Silber Companies - Liste und Neues

  • @edel,
    aha, das hab ich auf die Schnelle nicht gesehen.
    Hab auch die drüben gemeint. Hast Recht.

    Ich kenn die zu wenig, eben nur durch GOG das JV.
    Mc Ewen hat ja auch Alaska Gebiete eingebracht.
    Der splittet sich auch ziemlich auf.
    Ich bin mir jetzt ziemlich sicher, dass er gar keine Mine bezweckt, sondern überall nur value aufbauen will.
    Wird Cortez für ihn nun Zweiter?????


    PS: die Exmin hast noch super vor Abfahrt erwischt.
    Ich freu mich morgen auf die IMI.V, also das wird spannend :D

    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Komplett verrückt, wie einige heute herumschwirren. Rauf, runter....

    Impact ist über 2, EDG schon bald dran.
    UC und OK schwirren.....
    SBB u. EXN kommen zurück....
    SEG.TO rührt sich wieder, ebenso ECU....

    EXM weiter stark.


    Mexico Mike heute zu EXM:

    Most people associate EXM with the great package of properties they control in Chihuahua, and that is the front burner for the action right now. But keep in mind that EXM announced an acquisition late last year for a nice little project in Guanajuato. I have been doing some research on that project lately since I took an interest in the nearby holdings for SNN, and I like what I see.

    The concession picked up by EXM includes a vein system that has been traced more than 12 kilometers across the property. The company is going with an exploration model that is similar to MAG by staking a potential vein trend extending beyond the limits of a historic mining district. There are numerous isolated high grade mineral occurrences that have been mapped and some limited historical workings, but overall the project is an early stage exploration effort.

    What makes it al interesting is that the volcanic sequence indicates 3 separate geological events occurred on the property, and therefore there is greater potential that significant mineralization was emplaced during these periods of activity. Polymetallic sulphide mineralization has been found on several outcrops and the host rock composition is prospective for the development of a large area of alteration.

    So considering the number of productive mines that are scattered around this property, I think the project could turn into a nice area of interest for EXM. There is the same large area of vein hosted mineralization, with the potential for a wide area of disseminated massive sulphides, that have recently been uncovered in a very large resource nearby at Cerro del Gallo with SNN.

    I like the move that EXM has made during the last few days now that the overhang of cheap warrants is out of the way. And when EXM gets more active at Guanajuato, I think we could have more upside yet. And there is still the pending resource estimate due at Moris. I am glad I was able to add more cheap shares of this company in the 60 cent range.


  • Weiß wer mehr über Oremex?
    Sind da nur die Probleme mit dem Permit?

    Ich kenn das folgende u. etwas die properties.
    Oremex Resources Inc. is a Canadian resource company concentrated on exploration and development of its portfolio of mineral properties in Mexico, the world’s largest producer of silver. Oremex is also actively seeking properties that will maximize shareholder value.

    Oremex’s main focus is the Tejamen Silver Property, where a silver-equivalent inferred resource(1) of 50.8 million ounces in 22.6 million tonnes (average grade of 69.8 grams per tonne) is being further defined for potential viability as an open-pit operation. An independent preliminary assessment and a geotechnical review have recently been completed, and additional drilling is currently underway.

    Oremex’s common shares are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange, and trade under the symbol ORM.

    1. National Instrument 43-101 compliant, as reported in the April 11, 2006 news release.

    Oremex Update
    Monday February 26, 3:31 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, Feb. 26 /CNW/ - Oremex Resources Inc. (TSX-V: ORM - News; the "Company") today announced that, at a meeting of the Ejido (local village and surrounding lands) on Sunday, February 25, the Ejido authority elected not to renew the Company's surface access permit for the Tejamen Silver Property. While continuing to work with the Ejido in ongoing attempts to secure access to the surface rights, the Company is now initiating formal proceedings under applicable Mexican law to secure access to surface rights. A further news release will be issued as details become available.The Company also announced that it has completed the final buyout of the underlying owner, Mrs. Jarvis, for the mineral concessions in its property portfolio including its Tejamen Silver Property, part of the San Lucas Property, and three other property interests. There are no ongoing obligations or residual royalties payable to, or net profit interests retained by, the former owner of the mineral concessions.

    The Company is conducting a 5,000-metre drill program at its San Lucas Property, testing extensions down dip and along trend of mineralization. A 3,000-metre drill program completed in 2005 outlined gold-silver-lead-zinc mineralization over a strike length of 2 kilometres with widths up to 70 metres in a trend mapped for over 4 kilometres.

  • Gehaemmert, Panik, der Buegermeister will die nicht. :D
    Na dann kaufe ich mal bei 40 cent und die prozessieren auf gut Glueck.
    Vielleicht gehts wieder nach einigen Tequila.
    40% down.....auch in Mexico ist nichts sicher.

