Ich dachte immer NEM hatte nie ein Hedgebook.
Ich hoffe Barrick faellt auf die Schnauze da sie mitwirken bei der manipulation des Goldpreis.
Was die alle hinter den Ruecken der Shareholder machen ist eigentlich ein Betrug.
Aber was soll man schon gross machen als einsteigen oder austeigen wenn man veroeffentlich was man wieder gedreht hat.
In dem Report war auch die Rede das die Minen nun kraeftig Gold aufkaufen koennten und den Markt damit ueberraschen.
Geil waere es wenn die Asiaten auch gross Gold kaufen oder andere wenn sie sehen das der Dollar nun im A ist.
Wie lange koennen die Saecke den USD noch verteidigen weiss keiner genau.
Wenn das stimmt das Barrick eine PPT Mine ist und deren Risiko vom US Goverment getragen wird die einen neuen Chapter 11 machen.
Mich wundert nur der Shareprice von ABX die haben fast nichts abekommen und stehen noch stramm da bei solchen Nachrichten.
Bin auch gespannt wie Barrick auf das Dehedge von NEM reagiert die bald groesser als ABX wird. Bin gespannt wie sich der shareprice im vergleich zu NEM entwickelt ueber die naechsten zwei Jahre.
Die Produktionskosten werden steigen das steht fest.
Viele Minen machen keinen Profit, wer am Ende von den Juniors uebrigbleibt und noch gehandelt wird sehen wir spaeter.
........We certainly could be in for a roller coaster ride ahead, but the prospects for the precious metals seem unstoppable. The latest example came by way of Barrick, the gold miner held in contempt by most good gold bugs. Even Prof. Fekete, an esteemed and eminent monetary scientist, has an unshakeable disdain for the mining giant that first innovated and then abused gold hedging to the detriment of the gold industry. This is why it comes as a shock that Barrick has been recently researching the future of the gold market and seems to have come up with the super-bullish conclusion that the annual mine supply of gold may fall by 10-15% in the next few years.
Actually, the real shock for those who believe Barrick is a lynchpin of the gold price suppression conspiracy is that the company would publicly report any gold-friendly findings at all. Perhaps the projected fall in gold output is even bigger than 15% according to Barrick's research, but Barrick has opted to adjust the data to show a more conservative decline as part of an unending quest to help cap the gold price? Joking aside, I believe these projections, should they turn out to be anywhere near reality, are incredibly bullish for the long-term gold price. What Barrick implies, in effect, is that despite the billions of dollars thrown at exploration in the past 2-3 years, there are not enough new projects even in the early discovery stage (much less development) to maintain the current rate of gold mining as production at existing mines starts to decline in the next few years.
The unanswered question is this: are we approaching "Peak Gold"? We often hear the term "Peak Oil", but there are probably some pretty good arguments against being able to predict when the "peak" date will arrive (some claim never, although that is obviously impossible). Certainly no oil company has put out a prediction of peak production, however, much less one that has oil output dropping by 10-15% within a decade. Yet here we have one of the world's largest gold companies apparently saying that "Peak Gold" is possibly within sight and global gold output could be substantially lower in a few years. Moreover, this is the very company that has placed the largest bets against a higher gold price out of the entire gold industry. Is it possible that the first major natural resource to "peak" in production will be gold?