Wie geht es auf dem Goldmarkt weiter

  • Edel, der Jeff Kern ist schon so ein Skifahrer :D
    Die anderen schickt er ueber die schwarze Buckelpiste und er faehrt mit dem Lift runter.
    Sein Abo kann er sich wo hinschmieren der Zipfel, was der schreibt habe ich noch nie angeschaut, er kommt mir vor wie Mahendra.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Eldo, na klar: Wenn ihn seine Frau schon mal "Chicken SKI" nannte.
    ( Hatte er selbst berichtet :])

    Hab das auch nur reingestellt, weil, wenn ER schon knieweich wird ......

    Nur am Rande: Das einzige ABO, das ich habe, seit vielen Jahren, ist das :

    GOLD & MONEY INTELLIGENCE von Dr.Bruno Bandulet.

    Und das erscheint monatlich, und das reicht.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • [Blockierte Grafik: http://i8.tinypic.com/6fid1dy.jpg]

    Liebe Goldseiten-Leser

    Ich stelle hier die aktuelle Version von Bob Chapman's
    "The International Forecaster" als WERBUNG rein.

    Hier ein kleines Preview:

    Are the neocons going to rule all of Europe? The neocons are the front men for the Illuminati’s international banking syndicate. Even though Tony Blair is soon leaving he is being replaced by George Brown who sold and leased England’s gold at about $275 an ounce at the behest of his masters. Then there was the election of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the absorption of the CDU fully into Illuminist control. The election in France of Nicolas Sarkozy, who represents the Rothschild and associated Illuminist interests, give us three of a kind. The political apparatus of Europe’s most powerful countries is controlled by the neocon front for the Illuminati.
    Mr. Sarkozy, an ardent Zionist, has massively rejected President Vladimir Putin of Russia. This means who can expect these three countries to move in lock step, or should we say goose step, with George and the neocons?

    Seine Analysen und Erfahrung sind GOLD wert !!!

  • @ Saccard

    Ich weiss du haeltst grosse Stuecke von Jeff Kern und zitierst den gerne.
    Der Heini liegt aber meistens falsch, er kommt mir vor wie ein Anlageberater bei der Sparkasse der dir einen Bausparer aufdrehen will.
    5.25% im Jahr ....Uhh... what a deal mit 0.43 % Gewinn hat er im Mai gemacht :D
    Das ist mir zu konservativ, sei mir nicht boese lieber Saccard, so kommst aber zu nichts.
    Ich lasse mir von dem shrink nicht sagen wann man was kauft und lege mich bei dem auf die couch mit einen Abo.

    Nix fuer ungut.. ;).... der Jeff ist ein Woofie fuer mich, das sagt auch seine Frau. :D


    Nuts wie er sagt....

    .....I like to write some personal market reactions because my emotions often appear to mimic the gold stocks' market psychology. :rolleyes: ;(
    This market has driven SKI and Jeff (me) rather nuts since May 2006.

    I'd just like to get a nice clear index signal. SKI's bull market ;(
    Der Jeff spuert erst das signal wenn er das horn im A.. hat. :D

  • Was die bei Enten-TV schreiben? - Einen Dreck natürlich! :D


    Steigt der Euro gegenüber dem US-Dollar, dann wird das Veranlagungsergebnis schlechter als prognostiziert ausfallen. [/URL]

    Was soll ich mir bei einem Hebel von 15 noch Gedanken machen, ob der Dollar ein paar Prozent fällt oder nicht.

    Eine kleine Nachhilfsaufgabe für den werten NTV-Redakteur (wo hat der eigentlich sein Diplom abgeschrieben ?( ?( ?():

    Angenommen, der Goldpreis bleibt in Euro konstant, aber der Dollar fällt zum Euro um 5 Prozent. Wo steht dann wohl der Optionspreis ?( ?( ?(

    Um weit über 50% gestiegen, weil der Goldpreis in Dollar steigt.

    Fazit: OS mit hohem Streik sind eine wundervolle Absicherung gegen Dollarverfall, selbst bei Seitwärtseurokurs.

    Aber das lernste nich' bei Blödel-TV oder auf der Pisa-Universität :D.

  • Ich hoerte mir seine show mal an, recht hat er ja, da war einer der kam wie Goebels rueber.

    Spielt sich alles in USA ab, I don't care, we know !

    Sei mir ncht boese Simpson aber der Chapman ist schon so drauf das er einige mitansteckt.

    Take it easy, denk an was anderes. :P

    This is your wakeup call ! :D...und das Gehirn machst auch frei.

  • Kalle

    Soll ich jetzt rennen und mir Kaffee/Zucker und viele USD kaufen. :D


    Was ist hier in dem PM Markt/HUI ueberhaupt hot ?? :D

    Selbst wenn, dass ist nur kurzfristig er redet von 36 monate bear market fuer PM, der hat sie nicht mehr alle !

    Eine min.30% Watsche kommt, das ist uns allen klar, aber fuer wen werden wir noch sehen.

    Die machen eine Panik wegen China da lache ich bloss, sowas haut die nicht um.

    Da gibt es einen guten Artikel mitte Februar 2007 von Gerbino den lege ich hier rein.

    .....Gold and gold mining shares, despite a short term disappointment will surely recover as the investing world has been given a wake up call on the frailty of paper assets owned by global investors. Base metal stocks will also recover as the China and India growth story has many years to go.