    Oremex Update

    Monday February 26, 3:31 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, Feb. 26 /CNW/ - Oremex Resources Inc. (TSX-V: ORM - News; the "Company") today announced that, at a meeting of the Ejido (local village and surrounding lands) on Sunday, February 25, the Ejido authority elected not to renew the Company's surface access permit for the Tejamen Silver Property. While continuing to work with the Ejido in ongoing attempts to secure access to the surface rights, the Company is now initiating formal proceedings under applicable Mexican law to secure access to surface rights. A further news release will be issued as details become available.
    The Company also announced that it has completed the final buyout of the underlying owner, Mrs. Jarvis, for the mineral concessions in its property portfolio including its Tejamen Silver Property, part of the San Lucas Property, and three other property interests. There are no ongoing obligations or residual royalties payable to, or net profit interests retained by, the former owner of the mineral concessions.

    The Company is conducting a 5,000-metre drill program at its San Lucas Property, testing extensions down dip and along trend of mineralization. A 3,000-metre drill program completed in 2005 outlined gold-silver-lead-zinc mineralization over a strike length of 2 kilometres with widths up to 70 metres in a trend mapped for over 4 kilometres.

  • Oremex war bisher ziemlich clever. -- Letzten Sommer gab es einen Fürhungswechsel. Neuer Finanzchef. Neuer CEO (ne Frau!) Und was für eine. Mit Auszeichnungen!-- Hat die es nun vermasselt? ?(

    Wichtig zu wissen: Oremex hat mehrere Projekte. Steht also nicht nur auf einem Bein. Die aktuellen Probleme betreffen Tejamen, das am weitesten entwickelte der Projekte.

    Interessant zu wissen wäre, was denn nun wirklich der Grund für die Ablehnung ist. Möglicherweise lässt sich da was vor Ort in der Presse finden. Ich hab schon mal nachgeschaut. Aber noch nichts brauchbares gefunden. Was man braucht, sind Fakten, Fakten, Fakten!

    Eine ganz andere Sache ist die Meldung vom 14. Feb. über die Warrant Extension. Da hat ORM wohl nicht genug Geld einsammeln können. Und wenn jetzt die Kurse purzeln, gibt's Probleme. Das könnte noch sehr ärgerlich werden.

    Aber ORM hat viel Potential. Abwarten sollte sich lohnen. :]
    VG heron

  • @eldo, heron,
    eldo hat den Text freundlicherweise gleich noch mal reingestellt.

    es handelt sich um ein open pit:
    entweder wird da der zugang zur "Oberfläche" verhindert (Open pit ist ja nicht so schön..)
    oder es geht um die Zufahrtswege......

    Jedenfalls sind sie billig, aber wenn tejamin unsicher ist....?
    Ich hab sie nicht, werd mich bei Gelegenheit mal erkundigen.

    eldo, 28.2. saturn neptun die 2. heuer, die 3. ist im Juni. :D


  • Oremex: meine Mexico Connection hat nur g´sagt: "Des dauert!"
    Ist a bisserl wie Balkan.

    Viel präziser und ausführlicher da Tom Szabo (ich knie nieder! :D)

    Silver and gold weaker today despite a falling dollar as global stock markets drop on fear the world's biggest economies might be slowing. The precious metals stocks are getting a double whacking as they are falling in sympathy with both bullion and the general stock markets. We remain in dangerous territory with the possibility of volatile up and down moves of massive proportions.

    In stock news, Oremex -- a stock I have previously placed on an undiscovered silver stock and potential Ten Bagger list -- yesterday reported that the ejidos (land owners) of the Tejamen project have opted now to renew surface access rights, which is always a big risk in Mexico. This has probably been long in coming and is complicated by the fact that part of the deposit (which would be mined by open pit methods) lies under the village of Tejamen itself. Therefore, you don't really want to see an outright opposition to land access when you may have to end up moving a village. Now, it is expected that Oremex will pursue the matter through the Mexican legal system but that can be time consuming, uncertain and costly. I suppose the one positive for Oremex shareholders (if there can be such a thing under the circumstances) is that there wasn't a lot of value assigned by the market to the Tejamen project. That is little consolation, however, if you bought the stock at C$0.70 over the last several days only to see it plunge to a low of C$0.35 for a 50% loss.

    This episode is a stark reminder of the risk that mining and exploration stocks represent. From my perspective, what has started out as a long-term value play has now turned into a very long-term value play likely to be resolved through litigation. I wish that I could provide a more nuanced analysis of this and other silver stocks in this forum so as to better present the risks and opportunities, but unfortunately such an exercise would essentially amount to a research report which would require resources and costs that as an individual investor I cannot justify. However, I am looking at some possible solutions to this and will report in the future should I come up with something workable.

  • Danke Tschonko! Sehr hilfreich.

