern und Ausfuhrzölle für einen Zeitraum von 30 Jahren festschreibt...
John berichtet, dass die Bohrungen zur Erweiterung der bekannten Ziele Daten für zukünftige Ressourcenaktualisierungen liefern werden und dass das Explorationsteam nach weiteren oberflächennahen hochgradigen Silber- und Goldoxidmineralisierungen sucht, um die Wirtschaftlichkeit eines Projekterschließungsszenarios zu erweitern und auszubauen. Bei den Step-Out-Entdeckungsbohrungen wird sich das Explorationsteam auf Sulfidziele mit Schwerpunkt auf Gold und Kupfer konzentrieren...."
Übersetzt mit DeepL.com (kostenlose Version)
AbraSilver Announces Initial Drill Results from Phase IV Exploration Program at the Diablillos Silver-Gold Project; Intersects 33 Metres Grading 245 g/t SilverPress release posted on this website was believed to be accurate at the time it was posted, but may be superseded by more recent public disclosure of…www.abrasilver.com
AbraSilver Resource Corp. (TSX.V: ABRA; OTCQX: ABBRF) (“AbraSilver” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce assay results from the Company’s fully-funded 20,000 metre (“m”) Phase IV drill program, on its wholly-owned Diablillos project in Argentina (the “Project”). Key takeaways from the latest drill results include:
Holes DDH 24-014, DDH 24-016 and DDH 24-018 were drilled to test the southern western extensions of the JAC deposit. All three holes encountered significant silver mineralization over broad intercepts outside the conceptual open pit boundary at JAC.
DDH 24-018 was a step-out hole to the south of JAC which intersected a high-grade silver intercept of 31.5 m grading 277 g/t Ag, including 13.7 m grading 455 g/t Ag.
This intercept confirms a new significant high-grademineralized structure at an angle to the main JAC zone, which is now a top-priority exploration target.
DDH 24-016 was drilledwest of JAC towards the Alpaca target and encountered 53.5 m grading 110 g/t Ag including 5.0 m grading 339.2 g/t Ag. This result demonstrates that JAC remains open to the west towards the Alpaca target.
DDH 24-014 was also drilled west of JAC towards Alpaca with 48.8 m grading 70 g/t Ag.
Hole DDH 24-011 was a step-out in the Oculto Northeast area which intersected several zones of mineralization, with 21.0 m at 131.3 g/t Ag 0.36 g/t Au including 2 m at 326.6 g/t Ag 1.07 g/t Au. This intercept is situated above the known zone of mineralization in the northeast and is expected to convert material currently classified as waste into Mineral Resources and Reserves.
Company Update: AbraSilver Just Keeps GrowingCEO John Miniotis joins me to discuss Abra's ongoing drill campaign, how to succeed at the M&A negotiation table, and what signs there were from the beginning…juniorresourceinvesting.substack.com
Key highlights from the latest drill assay results include:
Oculto Northeast:
Hole DDH 24-031 was designed to expand the existing known shallow mineralization beyond the open pit margin at Oculto Northeast. Drilling encountered high-grade silver mineralization with 15.0 m grading 496 g/t Ag and 0.28 g/t Au, starting at a downhole depth of 152 m, within which was 5.7 m grading 1,151 g/t Ag and 0.22 g/t Au.
Extension of JAC Zone:
Hole DDH 24-033 was a step-out hole in the JAC southwest area that was drilled to extend the existing Mineral Resources beyond the current open pit boundary. Drilling intersected a broad zone of high-grade mineralization, with 50.0 m at 250 g/t Ag, starting at a downhole depth of 110 metres and included an interval of 5.0 m grading 1,036 g/t Ag
New Discovery Area (Sombra Target):
Hole DDH 24-036 was the first reconnaissance hole targeting a brand new zone, named the Sombra target, located approximately 500 metres to the southeast of Oculto and JAC, that is believed to run parallel to the existing Mineral Resources.
Drilling intersected mineralization near-surface, with 22.0 m at 40 g/t Ag starting at a downhole depth of only 42.5 m marking a successful initial test of this new exploration area. Additional drilling is now planned to test the extent of mineralization in this new silver zone.
AbraSilver Announces Updated Diablillos PFS With CAD$1,046M (USD$747M) After-Tax Base-Case NPV
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