    .....Typisch, zurueckgeschrieben hat Mahendra nicht, den nehme ich nicht mehr voll bis auf die anderen Vorhersagen das es bald kracht auf den Maerkten.

    We'll see.... :rolleyes:




  • The Metals:

    Gold traded mostly slightly higher in Asia and London and rose over $673 in early New York trade, but it then sold off about $4 between 9AM and 10AM EST, remained near its lows for most of the rest of trade, and ended with a loss of 0.16%. Silver held strong despite gold’s weakness and rose near $13.80 in late morning trade before it fell back off slightly in early afternoon trade, but it still ended with a gain of 0.73%.

    Central bank selling of gold and especially Spain’s recent selling grabbed the headlines as it does most Tuesdays, and as usual Blanchard’s Neal Ryan gave us some terrific analysis of it in his note this morning available here.


    ...Of particular note is the unprecedented cumulative ECB selling of a massive 170 tonnes in the past 3 months, with 108 tonnes of that selling coming from Spain. Gold sales anywhere near this amount in such a short period of time have crushed the gold price in the past, though gold has traded mostly sideways over this last bout of selling. The question that remains is that when this selling stops or slows, then what will happen to the gold price then? 8o

    4.) Now that ECB bank sales and other central bank gold activity has become the issue of the day ;( ;((we're sure the market will move to something else tomorrow), :D... we think it's time to start asking the hard questions about the gold loan and swap market again. This is the other side of central bank activity that no market analyst will touch with a ten foot pole because it's impossible to quantify and accurately track. If all the recent excitement about central bank sales activity isn't enough to get the average market participant interested in what's happening with the other gold in the central bank vaults, maybe nothing ever will.

    If demand remains anywhere near recent levels and price action echoes that of times past, then certainly the price of gold and all things precious appear to be headed higher soon. :]


  • Posted On: Tuesday, June 05, 2007, 2:05:00 PM EST

    Midday Market Commentary From Trader Dan

    Author: Dan Norcini

    Dear CIGAs,

    Comex Gold for August delivery closed at $675.10 , down $1.20 today.

    Euro Gold was fixed at €496.488 for the London PM fix.

    Gold was caught in a tug of war today between those buying it based on the weakness in the dollar and especially strength in the Euro, and selling brought about by the news that Spain continues to jettison its gold holdings. The Bank of Spain sold nearly a million ounces of its gold reserves during the month of May or around 28 tons. That was in addition to its sales of nearly 40 tons in both the months of March and April. Although it is old news, this sort of thing is never psychologically bullish for gold and some of the weaker longs decided to get out as a result with some aggressive shorts taking advantage of the situation and trying to press the market.

    At this hour the HUI is being dragged down by general stock market weakness being unable to breach resistance near 344.

    Fed chairman Bernanke put the kibosh on the recent dollar rally with dovishly construed talk on the US economy. The dollar found willing sellers as news of his speech hit the wires only to be countered somewhat by buying based on the ISM services number which came in higher than expected at 59.7 for May, its highest reading since April 2006. Technically the dollar looks vulnerable here having fallen below its 40 day moving average and its 50 day moving average. The 10 dma has now turned back down and is threatening to make a bearish downside cross back below the 20 dma. The region near 82.50 has been a tough nut for the dollar to crack as this former consolidation region from back in March and April has provided dollar bears a strategic position from which to launch further selling forays against the greenback.

    Euro/Yen made another all time high today while Sterling/Yen made a 15 year high against the land of the falling currency. The Yen actually rose against the dollar for a change today.

    That same speech of Bernanke however contained references to the inflationary effects of higher food and energy prices. That spooked bond market bulls with the result that yields rose across the curve. The yield on the two year actually hit 5% this morning, something which we have not seen since January of this year. Stock market bulls looking over at yields began getting nervous and decided to sell first and ask questions later. That drove down stocks across the board which were already acting a bit skittish over Chinese stock market weakness.

    Gold seems to be consolidating last week’s gains here and at this point is caught in a type of range trade with mediocre volume being the standout feature. Open interest readings are a bit muddy right now since it is difficult to filter out the departing spreaders from other positions being put on and coming off. My own sense of things is that fund longs are slightly rebuilding while commercial shorts are increasing once again and fund shorts are dropping. Neither side has an advantage right now.

    A comment regarding the sugar market – those who took the advice of one of the premier commodity analysts and went long sugar a couple of years ago are really feeling the pain right now. Sugar prices have collapsed 10 cents over the last year and are back to where they started nearly two years ago as the glut in global supplies is overwhelming demand right now. India has a bumper crop of sugar this year and there is talk that they are going to try to hold some of it off the market to keep prices from falling too much further. That high fructose corn syrup stuff has really hurt the sugar growing industry if you ask me. Chalk up another feather in the hat of corn growers at the expense of other producers. Sugar sure does look cheap down at these levels; however, that does not mean prices cannot fall further.

    Wheat prices are on a real tear upward as drought in the Ukraine cuts production which has already suffered by less than ideal growing conditions in Australia, France and the US this year. Look for your morning box of cereal to get even more expensive. The rate at which wheat prices are rising could make Wheaties, “The Breakfast of Rich Champions” with the rest of the population eating sweet rolls due to cheap sugar prices!



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