    Ist schon interessant, wie die Company mit ihren Aktionären umspringt. Da wird ein Problem verschwiegen. Dann kommt plötzlich eine Hammermeldung, und das während der Handelszeit. Aber so kurz vor Schluss, dass nur wenige reagieren können. Das hätte alles besser laufen können. Trotzdem bleibt ORM interessant, schon wegen der geringen Marktkapitalisierung.

    VG heron

  • Szabo hat auf seiner Liste oremex als 10bagger.
    hier die Liste.

    Am 26.2. hat ECU Drillergebnisse veröffentlicht.
    Die waren saugut. Unbemerkt bisher.

    Kleiner Auszug:
    Discovery of new mineralized veins including intercepts grading 270 g/t, 91 g/t, 62 g/t and 52 g/t Gold and 2,704 g/t, 1,483 g/t, 921 g/t and 223 g/t Silver;

    - Additional vertical continuity of 537 meters (1,761 feet) of the San Mateo vein and length of over 900 meters (2,952 feet) confirmed while still remaining open at depth;

    - Discovery of a 7.9 meter wide (25.9 feet) "Chimney" grading 3.43 g/t Gold, 286 g/t Silver, 4.40% Lead and 0.95% Zinc on the San Mateo vein;

    - Discovery of 3 additional Chimney type zones in a new area not linked to the San Mateo vein. Intercepts include 1.6 g/t gold, 452 g/t silver, 0.67% lead, 0.68% zinc over a width of 4.24 meters (13.90 feet);

    - Discovery of an unexpected mineralized green bearing skarn at the San Mateo mine.

    For point of reference to the reader, the San Mateo mine is approximately 1 km south of the Santa Juana mine.

    The Terneras, San Juanes and San Mateo veins are very continuous. In general, they are more than one kilometer in length and have vertical extent of more than 500 meters. Exploration drilling continues as the bottom of these veins has yet to be reached.

    Impact: da past alles....gute Investition. Und sie haben immer drill rigs. :D

    IMPACT Silver Acquires 200km2 Mining District in MexicoWednesday February 28, 12:35 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Feb. 28, 2007) - IMPACT Silver Corp. ("IMPACT") (TSX VENTURE:IPT - News) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a 100% interest in the 200km2 Mamatla Mining District through an 'invitation only' auction held by the Mexican Geological Survey. IMPACT's winning bid was US$200,000 payable over two years plus a 1% NSR production royalty payable to the Mexican Geological Survey. Mamatla is IMPACT's third district-scale project. It is located immediately southwest of and adjacent to IMPACT's Royal Mines of Zacualpan Silver Project and production facilities in central Mexico. This acquisition increases IMPACT's mineral concession holdings in the region by 160% to a total of 325km2.

    The Mamatla Project is host to both epithermal vein systems and volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits. IMPACT's initial interest lies in the silver and gold epithermal vein systems which were not the primary focus of past exploration work.

    The VMS mineralization known at Mamatla varies from copper and gold rich systems to zinc, lead, gold and silver rich systems. The Mamatla project covers the same stratigraphy as the Campo Morado VMS belt where Farallon Resources has announced a production decision on the G-9 VMS deposit (5.57 million tonnes grading 7.3%Zn, 1.0%Pb, 1.3%Cu, 186g/t Ag and 2.8g/t Au). The G-9 VMS deposit is located along trend 45km southwest of Mamatla.

    In the 1990s, Valerie Gold Resources carried out extensive VMS exploration on the eastern half of the Mamatla district. Later, TVX Gold Inc. carried out a small exploration program on a limited part of the area for bulk tonnage epithermal precious metal deposits. This exploration identified over 70 VMS and epithermal prospects including many old mine workings. Some of the main prospects identified are Aurora I, Aurora II, Capire, Sara Ridge, Velixta, Yerba Buena, Tlanipla, Los Mantos, and Cruz Blanca. A major difference between IMPACT's plans for the Mamatla Project and those of Valerie Gold in the 1990s is that IMPACT owns and operates the 500-tonne-per-day (tpd) Zacualpan processing plant within trucking distance of several of the Mamatla deposits and prospects, which significantly lowers the economic threshold for potential future production decisions......

    .....Management is pleased to have acquired this highly-prospective district and plans to commence exploration immediately. Fred Davidson, President and CEO of the Company, said: "This is a major acquisition for IMPACT. Districts scale projects like Mamatla do not become available often and we are fortunate to have added it to our portfolio. Based on the information available we feel that the project has significant potential and opens a host of new growth opportunities for IMPACT."


  • Hallo Heron,
    war im Prinzip ausverhandelt.
    Nur wer lässt sich schon gerne sein Dorf wegschieben.
    Es gibt andere beispiele, wo die Minen im besiedelten gebiet sind, aber nur kleinere und kein open pit. (das bringt´s ja! - ich glaub great panther und Impact)

    Sollte bald eine Pressemeldung kommen.

    Stimme dir zu, sind absolut billig.


