Interessante analyse von M3 in Euroland

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    Handelsblatt Blog

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    But what about "other financial institutions"? Here, as the chart so visibly shows, deposit growth has been very strong indeed, though it has also slowed, from 33.5% y/y in September to 26.8% y/y in December. Should the ECB be more worried about such strong growth in this component (which is 8% of M3)? The dynamics of this sector have been more of a focus of ECB attention in the Bulletin's text and the ECB has noted that the growth could be related to demand for structured products. Indeed, I would suggest that there is very strong instutional and retail demand for structured, derivative-based products, which in turn has led institutions to accumulate additional deposits, with additional returns being driven by transactions in the derivatives markets. If we exclude the M3 component of "other financial institutiions'" M3 deposits from the official M3 series we find that the latter's growth rate would be 0.9 percentage points weaker than officially stated for Q405

    Irgendwie habe ich den Eindruck, der Derivatenmarkt schwitzt. Habe gelesen, daß große Rohstoffverkäufe getätigt wurden, um den Derivatenmarkt liquide zu halten. Oder fangen Einige gegen den Dollar zu wetten? Würde zu dem passen, was Trichet vor etwa 3 Monaten zu Banken sagte: Leiht den Amerikanischen Banken keine Kredite auf Eurobasis die in Dollar abgesichert sind!

    Mein Fazit: Derivate und sonstige Zerifikate und Optionen verbieten.

    Sie hindern das Produktivkapital!

    Die Inflation im Produktiv- und Dienstleistungssektor ist sehr sehr niedrig!



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