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Habe alle 3: ECU, IPT und ORM.

    Aber nicht den Schneid-- und mehr, wie Eldo ;)--
    bei ORM gleich nachzulegen. Warte mal etwas ab.....

    Ist schon ärgerlich,Tenbagger hin oder her....
    Aber über welche Zeitachse ??

    Guter Link von silveraxis, danke Tschonko!

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • heron,
    dein Atavar hab ich erst jetzt bemerkt.
    Sauber! :D
    Wen schupf ma denn als nächsten?

    mit der ORM kann ich nicht dienen, obwohl ich heut mal überlegt hab.
    VIT, CPN, RMX (sind heut wieder abgezischt), am Ende ist nichts geworden.
    Muss zuerst mal Geld locker machen.

    ECU: also die Meldung ist schon super, es gibt ja fast schon die Verbindung der beiden Zonen.

    Ah ja, Mexico Mike zum Landkauf von IPT:

    This new acquisition is right up against the south part of the current property holdings around Zacualpan. It should be noted that the property area now controlled in that district has now nearly triples in size. Also, it means IPT pretty much controls what goes on, since no other junior will now be able to stake property encroaching on the workings and perhaps control an extension of mineralization that IPT is working. They will have the option to issue a JV deal, but they will not be at the whim of another company to pursue their own development agenda.

    It is also important to note that the southern property boundary is where the exciting higher grade gold and copper zones have been identified so far, and therefore it is a good fit to pick up all of the property nearby, in the expectation that the gold-copper district extends beyond the limits of the original project boundary.

    The final point of note is that the new acquisition adds a brand new dimension to IPT, with the potential for a Volcanic Massive Sulphide discovery. The historical resource and exploration data must still be verified but it is a lead that IPT could be sitting on a large, bulk tonnage style deposit with lead-zinc-silver mineralization, which would be a nice change from the current low tonnage, high grade narrow vein style deposits. Like it or not, the market is valuing the bulk tonnage deposits with a premium, and it could attract more investment interest in IPT to have this new shot at a homerun.

    IPT is rapidly becoming one of the largest propety holders in all of Mexico.



  • Die gestern angesprochene Stellungnahme von ORM kam rasch:
    ist auch gut erklärt. Haben das aber schon 3 Jahre gewusst.
    Wird dauern.

    Oremex Provides Additional Information Regarding Status of Tejamen Silver Property
    Thursday March 1, 1:22 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, March 1 /CNW/ - Oremex Resources Inc. (TSX-V: ORM - News; the "Company") is providing additional details pursuant to the Company's February 26, 2007 news release, which reported on the status of the Company's surface access rights to the Tejamen Silver Property ("Tejamen").

    Under Mexican mining law, ownership of mining concessions confers certain rights with respect to minerals. With completion of the final payment to the underlying owner of the mineral concessions, the Company now owns a 100 percent interest in the mineral concessions, with no ongoing obligations or residual royalties payable to, or net profit interests retained by, the former owners.

    Ownership of mining concessions does not confer surface access rights, so that mineral concession holders must either negotiate access arrangements with the owners of the surface rights, or undertake a federal legal process for expropriation or temporary occupation.

    The governing Ejido of the village and surrounding lands owns the surface rights on the Company's mineral concession. For the past three years, the Company has been granted the right to surface access by the Ejido in order to conduct exploration on its mineral concessions. In its activities, the Company has employed local labour to assist with its exploration work and has made numerous contributions to community access and infrastructure programs.

    Despite apparently successful negotiations with legal representatives of the Ejido leading up to the formal Ejido meeting, the Company was unsuccessful in securing a renegotiated agreement for surface access at Tejamen from the Ejido by a narrow margin of votes of those present at the meeting. The proposed agreement covered an expanded scope of activities that included mining as well as exploration over an extended term.

    Mining law in Mexico defines the exploration, exploitation and processing of minerals as a public benefit which confers preferential status over any other use of the land. In addition, Agrarian law, under which Ejidos are governed, provides for expropriation of Ejido and community lands for the exploitation of minerals. In the absence of agreements with local surface rights holders, many of the owners of Mexico's operating mines today have sought and secured access to surface rights through this legal process.

    While the Company is continuing discussions with the Ejido in order to reach a mutually beneficial agreement, the Company has initiated proceedings to gain surface access under applicable federal laws. Based on the experiences of other companies operating in Mexico, this is a common strategy. While it will cause some short-term delays, the Company does not anticipate that it will hinder long-term development of Tejamen.

  • Einige alte Bekannte werden erwähnt.
    Ist die Fortsetzung einer Geschichte vom selben Autor.
    Er kommt immer wieder auf EXM, in der er long ist. :D
    Viele Unterlinks

    Junior Mining Companies: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
    Thursday March 1, 6:56 am ET

    Trey Wasser (III-D Capital) submits: It has been estimated that about one third of the silver in currently in circulation was produced in Mexico. Mexico has been the world’s largest silver producer for most of the past five centuries, perhaps longer. Silver mining in Mexico started in earnest with the conquest of the Aztecs by the Spanish Conquistadors in 1521. Columbus established a Spanish beachhead in the Caribbean on his second voyage to the New World. From there, Queen Isabella sent a law school dropout, turned explorer, named Hernando Cortez in search of gold and tin. The year was 1519. What Cortez found when he landed on the Mexican coast at Vera Cruz was a much more sophisticated society than Columbus found in 1492. Montezuma ruled an Aztec Empire that was already mining metals and drinking hot chocolate from golden goblets.

    Prior to the Spanish exploitation, Mexico’s rich mining history dated back as far as 950AD. The Totec and Mayan civilizations had huge mining operations. They were master craftsmen and are credited with being some of the first metallurgists; melting their gold, silver and copper and creating masterpieces that defined the term “precious metal”.

    In a few short years, Cortez had worked his way inland and defeated Montezuma. The once proud Aztecs were reduced to being miners and laborers filling the galleons with Mexican riches headed for Spain. Under Spanish rule, Mexico produced hundreds of million ounces of gold and silver for over 300 years. In 1810, during the War of Independence from Spain, the mining industry was literally shut down. Political unrest in Mexico lasted over 100 years and included a Civil War in the 1850’s. Continued meddling by the Europeans and US support of the dictator Porfirio Díaz Mory led to the Mexican Revolution in 1910. Even though the Mexican Constitution was established in 1917, it would be another 20 years before civil unrest in Mexico would subside and post-revolutionary industrialization could truly begin.

    The vast mineral riches of Mexico extend from Sonora to Oaxaca, principally in the Sierra Madre Mountains. Early mining was very easy. Gold and especially silver/copper were simply found on the surface and dug until the ore was depleted or digging got too difficult. They then moved in either direction and began digging again. Industrialized mining through much of the mid 1900’s was not much different. Cutoff grades for pit mining were typically 15gpt gold and 300gpt silver. Most of the mines were privately held by the richest families who had vast land holdings and mined the “easy pickings”. While Mexican silver production has regained its earlier prominence, they were literally just scratching the surface of the underlying ore.

    Tales of riches soon began to attract the miners and prospectors longing for the gold rush days in America. They did not have to go very far. The Sierra Madre in Northern Mexico were underexplored compared to the traditional mining regions of Taxco, Pachuca and Zacatecas, closer to Mexico City. These tales were depicted in B. Tavern’s 1935 novel, “The Treasure of the Sierra Madre”. Captivated by the timeless story of gold, greed and betrayal, John Huston immortalized the story with his 1948 film by the same name. Starring Humphrey Bogart, the movie was one of the first films ever to be shot on location and is a timeless classic to this day.

    Industrias Penoles (established in 1887) was one of a few companies strong enough to survive the chaos and revolt in Mexico. In the 1960’s, new law mandated that all mining companies must be majority owned by Mexican Nationals. Penoles became a diversified company and dominated mining in Mexico. Backed by a public offering on the Mexican Bolsa in 1968 and $500MM in loans from US banks, Penoles launched an eight year exploration program. By 1977, they had increased reserves ten-fold and re-established Mexico as the world’s largest silver producer.

    The next big change in the Mexican mining industry came in the early 1990’s. In 1992, mining laws were changed to allow foreign ownership of Mexican mines. In 1994 the North American Free Trade Agreement [NAFTA] was implemented and the Peso was devalued. Low metal prices and a devalued peso caused many mines to be shut down. Many, already enriched families, “threw in the towel” and moved on to other businesses.

    But, a new boom was just beginning as private investors, geologists and Canadian miners quietly began to accumulate these established mining concessions in Mexico.

    Today, mining in Mexico may be more exciting than ever. Many of the old mines, closed in the 1990’s, are being re-opened by junior mining companies. For the most part they are fully permitted. Many have existing reserves and working (or upgradable) infrastructure. This has allowed many juniors to move from IPO or “shell company” and into production without doing years of drilling to determine feasibility. This “boot strap” mining method is proving to be very viable in Mexico. Several companies have chosen to use their capital to re-open existing mines and quickly generate cash flow for developmental drilling to expand reserves. The old saying is “the best place to find gold is at a gold mine”. This is proving to be true in Mexico where modern engineering, geological modeling and drilling techniques have never been implemented.

    The list of “boot strap” producing juniors is long and getting longer. These names include Endeavour Silver (AMEX: EXK - News), Impact Silver [IPT:CDV], Great Panther [GPR:CDV], ECU Silver [ECU:CDV], Excellon Resources [EXN:CDV] and First Majestic [FR:CDV]. In addition there are a host of companies that will bring mines back into production in 2007. These names include Columbia Metals [COL:CDV], Morgain Minerals [MGM:CDV] and EXMIN Resources (Toronto: CDV.TO - News).

    Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold has written many pieces on the Mexican Mining Industry. His work is excellent and I love to read his stories of touring mines around the world. Bob has traveled the Sierra Madre extensively and is a big fan of the “boot strap” mining method. He is very bullish on Mexico and especially fond of Impact and Great Panther. Steven Saville, of TSI, is bullish on First Majestic. I am a subscriber of TSI. Steven Saville is, in my opinion, the most savvy market analyst on the Street.

    My personal favorite is EXMIN Resources. After publishing my report “Other People’s Money”, I received a call from CEO Karl Boltz. Karl wanted to correct my spelling errors and update me on his rapidly evolving Company. His enthusiasm for EXMIN and Mexico is intoxicating, to say the least. EXMIN is now up to 17 projects in 12 Districts in the Sierra Madres. He wanted to clarify that Dr. Gibson, EXMIN’s VP of Exploration, consulted for Hochschild on properties being sold by Grupo Mexico, not for Penoles themselves. Apparently Hochschild looked at dozens of projects in Mexico before deciding to JV with EXM at Moris. Boltz also disclosed that their largest institutional shareholder is US Global Advisors [GROW].

    He clarified that the April warrants were from the private stock conversion and were re-priced when they did their first offering. The warrants are mostly held by management and insiders and will be re-priced to $.75, in April, for 3 more years.

    He gave me some insight into the Penoles drilling program at Maguarichic. He indicated that 2006 drilling results, released last week, was strictly part of an orientation program. These locations were high on the ridges and meant to define targets lower in the valley and locate road access. This drilling was not expected to yield the type of bonanza results that he is looking for from the 2007 drilling program.

    Boltz really impresses me. He is building his Company the right way. There are many junior companies that trade only in the pink sheets and get their first actual listing on the Frankfurt Exchange. Caveat emptor"Let the Buyer Beware", of any company that can’t even muster a TSE Venture listing. Boltz wants to quickly move EXMIN from the Venture to the Toronto Exchange and pave the way for an Amex listing. He knows how a stock traded in the Pink Sheets/Frankfurt Exchange can be manipulated and he does not want that for his shareholders. I applaud that restraint.

    Karl is very clear about one thing, they are explorers, not miners. They want to find the ore and partner with the experienced producers to do the mining. At this point, they are well partnered with Hochschild and Penoles. With 15 additional projects, I expect Boltz will continue to attract experienced mid-tier and senior partners.
    The author is long EXM and has no positions in any other stocks mentioned in this report.

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    Subscribe to email alerts about iShares MSCI Mexico Index (EWW), EXK, iShares Silver Trust (SLV) and Gold Stocks
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    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hab den Artikel gern und ganz durchgearbeitet,danke dafür,Tschonko.

    Die positive Einschätzung zu Exmin / EXM teile ich ja bekanntlich. :]

    Irgendwie erinnert die mich an Minera Andes / MAI,sh.dort.
    Nicht ganz zufällig ist hier wie dort die feine Hochschild Partner !

    Was besonders hervorzuheben ist, daß Hochschild zig Explorer prüfte, bevor sie EXM auswählte.

    Na jedenfalls ist auch IMHO bei beiden viel zu erwarten, wobei MAI schon gut perfomte.
    Andererseits läuft die Produktion in San Jose in Kürze erst an und damit CF.

    Auch anzumerken die Präferenz von Bob Moriarty für IPT und GPR.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • @edel,
    heute mit 43-101 Report.

    Hab schon einen Rotstich in den Augen, wird Zeit, dass es Frühling wird. :D

    EXMIN Receives NI 43-101 Report on the Moris Mine, Chihuahua, Mexico
    Friday March 2, 9:28 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 2, 2007 -- EXMIN Resources Inc. (EXMIN) (CDNX:EXM.V - News) is pleased to announce that it has received the technical report on the resources at the Moris Mine. This report was prepared under the guidelines of National Instrument 43-101. The Moris Mine is a joint venture between EXMIN (30%) and the Hochschild Mining Group (70%) (Hochschild) as described in press releases dated July 19, 2006, and Jan 18, 2007. Production at the mine is scheduled to commence in the third quarter of 2007.

    Karl J. Boltz, President and CEO of EXMIN, stated, "Receipt of this NI 43-101 report confirms the presence of indicated resources at the Moris mine. Our efforts last year were focused on completing the due diligence program to confirm the historical data on the mine. We feel that there is excellent potential to increase the resources at the mine, although we have not yet completed sufficient work to quantify them."

    The Report

    The scope of the Moris Mine technical report, prepared by Geoffrey S. Carter, P.Eng., was to validate the information provided by the mine vendor, based on the information gathered during the due diligence program carried out by the joint venture. To date, little exploration outside of the three main deposits, the Creston, San Luis and Eureka, has been completed; therefore, only a part of the historical resources has been converted to current resources. No work has been completed in the Nopalera deposit that was included in the historical resource. Also, the current resource estimate used a lower cutoff grade than that used by Manhattan, reflecting the current economics of gold and silver.

    The Resource

    The report states, "Hochschild diamond drilled a total of 1,004.3 metres in 19 holes during the due diligence period. The drill holes were designed to confirm or validate the reserves reported by Manhattan Minerals, the former operator of the mine. Comparisons by zones between Hochschild drill holes and those from Manhattan and Las Cuevas show a small increase in gold grades for the Hochschild data, varying from 0.2 to 0.4 g/t Au."

    "Lithologies were verified in 199 Manhattan holes by comparing plans and sections to surface mapping and sections on the 19 Hochschild drill holes. The Deposits were grid drilled on approximately 20 to 25 metres spacing by Manhattan and Las Cuevas. Although full details on the original method used to calculate the reserves are not available, we do know that Manhattan calculated on 5 metres bench intervals."

    The report continued, "Based on the analysis of the data, Hochschild concluded that the information provided by Minera Moris is reliable. The Manhattan data exists, in both quantity and quality, at least for the mineralized areas, and is sufficient to calculate resources compliant to JORC 2004 standards. No significant issues in reference to prediction of grades and tonnages for future operations were encountered."

    Creston + San Luis + Eureka
    Cutoff 0.5 g/t Au
    Pit Final

    Measured and Indicated
    Ore Waste Strip
    Deposit Tonnes Au g/t Ag g/t Tonnes Ratio
    Creston 1,620,879 1.497 4.776 1,711,737 1.06
    San Luis 2,109,060 1.239 5.061 865,079 0.41
    Eureka 350,681 1.082 4.840 636,784 1.82

    Total 4,080,620 1.328 4.929 3,213,600 0.79
    The report concluded that, "The resources in the table above are NI 43-101 compliant. Hochschild used the JORC Code 2004 the Australian equivalent of the CIM Code for resources and reserves. NI 43-101 accepts the JORC Code. EXMIN has a direct ownership of 30% of the above resources."

    The Mine

    Hochschild, the operator of the Moris mine, has crews on site and is managing the operation rehabilitation and improvement program necessary to bring the mine back into production in Q3.

    Quality Assurance

    Hochschild completes its exploration programs and resource calculations under the Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources, and Ore Reserves (JORC Code) and has emplaced quality control procedures consisting of insertion of standards and blanks (coarse and fine) in the sample stream as well as submission of duplicate samples and repeated assays of both fine (pulps) and coarse material. All of the samples were prepared and analyzed by ALS Chemex at their labs in Mexico and Vancouver, respectively. Gold analyses were by Fire assay with and atomic absorption finish, and screen analysis was undertaken in samples with visible gold. Silver was analyzed as part of a mulitelement ICP package.

    Dr. Craig Gibson, PhD., Executive Vice President of Exploration, is the authorized professional geologist for EXMIN Resources Inc. and the direct manager of all technical programs and information on the part of EXMIN.

    Neither EXMIN's joint venture partner, Minera Hochschild Mexico, nor Hochschild Mining plc, or any of its subsidiaries, accept any responsibility for the use of project data or the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

    About Hochschild

    Minera Hochschild Mexico (MHM) is a subsidiary of Hochschild Mining plc (Hochschild) (HOC.L for Reuters, HOC LN for Bloomberg), a publicly held, Latin American precious metals mining company, listed on the London Stock Exchange in November 2006. Hochschild is a primary silver producer and also produces a significant quantity of gold (approximately 10.5 million ounces of silver and approximately 233 thousand ounces of gold in 2005). The company has over forty years experience in the exploration, evaluation and extraction of precious metal epithermal vein deposits. Currently, it has three underground, epithermal vein mines supported by fully developed infrastructure, at the Arcata, Ares and Selene operations in Southern Peru. Hochschild also has two advanced stage development projects, one in Argentina and one in Peru, as well as two early stage development projects both of which are in Mexico. In addition to its development projects, Hochschild has over twenty long-term prospects throughout Latin America. Hochschild's company headquarters are in Lima, Peru.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Tschonko
    Hab schon einen Rotstich in den Augen, wird Zeit, dass es Frühling wird. :D

    Vom vielen Gucken nach den Chancen? :]
    Ist aber doch schon meteorologischer Frühling.

    Das ganze um die Hochschildgruppe wird allmählich interessant.
    Und damit die JV mit diesen.

    Mal sehen,wie lange die Preisdrückereil bei Gold und besonders Silber den letzten zig Stunden dauert.
    Denn davon sind selbst die guten Aktien betroffen.

    Andererseits bald prima Kauf- / Nachkaufgelegenheit für die eine oder andere.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • @edel,
    weniger auf Chancen als auf Depot.....

    bin auf dem Marsch aus den Top 100. GOG u. XCL heute mehr minus%..

    dafür hat sich eldo auf Platz 62 über den RUBICON vorgeschlichen:

    62 (61) Eldo 15.94%

    1 Rubicon Minerals Corp. RMX.TO 0.73 1.51 0.78 106.8%
    2 Orezone Resources OZN.TO 1.50 2.06 0.56 37.3%
    3 IMA Exploration IMR.V 0.60 0.77 0.17 28.3%
    4 IMA Exploration IMR.V 0.60 0.77 0.17 28.3%
    5 Paramount Gold Mining Corp. PGDP.OB 2.47 2.53 0.06 2.4%
    6 Pinnacle Mines PNL.V 0.63 0.63 0.00 0.0%
    7 Clifton Mining Corp. CFTN.PK 0.60 0.58 -0.02 -3.3%
    8 Intrepid Minerals Corp. IAU.TO 0.65 0.60 -0.05 -7.7%
    9 Eaglecrest Explorations Ltd. EEL.V 0.24 0.22 -0.02 -8.3%
    10 Sur American Gold Corp. SUR.V 0.29 0.22 -0.07 -24.6%

    Einsame Spitze der heutige Kommentar von Tom Szabo:
    Wie guter Grappa geht mir das fettgedruckte runter! :D

    MARCH 2 2007 10:00AM - Silver and gold continue to get whacked as now we can officially classify the upside breakout as a false one given that the wily precious metals now have actually threatened to break DOWN out of several chart formations. The technical nature of the most recent rally is officially confirmed and the attendant risks laid bare for all the world to witness.

    The only thing that is certain at this point is that we will now see a litany of commentaries about the Gold Cartel and its latest success in suppressing the gold and silver price. That, and just how lucky the shorts got by avoiding another close call -- seeing as how they supposedly had their backs to the wall. But in reality, what the shorts did so far is make some easy money off their hedged physical positions. This may not make sense to those who think that the COMEX is a battleground between naked longs and naked shorts. Perhaps such misguided "experts" could try to improve their track records -- instead of constantly blaming others for their own failures -- by stepping back, studying the markets without bias, trying to gain an understanding of what really goes on inside the institutions supposedly at the heart of the big conspiracies, and most importantly, being critical of their own logic and conclusions. Bottom line, be suspicious of those who never admit that they are sometimes wrong.

    But never mind all that, I have two important developments at the moment. The first is that I have changed my medium term (6-18 months) mindset toward silver from yellow -- a neutral Caution -- to green -- a positive Buy. This is the first change I have made in these "flags" since June 14, 2006 when I switched the short term (less than 6 months) flag from red (sell) to yellow. Why did I do this at this particular moment, in the midst of a grueling plunge in precious metals? Well, the actual reasons are rather complex and will hopefully become apparent over the next few weeks as I write my daily commentary, but basically I expect silver and silver stocks to be comfortably higher in 6 to 18 months than they are today. In truth, it is more toward the end of that period that I expect silver to really start shining, by which I mean having achieved a level that puts it at little risk of ever again falling below current prices. For some perspective, the price equivalent from the 1970's would be $4 to $5 compared to $10 to $12 today.

    Meanwhile, my short term flag remains yellow to indicate caution in the near term. As I previously mentioned, silver could fall as low as $9 to its long term trend line and if that happens, I expect it to take place within the next 6 months or so.

    Of course, all of this assumes that no global financial catastrophe takes place, the odds of which may seem high to some but remain a low but distinct possibility in my mind.

    The second development is my updated basis chart, which now features only the relative basis (which is really the only proper basis as Prof. Fekete pointed out to me) consisting of the difference between the spot and futures price divided by the number of days to option expiration. This chart shows the movements in basis much more clearly and even though it starts in November 2006 (I am still compiling historical data), it is obvious that some potential relationships deserve follow-up. For example, the strong rallies in silver during this timeframe appear to be preceded by a temporary plunge in basis while a subdued basis seems to reign during price declines or stability. Obviously this pattern may be coincidental or peculiar to the latest market action and will require more historical data to validate, but it is not the only interesting or exciting prospect this study has so far uncovered.

  • Nach so einer Woche stellt sich die Frage, ob es Schnäppchen gibt und was denn nun besonders billig geworden ist.

    MAG.V nicht, die habe auf Wochensicht fast zweistellig zugelegt. Ebenfalls im grünen Bereich sind TLG.V SEG.TO IPT.V ABI.V SST.V PJO.V :)

    Zweistellig runter ging es z.B. bei MGN OK.V ASM.V FR.V SVM.TO EDR.TO :(

    Ein ganz anderes Bild ergibt sich, wenn man auf die 200-Tagelinie schaut. Da sieht es gar nicht schlecht aus, viele Silberlinge sind im grünen Bereich. :]

    VG heron

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